Ma'lumki har bir rang o'zining 16 lik sanoq sistemasi o'z qiymatiga ega. Rangni o'z
qiymati orqali e'lon qilish esa rangning 16 lik sanoq sistemasidagi qiymati orqali
e'lon qilish deyiladi. Misol uchun #RRGGBB, RR bu qizil, GG bu yashil, BB bu
esa ko'kdir. Buning qiymati 00 dan FF gacha bo'lishi mumkin.
CSS chegara, orqa fon, shrift, margin va padding xususiyatlari. Box
model tushunchasi. Box model qoidalari.
Specify colors using RGB values
rgb(255, 0, 0)
rgb(0, 0, 255)
rgb(60, 179, 113)
rgb(238, 130, 238)
rgb(255, 165, 0)
rgb(106, 90, 205)
Specify colors using HEX values
HSL Saturation
The second parameter of hsl() defines the saturation. Less saturation mean less
color. 0% is completely gray:
hsl(0, 100%, 50%)
hsl(0, 80%, 50%)
hsl(0, 60%, 50%)
hsl(0, 40%, 50%)
hsl(0, 20%, 50%)
hsl(0, 0%, 50%)
style = "text-transform:capitalize;">
This will be capitalized
style = "text-transform:uppercase;">
This will be in uppercase
style = "text-transform:lowercase;">
This will be in lowercase
style = "text-shadow:4px 4px 8px blue;">
If your browser supports the CSS text-shadow property,
this text will have a blue shadow. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |