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ape counseling and victim advocacy strongly disagree . `` I want to know when he

 ( Sliwa ) became an expert on sexual assault , '' said Price , coordinator for 

Choices Rape Treatment Center in New York City . `` I want to know how many sexu

al assault victims he 's met and counseled . '' Price , 54 , who has also spoken

 publicly about being a rape victim , said that `` rape is about power and contr

ol and the penis is just a tool , a weapon . If they don't have use of the penis

 , they 're going to use something else . '' She added : `` When you castrate so

meone , that doesn't do it because there 's still that rage in their mind , ther

e 's still that anger . '' ( Optional add end ) Price notes that a rapist may st

rike 10 to 20 times before being caught . Those who are caught and convicted , s

he said , serve an average of three years in prison . Part of the answer , she s

aid , lies in longer prison terms . But she said the United States ' collective 

thinking on rape and sexual crimes must also change , giving the benefit of the 

doubt to victims , most of whom do not report being raped . Research on whether 

castrated sex offenders repeat their crimes is inconclusive . Some studies in De

nmark , Switzerland and other European countries have shown that the rate of rei

ncarceration for sex crimes drops sharply for those sex offenders who were castr

ated .

 WASHINGTON A top aide to House Speaker Thomas Foley , D-Wash. , tried to pressu

re Capitol Police to withdraw from their investigation of the House Post Office 

, an audiotape broadcast Wednesday indicated . The same probe eventually led to 

Tuesday 's indictment of Ways and Means Chairman Dan Rostenkowski . On June 19 ,

 1991 , then-Capitol Police Chief Frank Kerrigan secretly audiotaped the aide Ho

use lawyer Steven R. Ross saying he would recommend to Foley that members of the

 force be replaced with security guards if the police did not pull back from the

 investigation . `` There were questions , about do we need the force ? People a

re talking , too , members are talking about , well , what we all need is a grou

p of Pinkertons , '' Ross said on the tape , which was broadcast Wednesday on CN

N 's `` Inside Politics . '' Both Ross and Kerrigan were interviewed about the a

lleged threats by investigators from the Committee on House Administration , whi

ch completed a report on the post office scandal in July 1992 . Although that re

port contained various descriptions of the meeting and said Justice Department p

rosecutors had a copy of the recording , Wednesday 's broadcast was the first ti

me it was made public . Kerrigan has left the force and lives in Florida and cou

ld not be reached for comment Wednesday night . Foley was on vacation , and Ross

 , who is now a private attorney in Washington , did not return calls . Ross tol

d CNN , `` There was no effort I 'm aware of to derail the investigation . '' Bo

th men , as well as Heather Foley , the speaker 's wife and unpaid chief of staf

f , have in the past denied pressuring Capitol Police investigators . Neverthele

ss , while the tape 's contents may be subject to interpretation , the House `` 

will never find the truth until we dig deeper , '' said Rep. Scott R. Klug , R-W

is. , who has led the calls for hearings into improprieties at the post office a

nd Wednesday renewed that call . Rostenkowski 's name first became connected wit

h the post office scandal about two years ago . But the investigation began much

 sooner , in April 1991 , when the Capitol Police discovered post office clerks 

embezzling money . That investigation blossomed into the wider scandal that invo

lved members and their staffers allegedly misusing hundreds of thousands of doll

ars of House funds . A review of congressional records and interviews with inves

tigators shows that , early on , Capitol Police discovered large amounts of mone

y missing , but Ross and Heather Foley thought that the force was not competent 

and that other agencies including the U.S. Postal Service should handle the inve

stigation . Kerrigan , angry and distrustful after House employees would not coo

perate , refused to share audit information with Ross and then taped their meeti

ng by hiding his recorder in a television cabinet . Kerrigan had cleared the sec

ret recording with the U.S. attorney 's office ; the Justice Department has a co

py of the tape , congressional records show . The minority report of the House A

dministration review of Post Office operations quoted Kerrigan as saying that Ro

ss threatened withdrawal of support for pending pay increases and retirement ben

efits unless the Capitol Police backed off from their investigation . The report

 says Ross told investigators he was simply worried about the rights of Post Off

ice employees and the relationship between the police and the Justice Department

 . Yet in the conversation broadcast Wednesday , Ross told the police , `` We go

t a problem '' and that unless they yielded to the federal investigators , `` th

en my recommendation to House leadership would be , is that , fine , take them o

ff the House payroll . '' Ross told police he was not trying to cover up , thoug

h he acknowledged that , `` It 's bound to raise questions when a person of auth

ority comes to investigators and suggests that the investigation ought not to be

 done this way , and suggests there may be funding or job cuts in connection wit

h that .. . that constitutes an obstruction of justice . '' During the two years

 since the scandal broke , federal prosecutors have obtained nine indictments in

cluding that of Rostenkowski and a number of convictions . The Democratic portio

n of the House administration report , meanwhile , concluded that elements of th

e affair should be reviewed by the ethics committee . House Democrats , however 

, still refuse to conduct an investigation , arguing that such an action would j

eopardize Justice Department prosecutions . ( Optional add end ) The minority po

rtion of the House administration report says that in the process of reviewing P

ost Office operations , congressional investigators discovered that no fewer tha

n 13 current and former House members from both parties may have committed impro

per activities in violation of House rules and/or criminal codes . `` There are 

a lot of others involved in the Post Office scandal , '' said Rep. John E. Boehn

er , R-Ohio , who also has called repeatedly for an ethics investigation . `` Em

ployees , other members and former members . '' U.S. . Attorney Eric H . Holder 

, who is prosecuting Rostenkowski and other matters associated with the Post Off

ice , wrote a letter to ethics committee chairman Jim McDermott , D-Wash. , warn

ing against a parallel House investigation . Such an action would `` interfere d

irectly with the federal grand jury 's final consideration of possible criminal 

charges , '' Holder wrote .

 Cal Ripken Jr. is on a pace to break Lou Gehrig 's Iron Man record of 2,130 con

secutive games next summer , but the Baltimore Orioles shortstop will not be abl

e to match Carla Boggess ' streak until the 1996 season . When the 17-year-old B

oggess steps across the stage at Lansdowne ( Md. ) . High School 's senior assem

bly Friday , to accept a pair of scholarships her streak will end at 2,340 conse

cutive days of school , that is . For 13 years from kindergarten through high sc

hool , Carla hasn't missed a day . Even chicken pox , that childhood scourge , w

aited to break out until a few days after first grade ended . Although Baltimore

 County schools do not keep a list of such records , system spokeswoman Myra Tre

iber said she checked with senior educators and found `` it is very rare and qui

te an achievement . ''

 HOLLYWOOD CBS , which last week lost eight key affiliates to Fox in the largest

 defection of stations to a rival network in history , hopes to have most of the

 affiliates replaced within the next two to three weeks . But the network , in a

 news conference Wednesday following a daylong meeting with its affiliates , was

 evasive about what stations would become new CBS affiliates . `` We 're going t

o spend whatever it takes , '' said Laurence A . Tish , CBS Inc. chief executive

 . `` We 're going to be No. 1 in programming that 's where the battle is going 

to be fought . '' But at the same time , Tisch downplayed speculation that the a

ffiliate defections would force CBS to pay more in so-called compensation paymen

ts , the money the networks pay affiliates to carry their programming . `` I don

't think there will be any ( across the board ) increases , '' Tisch said . In h

is first public statement since Fox 's surprise wresting of CBS affiliates , Tis

ch was guarded in his remarks about Rupert Murdoch , chief executive of Fox pare

nt News Corp. . `` He had to do what he thought was best for his company . '' Ho

wever , CBS affiliates looking for a definitive move by CBS to replace its affil

iates lost to Fox were disappointed . There were expectations that the network w

ould come to its affiliate convention with a deal in place . William Sullivan , 

president of WPAX-TV in Missoula , Mont. , and head of the CBS affiliates adviso

ry committee , said CBS stations were `` looking for confidence '' from the netw

ork . `` By Friday we should have some indication where we 're going , '' he sai

d . Earlier this year CBS lost the National Football League contract to Fox afte

r being outbid by $ 400 million . Peter Tortorici , president of CBS Entertainme

nt , said the network would replace its Sunday afternoon football games with new

 made-for-TV movies and network TV premieres of theatrical films in a bid to cou

nter program with female-oriented programming . CBS ' history of appealing to to

o many men and older viewers has been a perennial complaint from affiliates . Ti

sch said CBS is looking at buying additional TV stations and would urge the Fede

ral Communications Commission to lift the ownership caps that limit the number o

f TV stations a broadcaster is permitted to own . At present , a company may not

 own more than 12 TV stations or a group covering more than 25 percent of all TV

 households . `` I don't think two years ago ( we ) could have forced the issue 

, '' Tisch said . `` I think it should be relaxed and will be relaxed , just lik

e radio . '' Still , Tisch was unapologetic in defending his strategy to keep CB

S focused on its core business and not diversifying into related businesses , su

ch as cable TV . In recent years , ABC , NBC and Fox all have launched cable cha

nnels and invested in overseas broadcasting ventures . `` I 'm a businessman , '

' Tisch declared . `` I 've been around a long time . ( CBS ) has over $ 1 billi

on in the bank earning money every day . There is no better asset . To make ( a 

deal ) for one day of pleasure and 22 years worth of pain is not worth it . '' W

hen asked how long he would continue to control CBS Tisch was named chairman in 

1987 and buying 25 percent of CBS Inc. 's stock he attributed his reply to legen

dary investor and friend Warren Buffett : `` I hope to retire 10 years after I d

ie . ''

 Joe Camel has been set free . The Federal Trade Commission has voted not to see

k restrictions on Joe Camel ads despite a staff finding that the suave dromedary

 encourages youngsters to start smoking cigarettes , the head of a major anti-sm

oking group said Wednesday . `` It 's a major setback for the public health in t

his country , '' said Scott Ballin , chairman of the Coalition on Smoking OR Hea

lth in Washington , D.C. , which brought the complaint more than three years ago

 . `` It basically gives the tobacco industry a green light to aggressively targ

et kids with seductive advertising messages and says that the industry should no

t fear any reprisals from the Federal Trade Commission . '' The decision is a ra

re victory for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. , which makes Camel cigarettes , and th

e rest of the tobacco industry amid a spate of bad news . The industry has been 

pummeled by smoking bans , cigarette tax increases and congressional hearings on

 the role of nicotine in cigarettes . `` We 're obviously pleased that the FTC '

s extremely thorough review of all of the documents tens of thousands of pages a

nd all of the facts relating to the Joe Camel matter led to a decision not to mo

ve forward with a complaint , '' R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. said in a statement b

ased on reports of the vote . `` We have always maintained that the Camel campai

gn is designed to reach adult smokers . '' The company said it had not been offi

cially notified of any action . Lee Peeler , associate director for advertising 

practices at the FTC , declined to confirm or deny the report . He said the comm

ission can only comment publicly if it either issues a complaint or votes to clo

se a matter . It is possible for the FTC to keep a case open even it votes not t

o pursue a particular complaint . Ballin said the commission , breaking a long s

talemate , voted 3-2 Tuesday against pursuing the complaint . Mary L. Azcuenaga 

, who had long been refusing to vote one way or the other , provided the final v

ote against , he said . Deborah K. Owen and Roscoe B . Starek also voted against

 , Ballin said , while FTC Chairwoman Janet D. Steiger , who has long favored a 

ban , voted to pursue the complaint , as did Dennis A . Yao. FTC staff first rec

ommended restrictions on Joe Camel more than a year ago . Opponents of a ban hav

e argued that it would be a violation of the First Amendment , which protects ad

vertising . Supporters of a ban have said the FTC has the right to act because t

he campaign is harmful to children just as that agency and the Food and Drug Adm

inistration already restrict advertising for prescription drugs . In February , 

Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders urged the FTC to act on the complaint and critic

ized the Camel campaign . In April , a House subcommittee that has regulatory ju

risdiction over the FTC demanded access to materials from the agency 's investig

ation to review its status and why it was moving so slowly . In 1991 , a study i

ndicated that 6-year-old children were as familiar with Joe Camel 's tie to ciga

rettes as they were with the Mickey Mouse logo 's link to the Disney Channel . L

ast year , a researcher at the University of California , San Diego , reported t

hat smoking began rising among teen-agers in 1988 after a 15-year decline and bl

amed the Joe Camel campaign . In 1992 , 23 percent of Camel smokers were 25 and 

younger , up from 18 percent in 1988 , according to a survey by Simmons Market R

esearch . `` We do not think that the campaign has caused young people to start 

smoking , '' said Peggy Carter , a spokeswoman for RJR in Winston-Salem , N.C. .

 `` There has been no evidence to that effect . If we believed the campaign did 

start kids smoking , we would pull it . '' ( Optional add end ) Reynolds has ref

used to cut back on its ad campaign , which helped halt a decline in the brand '

s market share after it was launched in the U.S. in late 1987 . This year , the 

company added female camels to its ads for the first time and set them in a bust

ling bar , prompting a new outcry from critics . Camel ranks No. 6 among cigaret

te brands in the United States , with about 4.1 percent of the total market . La

st year , spending on ads for Camel shot up by 87 percent , to $ 42.9 million , 

according to Advertising Age . The campaign was ranked eighth in popularity amon

g print campaigns last year , one notch below the Marlboro ad campaign and down 

from third place in 1992 , according to an annual consumer survey by Video Story

boards . The Marlboro campaign features cowboys and western settings . In highly

 successful promotions , both Marlboro with first an Adventure Team and now a Co

untry Store campaign and Camel have been offering merchandise such as caps and k

napsacks in exchange for cigarette packs . Ballin 's coalition , which includes 

the Heart Association , Cancer Society and Lung Association , has also filed a c

omplaint with the FTC about the Marlboro Adventure Team campaign , saying that c

igarette companies had agreed not to depict smokers in vigorous sporting activit

ies .

 In HAITI ( Freed , Times ) sub for 3rd graf ( deleting reference to others hold

ing U.S. passports ) xxx rulers : The order affecting air and financial services

 will come this month , perhaps within two weeks , one U.S. official said . He s

aid several days ' notice will be given before the flight cutoff to allow people

 especially Americans to leave or return to Haiti . Embassy sources estimate the

re are 1,000 Americans in Haiti . PICK UP 4th graf : U.S. officials xxx :

 BENACO , Tanzania Six weeks after this empty valley became home to 300,000 Rwan

dan refugees , Benaco is taking on the trappings of permanency . It is now part 

of Africa 's life cycle , with births and natural deaths , roadside merchants se

lling everything from batteries to potatoes and practitioners who treat the ill 

with herbs and chants . The wealthier people here have radios , and news from th

e war front in Rwanda spreads quickly from tent to tent , where families hunker 

outside to cook their maize rations over campfires of gathered sticks . The surv

ivors of entire villages moved across the border as cohesive entities and now dw

ell here clustered together , their social structures intact . A young man who c

alls himself Johnny sat alone by a fire the other night , looking across the hil

ls toward Rwanda . He was the oldest of eight children and had been a university

 student . A passerby asked him how he felt being part of this great sea of disp

laced people . `` Sad , '' he said in English . `` Not angry , not afraid , not 

how do you call it ? confused . Just sad . '' -0- Annie Faure , a French doctor 

, has been ministering to the wounded at Gahini Hospital in northern Rwanda sinc

e May 1 . Her patients include 100 war orphans , and she is at a loss to explain

 why the Rwandans at the hospital including nurses and healing mothers ignore th

e orphans , even refusing to feed them unless she is there to check . `` They ne

ed love , particularly after the trauma they have suffered , '' the doctor said 

. So one afternoon last week she took the orphans , who were well enough to walk

 , to her nearby home . She sat them in a big circle in the garden and gave them

 cookies and told them stories with , she said , happy endings . -0- Young con a

rtists in Nairobi , Kenya , have for years used a favorite trick : They introduc

e themselves to Americans on the street and say they will be studying at a unive

rsity in the United States in the fall . Does the American have time for coffee 

to talk about what university life in the United States will be like ? Wary Amer

icans know the encounters are always pitches for money . One young man who said 

his name is Peter wasn't making any headway with an American visitor the other d

ay , despite an elaborate story about growing up in Kenya 's highlands with a do

zen brothers and sisters and studying nights to earn his scholarship at the Univ

ersity of Southern California . `` What if I tell you I am a Rwandan refugee ? '

' he said . `` Then will you buy me a meal ? '' -0- Along the Uganda side of Lak

e Victoria , between the villages of Kasensero and Lambu , the bodies of thousan

ds of Rwandan massacre victims have washed ashore in the last two weeks . Uganda

n health officials have expressed concern that the rotting corpses may have cont

aminated the lake and its fish . But fisherman Philip Anguma does not share the 

concern . He was pulling in his catch of Nile perch , 100 yards from where rescu

e teams were plucking half a dozen decomposed bodies from the lake . He wrapped 

his fish in banana leaves and sent them off to market in Masaka lashed to the ba

ck of his friend 's bicycle . Anguma explained : `` Of course the lake is safe .

 I have fished here for years . My father fished here too , and he lived to be a

n old man . '' -0- John Barayagwiza came to bury his infant son in the mist of e

arly morning . He stood on a small plateau above the Benaco camp , surrounded by

 20 men from his village , and they talked loudly about the war . The child 's b

ody was wrapped in dark plastic provided by the United Nations and lay unattende

d nearby in the brush . Several men labored with hoes and pickaxes to dig a grav

e in the hard earth . Soon a lay priest came , turning off the dirt road at a si

gn that said `` irimbi '' cemetery . Then came the body of another child , a wee

k-old girl whose mother had died giving birth . And then the covered body of an 

adult woman , borne by four men on a makeshift stretcher . She had died of AIDS 

, one of the stretcher bearers said . Barayagwiza , a farmer , said it was stran

ge his son should escape the killing in Rwanda , only to die here where it was s

afe . The service lasted only a few minutes . Then the farmer walked back over t

he hill to gather his remaining seven children and begin the long daily trek in 

search of firewood that would sustain his family .

 HOLLYWOOD Paramount and Warner Bros. recently discussed merging their competing

 fifth television networks but were unable to come to terms , knowledgeable indu

stry executives said Wednesday . The discussions , which were held by Paramount 

Pictures Chairman Jonathan Dolgen and Warner Bros . Executive Vice President Bar

ry Meyer and other senior executives , were said to be complicated by cross-owne

rship concerns and other problems . Paramount was unavailable for comment . Jami

e Kellner , president of Warner 's WB network and an equity partner , said `` th

ere are no ongoing discussions . '' Kellener said the talks never reached a `` m

eaningful stage , '' adding , `` In my opinion the two entities will not be merg

ed together . '' Both companies have been in a race to sign up affiliates in rec

ent months in the hopes of introducing two nights of prime-time programming by t

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