54 countries worldwide; Bilateral Agreements for students, faculty and staff mobility with more than 500
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University of Genoa Partnerships: 167 agreements of academic cooperation with foreign Universities in 54 countries worldwide; Bilateral Agreements for students, faculty and staff mobility with more than 500 Universities in European countries;
Developing cultural exchanges and international cooperation is one of the main objectives of University of Genoa . By cooperating with foreign institutions, University of Genoa promotes activities aimed at increasing educational, scientific and cultural exchanges. Promotion and support to the internationalization process of University of Genoa are carried out through: Academic Cooperation activities with foreign universities to organise joint study programs, to promote scholarship for research / training development in partner University, to increase the exchange of professors, researchers, students and technical and administrative personnel, to enhance cooperation in the field of scientific research;
Affairs); Implementation of double/joint degrees. EHEF: funded by the European Commission’s Asia-Link Programme, is a series of European Higher Education Fairs in seven countries, for students interested in studying in Europe, and of Asia-Link Symposia, for European and Asian higher education professionals wishing to enhance cooperation.
has been appointed by the European Commission as National Coordinating Structure for Italy. Unige participation in European Higher Education Fairs : -
- Japan, May 2013 & May 2014 - The Philippines, February 2008 & October 2013 - Thailand, November 2006 & November 2009 - India, November 2006 & November 2008 - Indonesia, October 2008 - Malaysia, September 2007 - China, October 2007 - Vietnam, December 2007 GOING GLOBAL: A series of international educational conferences and exhibitions promoted by the British Council (London – March 2010 and March 2012) CEE: China Education Expo Fair in China is an event offering overseas schools the opportunity to contact the world’s potentially largest recruitment market. The University of Genoa has been participating in CEE since 2005. EDUCATURK: Fairs in Turkey: Ankara, Izmir and Istanbul (October
2009 & February 2010). Educaturk Fairs combine local and international exhibitors, making it the ideal venue at which to foster strong, professional relationships. EUROPOSGRADOS: a series of fairs
in South America, focusing
on postgraduate studies in Europe. (Santiago de Chile in 2006, Buenos Aires in 2009, 2010 and 2012).
is part of the “Invest your Talent in Italy” programme, supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by the Italian Ministry for
Economic Development.It reaches India and Turkey with the following stages:Istanbul, Mumbai, Hyerabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Calcutta .
ACA Academic Cooperation Association ASEA UNINET Austrian South-East Asian University Partnership Network CINDA Centro Interuniversitario de Desarrollo (32 Latin American and European Universities) EAIE European Association for International Education ECTN European Chemistry Thematic Network EUA European University Association EUCEN European Universities Continuing Education Network IAU International Association of Universities PRES Pôle de Recherche et d’Enseignement Superieur REUNILAS Red de las Universidades Italianas y Latino Americanas Téthys 65 Universities of Mediterranean area UNEECC University Network of the European Capitals of Culture CMU Community of Mediterranean University CUEMYC Conferencia Universitaria para el Estudio de la Mediación y el Conflicto CUCS Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo •European Master on Advanced Robotics + (EMARO +) – Unige partner •Surface, Electro, Radiation and Photo-Chemistry Plus (SERP+) – Unige partner Key Action 1 Joint Master Degree •Mediation in Civil and Criminal Cases to Foster European Wide Settlement of Disputes –
•Adaptation of architectural education - Unige partner •Sharing LearnIng from Practice to improve Patient Safety (SLIPPS) – Unige partner •Online Study Platform on Mediation (OSPM) – Unige partner Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships Key Action 1 International Credit Mobility •Florida International University – F.I.U. (Miami, U.S.A.) •Marquette University (Milwaukee, U.S.A.) •Università di Tirana (Tirana, Albania) • Universiteti Marin Barleti (Tirana, Albania) • European University (Tirana, Albania) •Universitè Ibn Tofail - Ecole Nationale de Sciences Appliquées (ENSA) (Kenitra, Marocco)
•Università Mohammed V (Rabat, Marocco) •Cadi Ayyad (Marrakech, Marocco) Up to now the University of Genoa participates in several programmes funded by the EU, as co-ordinator and as partner:
•European Union Environmental Law •European Union Financial and Insurance Market Regulation (EUFIMAR) •International and European Law of the Sea (IELoS) Jean Monnet - Chair •HOPEurope 2: Strenghtening Citizenship Democracy Peace and Sustainability in a Multilevel United Europe •European Union and the Law of the Sea •European Union in Space: Law and Technology / EUSPACE Jean Monnet – Module
• School on Science Management for Scientists and Engineers (SoSME) – UniGE co-ordinator 2011 2012 2013
• Art of Sound Sound of Art - UniGE partner • Mediation in Civil and Criminal Cases to foster European Wide Settlement of Disputes - UniGE partner 2012-2013 • ISSSM (International Summer School on Systematic Musicology, Sound and Music Computing) • Former psychiatric hospitals: renewal of large urban complexes
• Chemistry is all around Network – UniGE co-ordinator Comenius • Stimulating Entrepreneurship through Serious Games – UniGE co-ordinator Erasmus Multilateral Project • Animals in Therapy Education (ATE)– UniGE partner Grundtvig • Cargo Securing to prevent cargo damages at road, sea, rail and air (CARING) – UniGE partner • VET Quality in ICT Sector – UniGE partner • Futu.res – UniGE partner Leonardo da Vinci • An e-Book for Europe • Economic Policies in the EU and Third Countries • Altiero Spinelli Genoa Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence • EU Economic Governance and Polcies after Enlargement
Erasmus Mundus: Title Degree awarded University of Genoa’s Partners ICE – Interactive and Cognitive Environments Doctorate programme (EMJD) Joint PhD Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain) Universität Klagenfurt (Austria) Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom) SERP-Chem: Master course in Chemistry specialized in Surface, Electro. Radiation and Photo Chemistry (EMMC) Laurea Magistrale in Scienza ed Ingegneria dei materiali Master de Chemie, spécialization “Application industrielle et médicales des radiations Master en Chemii Mestrado em Química Université Paris-Sud 11 (France) University of Poznan (Poland) Universidade do Porto (Portugal) EMARO + – European Master on Advanced Robotics (EMJMD) Laurea Magistrale in Robotics Engineering Master en Automatique, Robotique et Informatique Appliquée, spécialité Robotique Avancée Magister, kierunek Automatyka i Robotyka Master in Advanced Robotics Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France) Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) Universidad Jaume I de Castellon (Spain) Other partners not awarding degree: Keio University, Faculty of Science and Technology (Japan) Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) EMESB – European Master in Engineering for Energy and Sustainable Buildings Laurea Magistrale in Energy Engineering Master Degree in Energy and Solar Buildings Universitè Savoie Mont Blanc (France) Title Degree awarded University of Genoa’s Partners Double Degree Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Navale Advanced Mechanical Engineering M.Sc. Cranfield University (United Kingdom)
Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica Master in Complex Systems in Interaction Université de Technologie de Compiègne (France)
Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo Master en ingénieur civil en chimie et science des matérieux Université de Liege (Belgium) Double Degree Langues et Communication Internationales (LCI) Laurea Magistrale in Lingue e culture moderne per i servizi culturali
Master pro en Langues et affaires internationales, relations, relations franco-italiennes Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France) Proscenio: Technical Translation, Translation for media and performance arts Laurea Magistrale in Traduzione e interpretariato Master – Specialité traduction et interprétation (Université de Toulouse II – Jean Jaurès) Université de Toulouse II – Jean Jaurès (France)
Title Degree awarded University of Genoa’s Partners Double Degree Comunicazione internazionale, Culture e Media (COCUM) Laurea Magistrale in Lingue e culture moderne per i servizi culturali Master Kulturwissenschaften – Culture, Arts and Media Leuphana Universität – Lüneburg (Germany) Double Degree AUGE Laurea in Economia delle aziende marittime, della logistica e dei trasporti Bachelor of Arts International Management Hochschule Augsburg (University of Applied Sciences Augsburg) (Germany) Double Degree Laurea magistrale in Economia e Istituzioni Finanziarie Master in Economics Universitat Jaume I de Castellon (Spain) Double Degree Laurea magistrale in Biologia molecolare e sanitaria Máster en Biologia molecular i Biomedicina Universitat de Girona (Spain) Download 56,82 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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