2001 yil may oyida Yunesko boysun madaniy joyini "insoniyatning og'zaki va nomoddiy merosi durdonasi" deb e'lon qildi

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     2001 yil may oyida YuNESKO Boysun madaniy joyini "insoniyatning og'zaki va nomoddiy merosi durdonasi" deb e'lon qildi.

     O'z vaqtida sayohat qilishni xohlaysizmi; taqiqlangan hududga ko'chirilib, unutilgan Yunoniston, Baqtriya va Kushon shohliklari madaniyatlari xotirasini saqlab qoladi; olovga sig'inuvchilar va shamanlar sultonlarining majusiy marosimlari to'g'risida?

     Termizdan (O'zbekistonning Surxondaryo viloyatining markazi) Boysuntog' tog'lari tomon atigi ikki soatlik yo'lda va siz o'zingizni butunlay boshqa dunyoda topishingiz mumkin, bu erda asrlar davomida hayot va odamlar o'rtasidagi munosabatlar deyarli ibtidoiy holatda saqlanib qoladi.

     Rabat, Derbend, Padang va Kofirun kabi qishloqlarning nomlari ertakda sayohat qilishni va'da qilgan sehrli musiqaga o'xshaydi. Har bir oila marosimlarni o'tkazadi va ularni avloddan avlodga o'tkazadi.

     Eng diqqatga sazovor tomoni shundaki, Boysun o'tgan kunlarning afsonasi ham, teatrlashtirilgan tomoshasi ham emas. Va bu xayol emas. Bu haqiqat. O'tmishda yashagan odamlar bo'lgan kichik bir er mavjud. Bu erda har bir bayram, hayotdagi har bir voqea (tug'ilish, nikoh, vafot) ma'lum bir marosim bilan bog'liq bo'lib, ular ma'lum ma'noga ega va majusiy aqidalarining aks-sadolarini saqlaydi. Alpamish, qahramonona epik doston aynan o'sha joyda, xalq qo'shig'i asos bo'lgan o'zbek podshohi Qo'ng'irot davrida yozilgan.


In May 2001 the UNESCO declared the cultural place of Boysun a “masterpiece of oral and non-material heritage of mankind”

Do you wish to travel into time; to be transferred to a forbidden territory that keeps the memory of the cultures of Greek, Baktrian and Kushan kingdoms that fell into oblivion; of heathen ceremonies of fire-worshippers and shaman cults?

Just two hours drive from Termez (center of Surkhandarya Region of Uzbekistan) in the direction of Boysuntogh mountains, and you can find yourself in a totally different world where centuries old way of life and relationship between people are preserved almost in primitive condition.

Names of villages such as Rabat, Derbend, Padang, and Kofirun sound like a magical music that promises travel into a fairy tale. Each family keeps ceremonies and hands them down from generation to generation.

The most remarkable thing is that Boysun is neither a myth nor a theatrical performance of the past days. Nor it is fantasy. This is a reality. A small land with people living in the past, does exist. Here, each holiday, each event in one’s life (birth, marriage, death) is accompanied with certain ritual ceremonies that are filled with specific meaning and keep the echoes of heathen creeds. Alpamysh, a heroic epic poem was composed in this very place, during the time of the Uzbek king Kungrat, on whose life the folk song was based.
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