Sly as a fox (cunning as a fox) (fig) ayyor, tulkidek ayyor, pishiq, ilonning yog'ini yalagan.
My nephew is as sly as a fox.
You have to be cunning as a fox to outwit me.
Smack in the face (fig) izza bo'lgandek, yer bilan bitta bo'lgandek, haqoratlangandek, ustidan mag'zava to'kilgandek his qilmoq.
1. Being rejected by Sue was a real smack in the face for John, who thought she was fond ofhim.
2. Sue thought she was the hest qualified candidate for thejob, and not getting it was a smack in the face.
Smart mouth (fig) gapga usta, gapga o'qigan, kinoya bilan gapiradigan.
Hey, smart mouth. Will you let usspeak?
Mr. John isgoingtogetareputa tion ofa smart mouth
Smell a rat (fig) biror narsaning g'alatiligini, noto'g'riligini sezmoq, his qilmoq, shubhalanmoq.
I do not think this was an acci dent. I smell a rat. John had some thing to do with this.
Jhe minute I came in, I smelled a rat. Sure enough, I had been rob bed.
Smell like a rose (fig) begunoh, aybsiz bo'lmoq, suvdan quruq chiqib kelmoq, toza bo'lib chiq moq.
I do not know how hut she al ways came out of the whole mess smelling like a rose.
You may pretend that you smell like a rose but we hear a lot ofsto ries ahout your deeds.
Smoke like a chimney (fig) paravozga o'xshab chekmoq, juda ko'p chekmoq, meyoridan ortiq chekmoq, ketini ketiga ulab chekmoq.
My uncle smoked like a chimney when he was nervous.
Anybody who smokes like a chimney in a restaurant ought to be thrown out.
Snow job (fig) nayrang, yolg`on, hiyla, uydirma, «o‘yin».
You can generally tell when a student is trying to do a snowjob.
This snow job you call an expla nation just will notdo.
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