Alushta-2010 International Conference-School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion and
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I-06 TOKAMAK CODE TOKES MODELS AND IMPLEMENTATION I.S. Landman Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, IHM, P.O. Box 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany During a few past years the code TOKES was developed [1], aiming at integrated simulation of plasma equilibriums and surface processes in tokamak devices. This paper will describes some intermediate state of the code and available numerical results obtained so far, including physical and mathematical background of incorporated models and design details. The code calculates multi-fluid plasma processes in the core and the scrape-off layer (SOL), and atomic processes at the vessel surface and in the vessel volume, by a sequence of time steps for the whole discharge. The dynamics of magnetic field and plasma currents and the currents in the poloidal field coils are also implemented. The code’s models include the fuelling by spreading cold atoms in the confined plasma volume and the heating by neutral beams, the transport of radiation and neutrons in the whole vessel and the hot plasma in the core, and plasma fluxes through the separatrix or the limiter into SOL towards the wall. Also the processes of surface response to the load, such as the sputtering and the vaporization are implemented, as well as the propagation of the emitted material atoms in the vessel and their ionization in the confined plasma. This work, supported by the European Communities under the contract EFDA/05-1305 between EURATOM and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, was carried out within the framework of the European Fusion Development Agreement. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission. 1. I.S. Landman, G. Janeschitz, Modelling of SOL transport and radiation losses for ITER with the integrated tokamak code TOKES, J. Nucl. Mater. 390–391 (2009) 384. 9 I-07 AFFINITY AND DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ENERGETIC-ION-DRIVEN INSTABILITIES IN 2D AND 3D TOROIDAL SYSTEMS * Ya.I. Kolesnichenko 1 , A. Könies 2 , V.V. Lutsenko 1 , Yu.V. Yakovenko 1 1 Institute for Nuclear Research, Prospect Nauky 47, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine, E-mail:; 2 Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, D-17489 Greifswald, Germany Energetic (superthermal) ions are usually present in all types of toroidal fusion facilities. They are produced by neutral beam injection, radio frequency heating, and fusion reactions. The energetic ions can lead to various plasma instabilities, in particular, various Alfvén instabilities. These instabilities can considerably affect the plasma performance by expelling energetic ions from the plasma core. Moreover, there are experiments where the deterioration of the plasma energy confinement time took place during these instabilities. Meanwhile, some instabilities has no visible influence on the energetic ions and the plasma, in which case they can be used for plasma diagnostics. Because most works dealing with energetic-ion-driven instabilities are relevant to tokamaks, it is of importance to understand when the results of these works, especially theoretical works, can be used for the description of similar phenomena in stellarators. On the other hand, the stellarator theory incorporating effects of 3D geometry can be useful for understanding instabilities in tokamaks, where the axial symmetry is broken by, e.g., magnetic islands. Therefore, comparative analysis of instabilities in various types of toroidal systems is of interest for both stellarator and tokamak communities. Such an analysis based on an overview of energetic-ion-driven instabilities in tokamaks and stellarators is carried out in this work. Instabilities in wide frequency range, from the ion/electron diamagnetic frequency to high frequencies of specific stellarator modes, are considered. Effects of the instabilities on the confinement of both the energetic ions and the bulk plasma are described. Numerical tools available for the simulation of instabilities driven by energetic ions in tokamaks and stellarators are reviewed. Acknowledgements The research described in this publication was made possible in part due to the Project No. 4588 of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine. * This report is based on an invited paper submitted to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (PPCF) for publication in a PPCF cluster issue on physics at the stellarator-tokamak interface. 10 I-08 KINETIC MODELING OF H-MODE PEDESTAL WITH EFFECTS FROM ANOMALOUS TRANSPORT AND MHD STABILITY * A.Y. Pankin 1,2 , G.Y. Park 3 , G. Bateman 1 , C.S. Chang 3,4 , R.J. Groebner 5 , J.W. Hughes 6 , A.H. Kritz 1 , S. Ku 3 , T. Rafiq 1 , P.B. Snyder 5 , J. Terry 6 1 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA, E-mail:; 2 Institute for Nuclear Research, Kyiv, Ukraine; 3 New York University, New York, NY, USA; 4 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea; 5 General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA; 6 MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, MA, USA; This study addresses the development of a scaling of the H-mode pedestal in tokamak plasmas with type I ELMs. The sheared E×B flows result in a reduction of anomalous transport, which leads to the formation of an edge transport barrier and the transition to the H- mode improved confinement in tokamaks. The nonlinear interplay between anomalous and neoclassical effects motivates the development of a self consistent simulation model that includes neoclassical and anomalous effects simultaneously. For the basic kinetic neoclassical behavior, the XGC0 kinetic guiding-center code [1] is used with a realistic diverted geometry. For the anomalous transport, a radial random-walk is superposed in the Lagrangian neoclassical particle motion, using the FMCFM interface to the theory-based MMM95 and GLF23 models. These anomalous models include transport driven by drift-wave instabilities, such as the electron and ion temperature gradient driven modes and trapped electron modes. The MMM95 model includes a resistive ballooning component that is particularly important near the plasma edge. The GLF23 model is used to cross-verify the anomalous transport in the plasma core region. The effect of E×B flow shear quenching is implemented through a flow shear suppression factor [2-4]: F s =1/(1+( c E×B ) 2 ), where c is the correlation time of fluctuations for the case without flow and E×B is the normalized E×B flow shear rate: E×B |R B /B r (E r /R B )|. The radial electric field E r is computed in the first-principle neoclassical kinetic XGC-0 code. Growth of the pedestal by neutral penetration and ionization is limited by an ELM instability criterion computed by the ELITE MHD stability code [5]. XGC0 and ELITE coupling is automated in the EFFIS computer science framework. H-mode pedestal profiles for two representative tokamak devices, DIII-D and Alcator C-Mod, are considered: DIII-D for low B-field, low density, high temperature plasmas; and C-Mod for a high B-field, high density plasmas. The simulations in this study use realistic diverted geometry and are self-consistent with the inclusion of kinetic neoclassical physics, theory- based anomalous transport models with the E×B flow shearing effects, as well as an MHD ELM triggering criterion. A scaling relation for the pedestal width and height is presented as a function of the scanned plasma parameters. Differences in the electron and ion temperature pedestal scalings are investigated. 1. C.S. Chang et al., Phys. Plasmas 11 (2004) 2649. 2. S. Hamaguchi and W. Horton, Phys. Fluids B 4 (1992) 319. 3. T.S. Hahm and K.H. Burrell, Phys. Plasmas, 2 (1995) 1648. 4. K.H. Burrell, Phys. Plasmas, 4 (1997) 1499. 5. P.B. Snyder et al., Phys. Plasmas 9 (2002) 2037. * This work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under DE-SC0000692, DE-FC02-08ER54985, DE- FG02-06ER54845, DE-FG02-92ER54141, DE-FC02-04ER54698, DE-FG02-95ER54309, DE-FC02- 99ER54512. 11 I-09 RELIABILITY AND PERFORMANCE OF TOKAMAK FUSION DEVICES UNDER VARIOUS PLASMA INSTABILITIES Ahmed Hassanein School of Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA Plasma instability events such as disruptions, resulting runaway electrons, edge-localized modes (ELM), and vertical displacement events (VDE) are mainly the most limiting factor for successful Tokamak reactor concept. The plasma-facing components (PFC), e.g., wall, divertor, and limited surfaces of a tokamak as well as coolant structure materials are subjected to intense particle and heat loads and must maintain a clean and stable surface environment between them and the core/edge plasma. This is critical to fusion device performance. Comprehensive research efforts are developed utilizing the HEIGHTS simulation package to study self-consistently various effects of high power transient on material operation/selection. The package consists of several models that integrate different stages of plasma-wall interactions starting from energy release at scrape-off-layer and up to the transport of the eroded debris and splashed wall materials as a result of the deposited energy. The integrated model predicts material loss, PFC lifetime from transients, and effects on core plasma performance. HEIGHTS initial simulation shows that a single event such as a major disruption, VDE, or runaway electron could severely damage the reactor wall and structural materials and disrupt operation for a significant time. HEIGHTS is used to identify safer operating window regimes and upper transient limits that PFC can withstand during various instabilities. 12 I-10 MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION AND HIGH HEAT FLUX TESTING UNDER ITER SPECIFIC OPERATING CONDITIONS J. Linke, Th. Löwenhoff, G. Pintsuk, M. Rödig, A. Schmidt, C. Thomser, M. Wirtz Forschungszentrum Jülich, EURATOM-Association FZJ, D-52425 Jülich, German To withstand the extreme environments in a thermonuclear fusion reactor a number of technological challenges have to be met; in particular high-temperature resistant and plasma compatible materials have to be developed and qualified under ITER specific loading conditions. Special attention has to be paid to high heat flux components, i.e. to the limiters and the divertor targets with expected power densities up to about 10 MWm -2 . These extreme loads make high demands on the selection of qualified materials and reliable fabrication processes for actively cooled plasma facing components. The technical solutions which are considered today are mainly based on beryllium, carbon or tungsten and copper alloys or stainless steel for the heat sink. Another important issue is the evaluation of the materials performance under short transient events which occur during Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) and during plasma disruptions. In this field significant progress has been made with the investigation of threshold values for the damaging processes such as roughening, crack formation and melting of the heat affected surfaces under ITER relevant loading scenarios. Electron beam based thermal shock experiments have been performed on a number of metallic and carbon based armour materials. In these tests the damage thresholds have been determined in single and multiple shot experiments. To perform transient heat load experiments with ELM like loading rates, i.e. millions of repetitions, the most essential machine parameter are the characteristics of the beam such as beam profile and beam diameter. Systematic analyses have been preformed which allow to quantify local energy deposition profiles as a function of beam current, acceleration voltage, the currents in the focusing coils, and the chamber pressure. Based on these parameters the experimental conditions for repetitive ELM-simulation tests have been derived. The wall bombardment with 14 MeV neutrons in D-T-burning plasma devices and the resulting material damage are another critical issue, both, from a safety point of view, but also under the aspect of the component lifetime. Next step thermonuclear confinement devices such as ITER with an integrated neutron fluence in the order of 1 dpa do not pose any unsolvable material problems. Due to the lack of an intense 14 MeV neutron source, complex neutron irradiation experiments have been performed in material test reactors to quantify the neutron-induced material damage. 13 I-11 SIMULATION OF ITER ICWC SCENARIOS IN JET A. Lyssoivan 1 , D. Douai 2 , V. Philipps 3 , S. Brezinsek 3 , R. Koch 1 , E. Lerche 1 , M.-L. Mayoral 5 , J. Ongena 1 , R.A. Pitts 4 , F.C. Schüller 4 , G. Sergienko 3 , D. Van Eester 1 , T. Wauters 1,2 , T. Blackman 5 , V. Bobkov 6 , E. de la Cal 7 , F. Durodié 1 , E. Gauthier 2 , T. Gerbaud 5 , M. Graham 5 , S. Jachmich 1 , E. Joffrin 2,8 , A. Kreter 3 , V. Kyrytsya 1 , P.U. Lamalle 4 , P. Lomas, F. Louche 1 , M. Maslov 5 , V.E. Moiseenko 9 , I. Monakhov 5 , J.-M. Noterdaeme 6,10 , M.K. Paul 3 , V. Plyusnin 11 , M. Shimada 4 , M. Tsalas 12 , M. Van Schoor 1 , V.L. Vdovin 13 and JET EFDA Contributors* JET-EFDA, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB, UK; 1 LPP-ERM/KMS, Association Euratom-Belgian State, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, TEC partner; 2 CEA, IRFM, Association Euratom-CEA, 13108 St Paul lez Durance, France; 3 IEF-Plasmaphysik FZ Jülich, Euratom Association, 52425 Jülich, Germany, TEC partner; 4 ITER International Organization, F-13067 St Paul lez Durance, France; 5 CCFE/Euratom Fusion Association, Culham Science Centre, OX14 3DB, Abingdon, UK; 6 Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Euratom Association, 85748 Garching, Germany; 7 Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, Association Euratom-CIEMAT, 28040 Madrid, Spain; 8 EFDA-CSU, Culham Science Centre, OX14 3DB, Abingdon, UK; 9 Institute of Plasma Physics, NSC KIPT, 61108 Kharkiv, Ukraine; 10 Gent University, EESA Department, B-9000 Gent, Belgium; 11 Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Association EURATOM-IST, Lisboa, Portugal; 12 NCSR Demokritos , Athens, Greece; 13 RRC Kurchatov Institute, Nuclear Fusion Institute, Moscow, Russia In ITER and future fusion devices, the presence of the permanent, high toroidal magnetic field resulting from operation with superconducting coils will prevent the use of conventional glow discharge conditioning technique (GDC) between ohmic plasma shots. The Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning (ICWC) technique based on Radio-Frequency (RF) discharges is fully compatible with high magnetic field and considered as the most promising technique available to ITER for routine wall conditioning, in particular for recovery after disruptions, isotopic ratio control and fuel removal. The ability to operate in ICWC mode has recently been confirmed as a functional requirement of the ITER main ICRF heating and current drive system. This paper focuses on a study of ICWC discharge performance in the largest current tokamak JET using the standard ICRF heating antenna A2 in a scenario envisaged at ITER full field: on-axis location of the fundamental ICR for deuterium, ω = ω cD+ . To enhance the wall conditioning output, the RF discharge ignition/sustainment phases have been optimized in terms of (i) antenna-near E z - field generation (parallel to the B T -field) responsible for the discharge ignition, (ii) antenna coupling to low plasma density (~10 17 m -3 ) and (iii) plasma wave excitation/absorption over the torus in low density plasmas. The optimization procedure enabled to extend the JET A2 antenna (two modules) reliable operation in the ICWC mode over a large range: f=25 MHz, 00 - and monopole-phasing for the antenna current straps, coupled power P RF-pl ≈ 80 − 250 kW (with the antenna coupling efficiency G RF pl RF P P − − ≈ 0.5 − 0.6), gas composition (He, D 2 and their mixtures) at pressure p tot ≈ 2 × 10 -3 Pa, B T =3.3 − 3.45 T, B V =0 − 30 mT. The efficiency for fuel removal was assessed in the isotopic exchange scenario. The conditioning cycle with 8 identical D 2 ICWC shots (an accumulated discharge time of 72 s) in the vessel preloaded with H 2 resulted in an increase of the isotopic ratio D/(D+H) between 30% and 50% with the wall retention about 3 times higher than desorption. The empirical direct extrapolation of the obtained experimental ICWC data to ITER size (asuming similar power density scaling) are compared with the predictions from 1-D RF full wave and 0-D/1-D RF plasma codes. The analysis indicates that the currently planned ITER ICRF H&CD system could be used for ICWC operations on ITER. *See the Appendix of F. Romanelli et al., Proc. 22 nd Int. FEC Geneva, IAEA (2008). 14 I-12 GENERALIZED FOKKER-PLANCK EQUATION AND UNIFIED DESCRIPTION OF BALLISTIC AND DIFFUSIVE PROCESSES Anatoly Zagorodny Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, 252143 Kiev, Ukraine Turbulent diffusion generated by plasma instabilities in many cases manifests anomalous properties which cannot be described on the basis of ordinary diffusion equation. In particular, mean-square particle displacement can have fractional power time behavior changing in course of the system evolution. In the present contribution we propose the unified description of diffusion processes that crosses over from a ballistic behavior at short times to a fractional diffusion (sub- or super- diffusion) as well as ordinary diffusion at longer times using the non-Markovian generalization of the Fokker-Planck equation. The relations between the non-time-non-local kinetic coefficients and observable quantities (mean- and mean- square displacements) are established. The problem of calculations of the kinetic coefficients using the Langevin equations is discussed. Solutions of the non-Markovian equation describing diffusive processes in the real (co-ordinate) space are obtained. Such solution agrees for long times with results obtained within the continuous random walk theory but is much superior to this solution at shorter times where the effects of the ballistic region are crucial. 15 I-13 IMPURITY ION HEATING AND DRIFT VELOCITY IN THE AL'FA EXPERIMENT D.H. McNeill 3955 Bigelow Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, USA Al'fa was one of the first (c. 1960) large toroidal plasma experiments (major and minor radii 1.6 and 0.5 m; toroidal B~0.1 T). Extensive, early diagnostic development and results were reported for this ohmically heated device: 1 x rays, energetic electrons, and charge exchange H atoms were detected. In particular, high impurity ion energies (hundreds of eV, far above the nominal 20 eV electron temperature) and substantial toroidal drift velocities of these ions were observed spectroscopically. This impurity ion behavior has never been adequately interpreted theoretically 2,3 or related to today's experiments. Describing loop voltage traces from the British ZETA experiment, upon which Al'fa was modelled, Artsimovich noted 2 that the "trace of V is typical of a highly nonstationary process. The amplitude of the high frequency voltage spikes is comparable to the average voltage applied to the discharge chamber. The characteristic frequency of these spikes is in the range of 10 5 -10 6 Hz." The observed impurity ion behavior in Al'fa can be explained, consistently with data from the experiment, 1-3 in terms of charged particle acceleration in its average and transient toroidal electric fields (given by the loop voltage V L , divided by the discharge major circumference). Here the following factors are simulated by calculations of rates and time scales, etc., using data from the Al'fa experiment, cross section data, and 1-D momentum equations: (i) fluctuations in V L caused by, e.g., changes in plasma shape, (ii) generation of transient fast electron populations during spikes in V L , and (iii) production of highly ionized states of impurities by these electrons. Acceleration of impurity ions in the toroidal electric field leads to the spectroscopically observed effects: (iv) an apparent high temperature of the impurity ions owing to toroidal acceleration, in both directions, during spikes in V L , along with (v) their net toroidal drift corresponding to the average (smoothed) V L [ O (800 V)]. The source of the observed impurity ion momentum in Al'fa thus appears to have been the toroidal electric field corresponding to the noisy loop voltage of these discharges. This interpretation does not require the invocation of turbulence, inward fluxes, or microfield anomalies. In general, the impurity ion population is thermally decoupled from the H (bulk) ions, as it is from the electrons, in these runaway discharges. The model for impurity ion toroidal drift in the average (smoothed) V L of Al'fa also applies to ohmically heated tokamaks, which are comparatively quiescent, with far lower V L [ O (2 V)] and higher confining toroidal magnetic fields. The high average V L in Al'fa leads invariably to an (average) impurity ion drift in the direction of the toroidal current. On the other hand, toroidal impurity ion drift in tokamaks may be parallel or antiparallel to the toroidal current, depending on the plasma and device parameters, but the impurity drift will, as in Al'fa, generally be decoupled from that of the bulk hydrogenic ions. 4 1. Various authors, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 30 (12), 1381-1488, (1960). 2. L. A. Artsimovich, Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, 2nd ed., Moscow (1963). 3. S. Yu. Luk'yanov, Hot Plasmas and Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, “Nauka”, Moscow (1975). 4. D. H. McNeill, 33rd European Physical Society Conf. on Plasma Physics, Rome, Italy, 19- 23 June, 2006, Paper P4.182; also, related paper contributed to this conference. |
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