1. Phonetics as a branch of linguistics

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1. Phonetics as a branch of linguistics
Phonetics ( from the Greek word ,,phone" - meaning sounds, voice and " tika " a science) is a special the phonic substance and the expression area of the Language,are otherwise the physical media of a Language ( sounds, syllables,stress and Intonation).The linguistics from and context are described by other branches of linguistics,namely grammar, lexicology and stylistics.The definition of phonetics as" the study of the sounds of a Language " is not sufficient in modern linguistics.Phonetics is of great theoretical and practical value.Theoretically it is important to study the formation of speech sounds their combinations, syllables, stress and Intonation.A language consists of a series of physical event.
There is a close relationship between theoretical and practical phonetics as it is important to combine theory and practice.The following types of phonetics maybe distinguished;
-general ( English) phonetics
-descriptive phonetics
- historical or diachronical phonetics
- comparative - typological phonetics.
1. General phonetics which studies the human sound - producing possibilities, the functioning of his speech mechanism and the ways they are used in all languages to pronounce speech sounds syllables, stress and intonation. It is a part of General Linguistics.
2. Descriptive phonetics studies the phonetic system of a certain language. For example: English phonetics, Russian phonetics, Uzbek phonetics etc
. 3. Historical or diachronical phonetics, which studies the changes a sound undergoes in the development of a language or languages. Its material may be based on written historical and literary monuments. Diachronical studies of the phonetic system may explain the present state (synchronical) of a language and compare them. It is a part of a history course of a language. For example, Verner's and Grimm's Laws, Ablaut, Umlaut, Great Vowel Shift etc. are the objects of diachronical phonetics which is also called evolutionary phonetics.
4. Comparative-typological phonetics studies the phonetic features of two or more languages of different systems such as English, Russian, and Uzbek etc. It is a part of comparative- typological linguistics. Its fundamental principle is usins using linguistic categorization of all the various units of the languages in comparison. Comparative-typological phonetics is of great theoretical and practical value.


All pupil in the rules have similar organs of speech.But not all the moments, of the organs of speech are used the similarly articulation of speech sounds . In different language a these depend on the pronounciation habit of each language.Every language use some of we passifle articlatory moment of the speech organs.When learn foreign language it is important to master large articulatory speech.The Uzbek learner of Engling are apt to use their pronounciation habits.The phonetics basis of uzbek in the pronounciation of English.This phenomenon is called phonetics interference.In teaching the correct pronounciation of English facts of phonetics interferences between the uzbek and English should be estabilished and attension must be paid to the difference of the phonetics basis of the language .Every act of speech suppose the presence of at least two persons;One who speaker and one who listen –a listener.Phonetics is a branch of linguistics studying language expression which can be pronounced and listened to.All the phonetics units are undiable when people spesk a language pronounciation is a result of a speech noise .Phonetics has the following 4 main aspects; articulatory,acoustic,perceptual and phonological.
Transcriptions is a special phonetic alphabet by mean of which the sounds system or a system of phoneme of a particular language is represented .Uually two principal types of transcription are distinguished ; phonetics and phonological . Phonetic transcription apresents are system of sound and changes their pronounciation undergo .The symbol of a phonetic transcription are enclosed in square brackets. [].Phonological transcription denot of system of segmental phonemes of a tongues .Its symbols are denots between two slanting bars //.The great difference between English spelling and pronounciation makes the use and choose specials phonetics symbols to avoid misunderstanding.
3 Phonological theories.International Phonological schools
Experience of phonological theories maybe divided into two period: - the prephoneme - the phonemic The first period when there was no distect difference between speech sounds and phoneme until 18-17 years of the XIX centry and the second period is phonemic period which began at middle of XIX centry and includes rewhole XX century the first best known schoolar linguist who realized distinction was greatest Russian and Polish linguist Ivan Aleksevich Baduen Courteng.He was Polish and Slowest.He opened and described his theory of the phoneme and phonetic information for most of this life worked at Imperial Russian universitety.He worked in Karam,in Tartu,in Krakov,San- Peterburg,in Austria- Mongurion State Universiteties at the end of his life.He was research at university of Warshov in once again Independent paand country described the phoneme as the psychological equivalent of the speech sound He criticaled many other schoolars conceptions of this problem besides Courtney such schoolars as Ferdenan de Sosyor from Swis and Kurshepsiy also described the phonemes problems.the other way fundamental ideg of the B.Courtenay had agreed on the development of phonological theories.The. Sant - Peterburges phonological school these schools theory have big connection with the name of great scholar linguist academetion Lev Vladimirovich Shivra " He was B.Courteney.He was Russian linguist and lexical grapher specialering in phonetics and phonology.He elaborated the concept of the phoneme defined as a grouping of sound in two sound types in contrast two Ferdinand de Sosyor concept he recognided 3 rather than two objects of studying : - speech activity,-language systems - language materials.He gave other definition of the phonemes instead of his masters definition to the phoneme " the shortest general sound image of given Language which is capable of assisianting with images of meaning differentiating words is called phoneme". The fundamental scientific had been done by the representative of the prage phonological school.The well known representative of school was Nicholay Sergevich Trubeskey.He was the Russian linguist and historian whose teaching formed an uncleans of the prage schools of structural linguist.His widely considered to be the founder of morphology.His has contribution to linguist lay in the definition phonology particularly in the analysis systems of individual phonologic.
The London Phonological schools
There is a long tradition of phonetics and Phonological studies in England.One of the first linguist who made a. serious studying in England. Phonetics was Henry Sweet .He distinguished broad and narrow transcription and. gave the classification of English vowels and consonants in his " Handbook of Phonetics" ( Oxford 1877). Under " The London Phonological schools" we mean the theory and methods of phonetics and Phonological analysis proposed by the British linguists. The well known English linguist J.K.Firth who is considered to be the head of the London. Phonological schools began to work in the area of phonology in 1930 although his fundamental work " Sounds and Prosodies" was published in 1948. J.R.Firth distinguished prosodic system from phonemic system on the basis of the analysis of works . J.R.Firth started: " Looking at Language material from a syntagmatic point of view any phonetic features characteristics of and peculiar to such position or junction can just as profitably and perhaps more profitable be started as Prosodies of the sentence or word.
Phonological trends in the USA.
There several phonological trends in the USA. The head of the AMERICAN descriptive linguist L.Bloomfield was one of the first phonologist whose ideas were very fruitful in the further development of phonological theories in USA. -Bloomfield descriptive phonology is also called the relative - acoustic theory as it is based on the analysis of structural function and acoustic features of Phonemrs. -American tragmetic. schools of linguistics advantage it's own phonological theory which differ form the theories of descriptive phonology. - Theory which is being development in modern generative transformational phonology ( often called generative phonology) Any phonological units has the following four function: constitutive,distinctive, delimitative and recognitive. 1) a constitutive function, i.e. all the phonological units are used as the material-carriers of the linguistic units: morphemes, words, word-combinations and sentences (phrases); 2) a distinctive function, i.e. the phonological units serve to distinguish linguistic units: take /teik/- lake /leik/; a nice house /a'nais haus/- an ice house /эп'ais'haus/; contract /'kontraekt/- contract /kan'traekt/. Is there any mistake here?- Is there any Miss Take here? 3) a delimitative function emphasizes the boundary between linguistic units, particularly, between morphemes, words and combinations. The elements which appear in such boundaries are known as junctures. The above examples, except the first one, illustrate the delimitative function; 4) a recognitive function makes words, word forms and sentences easily recognizable or identifiable, as the result of the use of the right allophones, syllable divisions, degree and the place of stress and also right intonations in the right places of the utterances. When they are used wrongly the meanings of the utterances may be confused as the result of the pronunciation (phonetic and phonological) mistakes.
4 Pronunciation types of English.The principles types of English pronunciation.
Every Language in the world has its own literary Language form. Formal by lexical, grammatical and orthographic and Pronunciation norm. Every Language in the world structured of two forms, the writing and spoken form.Writting formed by literary uniform and spoken characteristized by the personal features of the speaker. English alphabet is formed from 26 letters many and many pronunciation and devices and when we are speaking we use hundred of sounds.Many types of pitch stress and pause. There is no difference between written and spoken forms of language.Because some elements of the spoken variant may be faced in the written form,also there are many dialects,where are linguistic form of the language. It used by some group of speech community only in oral and spoken form. Dialects may be distinguished by their Pronunciation grammar, lexical and stylistic. Especial branch of linguistics which Studien the variatiability of given Language is called diactologiya or another word the cavities we are spoken a socially limited number of people and used only 13 localities are called dialects there are local dialects and social dialects. Dialects have some pecularities in pronunciation widely in grammatical and vocabulary structure for example.Manchester and London have not differences between pronunciation structure. But Liverpool and Birmingham speaker canʼt understand each other.Dialectology as a science has a close relationships and connection 2 history; geography, literature and other science as dialects may be important in the formation of native and in the big process of migration and urbanisation.Every literal language has its orthopic norms it is a sum of rules of the spoken form characterized by the units of the sounds in the process of historical development. In English language there are 2 terms of the orthopic standard English and uniform English and there is variantions of English of the pronunciation and this 4 principal varianties are distinguished: - formal English language - general English language. - information English language - nostandart English language In connected speech the sound structure of words are modefical under the influence of rythm,tempo and uttercanos speech and stress.According to the political cultural, social and economic factors while of the regional dialect becames literary and nowadays there are 4 Pronunciation variants in the language map of group.They are; Southern and Northern America/ English, Scottish and Irish Pronunciation..Southern big pronunciation types is chosen as standart English pronunciation norms.Amoung the most well known Pronunciation variant and dialects there are 2 dialects in Great Britain which are chosen normal English pronunciation.They are cockey dialects and Cornwell dialects.
PHILIPPINE ENGLISH Philippine English is any variety of English ( similar and related to American English ) native to the Philippines including those used by the media and the vast majority of educated Filipinos . English is taught in schools as one the two official languages of the country , the c her being Filipino ( Tagalog ) . Philippine English has evolved tremendously from where it began decades ago . Some decades before English was officially introduced , if not arguably forced , to the Philippines , the archipelagic nation has been subject Spanish rule and thus Spanish was the language al power and influence . However , in 1898 , when the Spanish gave the United States control of the nation , the English language , although initially favored , became used in a matter of years , which was catalyzed by the coming of American teachers
. UGANDAN ENGLISH Ugandan English , or Uglish ( pronounced you - glish ) , is the dialect of English spoken in Uganda . As with similar dialects spoken elsewhere , Ugandan English has developed a strong local flavor . The speech patterns of Ugandan languages strongly influence spoken English . Um of indigenous languages someone familiar with Uganda can readily identify the native language of a person speaking English . Ugandan speakers will alter foreign words to make them sound more euphonic .
NEW ZEALAND ENGLISH New Zealand English is a unique dialect of the English language that is spoken by the majority of the population of New Zealand . The dialect has its roots in the English spoken by the early settlers of the country , but has since been influenced by the Maori language and culture New Zealand English is similar to Australian English , but has its own distinctive features .This type of pronunciation has many features in common with RP. The most striking phonetic features of the New Zealand English pronunciation are the following: a) the short vowel N is prolonged in the final unstressed position: city /siti:/, very /ven:/ etc; b) in the unstressed position /i/ becomes /э/. Phonologically the opposition /1- э/ is neutralized in an unstressed position: did /dad/, it is /at az/, charges /t|a:d3sz/ etc.; c) words like dance, chance, glass have two forms of pronunciation, one, which coincides with RP, the other- with GA: /da:ns/- /daens/, /tja:ns/-/tjaens/, /gla:s/- /glaes/ etc.; d) the diphthong /au/ is substituted by /аги/: town /taeun/, cow /kaeu/ etc.; e) Besides the influences of GA, as in the usage of ls.and substitution of /J/ by /3/ in words like Asia /'ei3a/ version /vs:3n/ the influence of Eastern English and Cockney dialects may be noticed in the New Zealand pronunciation.
SOUTH AFRICAN ENGLISH South African English is a distinctive dialect with its own quirks and characteristics . It is spoken by around 4.89 million people in the country , making it one of the its roots in the country's history , with influences from has developed into its own unique form of English st widely spoken languages in South Africa . The dialect has frikaans , Dutch , and other languages . Over the years , it The English language is an amalgamation of cultures , intricacies , and experiences . A lot of the common words used have strange origins . Would you like to find out Licauit cur article about English Eponyms .
American English Pronunciation English is spoken not only in Britain . It is the national language in the USA , Australia , New Zealand , & of a great part of the population in Canada . Each of those nations has its own orthoepic norm which exists alongside of regional types & numerous dialects . Though the national languages have peculiar features of their own , which differentiate them from British English ( BE ) & from each other , they have much more in common . That is why they are considered to be variants of the same language , the English language . American English ( AE ) , which is the variant of the English language , has developed its own peculiarities vocabulary , grammatical structure and pr - n . The most widely used regional types of AE pr - n are the Eastern , the Southern & the General American Types , the letter is spoken mainly in the Middle Atlantic States Region . The GA pr - n is usually referred to as the standard pr - n of AE . The peculiarities of GA lie in :. 1 ) The pr - n of sounds & sound combinations ; 2 ) Differences in the stress patterns of words. 3 ) Differences in intonation .
English public instruction began in India in the 1830s during rule of the East India Company ( India was then , and is today , one of the most linguistically diverse regions of the world ) . In 1835 , English replaced Persian as the official language of the Company . Lord Macaulay played a major role in introducing English and western concepts to education in India . He supported the replacement of Persian by English as the official language , the use of English as the medium of instruction in all schools , and the training of English - speaking Indians as teachers . The view of this language among many Indians has gone from associating it with colonialism to associating it with economic progress , and English continues to be an official language of India , albeit with an Indian twist , popularly known as Indian English . Learning the English language has benefited from a career perspective too . By getting TEFL certification you can teach English as a foreign language in any region of the world .
British English is the English language as spoken and written the United Kingdom or , more broadly , throughout the British Isles . Slight regional variations exist in formal , written English in the United Kingdom . English is a West Germanic language that originated from the Anglo - Frisian dialects brought to Britain by Germanic settlers from various parts of what is now northwest Germany and the northern Netherlands . The resident population at this time was generally speaking Common Brittonic - the insular variety of continental Celtic , which was influenced by the Roman occupation . This group of languages ( Welsh , Cornish , Cumbric ) cohabited alongside English into the modern period , but due to their remoteness from the Germanic languages , influence on English was notably limited .
AMERICAN ENGLISH American English sometimes called United States English or U.S. English , is the set of varieties of the English language native to the United States and widely adopted in Canada . English is the most widely spoken language in the United States and is the common language used by the federal government , considered the de facto language of the country because of its widespread use . English has been given official status by 32 of the 50 state governments . If it happens that you lack writing skills to complete your English 101 essay we recommend visiting WriteMyEssays.info .
Canadian English is the set of varieties of English native to Canada . According to the 2011 census , English was the first language of approximately 19 million Canadians ( 57 % of the population ) the remainder of the population were native speakers of Canadian French ( 22 % ) or other languages ( allophones , 21 % ) . The term " Canadian English " is first attested in a speech by the Reverend A. Constable Geikie in an address to the Canadian Institute in 1857. Canadian English is the product of five waves of immigration and settlement over period of more than two centuries large wave of permanent English - speaking settlement in Canada , and linguistically the most important , was the influx of loyalists fleeing the American Revolution , chiefly from the Mid - Atlantic States - as such , New York , New Jersey , Pennsylvania , Delaware , Maryland , Washington , D.C. , Virginia , and West Virginia . Canadian English is believed by some scholars to have derived from northern American English .
Australian English is a major variety of the English language , used throughout Australia . Although English has no official status in the constitution , Australian English is the country's national and de facto official language as it is the first language of the majority of the population . Australian English began to diverge from British English after the founding of the Colony of New South Wales in 1788 and was recognized as being different from British English by 1820. It arose from the intermingling of early settlers from a great variety of mutually intelligible dialectal regions of the British Isles and quickly developed into a distinct variety of English .
5 The relationship between the principal types of English pronunciation and their dialects. English pronunciation in other English speaking countries around the world.
Usually in conversation people like the terms " American or British dialects" and "American or British accents"which belongs only the features of speech only the way British or American speech is Pronunciation orally.The terms dialects is often used in the local regional or geographic types of language.According to the historical appreciate a language belongs to mean to group of nation that's why language is the social phenomenon. It must be understandable by all parts of society. A language is not a combination of the individual speech forms.A language has it own orthoepic pronunciation norms and orphographic written rules.In English language we use idialect.It means that in the individual speech of member in inside of the language community is known is a idialect. Idialect speaker are identified by their sounds tone or melody word rythm and construction and lexistylistics features.The distinction between a language and dialects is formed on characteristics functional approach.If to more language are spoken they are called bilinguals.Bilingualism when speaker language and this process are understandable for all known as bilingualism and may consist of 2 types; First types natural when people speak two languages which have mutual are contacts.Second types artificial bilingualism when the our mother tongue influence the language studied by the pronunciation and lexical,grammar features.These problem are faced is a part of social socialimguistic regest new part new branch of modern linguistics.The phonetics and Phonological disepeines of the a language the relationship types of bilingualism group of speech Commonicatise all classified by their social features are studied in a new branch of linguistics and phonetic namely social phonetics. Aboard and the Germanic languages it is noun as contrastive linguistics.You may also find this branch of phonetics in other Roman- Hermanic group of languages as confrontative linguistics.
6 English consonant system.Sounds of speech.
Speech sounds are grouped into language units called phonemes. A phonem may be understand as smallest,contrastive language unit which exists in the speech of all people belongs to the same language community in the form of speech sounds may bring about a change of meaning.The phonem is a realised in speech in the materials form of speech sounds of different types.Varians speech realisations of the phoneme are called its allophones.The difference between the allophones and phonem is tube to their position in various is context.The articulatory features which are some to all the allophones of the all phoneme and are capable of variety the meaning are called distinctive.In teaching English pronunciation we must orderly begin with wet allophones of the phoneme which is not modifiect in various phonetic circumintasive the organs speech are capable of the pronciang may different kind of sounds:. B,V,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,YZ,W. Consonants / [ b ] bed about /[ d ] do side /[ f ] fill safe / [ ɡ ] good big / [ h ] hat behind / [ j ] yes you [ k ] cat week/ [ l ] lose allow / [ m ] me lamp /[ n ] no any /[ p ] put stop /[ r ] run around /[ s ] soon us [ t ] talk last / [ v ] very live/ [ w ] win swim / [ z ] zoo loves /[ ʃ ] ship push / [ Ʒ ] measure usual/ [ ŋ ] sing hoping /[ ʧ ] cheap catch /[ θ ] thin bath /[ ð ] then other /[ʤ] June age. It is convenient to distinguished two types of speech sounds: vowel and consonants.Vowels are voiced products without any obsaction in the supre- glottal cavities and have not noise compenent. A,E,I,U,O,Y. Vowels Consonants /[ i: ] eat see / [ ɪ ] it sit./[ e ] end pen./ [ æ ] apple black /[ ɑ:] arm part [  ] opposite stop/ [ :] always more /[ u ] would stood./[ u:] you choose /[ ʌ ] up luck/ [ə:] early bird [ə] ago doctor //[eɪ] eight day // [əu] open phone // [aɪ] eyes drive //[au] out now //[ɪ] boy join. //[ɪə] ear near //[eə] air wear// [uə] sure tourist In the articulation of consonants a kind of noise producing obstruction is formed in the supre- glottal cavities such sounds may be pronounced with or without cord vibration. Consonant are made with sirstaam that meet an obstruction in the mouth or nasal cavity that why in the production of consonants there is order digree of noise. Consonants are the bones of a words and gives its basic share so if your vowels are not perfect you may understand by the listener, but if the consonant are in perfect there maybe some misunderstanding. On the articulatory level the consonant change: - in the digree of noise; - in the manner of articulation; - in the place of articulation; According to the digree of noise English consonant are divided into big two parts: noise consonant and sonarants.In the production of noise consonant the is characteristic of and noise consonant.They may be with work of the vocal cords and with the digree of force of articulation.With the characteristics of vocal cords consonant may be voiceless or voicy. When the vocal cords are wicked together and vibrate we hear voices English voiced consonant are;b,d,f,v,z. If the vocal cords apartment sounds vibrate we hear only noise and the voiceless English voicelessed consonants; p,t,k,l,s,,h. Strong noise consonant are produced with more muscular energy and strong brief effect strong noise consonant : p,t,k,r,f,s,sh,ch. Weak noise consonant in English: b,d,z,j,v.English phonetics call the weak consonant lemes consonant and the strong noise consonant forties consonants.
According to the manner of articulation consonants may be of four groups : 1. Occlusive . 2. Constrictive . 3. Occlusive - constrictive ( affricates ) . 4. Rolled . 1. Occlusive consonants are sounds in the production which the air stream meets a complete obstruction in mouth . Occlusive noise consonants are called stops because the breath is com pletely stopped at some point articulation and then it is released with a slight explosion , that is why , they are also called plo sives . According to the work of the vocal cords stops may be voiced and voiceless./ 2. Constrictive consonants are those in the production of which the air stream meets an incomplete obstruction in the res onator , so the air passage is constricted . Both noise consonants and sonorants may be constrictive . Constrictive noise consonants are called fricatives , i . e . the consonant sounds in the articulation of which the air pas sage is constricted and the air escapes through the narrowing with friction /. Constrictive sonorants are also made with an incomplete ob struction but with a rather wide air passage ; so tone prevails over noise . The English constrictive sonorants : [ w , r , 1 , j ] ; the Russian constrictive sonorants : [ p , p ' , A , A² , j ] . They are all oral , because in their production the soft palate is raised /. 3. Occlusive - constrictive consonants or affricates are noise consonant sounds produced with a complete obstruction which is slowly released and the air escapes from the mouth with some friction . There are only two occlusive - constrictives in English : [ . ] and in Russian [ u ' , u ] . The English [ d ] is voiced ( in certain positions ) and weak ( lenis ) ; [ y ] is voiceless and strong ( fortis )./The place of articulation is determined by the active organ of speech against the point of articulation . There may be one place of articulation or focus , or two places of articulation or foci when active organs of speech contact with two points of articulation . In the first case consonants are called unicentra 1 , in the second they are bicentral. 1. Labial consonants are made by the lips . They may be bilabial and labio - dental . Bilabial consonants are produced when both lips are active . They are : the English [ p , b , m , w ] ;. Labio - dental consonants are articulated with the lower lip against the edge of the upper teeth . They are the English [ f , v ] and the Russian [ , ' , B , B ' ] . 2. Lingual consonants are classified into forelingual , mediolingual and backlingual . Forelingual consonants are articulated with the tip or the blade of the tongue . They differ in the position of the tip of the tongue . According to its work they may be : apical , if the tip of the tongue is active as in the case of the English [ t , d , s . z , f . 3 , 0 , 0 , 0 , t , n , l . dorsal , if the blade of the tongue takes part in the articu lation the tip being passive and lowered as in the case of the Russian [ T , T ' , A , A ' . H. H ' , C , C ' . 3 , 3 ' , 4 ' . ] ; in English there are no dorsal consonants ; f cacuminal , if the tip of the tongue is at the back part of the teeth ridge , but a depression is formed in the blade of the tongue as in the case of the English [ r ] and the Russian [ p , p ' ] . According to the place of obstruction forelingual consonants may be : Interdental . Dental . Alveolar . Post - alveolar . Palato - alveolar . Interdental consonants or interdentals are made with the tip of the tongue projected between the teeth : the English [ 0.0 ] . There are no interdental consonants in Russian . Dental consonants or dentals are produced with the blade of the tongue against the upper teeth : the Russian [ T , T ' , A , A , C , C ' , 3 , 3 ' , II , л , ^ ' ] . Alveolar consonants or alveolars are articulated with ( the tip against the upper teeth ridge : the English [ i , d , s , z , n , 1 ] .Post alveolar consonants or post - alveolars are made when the tip or the blade of the tongue is against the back part of the teeth ridge or just behind it : the English [ r ] ; the Russian [ p . p ' ] . Palato - alveolar consonants or palato - alveolars are made with the tip or the blade of the tongue against the teeth ridge and the front part of the tongue raised towards the hard palate , thus having two places of articulation or foci ( front sec ondary focus ) ; both narrowings are flat : the English [ f , 3 , f . 31 / the Russian ( I , III ' , X , 4 ' ] .3. The glottal consonant [ h ] is articulated in the glottis . There are no glottal consonants in Russian .
7 English vowels
Vowels are normally made with the air stream that meets no closure or narrowing in the mouth. Feringel and nasal cavities that's why in the production of vowel sound there is no noise component characteristics of consonantal sound; a,e,I,o,u( y). On the articularory level the description of vowels may first in the stablished of articulation.- in the second in the tongue position;- in the third in the lips position;- in the fourth in the character of vowels end. All English vowels are divided into 3 groups; monophtongs or pure vowels; diphthongs; diphtongues; Monophtongs are vowels the articulation of which is almost unchanging: [ i: ] eat see /[ ɪ ] it sit [ e ] end pen /[ æ ] apple black /[ ɑ:] arm part /[  ] opposite stop /[ :] always more /[ u ] would stood /[ u:] you choose /[ ʌ ] up luck /[ə:] early bird /[ə] ago doctor . In the Pronunciation of diphthongs the organs of speech aliet from one vowels position to another within one syllables. The starbing point the nuclears is strong and distinct. Diphtongs consists of two perceptual vowel elements.There is no diphthongs in Uzbek. The English diphthongs are; [eɪ] eight day /[əu] open phone /[aɪ] eyes drive /[au] out now /[ɪ] boy join /[ɪə] ear near /[eə] air wear /[uə] sure tourist. There are two diphthongoits in English: u:/i:/. In the Pronunciation of diphtongoits the articulation is changing but the difference between the starting and we end is not so distinct as it is the case of diphtongs. In the Pronunciation of English vowels and vowels sounds the tongue may be move forward and backward up and down. It is changing the quality of vowels sounds. English vowels sounds may be frantretrektit central back and back advanced when the front and back of the tongue is raise the vowel is closed. Closed vowels was: u:,a,i,i: When the front of the back is asslow as possible there is open vowel anno. Open vowel sounds: o:,a,a: When the highest part of the tongue occupies inermedict between the close and open it is meet vowels pronouncing process - e,^, - meat,vowel. Lips position of pronouncing English of vowels sounds very important. When the lips are neutral the vowels are named unrounded. Unrounded English vowels - i:,a,^, c: When the lips are drawn thogether that the opening between them is more or less round seech vowels are called roundied- u:,o:,з: The quality of monophtongs in the stress position. If a stressed vowel is followed by a strong voiceless consonant. This case in called checked. If a vowel is followed by a week voiced consonant it is very weak vowel sounds by the articularory being a longer or shorter period. All English vowels are commonly divided into long and short vowels sounds. Long vowels - i:,o:,u:,c:,з:. Short vowels- i,e,€,a,^,a,. Assimilation is a of speech sounds as a result of the sounds fully or partially similar speaker sounds. The nature of assimilation is close by objective physical and physiology conditions. Assimilation in English save 3 types - direction; the degree of completeness assimilation; the degree of stability. Assimilation in the Pronuncing structing make progressive.
8 Word stress syllables structures
In English there are 3 digrees of words stress.But in the Uzbek there are only two digrees: stressed and unstressed. That is why Uzbek learner of English most be careful not confuse secondary stress in English words sense interference of Uzbek pronunciation. conference - ' con - fer- ence. demercation - ' de - mer-,ca- tion. inhabitants - in - ,hab- i- tant. destebilization - ,de- sta-bil-iza-tion. escalation - es-ca-'li-tion. stability -sta-,bil-ity. restart- 're-start. constitutive -'con-sti-tu-tive. manefesation-'mane-fest-a-tion. pronunciation-'pro-noun-ci-a-tion. There are several large groups of words in English with two equally strong stress.This words consists of 2 morphomes the use of the second strong stress is closed by the semantic significance of both equally stress Elements of words.For example: rewrite,fourteen, reconstruct, disappear. Words stress in English is free.That is primary stress is not tide to on particular syllables.The position of words stress in English is the product of its historical development it has influence by the combination of different tendency.The polysyllable words with separable prefixes have a distance meaning of their own negative prefixes such un-,dis-,in-,non-, may came with two primary stresses.unabilty,nonstop,disagree, impossible.Where common word sometimes lose the stress on the prefixes on every day usege;( mistake, impossible, numerals)also lose the stress every day used.Word composed of separable roat morphomes are called compounds.That is as spelling compounds different they may be spelled as one word or two separate words compound word may be nouns adj,and verbs.came back, boyfriend,full-size. Word stress in compounds depends on the semantic weight of the elements: wel- known.Compound word have stress on both elements if the have equal semantic signeficants.( turn on,give on,go away,weak up,get up).

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