1. What is media technology

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1.1. mediatexnologiya

https://sites.google.com/site/multimediadreamwiki/1--introduction (13.01.2023)

1. What is media technology?
1 What is media?
2 What is media Technology?
3 What is media technology as an academic discipline?

1. Media texnologiyasi nima?
1 Media nima?
2 Media texnologiyasi nima?
3 Akademik fan sifatida media-texnologiya nima?

What is media?
First of all what is word definition for media?
Media is the plural of medium (middle, center, intermediary).
So Media is an intermediary in order to transport information used to communicate (like the press, radio, television). Medias let to disseminate information to a large number of people without customization of the message. That is why we speak also of mass media. However, the term is used in more general senses, to designate the means of communication such as language, writing or music.

Media nima?
Avvalo, media uchun so'z ta'rifi nima?
Media - vositachining ko'pligi (o'rta, markaz, vositachi).
Shunday qilib, OAV muloqot qilish uchun foydalaniladigan ma'lumotlarni (matbuot, radio, televidenie kabi) tashish uchun vositachidir. Ommaviy axborot vositalari xabarni moslashtirmasdan ko'p odamlarga ma'lumot tarqatish imkonini beradi. Shuning uchun biz ommaviy axborot vositalari haqida ham gapiramiz. Biroq, bu atama umumiy ma'noda til, yozuv yoki musiqa kabi aloqa vositalarini belgilash uchun ishlatiladi.

What is media Technology?
That’s Technology and methods that support human communication over distances in time and space.
In painting and arts, it uses the medium term to describe a technique used (example: watercolor is a medium).
In Audio, video and computer, media support is physically stored content (in the case of a single file) or transferred content (in the case of a message), music, film, photos or more generally of data.
Other today various media:
Newspapers, radio, TV broadcasting video montages commented, Internet, Cinema.

Media texnologiyasi nima?
Bu vaqt va makonda masofalar bo'ylab insoniy muloqotni qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan texnologiya va usullar.
Rassomlik va san'atda u qo'llaniladigan texnikani tasvirlash uchun o'rta atamadan foydalanadi (masalan: akvarel - vosita).
Audio, video va kompyuterda media qo'llab-quvvatlash jismonan saqlanadigan tarkib (bitta fayl bo'lsa) yoki uzatilgan tarkib (xabar bo'lsa), musiqa, film, fotosuratlar yoki umuman olganda ma'lumotlardir.
Boshqa bugungi kunda turli xil ommaviy axborot vositalari:
Gazetalar, radio, teleko'rsatuvlar videomontajlari sharhlandi, Internet, Kino.

Now that’s we have some example of what can be today media technologies, we can look to what will be the next media technologies. Here is some video and link in order you get in touch with these new media technologies:

Endi bizda bugungi media-texnologiyalar nima bo'lishi mumkinligiga misol bor, biz keyingi media texnologiyalari nima bo'lishini ko'rib chiqishimiz mumkin. Ushbu yangi media texnologiyalari bilan bog'lanishingiz uchun bir nechta video va havola:

Mobile media services: Mobile is going to be the new mass media by definition.
The future of mobile.
Mobile phone technology is advancing rapidly, but what can people expect to be using in 2015? What will their mobile be able to do and what will it look like? Nokia has collaborated with Industrial Design students from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London to come up with some ideas.

Mobil media xizmatlari: Mobil ta'rifi bo'yicha yangi ommaviy axborot vositalari bo'ladi.
Mobil kelajagi.
Mobil telefon texnologiyasi jadal rivojlanmoqda, ammo 2015 yilda odamlar nimadan foydalanishni kutishlari mumkin? Ularning mobil qurilmasi nima qila oladi va u qanday ko'rinishga ega bo'ladi? Nokia ba'zi g'oyalarni ishlab chiqish uchun Londondagi Central Saint Martins San'at va dizayn kollejining sanoat dizayni talabalari bilan hamkorlik qildi.

The winner.
Daniel Meyer
The device was inspired both by the advent of video calling and the traditional practice of carrying pictures of family and friends with you. The handset is designed to sit as a picture frame wherever the user is, serving the dual purpose of communications device and a comforting familiar focal point at home, at work or when away.

Daniel Meyer
Qurilma videoqo'ng'iroqning paydo bo'lishidan va oilangiz va do'stlaringizning rasmlarini siz bilan olib yurishning an'anaviy amaliyotidan ilhomlangan. Telefon foydalanuvchi qaerda bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, rasm ramkasi sifatida o'tirish uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, aloqa moslamasining ikki xil maqsadi va uyda, ishda yoki uzoqda bo'lganida tasalli beruvchi tanish markazga xizmat qiladi.

Jack Godfrey Wood

Small, representational beads are exchanged instead of numbers. These are threaded on a necklace and to make a call you squeeze the bead of the person you want to call. Their bead will glow or vibrate. The electronics are in the clasp of the necklace, a microphone is worn as a ring and there's a wireless earpiece.

Hamma do'stlarim
Jek Godfri Vud

Raqamlar o'rniga kichik, vakillik boncuklar almashtiriladi. Bular bo'yinbog'ga bog'langan va qo'ng'iroq qilish uchun siz qo'ng'iroq qilmoqchi bo'lgan odamning munchoqlarini siqib qo'yasiz. Ularning boncuklari porlaydi yoki tebranadi. Elektron bo'yinbog'ning qisqichida, mikrofon uzuk sifatida taqilgan va simsiz eshitish vositasi mavjud.

ePaper : will certainly replace the traditional newspaper in the future.

ePaper: kelajakda an'anaviy gazeta o'rnini bosadi.

What is media technology as an academic discipline?
Media Technology is an engineering science. As in all engineering science, in media technology one of the biggest challenges is to create cost-effective solutions to practical problem by applying scientific knowledge to building things in the service of mankind.

Akademik fan sifatida media texnologiyasi nima?
Media texnologiyasi muhandislik fanidir. Barcha muhandislik fanlarida bo'lgani kabi, media-texnologiyada ham eng katta muammolardan biri bu ilmiy bilimlarni insoniyat xizmatida narsalarni qurishda qo'llash orqali amaliy muammoga iqtisodiy jihatdan samarali echimlarni yaratishdir.

Today Media technologies are build via electronic and computer systems but as the definition said it’s a medium that’s why working in media technology can make you learn a lot about other discipline as:
- Physics (mechanics, optics)
- Chemistry
- Paper technology, materials technology
- Electronics, telecommunications
- Mathematics
- Computer science, human-machine interaction
- Psychology, cognition science, perception psychology
- Communication science
- Sociology
- Economics, business development, law
- Esthetics and design

Bugungi kunda media-texnologiyalar elektron va kompyuter tizimlari orqali yaratilgan, ammo ta'rifga ko'ra, bu vosita, shuning uchun media texnologiyasida ishlash sizni boshqa fanlar haqida ko'p narsalarni o'rganishga imkon beradi:
- Fizika (mexanika, optika)
- Kimyo
- Qog'oz texnologiyasi, materiallar texnologiyasi
- Elektronika, telekommunikatsiya
- Matematika
- Informatika, inson va mashinaning o'zaro ta'siri
- Psixologiya, bilish fani, idrok psixologiyasi
- Aloqa fanlari
- Sotsiologiya
- Iqtisodiyot, biznesni rivojlantirish, huquq
- Estetika va dizayn

So to sum up, media technology is maybe not a discipline on its own but everybody (people, companies…) use it in order to communicate. That’s why media technology is actually an important engineering field with a lot of new and exciting project.

Xulosa qilib aytadigan bo'lsak, media texnologiyasi o'z-o'zidan intizom emas, balki hamma (odamlar, kompaniyalar ...) muloqot qilish uchun undan foydalanadi. Shuning uchun media-texnologiya aslida juda ko'p yangi va qiziqarli loyihalarga ega muhim muhandislik sohasidir.

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