Modern Theoretical Aspects of the Institute
of International Protection and Promotion
of the Rights of the Child
Katazhina Nikonov
International protection and promotion of
the rights of the child has
been evolving from the ancient times. However, the modern phase of its de-
velopment began in 1945 with the establishment of the Organization of the
United Nations. In this article the author shows
how the evolution of the
international protection of the human rights, especially of the rights of the
child, resulted in development of the separate institute
of the internation-
al protection and promotion of human rights regarded as separate branch
of the international law.
In the article you will fi nd the argumentation of the emphasis made
on the special protection
of the rights of the child, as well as their promo-
tion presented. The author adduces arguments with regard to the common
rules and principles of the
system of law theory itself, evaluation of the
conceptual categories: “human being” and “child”, as well as evaluation
of the equality of the rights of all humans with respect
to special protection
of the rights of the child and some limitations of the rights of infants and
minors. In the last part of the article the author provides the separate clas-
sifi cation of the sources of the institute of international
protection and pro-
motion of the rights of the child.
Katazhina Nikonov – post-graduate student of the Chair of International law, MGIMO-
University MFA Russia.