About (haqida, taxminan, deyarli, atrofida) To be about
In the sun quyoshda In the shade
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In the sun quyoshda In the shade soyada In the dark qorong’uda In bad weather yomon havoda In block letters bosh harf bilan In the affirmative (the negative) ta’kilvochki (inkor etuvchi) In bulk uyib, tepa qilib In any case har qanday holatda ham In the circumstances ayni vaziyatda. In order (disorder) tartibda ( tartibsiz) In part bo’laklab, qisman. In conclusion xulosa qilib. In the country qishloqda, shaxar tashqarisida. In the direction (of) -ga tomon In demand talabda In due course o’z vaqtida In the east ( west, south, north) sharq (g’arb, janub, shimol)da in full to’laligicha in full swing eng qizg’in pallada in general umuman. In somebody’s interest(s) kimningdir qiziqish doirasida In the long run oxir oqibat 88
In a loud (calm) voice baland (xotirjam) ovozda In the market bozorda In the meantime ayni paytda In the morning (afternoon, evening) tong (kunduz, kechqurun)da In the open air ochiq havoda In one’s opinion = to one’s mind kimningdir fikricha In (at) one’s option kimningdir tanloviga ko’ra In pencil (ink, biro) qalam (siyoh, sharikli ruchka)da In question aytilayotgan (Here is the book in question- Aytilayotgan kitob mana bu.)
(ingliz, o’zbek) tilida In a picture rasmda In a mirror oynada In return evaziga In sight ko’z ostida In so far as qanchalik In (the) spring (summer, autumn, winter) bahor (yoz, kuz, qish)da In stock omborxonada In the street ko’chada In time vaqtida (kechikmasdan) In words so’z bilan In figures raqam bilan In cash naqd pul bilan in excitement hayajonda in the beginning (end) boshida (oxirida) in a queue navbatda in a row bir qatorda In vain bekorga Hand in hand qo’l ushlashib All in all oxir oqibat In the front (back) row oldin (orqa) qatorda
To have money in hand pul qo’lda bo’lmoq.
To specialize in mutaxassis bo’lmoq In short qisqasi In a proper way yaxshilab In va at Vaqt ma’nosida: In ma’lum vaqt oralig’ini ifodalaydi: in May, in 2007, in the 19 th century, in winter. At ayni bir vaqtni ifodalaydi: at ten o’clock, at midnight, at noon. O’rin ma’nosida: In davlatlar va yirik shaxarlardan oldin: in Moscow, in the United States. At kichik shaxar nomlari oldidan: at Pushkino, at Klin; ma’lum joyni bir nuqta deb qaraganimizda, aniq manzilni ko’rsatishda (lekin ko’cha nomi oldidan in/on ishlatiladi: I opened an office at 28 Lees Road/ The Church is in/on Park Road)
soz’lar bilan kelgan birikmalardan oldin at, on, in
We’re going to have a party next month. Keyingi haftada biz ziyofat uyushtirayapmiz. Last year I bought a car. O’tgan yil men mashina sotib oldim. Inside (ichida, ichiga) 89
Antonym – outside They went inside the house to talk. Ular gaplashish uchun uy ichiga kirishdi. The children are inside the house. Bolalar uy ichida. Ravish bo’lib ham keladi: Open the door and put the key inside. Qutini och va kalitni ichiga qo’y. I looked into the box, but there was Men quti ichiga qaradim lekin ichida nothing inside. hech narsa yo’q edi.
(-ga, ichiga) I am going into the room. Men xonaga (ichiga) boryapman. He put the book into his bag. U kitobni o’z sumkasiga (ichiga) qo’ydi. Iboralar: To change (to turn) into aylanmoq, bo’lib qolmoq. To divide into (in) –ga bo’lmoq. To look into ko’rib chiqmoq To inquire into kuzatmoq. To convert into aylantirmoq. To translate into -ga tarjima qilmoq. To come into (in) force kuchga kirmoq.
To get into the habit odat tusiga kirmoq.
To take into account (consideration) e’tiborga olmoq. To go (enter) into partnership with sherikchilik qilmoq Of Mustaqil leksik ma’no anglatmaydi. Turli xil ma’nolarda kelishi mumkin. 1. –ning: Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan. Toshkent - O’zbekistonning poytaxti. 2. –dan:
Some of my friends came to see me off. Do’stlarimdan bir nechtasi meni kuzatishga kelishdi. 3. –dan:
The watch is made of gold. Soat oltindan tayyorlanga. The house is built of brick. Uy g’ishtdan qurilgan. Izoh: agar narsa qayta ishlash davomida boshqa narsaga aylantirilib yasalsa from ishlatiladi: Cheese is made from milk. Pishloq sutdan tayyorlanadi. 4. –lik: He signed a cheque to the amount of 1000 roubles. U 1000 lik chek yozib berdi. We have ordered an engine of 5000 H.P. Biz 5000 ot kuchilik motorga buyurma berdik.
90 Of ni talab qiladigan ot va sifatlar hamda iboralar: To accuse of -da ayblanmoq. To consist of -dan iborat bo’lmoq. To deprive of -dan mahrum etmoq. To hear of haqida eshitmoq. To inform of haqida xabar bermoq. To remind of (about) haqida eslatmoq. To remind of somebody, something kimdir, nimadir haqida eslatmoq. To speak (talk) of haqida gaplashmoq. To think of haqida o’ylamoq. To be afraid of –dan qo’rqmoq. To be ashamed of –dan uyalmoq. To be fond of -ni yoqtirmoq. To be full of bilan to’la bo’lmoq. To be independent of -dan ozod bo’lmoq. To be proud of -dan faxrlanmoq. To be sure (certain) of -ga amin bo’lmoq. To be worthy of -ga loyiq bo’lmoq. To be in need of -ga muhtoj bo’lmoq. To be of importance ahamiyatga ega bo’lmoq.
To be of interest qiziqarli bo’lmoq. To be of value qadrli bo’lmoq. To come in sight of ko’rmoq. To get rid of -dan xalos bo’lmoq. To make use of -dan foydalanmoq. To take advantage of –dan foydalanmoq. To take care of -ga g’amxo’rlik qilmoq. Plenty of, a great (good) of, a lot of ko’p. A number of qator. Unheard of eshitilmagan. To the south (north, east, west) of janub(shimol, sharq, g’arb) ga. Of course albatta. Of late so’nggi paytlarda It is clever (kind, stupid) of bu … tomonidan aqllilik(oliyjanoblilik, axmoqlik) The town of Smolensk Smolensk shaxarchasi. To convict smb of hukm qilmoq To suspect smb of smth gumon qilmoq To hear of smth nimadir haqida eshitmoq To help to smth dan yemoq ( help yourself to salad – salatdan oling) Off Antonym – on. 1. –dan: He took all the things off the table. U stol ustadan hamma narsani oldi. The rain ran off the roof. Tomdan yorg’ir o’tdi. The knife fell off the table. Pichoq stol ustadan tushib ketdi. 2. –dan, bir bo’lagini olib tashlash ma’nosida: Cut a bit off the rope, it’s too long. Ipning bir qismini kesib tashlang. U judayam uzun. He bit a small piece off a biscuit. U pichenidan bir bo’lagini tishlab oldi. He broke a large branch off the tree. U daraxtdan bir shox sindirib oldi. Ko’pincha ravish bo’lib keladi: Please, cut it off. Buni kesib tashlang, iltimos. He bit off a small piece. U kichkina bir bo’lakni tishlab oldi. Off bilan keladigan fe’llar: To be off ketmoq. To get off tushmoq (tramvay, poyesd va boshqalardan) To put off keyinga qoldirmoq. To take off yechmoq; uchmoq 91
On (Upon) 1. –da, joy ma’nosida: The picture is hanging on the wall. Rasm devorda osilgan turibdi. Put the magazine on the table. Jurnalni stol ustiga qo’ying.
The meeting took place on Monday. Yig’ilish Dushanba kunida bo’lib o’tdi.
They arrived on the first of June. Ular 1-iyunda kelishgandi. Izoh; kun paytlarini ifodalovchi so’zlar oldida odatda in ishlatiladi; in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. Agar ular aniqlovchi bilan kelsa, unda on ishlatiladi: on a fine summer morning, on a cold evening, on the morning of the first of June. 3. –ganda, -boq, odatda gerundiy bilan ishlatiladi: On receiving your letter I telephoned to your brother. Xatingizni oliboq, men akangizga qo’ng’iroq qildim. On coming home I began to work. Uyga keliboq men ishlay boshladim. 4. Haqida, bo’yicha: He spoke on the international situation. U xalqaro ahvol haqida gapirdi. What is your opinion on this subject? Bu masala bo’yicha fikringiz qanaqa? Ravish bo’lib ham keladi: (ma’lum bir harakatning darom etayotganini ifodalaydi) They walked on and on until they reached a village. Ular toki qishloq yetgunlaricha yuraverdilar, yuraverdilar. Though it was quite dark, they drove on. Ancha qorong’i tushganiga qaramasdan, ular yo’l yurishda davom etdilar. yong’in 92
* - bu yerda On ravish bo’lib kelgan. Iboralar: On the advice (suggestion) of maslahatiga (taklifiga) ko’ra On an (the) average o’rtacha On behalf of kimningdir nomidan On business ish yuzasidan On board a (the) ship Kema bortida On condition that shu shart bilan On the contrary aksincha On credit kreditga On demand talabiga ko’ra. On foot piyoda. On the initiative of kimningdir initsiyativiga asosan
On land yerda, quruqlikda. On the part of kimdir tomonidan On purpose ataylab. On the right (left) hand side o’ng (chap) tomonda
On sale sotuvda On a large scale keng miqyosda On sea dengizda On the sea dengizda ( kemada) On the way yo’lda, yo’l yo’lakay. On the ground that -ga asoslanib On the one (other) hand bir (boshqa) tomondan. On the whole to’laligicha. And so on va boshqalar. Later on keyinroq. On time kelishilgan vaqtda On earth yer yuzida On the list ro’yxatda On one’s way kimningdir yo’lida Opposite Teskari, qarama-qarshi degan ma’nosi anglatadi. I always buy my newspaper from the shop opposite Men har doim gazetani kvartiramizning qarama-qar our flat. shisidagi do’kondan olaman. Out of Antonym – into. (-dan, ichidan chiqish ma’nosida) He walked out of the house. U uydan chiqdi. He took the letter out of his pocket. U xatni cho’ntagidan chiqardi. He ran out of the room, U xonadan yugurib chiqdi.
ichidan chiqarib olish, to pull out sug’urib olish va boshqalar. He went out without saying a word. U bir so’z aytmay chiqib ketdi. Lekin: He went out of the room. U xonadan chiqib ketdi. Out bir qator fe’llar bilan keladi: 93
To be out uyda (ishda) bo’lmaslik. To find out aniqlamoq, To make out tushunmoq. To point out Ko’rsatma (tushuncha) bermoq.
To set out yo’lga tushmoq. To work out o’ylab chiqmoq. Iboralar: Out of danger xavfsizlikda Out of date muddati o’tgan Out of doors ko’chada. Out of necessity kerak bo’lganda Out of pity (envy, curiosity) rahmi (hasadi, qiziqqanidan) kelganidan Out of order ishlatilmaydigan. Out of work ishlamaydigan. Outside Antonym – inside. -dan tashqarida: He was standing outside the door. U eshik tashqarisida turgandi. He went outside the house to meet his friend. U do’stini qarshilash uchun uydan
Ravish bo’lib kelganda: Put these flowers outside. Bu gullarni tashqariga qo’ying. He is waiting for us outside. U bizni tashqarida kutib o’tiribdi. Over 1. ustida, antonym- under: An aeroplane flew over the town. Samalyot shaxarcha tepasidan uchib o’tdi. A lamp was hanging over the table. Stol ustida lampa osilib turardi. 2. –dan oshiq: There were over a hundred people at the meeting. Yig’ilishda 100 tadan oshiqroq odamlar bor edi.
The engine weighs over a ton. Uskunaning og’riligi 1 tonnadan ortiqroq. 3. orqali: The boy climbed over the wall of the garden. Bolakay bog’ devoridan oshib o’tdi. Ravish bo’lib ham keladi: To climb over oshib o’tmoq, to jump over –dan sakrab o’tmoq, to fly over ustidan uchib o’tmoq. To go over kesib o’tmoq. To throw over ustidan tashlamoq. to go over o’tmoq (kimningdir tomoniga) to run over kimdandir avtomobilda o’tib ketmoq
to talk over muhokama qilmoq. To think over o’ylab ko’rmoq. To have an adventage over ustunlikka ega bo’lmoq. 94
Iboralar: All over the world (country, town) butun dunyo(davlat, shaxar)da(gi) Over and over (again) ko’p marotaba The meeting (concert, lesson, game) is over yig’ilish (konsert, dars, o’yin) tugadi. Past Synonym – by. Yonidan: He walked past the house. U uy yonidan o’tib ketdi.
He traveled round the world. U dunyo bo’ylab sayohat qilgan. The earth moves round the sun. Yer quyosh atrofidan aylanadi. There are many flowers round (around) Uy atrofida gullar ko’p. the house. Ravish bo’lib ham keladi, aylanib ma’nosida: The door is locked, you will have to go round. Uy qulf ekan, sen aylanib borishga majbursan. He looked round (around). U aylanib qaradi. Iboralar: Round the corner uchga uch. All around har yerda All the year round butun yil bo’yi to travel around the country mamlakat bo’ylab sayohat qilmoq. Since -dan beri, o’tgan zamonda boshlanib to hozirgacha davom etib kelayotgan ish-harakatga nisbatan ishlatiladi, present perfect continuous va present perfect zamonlarning signali hisoblanadi: He has been living in Moskow since last year. U o’tgan yildan beri Moskvada yashayapti. I have not seen him since last Monday. Men uni o’tgan dushanbadan beri ko’rganim yo’q. Ravish bo’lib ham keladi, o’shandan beri: He left Tashkent last year and I have not seen U Toshkentdan o’tgan yil ketgandi, men uni him since.
1. orqali: He was walking through the forest. U O’rmon orqali ketayotgan edi. She looked through the window. U derazadan qaradi. 2. sababli, oqibatida: You’ve made this mistake through your Siz bu xatoni ehtiyotsizligingiz sababli qildingiz. carelessness. It was through you that we missed the train. Sizni deb biz poezgan kechikdik. To run through ko’rib chiqmoq Till, until -gacha: I’ll stay here till (until) Monday. Men bu yerda dushanbagacha qolaman. We shall wait for your answer till (until) five o’clock.
I run from home to our school every morning.Men har ertalab uyimizdan maktabimizgacha yuguraman. Vaqt ma’nosida kelganda- before, Masofa ma’nosida – as far as synonym bo’lib keladi. To 1. –ga (jo’nalish kelishigi): Antonym – from. They went to the Crimea. Ular Qirimga borishdi. He came to the meeting at 5 o’clock. Yig’ilishga u soat 5 da keldi. I wrote a letter to my father yesterday. Kecha men otamga xat yozdim.
kimningdir e’tiborini –ga qaratmoq. To prefer to -ni ma’qul ko’rmoq. To reply to -ga javob bermoq. To refer to nazarda tutmoq To seem (appear ) to –ga tuyulmoq. To speak (talk) to, bilan gaplashmoq. To subscribe to –ga obuna bo’lmoq. To telegraph/wire/cable to bilan ulanmoq.
According to -ga muvofiq Exception to smth -da istisno To have money to burn puli ko’p bo’lmoq
Apt to do smth deyarli To telephone to -ga qo’ng’iroq qilmoq. 96
To ni talab qiladigan sifatlar
Attentive e’tiborli. Clear aniq, tushunarli. Devoted sodiq. Equal teng Familiar yaxshi tanish. Grateful rozi Important muhim Kind mehribon Known taniqli. Unknown notanish. Liable yotadigan. Necessary muhim. Opposite qarshi. Polite muloyim. Similar o’xshash. Strange g’alati. Superior sifatliroq Inferior sifatsizroq. Unpleasant yoqimsiz. Useful foydali Useless foydasiz. Iboralar: To the amount (of) summaga To the end oxirigacha To my disappointment (sorrow, joy) mening xafaligim (g’amimga, xursandlik)ga To the north/south/west/east (of) shimol/janub/g’arb/sharqqa To the right/left o’ngga/chapga In reply (answer) to javoban Towards 1. -ga tomon: The ship sailed towards the south. Kema janubga tomon suzdi. He was walking towards the sea. U dengizga tomon ketayotgan edi. 2. –ga (nisbatan): He is friendly towards me. U menga nisbattan juda do’stona munosabatda. 3. –ga qarab, (-ga yaqin): The rain stopped towards morning. Yomg’ir tongga qarab to’xtadi. We expect to receive the goods towards Biz tovarlarni mayning oxirlariga qarab olishni umid the end of May. qilyapmiz. Download 1.44 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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