17. Social geography plan
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17. SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY Plan: 1.Object, subject and tasks of social geography. 2.The history of the formation of social geography. 3.Social-geographical research. 4.Medical geography-as one of the components of social geography Base words: Social Geography. Social-geographical research. Social spheres. Socium. Economic and social hegography, social and economic problems The development of mankind has been formed and developed over the centuries on the basis of various sciences and their achievements. In this regard, the science of geography also has a position in the system of Sciences, and it is natural that there will be many new research and research in its development. In particular, in subsequent years, the process of socialization of traditional economic geography in our independent republic and its transformation into a broad- meaning social geography is taking place-that is, of course, a positive state. The economic and social geography of the present tense bulinadi to the four main parts to which uzaro is involved, namely economic geography, socio – economic, social and political geography (Soliev A., 1995). In this, the following directions are included in the structure of social geography (fig. Social geography informs the population in the nature of the territorial aspects and characteristics of many social phenomena and events, such as the way of life and conditions, religion, tradition, national values, rest, treatment. Hence, social geography studies the relationship of the population with the Social (Social) and natural environment. One of the most important concepts of social geography is the concept of social space. By social space, we mean, first of all, the everyday life of people in a certain territory, their interaction. It refers to the place of residence of the population of different professions, nationalities, ages and genders, its territorial totality (socium). Again, it should be noted that the structure of social geography cannot be directly included in the geography of the spheres of service of the population, since this direction is represented by professor A.S.In Soliev's words,”stands directly between social and socio- economic geography, and it serves as the first important link in the direction of the socialization of economic geography." Nowadays, the science of social geography is among the rapidly developing Sciences. the role and importance of sial's research related to geography has become important in addressing the country's socio - economic development problems, and now its scope of research is increasingly expanding. Non-traditional spheres of this branch of science can include the geography of Medicine, the geography of crime, religion, tourism, recreation, the geography of Science and education, and they further enrich, modernize the content of social geography. It should be said that an important place in modern economic and social geography was occupied by the study of issues directly related to the population. Especially in the social geography, which is part of it, the study of laws related to society, the population and its social aspects is of great importance. In recent times, the object and subject of research of traditional economic and social geography has been significantly expanding. While many, industrial, agricultural, productive forces and the issues of their development were previously lying on the basis of scientific research as the main subject, to date, interest has increased in the study of the population and aspects directly related to it, especially in its study of social aspects, aspects related to health, rest, treatment, lifestyle, traditions, religion, behavior, and the volume of Since the middle of the 20th century in the world, the process of “socialization” in a number of economic disciplines has also had an impact on economic geography. This laid the foundation for the formation of later Achaean geography and, in connection with it, social geography. It should be noted that as early as the 30s of the XX century N.N.Baransky had cross- posed the issue of creating”social geography", and then studied the main, its important issues (the geography of akholi, the geography of cities, etc.). As early as that period, N.N.Baransky said:” the economic - geographer should know not only the composition, location, description of the settlements of the population, but also his psyche, traditions and culture." Issues related to the working, rest, spiritual experiences, health and other social, cultural and spiritual life activities of the population have been studied abroad and also within the framework of the economic geography of the former Union. Therefore, Kham YU.G.Saushkin assures that the separation of social geography from economic geography is contrary to the development of economic and social geography, does not fully respond to the perception of real existence, that is, a person cannot be “torn” from economic geography by the complexities of his social life (Nazarov M., Tajie, And Z. Social geography, 2003). Currently, a narrow and broad-meaning interpretation of social geography is given by professor A.S.Recognized by Soliev. The scientist noted that social geography in a narrow sense is a science that directly studies the territorial aspects of issues of being with human life, its relationship with the fan with whom he lives. And broad-meaning social geography includes narrow-meaning social geography and also covers the territorial aspects of the issues of social life style, cultural, spiritual, spiritual development of a person. If we look at historical data, then the first steps in the development of social geography are visible abroad. In particular, it is known from sources that the concept of" social geography " was used at the end of the 19th century by Le-Ple, a representative, economist and sociologist of the French School of EQ. Another researcher is G.S.Dunbar argues that this concept is the first P.de used in Ruze's research on social geography, published in 1884 (Nazarov M., Tajie, And Z. Social geography, 2003). A well-known manifestation of the Le-Ple Scientific School E.Demolen, on the other hand, interprets social geography as “sociogeography” and explains its essence as the influence of local conditions (including natural conditions)on social development, the emergence of “social groups”. 1895 year for the first time the concept of social geography E.Reklyu's work”general geography " was applied. In doing so, he understood social geography in the sense that natural conditions affect people in a territorial way of work and life, and he could not clearly reveal the essence of the concept of ham social geography. At the beginning of the 20th century, a "new science" appeared in the Netherlands, social geography, which arose from the fusion of geography and sociology. Its subject is understood as "the study of the regional distribution of groups and interrelationships in society." It is not for nothing that this science network appeared precisely in the Netherlands. Because in the Netherlands, where its practical tasks, economy is dense and land resources are scarce, it has become extremely relevant in solving regional planning issues. A worthy contribution to the emergence and development of social geography was made by the sobik, Union geographer scientist and researchers Ham. In the development of social geography during this period, three conditional stages can be distinguished: 1. Time until the 50s of the XX century; 2. 50 - 70s of the XX century; 3. It covers the last 30-40 years, and the theoretical and practical aspects of social geography have developed significantly precisely during this period. In particular, significant work was carried out on the geography of the population service industries. The object and subject of social geographical research, its content - leprosy. Initial clear feedback on R.M.We meet in the affairs of Cape. In particular, in his opinion, “socio – cultural” geography represents a complex combination of all elements that embody the types of akholi's location, the territorial differences of its lifestyle and socio-cultural characteristics, as well as each group of social - territorial people associated with labor activity. The structure and functions of social geography M.F.Green made a more extensive interpretation. He believes that social geography encompasses economic geography along with geographical sciences belonging to the social cycle. Such a broad-meaning interpretation of social geography V.M.Gohman and S.YA.Nymik corresponds to the "obtshestvennaya geography"he understood. The structural structure of social geography (Voronin V.V., Sharigin M.D. MUG-regional general geography; IG - economic geography; SG-social geography; SHG-political, military geography; AG-population geography; MG-cultural geography; hag-behavioral geography; xgg- service geography; TG-medical geography; RG-recreational geography; TFG-education and science geography; IE-social ecology; KG-confessional geography; TRG-natural resources geography; TaG-historical geography; BUGF-other general geographical sciences. A realistic and justified approach to this issue from a practical point of view.A.Dolinin “cannot be deeply studied without involving what characterizes the regional characteristics of social phenomena and processes, the nature, economy and demographic situation of Regions, which means that such research can be successfully carried out by economic - geographers.” A.A.Dolinin believes that the object of social geography is the territorial combinations of people connected through their relationships. S.B. Lavrov, A.Aanokhin, N.T.Agafonov, on the other hand, describes social geography as a link in socio - economic geography, a science that studies the laws of the location and territorial organization of social structures in certain socio - historical conditions. Although, in our opinion, such areas of science as medicine, religion, geography of tourism are truly borderline directions that have arisen in the field of Sciences, we prefer to see them within the framework of the system of Geographical Sciences, or rather, the science of social geography . Because , taking into account the geography of medicine, since there are territorial differences in the occurrence and spread of diseases on Earth, the basis of this science is geographical factors. At this point, it should be noted that in this guide we paid attention to the tables on social geography in a narrow sense. It should be noted that the research carried out by scientists on social geography in the broad sense of M.Nazarov and Z.The tajievas divided into the following four groups: 1. ”Social geography does not exist, but the presence of social traits in geography is undeniable " -supporters of the idea. Authors belonging to this direction advocate that social geography does not exist independently. They put in their sentence Alaev E.B., Kovalev S.A., Kovalskaya N.YA., Lappo G.M., Lavrav S.B., Sdasyuk G.V., Saushkin YU.G., Tkachenko A.A. it is possible to include such, a number of works created by these scientists emphasize that the social and economic aspects are not divided and attempts to be decisive are inconclusive. 2. "Social geography is an independent science, located in the lowest pogona in the structure of Geographical Sciences. In many cases it can be seen as a component of the geography of axoli”, the authors of the idea. According to the views of this direction, social geography is independent and is part of the lower hierarchical Pocone of geography, the geography of the population. (Anokhin A.A. Kostyaev A.I. Dolinin A.A). Including A.A.Dolinin views social geography as a kind of vapor of axoli geography. In his opinion, social geography was embodied in determining the levels of social development of the territorial combinations of people. A.A.Anokhin - and A.I.And the kostyaev consider that social geography was formed as a science that studies the territorial organization of the social life of the regions of various taxonomic categories. Despite the fact that social geography is understood in a much broader sense than the scope of the geography of akholi, the above authors still derive from the foundations of the geography of akholi (Nazarov M., Tajie, And Z. Social geography, 2003). 3. Social geography is an independent science, located in the structure of Geographical Sciences in the middle hierarchical ladder, that is, in the same pogona as economic geography, for example. According to views belonging to the third direction, social geography is an independent science, and the last main branch of social geography (in a broad sense) is considered, standing to some extent with economic geography. such a point of view V.M.Gohman and S.YA.Nymphs were in favor, and they came to a homogeneous such conclusion. They also argue that according to the degree of development, social geography is lagging behind economic geography, since it is believed that social geography began to take shape much later. Some authors, such as S.Nimmick also points out the dependence of social geography on economic geography and also the indivisibility of social and cultural geography. 4. Social geography is an independent science and is considered a synonym for social geography, being located in a high hierarchical ladder within the social geography Sciences; Social (Social) Geography includes economic geography. According to the idea of belonging to the fourth direction, social geography can be understood as a science that encompasses all social relationships. Here are the concepts of" social "and" social " (obshestvennaya). mutually compatible, and they are mutually synonymous. Hence, according to these social geography (social geography) covers economic geography, in addition to other social geographical networks (aholi Geography, Political Geography, military geography, historical geography, etc.). N.N.Baransky also understood social geography in such a broad sense, and such an understanding was given to local scientists (Soliev A., Otamirzaev O and others) xam specific. Currently, there was a need by most authors to understand the term "social geography" in a narrow and broad sense at the same time. U.According to mereste's concept of integration of Sciences, social geography (social in broad terms) is synonymous with social geography. Social geography is the study of social geographic systems that cover all social objects and the social and geographical relationships between them. Philosophically analyzed, if a person and his way of life, cocktail, knowledge and rest, restoration of Health, imagination, traditions or, in a word, a social event of broad meaning-as long as the personnel exist in space and time, then in turn the birth of the need to study the territorial laws of their emergence, formation and development is natural, and this issue, according, more precisely, it is advisable for social geography to deal with it (Nazarov M., Tajie, And Z. Social geography, 2003). The formation and development of social geography in Uzbekistan in the social or narrow sense is facilitated by local scientists, in particular A.S.Saliev, M.I.Nazarov, Z.Tajieva, N.The komilovas added their khissas. Including A.S.Soliev revealed the directions of development of traditional economic geography in a series of treatises and manuals published in the last decade of the last century, and at this point he made a special emphasis on the socialization (socialization)of this science. A.S.Soliev believes that broad-meaning social geography (economic and social geography) consists primarily of three blocks or components. To the first block he introduces economic geography, that is, the geography of production, the social— economic geographical sciences associated with the axis of the second block, and, to the third block, social geography in a narrow sense, or rather social geography. Also A.S.Soliev noted that in some cases the concept of "Social" does not fully correspond to the concept of "social"., considers that the first term is also sometimes used to be appropriate. During the years of independence, a number of works devoted to social geography were carried out in Uzbekistan. A.S.Under the leadership of Soliev M.The dissertation (1996), advocated by Nazarov on the problems of providing medical services to akholi, was an important step from traditional economic geography to socil geography. As a continuation of this later Science, and the geography of scientific research (Nazarova X., 1997), geography of Medicine (Komilova N., 1999; 2012), geography of crime (Qayumov A., 2006). Later, several more dissertations of dahldor were defended to the geography of Medicine. Thus, social geography (in a broad sense) is a system of Geographical Sciences that arises in the processes of integration between geographical sciences and Social Sciences. In the present period, a combination (synthesis) of Sciences is taking place in this system, and the general theory of isocial geography is rapidly being formed. Hence, social geography is going through a stage of formation and, therefore, indicates the prospect of its independence and a whole. The independence of social geography is, first of all, with the emergence of this theory of Science, and secondly, its. it is ensured by the formation of various disciplines that are integrated around it. Important functions of social geography are as follows: 1) further strengthening the theoretical aspects of social geography, the development of incoming y "networks" of further content of its directions; 2) conducting large, medium and small scale social and geographical research; 3) to study the research carried out in foreign countries on social geography and to establish scientific cooperation with them; 4) the specific task of social geography, which belongs to all directions, that is, to strengthen the practical implementation of the results of scientific research. In the present period, the following problems with social geography are prominent: -the fact that scientific research work in the areas related to the lifestyle and religion of akholi, behavior, science and education is not carried out in our country; - medical and geographical studies and insufficient assessment of their relevance; - non-existence of sufficient material conditions for Theoretical and practical research on social geography; - scarcity of scientific research on crime geography; -insufficient number of statistical materils associated with social and geographical research work, etc. Download 313,98 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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