10. Historical geography plan
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10. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY Plan: 1.Human distribution on Earth. 2.The transition from a farm to production harvesting ready-made favors. The agrarian revolution and its consequences. 3.Formation of the geographical division of Labor. 4.The formation of the world market. The industrial revolution in European countries and its impact on the economic development of different regions. The emergence of life - a set of views on the emergence and development of living organisms. There are different opinions about life, about its appearance. The divine books emphasize that living beings were created by the Supreme Creator according to a certain plan in a certain space and time. In the Qur'an it is written that the world was created in 6 days. Irish archbishop Asher calculated that the world was created in October 4004 BC. According to the doctrine of creationism, life arose once as a result of an abnormal phenomenon and has remained unchanged since then. According to the theories that appeared in ancient China, Rome, Babylon, life arose spontaneously (spontaneous) from things that "prevailed" in nature. The Greek philosopher Empedocles (490-430 BC) expressed the opinion that vitality came from air, soil, fire and water; Democritus (460-370 BC) expressed the opinion that life was from clay; Thales (625-547 BC) said that plants and animals originated from mud. Aristotle believes that a certain particle of matter has a "vital force"; this force makes a living organism appear in a favorable environment: Van Gelmont (1577-1644) writes that a mouse appeared for 3 weeks from dirty clothes, a dark closet and wheat grains. But the Italian physician and biologist Francesco Redi proves that flies do not appear in meat stored in a container with a closed mouth. Thus arose the concept of biogenesis, in which vitality appears only from Vitality. A.With the discovery of microscopic organisms, Levenguknkt, the views on the spontaneous appearance of microorganisms flared up. But the Italian naturalist Spallansani (1765) watches a dish with a curved mouth for several times, with meat and vegetable sauce ripening over a fire, and does not find any trace of life in the Kay-natma. To prove that life is not spontaneous, L.Pasteur (1860) proved in the experiment that meat boiled in a tube connected to a flute bent in the form of a G) in the mouth is indefatigable. But L.Pasteur experience is the emergence of life. unable to solve his problem; ak-sincha led to the emergence of the idea of the eternal existence of life. In 1924, the Russian biochemist A.I.Oiarin, later biochemist and geneticist of England J.Based on the generalization of the evidence collected by the natural sciences by holdein (1929), a hypothesis was proposed that interprets life as the emergence and long-standing evolution of carbon compounds. This hypothesis is the emergence of life. it forms the basis of the current vision. According to this hypothesis, the emergence of life on Earth. the process can be conditionally divided into 4 periods: synthesis of monomers of low-molecule organic compounds at the expense of primary atmospheric gases; polymerization of monomers and formation of a chain of protein and nucleic acids; formation of systems separated from the external environment by membranes; formation of a simple cell with a reproductive apparatus, which allows the transfer of chemical and The first 3 periods the emergence of life is called chemical evolution in biology, and the last 4th period is called biological evolution. Man is a creature that stands at the top of all living things, a subject of social processes. A person differs from other living beings in that he has a thought and speech formed on the basis of social labor, makes mehant weapons and is able to actively influence the environment. Man is studied by anthropology. CH.After Darwin's evolutionary teaching, anthropology began to develop rapidly. E.Geckel put forward the hypothesis of an intermediate being pitecanthropus (ape-like Man). In this hypothesis, basically, the idea was put forward that the ancestor of humans was not a monkey, but a driopitek. It was assumed that three directions spread from this creature, namely chimpanzee, gorilla and man. An ancestor close to people of the modern type is considered a Neanderthal man, which arose 200-300 thousand years ago. Neanderthal people lived their lives in the most severe conditions of glaciation in the Quaternary period. They knew not only how to store ready-made grass, but even how to make grass by rubbing two pieces of wood together, and heated the caves in which they lived. Neanderthals also hunted large animals, ate their meat and protected their bodies from the cold with their skins. Currently, fossil bone remains of Neanderthals (paleanthropes)have been found in more than 400 places, such as Europe, Africa, Previous Asia, East Asia and Indonesia. YA.Ya.Roginsky says that in the early times of the formation of Neanderthal people, the network separated from them was different from other Neanderthals in the Lower Paleolithic, creating the basis for the emergence of current people. With its anatomical structure, the ancestor close to the people who live in modern times is the cromanonese people, who were born 100-120 thousand years ago, who later found bone remains in different parts of Europe and Asia. In addition to stones, cromanon people made weapons from bones, horns. The work of making them, finishing them, was much more improved than that of neodertal people. Those who dried the excess of hunted animal meat, made clothes from their skins and put them on. Cromanon people were engaged in activities such as animal capture training and planting wild plant seeds, that is, primitive animal husbandry and agriculture. During this period, a boat, a fishing rod will be discovered and the opportunity to get to distant places will be born. Taking this into account, scientists assume that cromanons may have moved to America. The main reason for the transformation of ancient people into current people is the fact that more and more traits characteristic of a social personality have matured in them. We know this from the legacy of the culture left by people of the past of the present type. They used very complex and varied methods of hunting animals, built good housing, made elegant weapons, knew Fine Arts. The further development of a man of the modern type has not made such a big change as it is worth his brain structure, appearance. For 40 thousand years now, people of the modern type have been maintaining their complex biomorphological characteristics. Where is the early homeland of man? Different religions explain the early homeland of people in different ways. For example, the ancient Egyptians describe that the first people lived on the banks of the Nile River, and the Greeks-on Mount Alimpe, Jews, Christians-between the Tigr and Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia, where there was paradise on these lands. Religious leaders cannot prove it with some proof, even if they say the above points. Science, on the other hand, shows that the first humans did not appear in America, since the oldest human-shaped monkeys and bone remains of humans were not found there, and in the current era, broad-nosed monkeys live. And people came from narrow-nosed monkeys. On the Australian continent, high representatives of the class of mammals did not originate, according to which it is unlikely that even the first people appeared there. CH.Darwin says that paleontological excavations – human-like monkeys-gorilla, note that chimpanzee lives in Africa, and the area of human transformation of the initial monkey occurred in Africa. Fossil human bones were later found on Javanese island, China, and other lands. Considering the above, scientists assume that the process of a monkey becoming a person occurred in South Asia and Africa. As you know, currently there are several races of people. Based on this, a group of scientists concluded that the differences between different races are ancient in relation to the signs of a person of the present time. Consequently, it is shown that the man of the present does not come from one center, but from several centers at once. Chunonchi, Weidenreich believes that the man of the moment comes from four centers. The indigenous people of Australia came from the Pithecanthropus in South East Asia, the mongoloid and representatives of the American Race from the sinanthropus from East Asia, the Negro and bushmen from the Rhodesian man in South Africa and finally from the palestin man in South West Asia from the people of the European race. Currently, more than 8 billion inhabitants live on Earth. They are mutually similar in their anatomical structure. But not all people in the world are the same in their appearance. They differ from each other in their skin color, hair shape and color, head and nose shape, lip thickness, eye color and many other signs. In the current period, depending on these differences, people are divided into three large: europoid, mongoloid and negroid races. People of the europoid race are acarterized by the fact that their skin is whitish, pale pink, hair is yellow, long and straight, with a long nose, a medium thickness with a rounded head. And representatives of the Negroid race, on the contrary, differ from other races in that their skin is dark brown, black, sochi is black, curly, has a wide nose, a thicker lip. Depending on the geographical distribution, this race is again called the equatorial race. Representatives of the Mongoloid or aziato – American Race are acarterated by the fact that their skin is yellowish, Kyrgyz zucchini, sochi is black, straight, there is little or no development of a beard and muylovi, bulging cheeks, a bald nose. What caused such differences between people? How did different races come about? Even in responding to these issues, the struggle between science and religion goes for long periods. When we look at religious narratives, it is not the same as when God created man, but different – sucking using white, red, black soil. God is the one who created people from red soil who belong to the red – mongoloid race, and black from black soil - to the negroid race. Science completely denies such opinions, explaining the origin of races on a scientific basis. The origin of races is a rather complex historical process. Racial differences were formed due to the complex influence of the climate, physical and geographical environment, socio-economic conditions. Speaking of races, it should be taken into account that there are very few racial differences, which are considered secondary signs and do not concern the internal structure of the human body. People of the European, Mongolian and Negro races get married and give normal offspring, even if they differ from each other in appearance. All this indicates that races are spread from one network and that people of the present enter the Homo Sapiens, a biological species regardless of race or nationality. The brain is the sublime creation of nature, forming a complex form of matter. During evolution, the human brain has increased three times. The division of the nervous system of humans and animals is made up of the brain. The brain provides control over the most complex vital functions of the body and the interaction of the environment. Agrarian reforms–agricultural reforms-a set of measures aimed at changing the state's land ownership relations and methods of doing business on Earth. Initially, the concept of agrarian reform is determined by the goals and objectives, the direction, the stages of its implementation. Based on this, specific measures for conducting agrarian reforms are established and implemented by the state.In history, 3 types of agrarian reform can be seen. The first is agrarian reform, which seeks to move from a traditional (natural, already backward) economy to a market economy, in their sentence it is possible to include agrarian reforms in the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America in the 19th and 20th centuries. The second is agrarian reform, which aims to move from a market economy to a totalitarian- planned system, and carried out with the help of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the third is agrarian reform, aimed at the transition from a planned economy to a re–market relationship in the former socialist countries from the beginning of the 90s, the first category of reforms Land, which is the property of landlords, is given to those who plant it – on condition of payment to peasants or free of charge, private property of peasants is installed on the land. When peasants stratify and part of them becomes rich, the other part becomes mercenaries. Agrarian reforms support mechanization in agriculture, which leads to the displacement of labor from the industry. Agrarian reforms form a class of farmers and strengthen their position. Agrarian reforms of the second category were carried out in the countries of the former USSR, Mongolia, Eastern Europe and others. As a result of such reforms, the land is completely or partially taken out of the possession of private owners and transformed into state property, instead of an independent peasant farm, state farms and collective farms are built that work according to the state plan, which are fully controlled by the government. These reforms will lose free market relations in the village, it will turn away from the crisis, food shortages will take on a constant hue, as the stimuli in agriculture fade away. The third type of agrarian reform provides for the transition from a nationalized agriculture to a free market economy, as a result of which state ownership of land is partially or completely abolished, land is allowed to be used for rent, the property of the state and the collective economy is distributed among the peasants free of charge, without sleeves, or on the The peasant (farm) Farm is transformed into the main type of farm, this farm operates depending on the demand of the market and in the eyes of its own man-activist.During the 20th century, the last two types of agrarian reforms were carried out in Uzbekistan. During the period of the Shura, the Earth-waters were taken away from their owners and given to the peasants. But soon they were taken away from them again and become state property. Such reforms were carried out in 1917-22. In 1925-26, the earth-water reform was carried out. In these reforms, part of the land owned by the local Rich was distributed free of charge to the landless. As a result of such reforms, an independent peasant farm worked on the market developed. But this did not go far, since the reform of the 20s ended with the community of the village to yoppasi. During 1929-32, agriculture was completely liquidated and replaced by state and collective farms, agriculture remained in the whirlpool of a totalitarian-planned system. Industrial coup,Industrial Revolution-a system of economic and socio-political transformations that represent the process of transition from manual labor-based manufacturing industry to a machined large industry. This concept was introduced in the 2nd half of the 19th century by A. ToynbI. The industry began with the invention and application of production machines, culminating in the emergence of machine-by-machine production, that is, the machine industry (heavy industry). Industry is not only a technical, but also a social economic turn, since it led to the full formation of capitalist relations. The Manufactory has created a waterfall for the emergence of the machine industry. Industry is a universal phenomenon that represents a certain stage of development of capitalism in industry in a number of countries, but the maturation of the conditions for the transition from Manufactory to a large machine industry has been extremely uneven in world countries. The industry began in Great Britain initially from the 60s of the 18th century. Bourgeois Britain, which took place in this country in the 17th century, opened a wide path for the development of a new society. England's extensive colonial system also had a great influence on the industrial coup, with colonial wealth being put into industry. Industry began in light industry in all countries and ended with the formation of heavy industry. In England, too, the invention of the spinning machine, and later the weaving machine, was first used in the enterprises of kilindi and ipgazlama, and in the development of industry began the era of machines. The increase in the number of machines sharply increased the demand for metal. In metallurgy, a new method developed to obtain cast iron and steel (domna furnaces). The large operating speed of the machines required a new source of energy (the previous energy was hand, leg strength, running waters). In the 1780s and 1820s, the size of the textile industry grew more than 16 times. These changes, which began in the textile industry, also went to the wool, hemp, silk industry. The invention of the Steam Machine became a turning point in industrial energy. The development of industry, the further expansion of market relations required the improvement of vehicles. In the first quarter of the 19th century (1811), the most affordable and convenient Steamboat transport based on a steam engine was launched, 1814 J. Stephenson invented the steam locomotive. From 1825, Railways began to operate. In the 20-30s of the 19th century, the machine industry achieved a complete victory over Manufactory and crafts. England has become a large industrial country, that is, a "workshop of the world". The industry that began in England later became international. This process began in France after England (after the great French Revolution), both countries took the leading position in the world. In the 60s of the 19th century, the development of large industries in Italy, Germany, the USA, Russia and Japan also accelerated. At the end of the 19th century, the United States and Germany took a leading position in the world. In the industrial sector, agriculture was also fully mechanized in the leading countries after the migration of production to the machine system. Industry occurred much later in many (especially colonial) countries. The industry was the result of objective, in many ways, stixial development, which, firstly, led to a sharp increase in the economy, a large industry came out instead of a leader, and secondly, caused large class and social changes. Feudal and semi-feudal relations were eroded, the system of capitalism was decided by precedent. QUESTIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS: 1.What do you know about the agrarian revolution and its consequences? 2.Bring information about the emergence of cities and the formation of early civilizations in the countries of Asia, Africa and Europe? 3.What do you know about the role of the Great Silk Road in the development of Central Asia? 4.Give information about the formation of the geographical division of Labor? 5.What do you know about the industrial revolution in European countries and its impact on the economic development of different regions? Download 310,11 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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