Choose the right synonym to the word ENJOY
A keen on
B hate
C hope
D disagree
Choose the right antonym to the word POPULAR.
A rare
B familiar
C famous
D persona
Choose the logical odd word.
A do up
B produce
C bring about
D create
Choose the right meaning to the statement: “There were a lot of advertisements in many newspapers and magazines”.
A There were lots of adverts in numerous daily papers and magazines.
B There were lots of advertisements in many TV shows and magazines.
C There were a few advertisements in numerous daily papers and magazines.
D There was little information in many newspapers and magazines.
5. Choose the correct answer. Who owned the first name of Coca Cola?
A Frank Robinson
B Dr. Candler
C Asa Pemberton
D Sam Pemberton
O’zbekiston tarixi
Yetimxon boshchiligidagi qo’zg’olon qachon sodir bo’ldi?
A) 1879-yil B) 1876-yil S) 1875-yil D) 1878-yil
2. F.Girs kim?
A)General Gubernator B) Imperator
S) Imperator maslahatchisi D) Imperatorning maxfiy maslaxatchisi
3. “Taraqqiy” gazetasi kimning muharrirligida chop etildi?
A) Abdulla Avloniy B) Munavvar Qori
S) Ismoil Obidov D) Ahmadjon Bektemirov
4. Buxoro amirligida birinchi yangi usul maktabi ochilgan yilni toping.
A) 1884-yil B) 1893-yil S) 1910-yil D) 1917-yil
5. Nima uchun bizning yurtimiz birinchi jahon urushida ishtirok etgan(yopiq test)?
Yarim yemirilish davridan 2 marta ko'p vaqt ichida biror radioaktiv modda yadrolarining qancha qismi yemiriladi?
A)1/2 B)3/4 С)2/3 D)hammasi
Atom yadrosida 9 ta proton va 11 ta neytron bo’lsa, shu neytral atomning elektron qobig’ida nechta elektron bor?
2 B) 9 С) 11 D) 20 E) 0
Qanday jarayonda gaz ish bajarmaydi(yopiq test)?
Suvning solishtirma issiqlik sig`imi nechaga teng J/kgC^0
a)420 b)42 s) 42000 d)4200
Rentgen trubkasiga ulangan kuchlanish 40 kV bo'lsa, rentgan nurlanishining minimal to'lqin uzunligi necha metr bo'ladi? h=6,62*10^34 J*s
A)6,62*10^-18 B)1,4*10^11 С) 4*10^-12
D)3,31*10^-12 E) 3,1*10^-11
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