American singer=188,534=33 Jin Akanishi
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John ,Quade , Actor ,
Every Which Way But Loose
MNEEDED Jean ,Quan , Pol i tician , Ma yor of Oa kland Joan ,
Quigley , Government , Reagan's astrologer
John , Qualen , Actor ,
The Grapes of Wrath Joe ,
Queenan , Author ,
Closing Time James ,
Quello , Government , FCC Commissioner, 1974-97 Josiah ,
Quincy , Educa tor , President of Harvard, 1829-45 Jack ,
Quinn , Pol i tician , Congressman from New York, 1993- 2005
Jack , Quinn ,
Attorney , Whi te House Counsel, 1995-96
JR Jeremy Renner = American actor and musician=201,894=29 Jim Reeves = Singer-songwriter=95,517=64 Jericho Rosales = Actor, Singer/Songwriter & M odel=94,067=66 Ja Rule
= Rapper, actor=70,092=90 Johnny Rzeznik = American, M usician=65,125=100 James Righton = British, M usician=27,378=222 Johnny Reid = Scottish, Country M usician=21,377=281 Josh Radnor= American actor=111,982=55 Jackson Rathbone= Actor=143,362=44 Jerry Reed= American, Actor=23,926=250 Josh Resnik= = 19,950=298 Jonathan Rhys+Meyers= Irish actor, model=168,299=37 Jason Ritter= American, Actor=19,956=297 Joe Rogan= American martial artist and comedian=65,237=99 Jeremy Roloff= American, Reality TV=20,135=294 COMPLETEandLEFT JR,J.K. Rowling JR,J.P. Big Bopper Richardson JR,Jackie Robinson JR,James Earl Ray JR,James Randi JR,Jan van Riebeeck JR,Jane Russell JR,Jason Robards JR,Jean Reno JR,Jeanne Robertson JR,Jeannie C. Riley JR,Jeri Ryan JR,Jerome Robbins JR,Jerry Rice JR,Joan Rivers JR,Joe E. Ross JR,Joey Ramone JR,John Ratzenberger JR,John Ritter JR,Johnnie Ray JR,Jon Benet Ramsey JR,Joyce Randolph Jenni Rivera = M exican-American singer=89,886=104 Joely Richardson= English, Actress=37,441=229 Jennifer Rivell= American, TV Personality=38,499=218 Julia Roberts= American actress=204,705=33 Julianna Rose+Mauriello= American, Actress=291,590=15 Janice Rule= Actress=31,751=267 Jane Russell = Actress, M odel=280,659=19 Jeri Ryan= Actress=87,840=107 ……………. Johnny Ruffo Jay Rock Julie Roberts Josh Ritter John Rich J Rice Jason Reeves Jessica Reedy Joshua Radin
Julius ,
Raab , Hea d of State , Chancellor of Austria, 1953-61 Jean ,
Racine , Pl a ywri ght , Phèdre Josh ,
Radnor , Actor ,
How I Met Your Mother Jean-Pierre , Raffarin , Hea d of State , Pri me Mi nister of Fra nce, 2002-05 John , Rainey ,
Bus i ness , Easlan Ca pital, Inc. Joseph , Rainey ,
Pol i tician , Congressman from South Ca rol ina, 1870-79 James ,
Rainwater , Phys i cist , Determined s hapes of nuclei John ,
Raisian , Economist , Director, Hoover Institution John ,
Raitt , Actor ,
Broa dway a ctor Jessie ,
Ralph , Actor ,
San Francisco Jobyna ,
Ralston , Actor ,
Wings Jean-Philippe , Rameau , Compos er , Hippolyte et Aricie Joey ,
Ramone , Si nger , The Ramones Johnny ,
Ramone , Mus i cian , The Ramones Jack ,
Ramsay , Ba s ketball , Longtime NBA Coach John ,
Ramsey , Rel ative , JonBenét's father JonBenét , Ramsey , Vi cti m , 6-year-old murdered pageant wi nner
Jim , Ramstad , Pol i tician , Congressman from Mi nnesota, 1991-2009 James ,
Randi , Ma gi ci an , The Amazing Randi Jane ,
Randolph , Actor ,
Cat People JR,Julia Roberts
Jennings , Randolph , Pol i tician , US Senator from West Vi rgi nia, 1958-85 John , Randolph , Actor , Prizzi's Honor Joyce ,
Randolph , Actor ,
Tri xi e on The Honeymooners Jim ,
Rash , Actor ,
Dea n Pelton on Community Jef ,
Raskin , Computer Programmer , Designed Ma cintosh huma n i nterface Jeremy , Ratchford , Actor , Ni ck Vera on Cold Case Jean , Ratelle , Hockey , NHL Ha ll of Famer Jackson , Rathbone , Actor , Ja s per Hale in Twilight John , Ratzenberger , Actor , Pos tma n Cl iff Cl avin on Cheers Johannes , Rau ,
Hea d of State , President of Germany, 1999- 2004 John ,
Rauch , Football , Raiders Head Coach, 1966-68 Jerry ,
Rawlings , Hea d of State , President of Ghana, 1981-93 John ,
Rawls , Phi l osopher , A Theory of Justice Johnnie , Ray , Mus i cian , Cry/The Little White Cloud That Cried James ,
Read , Actor ,
North & South Johnny ,
Rebel , Si nger , Segregationist Singer James ,
Rebhorn , Actor ,
Independence Day John ,
Rechy , Author ,
City of Night James ,
Redfield , Novel ist , The Celestine Prophecy Joyce ,
Redman , Actor ,
Tom Jones John ,
Redwood , Pol i tician , British MP, Wokingham Jack ,
Reed , Pol i tician , US Senator from Rhode Island Jerry ,
Reed , Country Mus i cian , When You're Hot, You're Hot Jimmy ,
Reed , Si nger , Blues singer/guitarist, Big Boss Ma n John ,
Reed , Acti vi s t , Ten Days That Shook the World Jim ,
Reeves , Country Mus i cian , He'll Have to Go Joe ,
Regalbuto , Actor ,
Fra nk Fontana on Murphy Brown Judith ,
Regan , Publ isher , ReganBooks John ,
Reid , Pol i tician , British MP, Ai rdrie and Shotts John ,
Reinhardt , Di pl omat , US Ambassador to Ni geria, 1971-75
Jehuda , Reinharz , Educa tor , President, Brandeis University Judge , Reinhold , Actor , Fast Times at Ridgemont High Judith ,
Reisman , Author ,
Ha tes Ki nsey Jason ,
Reitman , Fi l m Director , Up in the Air James ,
Remar , Actor ,
The Warriors Jim ,
Renacci , Pol i tician , Congressman, Ohio 16th John ,
Rendon , Bus iness , CEO, The Rendon Group Jérémie , Renier , Actor ,
L'Enfant Jeremy , Renner , Actor ,
Neo Ned Janet ,
Reno , Government , Cl inton's US Attorney General Jean ,
Reno , Actor ,
Léon the Professional Jean ,
Renoir , Fi l m Director , La Grande Illusion James ,
Renwick , Archi tect , Gothic Revi val a rchitect Judith ,
Resnik , As trona ut , Challenger astronaut James ,
Reston , Journa list , The New York Times James ,
Reston,^Jr. , Author ,
The Conviction of Richard Nixon Johann ,
Reuchlin , Schol ar , German humanist and Hebraist Johnny ,
Revolta , Gol f ,
Winner, 1935 PGA Cha mpionship Jose , Reyes ,
Ba s eball , Shortstop, New York Mets Judy , Reyes ,
Actor , Nurs e Espinosa on Scrubs James , Reynolds , Bus iness , Reynolds Pl antation John , Reynolds , Pol i tician , Ca nadian MP, West Va ncouver Joshua , Reynolds , Pa i nter , English portraitist Jean , Rhys ,
Novel ist , Wide Sargasso Sea John ,
Rhys-Davies , Actor ,
Gi ml i the dwarf i n Lord of the Rings Jonathan , Rhys-Meyers , Actor ,
Velvet Goldmine John ,
Riccitiello , Business , CEO of El ectronic Arts Jerry ,
Rice , Footba ll , Hall of Fame NFL wide receiver Joely ,
Richardson , Actor ,
Jul ia McNamara on Nip/Tuck John ,
Richels , Bus iness , President of Devon Energy Julian ,
Richings , Actor ,
Todd and the Book of Pure Evil Jonathan , Richman , Mus i cian , Modern Lovers frontman, pre-punk influence Joe , Ricketts , Bus i ness , Founder of Ameritrade Jay , Riemersma , Footba ll , Former NFL tight end Jeremy , Rifkin ,
Acti vi s t , Foundation on Economic Trends John ,
Rigas , Bus iness , CEO of Adelphia, 1952-2002 John ,
Riggins , Football , NFL running back, The Diesel Jack ,
Riley , Actor ,
El l iot Ca rlin on The Bob Newhart Show John ,
Ringling , Bus iness , Ringling Brothers Ci rcus Jim ,
Ringo , Football , NFL Hall of Famer Johnny ,
Ringo , Cri mi nal , Ol d West gunslinger James ,
Risen , Journalist , NY Times national s ecurity reporter Jill , Ritchie , Actor , D.E.B.S. Jason ,
Ritter , Actor ,
Kevi n on Joan of Arcadia John ,
Ritter , Actor ,
Ja ck Tri pper on Three's Company Joan ,
Rivers , Comi c ,
Ca n we talk? Johnny ,
Rivers , Mus i cian , Secret Agent Man Jacques , Rivette , Fi l m Director , La Belle Noiseuse José ,
Rizal , Acti vi s t , Philippine national hero Jay ,
Roach , Fi l m Director , Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery Jason ,
Robards , Actor ,
All The President's Men Jason ,
Robards,^Sr. , Actor ,
Bedlam Jerome , Robbins , Choreographer , West Side Story John ,
Robbins , Author ,
Cel ebrity vegan Joe ,
Robert , Bus i ness , CEO of J.E. Robert Companies Julia ,
Roberts , Actor ,
Pretty Woman James ,
Robertson , Judge ,
Judge, resigned from FISA court Jackie ,
Robinson , Ba s eball , First negro in the major l eagues Jay ,
Robinson , Actor ,
Ca l i gula i n The Robe John ,
Robinson , Footba ll , LA Ra ms, NCAA head coach John ,
Robinson , Actor ,
Elephant James ,
Robison , Rel igion , Televangelist Jack ,
Roche , Terrori s t , al Qa eda's man i n Australia Jean ,
Rochefort , Actor ,
The Clockmaker of St. Paul Jay ,
Rockefeller , Pol i tician , US Senator from West Virginia John ,
Rocker , Ba s eball , MLB player, s uspended for ra cist rema rks James , Roday ,
Actor , Sha wn Spencer on Psych Jimmie , Rodgers , Country Mus i cian , Pioneering country s i nger/songwriter/yodeler Johnny ,
Rodgers , Football , Winner, 1972 Heisman Trophy Judith ,
Rodin , Educa tor , President of UPenn, 1994-2004 Jai ,
Rodriguez , TV Pers onality , Cul ture Queer Eye guy John ,
Roebling , Engi neer , Began construction of Brooklyn Bri dge
Jim , Rogan ,
Pol i tician , Congressman from Ca lifornia, 1997- 2001 Joe ,
Rogan , Actor ,
Hos t of Fear Factor Jean ,
Rogers , Actor ,
Da l e Arden in Flash Gordon s erials Jacques , Rogge , Sports Figure , President of the Int'l Ol ympi c Committee Jean-Marie , Roland ,
Government , French Interior Mi nister, 1792-93 Jeanne-Marie , Roland , Rel a tive , French woman of intrigue John ,
Rolfe , Agri cul turalist , First Virginia tobacco baron, hus band of Pocahontas James , Rolph,^Jr. , Government , Ma yor of San Francisco, 1912-31 Jim ,
Rome , Ra di o Personality , Jim Rome is Burning Jim ,
Romenesko , Bl ogger , The Obscure Store and Reading Room John ,
Romero , Computer Programmer , Doom, Quake, Daikatana John ,
Romita , Ca rtoonist , Comic book artist James ,
Roosevelt , Pol i tician , Congressman from Ca lifornia, 1955-65
James , Root ,
Gui ta rist , Rhythm guitarist, Slipknot Jack , Rose ,
Gui ta rist , Pelt Jamie ,
Rose , Actor ,
Vi cki e Gioberti on Falcon Crest Jim ,
Rose , Oddi ty , Propri etor of the Ji m Rose Circus Julius ,
Rosenberg , Spy ,
Lea ked a tomic bomb secrets to USSR
Julius , Rosenwald , Bus iness , Sears executive and Good Sa ma ritan Judith ,
Rossner , Novel ist , Looking for Mr. Goodbar Jean-Pierre , Rosso , Bus i ness , CEO of Ca se Corporation, 1994-99
Joseph , Rotblat , Phys i cist , Nuclear physicist, anti-nuke a cti vist Joe ,
Roth , Bus i ness , Revolution Studios, former Disney CEO Jonathan , Rothermere , Publ isher , Proprietor of the Daily
Jacob ,
Rothschild , Bus iness , RIT Ca pital Pa rtners Johnny ,
Rotten , Mus i cian , Sex Pistols a nd Public Image, Ltd. Jean-Jacques , Rousseau , Phi l osopher , Conceptualized the Soci al Contract John , Rowland , Pol i tician , Governor of Connecticut, 1995- 2004 Josiah ,
Royce , Phi l osopher , The Religious Aspect of Philosophy Joseph ,
Ruben , Fi l m Director , The Forgotten Jennifer , Rubin ,
Actor , Deal of a Lifetime Jerry ,
Rubin , Acti vi s t , Yippie, one of the Chicago 7 Jack ,
Ruby , As s assin , Killed Lee Harvey Oswald Joaquin , Ruiz , Educa tor , Science Dean, University of Arizona Ja ,
Rule , Ra pper , Holla Holla Jane ,
Rule , Author ,
Desert of the Heart Janice ,
Rule , Actor ,
3 Women Jon ,
Runyan , Pol i ti cian , Congressman, New Jersey 3rd Jimmy ,
Rushing , Si nger , Mr. Fi ve By Fi ve John ,
Ruskin , Cri ti c , Grea test Victorian a rt cri tic Joanna ,
Russ , Author ,
The Female Man Jane ,
Russell , Actor ,
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes John ,
Russell , Pa i nter , English portrait painter John ,
Russell , Actor ,
Lawman John ,
Russell , Ba seball , Ma nager, Pi ttsburgh Pirates James ,
Russo , Actor ,
The Box Johnny ,
Rutherford , Auto Ra ci ng , Three-time Indy 500 wi nner
Jeri , Ryan ,
Actor , Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Voyager Johannes , Rydberg , Phys i cist , Rydberg constant Jim , Ryun ,
Pol i tician , Congressman, Ka nsas 2nd Johnny , Rzeznik , Mus i cian ,
JS Jay Sean
= Singer–songwriter, record producer, arranger=132,111=48 Juelz Santana = American rapper=33,579=188 John Schneider = Actor, singer, screenwriter, film producer=29,686=209 Jacoby Shaddix = American, Singer=25,013=240 Joe Strummer = M usician and actor=22,046=276 Jason Schwartzman= American, Actor=22,568=262 James Scott= English, Actor=51,599=128 Jason Segel= American, Actor=175,488=35 Johnny Sheffield= American, Actor=22,104=274 Johnny Simmons= American actor=32,110=194 Jeremy Sisto= Actor=24,405=246 Jaden Smith= American, Actor=337,262=16 Jussie Smollett= American actor=24,864=241 James Spader= Actor=22,979=257 Jesse Spencer= Australian actor=58,563=115 Jerry Springer= American, Talk Show Host=24,728=244 James Stacey= American, Actor=31,156=200 Joseph Stalin= Dictator of the Soviet Union (1927– 1953)=27,329=223 John Stamos= American, Actor=152,345=41 Jeffree Star= American, M odel=22,363=266 Jason Statham= Actor=318,119=19 James Stewart= American actor and military veteran=29,894=208 Jon Stewart= American, Comic=32,018=195 Jarret Stoll= Canadian ice hockey player=20,441=293 Jeff Stryker= American pornographic Jessica Simpson = American singer-songwriter and actress=582,695=5 Joss Stone = English singer–songwriter and actress=126,486=71 Jill Scott = American, Singer=121,195=76 Jordin Sparks = American singer, winner of 2007 American Idol=108,756=83 Jessica Sutta = female dancer and pop singer- songwriter=39,656=211 Jodi Stewart = Jamaican, Video Jockey =29,808=278 Jasmine Sanders= American=27,022=300 Jackie Sandler= American, Actress=44,760=195 Jessy Schram= American actress=33,593=255 Jean Seberg= Actress=57,966=156 Joan Severance= Film and television actress, model=172,938=48 Jane Seymour= Actress=98,336=91 Jenny Shimizu= American model=50,650=172 Jean Shrimpton= English, M odel=192,383=39 Jamie-Lynn Sigler= Actress, singer=35,054=248 Jean Simmons= Actress=64,438=137 Jennifer Sklias= American, Actress=35,930=241 Jaclyn Smith= Actress, businesswoman=116,984=79 Jessica Smith= American, Other=27,134=298 Jan Smithers= American, Actress=124,230=74 Jurnee Smollett= American actress=34,053=253 Jill St.+John= American actress=250,431=23 Jewel Staite= Canadian actress=97,990=92 Download 2,12 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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