1. the subject of theoretical grammar its relations to other branches of linguistics
The morphological systems of the English and Ukrainian
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шпоры по теор.грамматике
7. The morphological systems of the English and Ukrainian languages are characterized by a considerable number of isomorphic and bysome allomorphic features. The isomorphic features are due to the common Indo-European origin of the two languages while theallomorphic features have been acquired by them in the course of their historic development and functioning as independent nationallanguages,Contrastive morphology deals with: a) the specific traits of morphemes in languages under investigation; b) the parts of speecharid their grammatical meanings (morphological categories).The morpheme is a minimal meaningful unit, which may be free!root, that is they can stand alone and do not depend on othermorphemes in a word, and hound, that is they cannot stand alone, they are bound to the root or to the stem consisting of the root and oneor moreaffixal morphemes. Due to its historical development, English has a much larger number of root morphemes than Ukrainian.Consequently, the number of inflexions expressing the morphological categories is much smaller in English than in Ukrainian. E.g.: arm,pen, hoy. work, do, red, he, she, it, five, ten, here:лоб,чуб,я,є,три ,тут,де,etc.Affixal morphemes are represented in English and Ukrainian by suffixes or prefixes.Suffixes in the contrasted languages, when added to the root, change the form of thewords, adding some new shade to their lexical meaning: duck...duckling:, four ..fourteen ---forty;
дитина-дитинча .The number of suffixes in the contrasted languages considerably exceeds the number of prefixes. Among thenoun indicating suffixes in English are -асу,-anee, -ion, -dom, -er, -ess, -hood, -ism, -Ity, -merit, -ness, -ship and others. The adjectiveindicating suffixes are: -able, -al, -k, -isfa, -ful, -less, -otis, -some» -y, etc. The verb indicating suffixes are -ate, -en, -esee, -ify, -ize, and.the adverb indicating suffixes -!y, -wards, -ways, Ukrainian word-forming suffixes are more numerous and also more diverse by theirnature because there exist special suffixes to identify different genders of nouns. The masculine gender suffixes of nouns in Ukrainianare - ник,-ецьАєць,-ар/~яр,-up, -ист,-тель,-аль. Suffixes of feminine gender in Ukrainian are: -к/а,-иц/я,-ec/a, -их/а,-ш/а. Suffixesof the neuter gender are mostly used in Ukrainian to identify collective nouns, as in the nouns: жіно-цтв-о, 6ади-лл- я.збі-жж-я .Besides,inUkrainianthereexistiargegroupsofevaluativesuffixes(сон-ечк-о,кабан-юр-а)andpatronymicsuffixes: -енк-о,-ук,-еоуь (Бондаренко,Поліщук,Птшець).Prefixes in the contrasted languages modify the lexical meaning of the word: coexistence, unable , підвид, праліс, вбігати,вибігати. Word-forming prefixes pertain mostly io the English language where they can form different parts of speech, Verbs; enable,disable, enclose. Abjectives: pre-war, post-war. Adverbs! today, tomorrow, together. Prepositions: below, behind. Conjunctions:because, unless, until. In Ukrainian only some conjunctions and adverbs can be formed by means of prefixes, for example:вдень,вночі. Isomorphic is also the use of two (in English) and more (in Ukrainian) prefixes before the root: misrepresentation,oversubscription, недовиторг., перерозподіл,etc.Inflexional morphemes in the contrasted .languages express different morphological categories. The number of genuinely Englishinflexions is restricted to noun inflexions: -s/-es, -en, -ren (boys, watches, oxen, children); inflexions of the comparative and thesuperlative degrees of qualitative adjectives: ~er, -est (bigger, biggest): inflexions of the comparative and the superlative degrees of qualitative adverbs: -er, -est (slowlier, slowliest); the verbal inflexions: ~s/-es, -d/-ed, -t, -n/-en {he puts/watches; she learned therule/burnt the candle; a broken -pencil); the inflexions of absolute possessive pronouns: -s, -e (hers, ours, yours, mine, thine). Besides thegenuine English inflexional morphemes, there exist some foreign inflexions used with nouns of Latin, Greek and French origin only.Among them Latin inflexions -um/-a(datum ........... data); -us/-i (terminus ...... termini); -a/-ae (formula .... formulae); -is/-es (thesis ........theses); Greek inflexions -on/-a (phenomenon— phenomena); -ion/-ia (criterion— criteria). The number of inflexions in Ukrainianexceeds their number in English since every national part of speech has a variety of endings. They express number, case and gender of nominal parts of speech and tense, aspect, person, number, voice and mood of verbs: червоний — червоного — червоному — червоним; двоє -двох — двом — двома;читаю —читав — читала — читали — читатиму-читатимеш-читатимете,etc Download 114,76 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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