A world of things
There are lots of department stores all around the world. Like Harris and Selfridges in the UK, and Macy's and Bloomingdale's in the USA. You can buy almost everything in a department store. From food to clothes. From books to DVD, and from cameras, to jewelry, and perfume. This is a department store in Oxford Street in London. It's very busy today because there's a sale. You can buy lots of things at a reduced price.
What do you think of the sale? What did you buy?
Sales great. I bought two dresses and three pairs of shoes. This dress was 100 pounds. It's only 35 pounds, and these shoes. There were 65 pounds, and now that only 20.
It's a really good sale I am. I bought three DVD's for 15 pounds.
I also bought a laptop and a laptop case. The laptop was 550 pounds. But now is 370 pounds, And the case was 29 pounds. For now, it's only 12.
I bought a camera. It was 140 pounds but now it's only £89.
And I also bought this watch. It was 45 pounds, but now it's only 22
I bought a backpack.It was £45 but now it's only 29 pound.
I also brought some perfume, it was £78 but now it's only 55 pounds.I also bought this umbrella.It was 18 pound.Only 11 pound.I also bought a bicycle.It was £159 but now it's 109 pounds.Oh, and I also brought.
Narsalar dunyosi
Dunyo bo'ylab ko'plab do'konlar mavjud. Buyuk Britaniyadagi Xarris va Selfridjlar, AQShdagi Macy's va Bloomingdale's kabi. Siz deyarli hamma narsani do'konda sotib olishingiz mumkin. Ovqatdan kiyimgacha. Kitoblardan DVDgacha, kameralardan tortib zargarlik buyumlari va parfyumeriyagacha. Bu Londondagi Oksford ko'chasidagi universal do'kon. Bugun juda band, chunki sotuv bor. Ko'p narsalarni arzon narxlarda sotib olishingiz mumkin.
Savdo haqida nima deb o'ylaysiz? Nima sotib oldingiz?
Sotish ajoyib. Men ikkita ko'ylak va uch juft poyabzal sotib oldim. Bu ko’ylak 100 funt edi, u faqat 35 funt va bu poyabzal. 65 funt bor edi, hozir esa atigi 20 funt.
Bu, albatta, yaxshi savdo men. Men 15 funtga uchta DVD sotib oldim.
Men ham noutbuk va noutbuk uchun korpus sotib oldim. Noutbuk 550 funt edi. Lekin hozir 370 funt, va noutbuk korpusi 29 funt edi. Hozircha bu atigi 12 funt
Men kamera sotib oldim. Bu 140 funt edi, lekin hozir atigi 89 funt.
Va men bu soatni ham sotib oldim. Bu 45 funt edi, lekin hozir u atigi 22 funt.
Men ryukzak sotib oldim. U 45 funt edi, lekin hozir atigi 29 funt.
Men ham atir olib keldim, 78 funt edi, lekin hozir atigi 55 funt. Men ham bu soyabonni sotib oldim. 18 funt edi. Faqat 11 funt. Men ham velosiped sotib oldim. 159 funt edi, lekin hozir 109 funt. Oh, men ham olib keldim.
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