????a bright spark: an intelligent Fred is a bright spark he knows the capital of Mangolia

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🔶a bright spark: an intelligent

Fred is a bright spark - he knows the capital of Mangolia

🔶full of beans: has a lot of energy.

Andrea's full of beans this morning

🔶take coal to Newcastle : supplying something where it is need.

Do you really think we can sell our cars in Japan? It's like taking coal to Newcastle.

🔶let off steam : release (nervous) energy.

After a tough day at work in the office. Ruth loves to let of steam with a game of squash.

🔶full steam ahead : time to go at top speed.

There are two months before my IELTS test , so from now on, it's full steam ahead.

🔶burn the midnight oil: working late at night.

Steff has been burning the midnight oil for the last two weeks .

🔶add fuel to the fire: making a bad situation worse

📔the tip of the iceberg

Only a small, often unrepresentative portion of something much larger or more complex that cannot yet be seen or understood.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣If congress doesn't vote to extend the debt limit, a government shutdown will only be the tip of the iceberg.

🗣The flooding is bad, but we're dealing with just the tip of the iceberg—a huge spate of environmental disasters are on the horizon because of climate change.

🔸take a bus - avtobusga o'tirish
🔸give a ride - eltib qoyish
🔸ride a bus / train - avtobus/poyezdda yurish
🔸ride a car - mashinada yolovchi sifatida yurish
🔸drive a car - mashina haydash
🔸go by ship - kemada suzish
🔸depart - ketmoq
🔸departure - jonatish
🔸leave — tark etish
🔸arrive - kelmoq
🔸arrival - yetib kelish

❇️ Jamoa transporti:

🔸get on the bus / train / plane - avtobus/samolyot/poyezdga otirish
🔸get off ... - ...dan tushmoq

❇️ Kichik transportlar uchun:

🔸get in the car - mashinaga o`tirish
🔸get out of the taxi - taksidan tushish
🔸highway - shasse
🔸a bus pass - avtobus uchun chipta
🔸crossroad - chorraxa
🔸pedestrian - piyoda
🔸sidewallk - tratuar
🔸vehicle - transport vositasi
🔸motorcycle - mototsikl
🔸railway - temiryo'l
🔸traffic jam - tirbandlik
Derek is already in a bad mood. Don't tell him about the broken photocopier right now. That will just be adding fuel to the fire.

💠 Munosabat bildirish

He felt in with me on that point
🇺🇿 Bu masalada u mening fikrimga qo'shildi


🇺🇿 Jon deb

I am with you on that

🇺🇿 Bunga qo'shilaman

Quite so
🇺🇿 Ha, men ham shuni aytaman-da

By all means
🇺🇿 Albatta

Yes, certainly

🇺🇿 Ha, albatta

🇺🇿 To'ppa-to'g'ri

You are mistaken
🇺🇿 Siz xato qilyapsiz

I don't agree with you

🇺🇿 Sizning gapinigzga qo'shilmayman

I don't think so

🇺🇿 Menimcha unday emas,Men unday deb o'ylamayman

I can't agree with you

🇺🇿 Sizga qo'shilolmayman

I am of a different opini

🇺🇿 Men boshqa fikrdaman

He holds a different view

🇺🇿 U bunga boshqacha qaraydi

This is out of the question

🇺🇿 Bu haqda gap ham bo'lishi mumkin emas
41. I don't speak English very well. – Men ingliz tilida uncha yaxshi gapira olmayman.
42. I speak English a little bit. – Men ingliz tilida biroz gaplasha olaman.
43. I need an interpreter. – Menga tarjimon kerak.
44. Where can I buy …? - …ni qaerdan sotib olsam bo‘ladi?
45. That's too expensive. – Bu juda qimmat ekan.
46. I'll take one/it/this – Men mana shuni olaman.
47. I like this – Menga bu yoqdi.
48. I don't like that – Menga bu yoqmadi
49. Can I pay by credit-card? – Plastik kartochka orqali to‘lasam bo‘ladimi?
50. Can I exchange it? – Mana shuni almashtirsam bo‘ladimi?
51. The change is not correct. - Qaytimni noto‘g‘ri hisoblabsiz.
52. Could you break this hundred dollar bill? – Mana shu 100 dollarlikni maydalab berolmaysizmi?
53. What size is this sweater? - Mana bu sviterning o‘lchami qanaqa?
54. I want to try it on. - Buni bir kiyib ko‘rmoqchiman.
55. I need … - Menga … kerak.
56. I want to book a table. - Men stolga buyurtma bermoqchi edim.
57. I would like … - Men … xohlayman.
58. I do not eat meat. - Men go‘sht yemayman.
59. I agree. – Ma’qullayman.
60. With pleasure – Jonim bilan.
61. I see – Tushundim.
62. I am busy – Men bandman.
63. No, thank you - Yo‘q, rahmat.
64. I'm sorry, but I can't - Meni kechiring, ammo buni qilolmayman.
65. Thank you so much. - Katta rahmat.
66. You are welcome! - 1) Marhamat! 2) Rahmat
67. Best wishes! - Yaxshi niyat bilan.
68. Congratulations! - Tabriklayman!
69. Happy birthday! - Tug‘ilgan kuningiz bilan!
70. I wish you all the best! - Barcha yaxshi tilaklarni sizga tilayman!
71. Have a good holiday! - Bayramni yaxshi o‘tkazing!
72. Have a good time! - Vaqtni maroqli o‘tkazing!
73. Have a good trip! - Oq yo‘l!
74. Take care! - O‘zingizni ehtiyot qiling!
75. Good luck! - Omad!
76. See you (later)! - Keyinroq ko‘rishamiz!
77. See you soon! - Tezda ko‘rishamiz!
78. I need help. - Menga yordam kerak.
79. I am lost - Men yo‘qolib qoldim.
80. I have an emergency - Men favqulotda holatdaman.
81. Did I say it correctly? – To‘g‘ri aytdimmi?
82. What time is it? – Soat necha bo'ldi?
83. This food is amazing! – Taom juda ajoyib ekan!
84. I need to go now – Men endi ketishim kerak.

💢 get in - enter

💢 get on (with) - have a good relationship
💢 get over - recover from
💢 get at - imply
💢 get back - return/recover
💢 get across - be understood
💢 get on - make progress
💢 get through - finish
💢 get off - begin a journey
💢 get by - pass/survive
💢 get rid of - throw smth away
💢 get away with - be successful in smth

🟢 pull off

to break by pulling
▫️I pulled off the arm of my sunglasses by mistake.

🟢 share out

to give a part of something to a group of people
▫️The money will be shared out between 30 different environmental organizations.

🟢 get out (of)

to leave a car/building/room/etc
▫️Quick! Get out of the car!

🟢 set up

to start (a business, organization, etc)
▫️My dad is going to set up a taxi company.

🟢 hang on

to wait
▫️Just hang on - I'll be ready in a minute.

🟢 go on

to happen
▫️There isn't much going on in this town in the evening.

🟢 fall out (with)

to have an argument with someone and stop being friends
▫️Have you two fallen out?

🟢 wake up

to stop being asleep
▫️Wake up! It’s nearly ten o’clock
🟢 get away with
to escape punishment for
▫️They have repeatedly broken the law and got away with it.

🟢 go back (to)

to return (to)
I can't wait to go back to Italy.

🔺Are you free tomorrow evening?

▪️Ertaga kechki payt bo'shmisiz?

🔺I would like to invite you to dinner

▪️Kechki ovqatga taklif qilmoqchiman

🔺You look beautiful! (to a woman)

▪️Ko'rinishingiz yaxshi

🔺You have a beautiful name

▪️Ismingiz chiroyli ekan

🔺Can you tell me more about you?

▪️O'zingiz haqida ko'proq gapirib bering

🔺Are you married?

▪️Turmush qurganmisiz?

🔺I'm single

▪️Bo'ydoqman (for men) / Turmushga
chiqmaganman (for women)

🔺I'm married

▪️Uylanganman (for men), / turmushga chiqqanman (for women)

🔺Can I have your phone number?

▪️Telefon raqamingizni bera olasizmi?

🔺Can I have your email?

▪️Elektron manzilingizni bera olasizmi?

🔺Do you have any pictures of you?

▪️Rasmingiz bormi?

🔺Do you have children?

▪️Farzandlaringiz bormi?

🔺Would you like to go for a walk?

▪️Aylanib kelamizmi?

🔺I like you

▪️Sizni yoqtiraman

🔺I love you

▪️Sizni sevaman

🔺You're very special!

▪️Siz, ajoyibsiz

🔺You're very kind!

▪️Siz, juda mehribonsiz

🔺I'm very happy

▪️Men baxtliman

🔺Would you marry me?

▪️Menga turmushga chiqasizmi?

🔺I'm just kidding


🔺I'm serious

▪️Jiddiy gapiryapman

🔺My heart speaks the language of love ▪️Yuragim muhabbatga to'la

mouth-watering🤤 appetizing 🥞
tasty 🍕 flavoursome 🍛
flavourful 🍔 delectable 😋
inviting 🍡 toothsome 🍢
succulent 🍨 luscious 🍫
rich 🍱 sweet 🍭
savoury 🍧 piquant 🍩
delish 🥤 scrumptious 🍰
scrummy 🥯 yummy 🍤
yum-yum 🍲 moreish 🍜
peng 🍝 nummy 🌯
finger-licking 🥗

Proof - dalil

Evidence - isbot
Suspect - shubhalanmoq
Arrest - hibsga olmoq
Charge - ayblamoq
Suspect - gumondor
Accused - aybdor
Decision - qaror
Verdict - hukm
Commit - sodir etmoq
Break - qonunni buzmoq
Rule - qoida
Law - qonun
Justice - Adolat
Right - huquq
Judge - Sudya
Jury - hakamlar hay'ati
Prosecute - sudga bermoq
Persecute - tahqirlamoq
Capital punishment - o'lim jazosi
Corporal punishment - do'pposlash
Robber - o'g'ri
Burglar - binoga bostirib kiruvchi, talonchi
Thief - o'g'ri
Vandal - jamoat mulkini talon taroj qiluvchi
Hooligan - xuligan, bezori
Sentence - hukm qilmoq
Imprison - qamamoq
Innocent - aybsiz
Guilty - aybdor
Witness - guvoh
Bystander - voqeani uzoqdan ko'rgan guvoh
Lawyer - huquqshunos
Solicitor – advokat
➕Mavzu: in time va on time birikmalarining farqi

➕on time - o'z vaqtida, belgilangan vaqtda degan ma'noda ishlatiladi. Demak, bu birikma ishlatilishi uchun ish-harakat aniq vaqtga belgilangan va shu vaqtda sodir boʻlishi kerak.

➖The 11.45 train left on time. (poyezd 11.45da ketgan)
➖Please be on time. Don't be late. (Iltimos, o'z vaqtida keling, kechikmang)
➖The conference was very well-organised. Everything began and finished on time. (Hamma narsa belgilangan vaqtida boshlanib va belgilangan vaqtda tugagan.)

➕in time (for something/to do something) - yetarlicha erta, vaqtida ulgurib degan ma'noda ishlatiladi. Bu yerda aniq vaqt boʻlmaydi va kimdir biror ish qilishga ulgurishi asosiy oʻrinda turadi.

➖Will you be in time for dinner? (Kechki ovqatga ulgurasanmi?)
➖I must hurry. I want to get home in time to see the football match on television.

➕in time iborasining antonimi too late (juda kech) hisoblanadi.

➖I got home too late to watch the game on TV. (Men juda kech bordim - o'yinni ko'rolmadim)

➖➕ust in time - zoʻrg'a ulgurib birikmasi ishlatilishiga e'tibor bering.

➖A child ran across the road in front of the car, but I managed to stop just in time. (mashinamni vaqtida toʻxtatishga zoʻrg'a ulgurdim)

➕in good time - ancha oldin degan ma'noda qoʻllaniladi.

➖You must arrive at the airport in good time not to miss your flight.
1. ⚽️ Football - Futbol
2. 🏀 Basketball - Basketbol
3. 🏈 Rugby - Regbi
4. ⚾️ Baseball - Beysbol
5. 🎾 Tennis - Tennis
6. 🏐 Volleyball - Voleybol
7. 🏉 Handball - Qo'l to'pi
8. 🎱 Billiard - Bilyard
9. 🏓 Ping Pong - Stol tennisi
10. 🥅 Gate - Darvoza
11. 🏒 Hockey stick - Hokkey tayog'i
12. 🏏 Baseball stick - Beysbol tayog'i
13. ⛳️ Golf Course - Golf maydoni
14. 🏹 Arrow - Kamon
15. 🥊 Boxing glove - Boks qo'lqopi
16. 🥋 Karate - Karate
17. ⛸ Skates - Konki
18. ⛷ Skiing - Chang'ida uchish
19. 🏂 Snowboard - Qor taxtasi
20. 🏋️‍♀️ Weightlift - Og'ir atletika
21. 🤺 Fencing - Qilichbozlik
22. 🤼‍♂️ Wrestling - Kurash
23. 🧘‍♂ Yoga - Yoga
24. 🏄 Floating - Baydarkada suzish
25. 🏊‍♀️ Swimming - Suzish
26. 🚣‍♀️ Boating - Qayiqda suzish
27. 🏇 Horsing - Ot minish
28. 🚴‍♀️ Cycling - Veloseped minish
29. 🏆 Cup - Kubok
30. 🎳 Bowling - Bovling

When, as, no sooner — than, while, before, since, after, hardly — when, till/until, by the time, whenever, as long as, as soon as, etc.

Future/present tenses, imperatives + present/past tenses

1⃣ Future + present

You will be making karaki tea when I go there.

2⃣ Present + present

He is always calling when I am in the meeting.

3⃣ Present + past

He is always coming when I finished everything.

4⃣ Imperative + present

Finish writing until I come here again.

✨ Bright/smart - intelligent (aqlli)

✨ Buy - purchase (xarid qilmoq)

✨ Build - construct (qurmoq)

✨ But - however (ammo)

✨ Bad - negative (yomon)

✨ Break out - erupt (boshlanib ketmoq)

✨ Block - undermine (to'sqinlik qilmoq)

✨ Blow up - explode (portlamoq)

✨ Boss - employer (ish boshlig'i)

✨ Brave - courageous (jasur)

✨ Better - improved (yaxshiroq)

✨ Big - enormous (ulkan)

When, as, while – qachonki, paytda, -da.

I saw him here when/while/as the door was opened.

Before – oldin.

Tell me before you leave the country.

Since – -dan beri.

I have not learned anything since I left my school.

Till/until – -gacha.

I'll make our meal until/till my baby wakes up.
By the time that — bu paytgacha (-gacha).

I'll prepare my post for my channel by the time that I arrive at my work.

Hardly ___ when ikkita ish harakat ketma ketlikda sodir bo'lganini ifodalaydi.

It has hardly rained when I went out.

No sooner ___ than bu ibora ham ikkita ish harakat ketma ketlikda sodir bo'lganini ifodalaydi

say sory: аpologize, apologise:

go up: increase
go down: decrease
set up: establish
look at: examine
blow up: explode
find out: discover
bring about : cause
put off: postpone, delay
rack up: асcumulate
make up: fabricate
stand for: represent
find out: discover, ascertain
leave out : omit
point out: indicate
go against: орpose
get in touch with: contact
need to: required
think about: consider
get: obtain
put up: tolerate
deal with: handle
seem: appear
show: demonstrate, illustrate
start: commence
keep: retain
free: release
get on someone's nerves: bother
ring up: call
show up: arrive
let: реrmit
fill in: substitute, inform
block: undermine

✅Vocabulary to show result
🗯As a result... Natijada..
🗯Consequently... Binobarin ..
🗯As a result of... Natijada...
🗯As a consequent... Natijada ..

✅Vocabulary to show an example:

🗯As an example... Misol sifatida ...
🗯For instance... Masalan...
🗯For example... Masalan...
🗯Like... Shunga o'xshash
🗯As... ... sifatida
🗯Such as... Kabi...
🗯Particularly... Xususan ..
🗯Regarding... Haqiqatan ...
🗯In particular... Jumladan...

🗯Namely... Aynan ...

🗯To show an example... Misol ko'rsatish uchun

🗯To give an example... Misol keltiring ...

🗯To cite an example... Misol keltiring ...

🗯A As an evidence... Dalil sifatida ...

🗯To illustrate... Tasavvur qilish uchun

🗯An example is... Bunga misol ...

🗯..could be a good/ideal example here ... bu yerda yaxshi / ideal misol bo'lishi mumkin

☑️I need help - Menga yordam kerak

☑️I need a doctor - Menga shifokor kerak
☑️Call an ambulance! - Tez yordamni chaqiring!
☑️There's been an accident - Baxtsiz hodisa ro‘y berdi
☑️I've burnt myself - Men o'zimni kuydirib oldim
☑️I’ve hurt my… - Meni... shikastlandi
leg - oyog‘im
arm - qo‘lim
head - boshim

⚡️ Phrases for Emergencies - Favqulodda vaziyatlar uchun jumlalar

☑️Call the police! - Militsiya chaqiring!
☑️My … has been stolen - Mening... o‘g‘irlashdi
wallet - hamyon
handbag - sumka
laptop - noutbuk
☑️I've been mugged - Meni tunab ketishdi
☑️I've been attacked - Menga hujum qilishdi

⚡️ Fire: Yong‘in:

☑️Call the fire brigade! - O't o‘chiruvchilarni chaqiring!
☑️There's a fire - Anaviyerda yong‘in bo‘lyapti
☑️The building is on fire - Bino yonyapti

⚡️ Other problems: - Boshqa muammolar:

☑️I'm lost - Men adashib qoldim
☑️We're lost - Biz adashib qoldik
☑️I can't find my… - Men... topa olmayapman
keys - kalit
passport - uyali telefon
☑️I've lost my camera - Men kameramni yo‘qotib qo‘ydim
☑️Please leave me alone - Iltimos meni yolg‘iz qoldiring
☑️Go away - Keting
☑️I’ll call the police - Men politsiyaga qo‘ng‘iroq qilaman

✅ have an accident - falokatga uchramoq

🔸 Mr Grey had an accident last night but he’s OK now.
✅ have an argument / a row - tortishib qolmoq
🔸We had an argument / a row about how to fix the car.
✅ have a break - tanaffus qilmoq
🔸Let’s have a break when you finish this exercise.
✅ have a conversation/chat - suhbat qurmoq/ gaplashib qolmoq
🔸 I hope we’ll have time to have a chat after the meeting.
✅ have difficulty - qiynalmoq
🔸The class had difficulty understanding what to do.
✅ have a dream/nightmare - (yomon) tush ko'rmoq
🔸I had a nightmare last night.
✅ have an experience - boshidan o'tkazmoq
🔸I had a frightening experience the other day.
✅ have a feeling - sezmoq, payqamoq
🔸I have a feeling that something is wrong.
✅ have fun / a good time - mazza qilmoq, vaqtini chog' o'tkazmoq
🔸I’m sure you’ll have fun on the school trip.
✅ have a look - qarab qo'ymoq
🔸The manager wanted to have a look at what we were doing.
✅have a party - ziyofat o'tkazmoq/ziyofatda qatnashmoq
🔸Let’s have a party at the end of term.
✅have a problem / problems - muammo(lar)ga duch kelmoq
🔸Ask the teacher if you have problems with the exercise.
✅have a try/go - urinib ko'rmoq, omadini sinab ko'rmoq
🔸I’ll explain what to do and then you can have a go/try.

🗣 Types of crimes ⚖️

💸 Robber: Bankni tunaydigan o'g'ri

💰 Thief: Kimdandur nimanidur o'g'irlovchi o'g'ri

💎 Burglar: Uydan narsa o'g'irlovchi o'g'ri.

🏮 Kidnapper & Abductor: Yosh bolalar yoki shaxsni o'g'irlovchi o'g'ri.

🎪 Pickpocket: Kimnidur cho'ntagidan o'g'irlovchi o'g'ri.

✈️ Hijacker : Samolyotni qo'lga olgan o'g'ri.

🚗 Carjacker: Mashinani o'g'irlovchi o'g'ri.

🚘 Joyrider: Mashinani o'g'irlab uzoq yo'lga xavfli haydab yuruvchi o'g'ri.

🏬 Shoplifter: Do'kondan o'g'irlovchi o'g'ri.

✍🏻 Plagiarist: Biror kimni fikrini, g'oyasini, so'zlarini o'g'irlab o'z nomi bilan yurutuvchi o'g'ri.

⛴ Pirate: Dengizda qayiq va kemalani o'g'irlovchi o'g'ri.

💀 Mugger: Ko'chada kimgadur tashlanib uni tunovchi o'g'ri.

💊 Smuggler: Biror bir boshqa mamlakatdan noqonuniy biror narsani o'g'irlovchi o'g'ri.

🔫 Bandit: Bir dona yoki bir guruh bo'lib odamlarni tunovchi bezori o'g'rilar.

🎭 Looter & Plunderer: Biror bir urush, fojea, to'polon paytida uy va binolarga kirib o'g'irlovchi o'g'rilar.

🐠 Poacher: Qonuniy ruhsatsiz hayvonlarni, qushlarni, baliqlarni va boshqa mavjudotlarni ovlidigan o'g'rilar.

🔹️Keep your tongue - tilingni tiy

🔹️Take it or leave it - yoki ha yoki yo'q
🔹️Don't pull my leg - quloqqa tepma
🔹️By way of addition - qo'shimcha qilib aytganda
🔹️In a nut shell - lo‘nda qilib aytganda
🔹️How come - bu qanday bo'ldi
🔹️Take it easy - e'tibor berma
🔹️Don't screw around - kalaka qilma
🔹️Bless you - sog' bo'ling
🔹️Got it? - tushunarlimi?
🔹️It's piece of cake - oson ish-ku
🔹️Mind your own business - o'zingni ishingni qil
🔹️Go jump in the river - toshingni ter
🔹️Go easy (calm down) - o'zingni bos
🔹️I'll have your hide - po'stingni shilaman
🔹️Scoundrel – yaramas

Proof - dalil

Evidence - isbot
Suspect - shubhalanmoq
Arrest - hibsga olmoq
Charge - ayblamoq
Suspect - gumondor
Accused - aybdor
Decision - qaror
Verdict - hukm
Commit - sodir etmoq
Break - qonunni buzmoq
Rule - qoida
Law - qonun
Justice - Adolat
Right - huquq
Judge - Sudya
Jury - hakamlar hay'ati
Prosecute - sudga bermoq
Persecute - tahqirlamoq
Capital punishment - o'lim jazosi
Corporal punishment - do'pposlash
Robber - o'g'ri
Burglar - binoga bostirib kiruvchi, talonchi
Thief - o'g'ri
Vandal - jamoat mulkini talon taroj qiluvchi
Hooligan - xuligan, bezori
Sentence - hukm qilmoq
Imprison - qamamoq
Innocent - aybsiz
Guilty - aybdor
Witness - guvoh
Bystander - voqeani uzoqdan ko'rgan guvoh
Lawyer - huquqshunos
Solicitor – advokat

✅ Grammar time

🔸 Still better
🔸 Better still
🔸 Better yet

💠 Still better

Biror narsa avvallari yaxshiroq bo’lgan va hozirda ham shunday davom etayotganida ishlatiladi

I am not good as I used to be but I'm still better than you.

Biror narsa hanuz yaxshiroq ekanligini hatto biroz yomon tomonga o’zgarganda ham shundayligini ifodalashda ishlatiladi

The chicken is dry but it's still better than what I cooked yesterday.

💠 Better still

Kimdir yaxshi taklif bildirganda va sizda undanda yaxshiroq taklif bor bo’lganda ishlatiladi

You can send them your resume or better still try contacting the hiring manager directly.

💠 Better yet

Yomon fikrni yaxshirog’I bilan o’rnini almashtirganda ishlatiladi

If I'm late I will call you and inform better yet why don't you take responsibility and leave earlier next time.

📔 behind the eight ball 🇺🇸

If you're behind the eight ball, you're in a difficult or dangerous position.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣The economic recession has really put our new business behind the eight ball. Nobody's spending money.

🗣Carlo is behind the eight ball now because his final exam is in two days and he still hasn't started studying for it.

From a version of pool in which the balls are numbered and must be potted in order. A player loses if he hits the black eight ball in first, so if the cue ball is "behind the eight ball" he's in a dangerous position.

This idiom is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

If the percentages are not exact as above, then you can use qualifiers to make sure your description remains accurate🔰 Here are some examples😊:

•77% just over three quarters

•77% approximately three quarters

•49% nearly a half

•32% almost a third

❗️Percentage proportion/number/amount/majority/minority👇👇

•75%-85% a very large majority

•65%-75% a significant proportion

•10%-15% a minority

•5% a very small number
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