8+ types of interpreting services

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8 types of interpreting

8+ types of interpreting services(Tarjimonlik xizmatining 8+ usullari)


Language interpretation involves the transmission of a message from the source language to atarget language through an oral media, you know this already. But did you know there are also over eight types of interpretation.

Consecutive interpretation requires the speaker to pause every few sentences to allow the interpreter to repeat the message into the target language. This is great for medical examinations one-on-one meetings or court depositions.

Simultaneous interpretation, on the other hand, happens when the interpreter renders a message into the target language, as the speaker delivers it. If you have ever watched the Oscars in a non-english speaking country, you know, what we`re talking about. This method is great for conferences, lectures and presentations with a large audience.

In whispered interpretating or shushotage, the interpreter sits next to the listener and whispers the message in the target language, as to not interrupt the speaker.

Now, relay interpreting involves multiple linguists, and it`s generally used for extremely rare languages, where a first professional will deliver the language in a more common tongue, and the second interpreter will then interpret it for the target language.

Liaison interpreting is the most informal method of interpreting. And usually happens during site visits with groups of 10-15 people. The linguist accompanies the group on its visit and interpretes whenever required.

Sight translation usually happens at court and involves oral rendition of a written text. For instance, a statement from a foreign witness .

Interpreting services can also be classified by the medium by which they`re being delivered. In-person interpreting might be the best option for a more personal communication that requires the interpreter to read the body language. But if you`re pressed in time or have a lower budget, phone or video interpreting might be your best choice. There is one thing, all of these interpreting methods have in common. They`re all provided by mother tongue professionals of every language of day translations.


Tillarni tarjima qilish xabarni og'zaki ommaviy axborot vositasi orqali dastlabki tildan maqsadli tilga uzatishni o'z ichiga oladi, buni siz allaqachon bilasiz. Ammo bilasizmi, sakkizdan ortiq tarjima turlari mavjud.

Ketma-ket tarjima qilish ma'ruzachidan tarjimon xabarni tarjima qilingan tilga takrorlashiga imkon berish uchun har bir necha jumlani pauza qilishni talab qiladi. Bu tibbiy ko'riklar uchun yakkama-yakka uchrashuvlar yoki sud garovi uchun juda yaxshi.

Sinxron tarjima tarjimon xabarni tarjimon tiliga tarjima qilganda, ma'ruzachi uni etkazib berganda sodir bo'ladi. Agar siz Oskarni ingliz tilida so'zlashmaydigan mamlakatda tomosha qilgan bo'lsangiz, siz biz nima haqida gaplayotganimizni bilasiz. Ushbu uslub anjumanlar, ma'ruzalar va katta auditoriya bilan taqdimotlar uchun juda yaxshi.

Pichirlashgan tarjimada yoki shushotada tarjimon tinglovchining yonida o'tirib, ma'ruzachiga xalaqit bermaslik uchun xabarni tarjima qilingan tilda pichirlaydi.

Endi estafetali tarjima bir nechta tilshunoslarni o'z ichiga oladi va odatda bu juda kam uchraydigan tillarda qo'llaniladi, bu erda birinchi mutaxassis tilni yanada keng tarqalgan tilda etkazadi, ikkinchi tarjimon esa uni maqsad tiliga tarjima qiladi.

Aloqa tarjimasi tarjimaning eng norasmiy usuli hisoblanadi. Va odatda 10-15 kishilik guruhlar bilan sayohat paytida sodir bo'ladi. Tilshunos guruhga tashrif buyurganida unga hamroh bo'ladi va kerak bo'lganda tarjima qiladi.

Ko'rgazmali tarjima odatda sudda bo'lib o'tadi va yozma matnni og'zaki tarjima qilishni o'z ichiga oladi. Masalan, chet ellik guvohning bayonoti.

Tarjima xizmatlari, ular etkazib beriladigan vosita bo'yicha tasniflanishi mumkin. Shaxsiy tarjimaning tarjimondan tana tilini o'qishini talab qiladigan shaxsiy muloqot uchun eng yaxshi variant bo'lishi mumkin. Agar sizning byudjetingiz past bo'lsa, telefon yoki video tarjimoningiz eng yaxshi tanlov bo'lishi mumkin. Bitta narsa bor, bu talqin qilish usullarining barchasi umumiydir. Ularning barchasi ona tili mutaxassislari tomonidan har kuni tarjima qilinadigan har bir tilda taqdim etiladi.
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