17-BILET 1)The main difference between season and weather is that the term season
describes general weather conditions of a specific region during an
average period of three
months, while the term weather refers to factors like daily temperature, winds, precipitation,
and the amount of sunshine the earth receives. A season is a division of
the year based on
changes in weather, and the number of daylight hours in a particular region. Weather, on the
other hand, is the state of the atmosphere with respect to temperature, wind, cloudiness,
moisture, pressure, etc. 2) Questions 1.Am I drinking tea now? 2.are they doing homework
now? 3.are you travelling by plane at the moment. Short answer. 1. Yes, you are/ No, you
aren't 2. Yes, I am /No, I am not 3. Yes, he is/No his isn't
3)Matnni tarjima qiling. Mening
ishim uyimdan ancha uzoqda, deyarli 50 mil uzoqlikda. Har kuni ertalab uyg'onishim kerak,
chunki men doimo shoshib qolaman. Bemalol nonushta qilish uchun hech qachon vaqt
bo'lmaydi. Roppa- rosa soat 6:00 da men mashinamga o'tirib, uzoq masofani bosib o'taman.
Men odatda shahardan ko'ra katta yo'lda haydashni yaxshi ko'raman. Ertalabki tirbandlik
vaqtida bu unchalik yoqimli emas. Katta tirbandlik biroz bezovta qiladi. Shuning uchun men
har doim sevimli klassik musiqa
CD larini mashinada Chopin, Motsart va Bax tinglayman. Bu
meni juda xursand qiladi. Ishga boradigan yo'l taxminan bir soat davom etadi. Kechqurun
ishdan keyin uyga qaytish ko'proq vaqtni oladi, ehtimol 70 daqiqa. Oxirgi paytlarda haydash
o‗rniga ishga poyezdda borishni o‗ylayapman. Shunday qilib, naushniklar
bilan musiqalarimni
tinglashim va hatto bir vaqtning o‗zida roman o‗qishim ham mumkin edi.
4) 1.when does he
wake up every morning? At exactly 6:00 am,I get into my car and star the long drive. 2.
How is driving during the morning rush hour? During the morning rush hour though it's not
very enjoy able
3. How long wightbthe evening drive back home take? Going back home in
the evening after work takes even.
4. What else does he enjoy lestining to in the car? That way
I could still listen to my music with headphones and even read a
novel at the same time 5.
Which kind of music cd's does he enjoy lestining to in the car? So I always listen to my
favorite classic music cd's in the
car - Chopin Mozart and sich 5) 1. Hornet 2. Good 3. Next 4.