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Davis , Head of State , President of the Confederacy Jim , Davis ,
Pol i tician , Congressman from Florida, 1997-2007 Jim , Davis ,
Actor , Jock Ewi ng on Dallas Jim , Davis ,
Ca rtoonist , Garfield Jimmie ,
Davis , Si nger/Songwriter , You Are My Sunshine Joan ,
Davis , Actor ,
I Married Joan John ,
Davis , Expl orer , Discovered Falkland Islands Jonathan , Davis , Mus ician , Korn frontman Josie ,
Davis , Actor ,
Sa ra h Powell on Charles in Charge Judy ,
Davis , Actor ,
A Passage to India Julia ,
Davis , Actor ,
Nighty Night John ,
Day , Pl a ywri ght , The Parliament of Bees John ,
Deacon , Ba s sist , Bassist for Queen James ,
Dean , Actor ,
Li ved fa st, died young Jimmy ,
Dean , Country Mus i cian , Singer, s ongwriter, s a usage-maker John , Dean ,
Government , Nixon's White House Counsel Justin , Deas ,
Actor , Buzz Cooper on Guiding Light James , DeBarge , Mus i cian , Janet's Ex Husband a nd member of DeBarge James ,
DeBello , Actor ,
Cabin Fever John ,
Dee , Ma thematician , Ma thematician and mystic John ,
Deere , Bus i ness , Invented the self-scouring plow James ,
DeFranco , Bus i ness , Co-Founder of Echostar Jean-Luc , Dehaene , Hea d of State , Pri me Mi nister of Bel gium, 1992-99 John , Dehner , Actor , Carousel Johann ,
Deisenhofer , Chemi st , Proteins of photosynthesis Jean-Baptiste-Joseph , Delambre , As tronomer , Histoire de l'Astronomie Joe ,
DeLamielleure , Football , NFL Hall of Famer John ,
Delaney , Pol i tician , Mayor of Jacksonville, 1995-2003 Jessica , Delfino , Comi c ,
Dirty Folk Rock Jacques , Delille , Poet ,
French tra nslator of Virgil Joseph-Nicolas , Delisle , As tronomer , Founded St.
Peters burg observatory John ,
DeLorean , Bus iness , Automobile designer and entepreneur Jacques , Delors ,
Pol i tician , EU Commission President, 1985- 94 Julie ,
Delpy , Actor ,
Europa Europa Jean-André , Deluc , Geol ogist , Lettres... sur les montagnes Jay ,
DeMarcus , Country Mus i cian , Vocalist, Rascal Flatts Jimmy ,
Demaret , Gol f ,
Winner of three Ma sters Tourna ments Jim , DeMint ,
Pol i tician , US Senator from South Carolina John , Demjanjuk , Cri mi nal , Retired a uto worker convicted for Na zi past Jonathan , Demme , Fi l m Director , The Silence of the Lambs Jacques , DeMolay , Mi l i tary , La st Grand Master of the Kni ghts Templar Jack , Dempsey , Boxi ng , Heavyweight champ Jeffrey , DeMunn , Actor ,
Jacques , Demy , Fi l m Director , The Umbrellas of Cherbourg Judi ,
Dench , Actor ,
Mrs. Brown Jeff ,
Denham , Pol i tician , Congressman, Ca lifornia 19th John ,
Denham , Pol i tician , British MP, Southampton Itchen John ,
Dennis , Cri ti c , The Usefulness of the Stage John ,
Densmore , Drummer , Drummer for The Doors James ,
Denton , Actor ,
Mi ke Delfino on Desperate Housewives Jeremiah , Denton , Mi l i tary , US Senator from Al abama, 1981-87
John , Denver , Country Mus i cian ,
Jewel ,
De'Nyle , Porns tar , Bend Over and Say Ahh 3 Johnny ,
Depp , Actor ,
Ca pta in Ja ck Sparrow John ,
Derbyshire , Author ,
Cons ervative pundit John ,
Derek , Fi l m Director , Tarzan, the Ape Man Joe ,
DeRita , Actor ,
The Three Stooges Jacques , Derrida , Phi l osopher , Deconstructionism, Intellectual Terrorist Jason , Derülo ,
Si nger/Songwriter , Watcha Say Jackie ,
DeShannon , Si nger/Songwriter , Put a Little Love in Your Heart Jean ,
Desmarets , Pl a ywri ght , Les Visionnaires John ,
Deutch , Government , CIA Director, 1995-96 Jenna ,
Dewan , Actor ,
Tamara James ,
Dewar , Phys i cist , Researcher of l ow temperatures John ,
Dewey , Educa tor , Pra gmatist philosopher, education reformer Joyce , DeWitt ,
Actor , Ja net on Three's Company Jared , Diamond , Sci entist , Collapse of societies John , Dickerson , Journa list , Time White House corres pondent James , Dickey ,
Poet , Deliverance Jay ,
Dickey , Pol i tician , Congressman from Arkansas, 1993- 2001
Janice , Dickinson , Model , 1970s s upermodel John , Dickinson , Pol itician , Founder of Dickinson College Joan , Didion ,
Author , Slouching Toward Bethlehem John ,
Diebold , Author ,
Advoca te of a utomation John ,
Diefenbaker , Hea d of State , Prime Mi nister of Ca na da, 1957-63 John , Diehl ,
Actor , La rry Zi to on Miami Vice J , Dilla ,
Mus ic Producer , Hip-hop producer, Donuts John , Dillinger , Cri mi nal , Public Enemy Number One Joe , DiMaggio , Ba s eball , Where have you gone John , DiMaggio , Actor , Voi ce of Bender on Futurama James , Dimon ,
Bus i ness , CEO of JP Morga n Chase John , Dingell , Pol i tician , US Congressman, Michigan 15th Janine , DiTullio , Comi c , Brendon's mom on Home Movies Jeane , Dixon ,
Pa ra normal , High profile astrologer Jeremiah , Dixon ,
As tronomer , Ma son-Dixon Li ne James , Dobson ,
Ra di o Personality , Focus on the Family Jimmie , Dodd ,
Ta l k Show Host , Winsome Mickey Mouse Club hos t Jack ,
Dodson , Actor ,
The Andy Griffith Show John ,
Doe , Mus i cian , X John ,
Doerr , Bus iness , Silicon Valley venture ca pitalist Jason ,
Dohring , Actor ,
Loga n Echolls on Veronica Mars Jason ,
Dolley , Actor ,
PJ Duncan on Good Luck Charlie John ,
Dollond , Phys i cist , Invented a chromatic lenses John ,
Doman , Actor ,
Ad exec turned prolific character a ctor John ,
Donahoe , Bus i ness , CEO of eBay James ,
Donald , Actor ,
Third Man on the Mountain Jim ,
Donald , Bus i ness , President a nd CEO of Starbucks John ,
Donne , Poet ,
Anniversaries Joe ,
Donnelly , Pol i tician , Congressman, Indiana 2nd Jason ,
Donovan , Si nger , Australian singer/actor, MDA Jeffrey , Donovan , Actor ,
Mi cha el Westen on Burn Notice James ,
Doohan , Actor ,
Scotty on Star Trek Jim ,
Dooley , Footba ll , Chi cago Bears Head Coach, 1968-71 James ,
Doolittle , Avi a tor , Doolittle Raid a gainst Tokyo i n 1942
John , Doolittle , Pol i tician , Congressman from California, 1991-2009 Julie ,
Doolittle , Rel a tive , Wife of Congressman John Dool ittle Joel , Dorius ,
Educa tor , Professor fi red for gay porn arrest Jürgen , Dormann , Bus i ness , Chairman of ABB Jimmy , Dorsey ,
Mus i cian , Popular bandleader and swing mus ician Julie ,
Doucet , Ca rtoonist , Dirty Plotte Jon ,
Dough , Porns ta r , Pornstar wi th split-stream eja culations James , Douglas , Pol i tician , Governor of Vermont, 2003-11 Jean , Douville , Bus iness , Chairman of UAP, Inc. Jeff , Dowd ,
Fi l m/TV Producer , The Dude John , Dowland , Compos er , Lachrimae, Lutenist Jerry ,
Doyle , Actor ,
Mi cha el Garibaldi on Babylon 5 Jim ,
Doyle , Pol i tician , Governor of Wisconsin, 2003-11 Jean-Claude , Dreyfus , Actor ,
Delicatessen Joanne , Dru ,
Actor , She Wore a Yellow Ribbon James ,
Drury , Actor ,
The Virginian John ,
Dryden , Poet ,
Absalom and Achitophel Ja'net ,
DuBois , Actor ,
Wi l lona Woods on Good Times Julia ,
Duffy , Actor ,
Stephanie on Newhart Josh ,
Duhamel , Actor ,
All My Children John ,
Duigan , Fi l m Director , Sirens Jean ,
Dujardin , Actor ,
The Artist Jane ,
Dulo , Actor ,
Li z Murra y on Hey, Jeannie! Joe ,
Dumars , Ba s ketball , NBA Hall of Famer Jean-Baptiste-André , Dumas , Chemi st , Pi oneer of organic chemistry John , Duncan ,
Pol i tician , Congressman, Tennessee 2nd Jean-Benoit , Dunckel , Mus i cian , Half of the duo Air Jeff , Dunham ,
Comi c , Ventriloquist, Arguing With Myself James , Dunn ,
Actor , A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Jennifer , Dunn , Pol i tician , Congresswoman from Wa s hington, 1993-2005 Jules , Dupré ,
Pa i nter , Ba rbizon s chool June , Duprez ,
Actor , The Thief of Bagdad Jermaine , Dupri , Mus i c Producer , CEO of So So Def Records Jimmy ,
Durante , Comi c ,
Everybody wa nts ta get inta da a ct James ,
Durbin , Si nger , Memories of a Beautiful Disaster Junior ,
Durkin , Actor ,
Huckleberry Finn John ,
Dury , Rel igion , The Reformed Librarie-Keeper Jacques , Dutronc , Si nger/Songwriter , Les Cactus James ,
Duval , Actor ,
Go Jean-Claude , Duvalier , Hea d of State , "Baby Doc" Haitian di cta tor Julien , Duvivier , Fi l m Director ,
John ,
Dvorak , Col umnist , Crusty Geek PC Magazine Col umnist John , Dye ,
Actor , Andrew on Touched by an Angel Jakob , Dylan ,
Mus i cian , Head Wallflower a nd Bob Dylan's s on James ,
Dyson , Inventor , Dyson va cuum cleaner
JE Joe Elliott = English, M usician=41,675=152 Jason Earles = Actor=66,026=95 Jesse Eisenberg= American, Actor=35,766=178 John Enos+III= American, Actor=23,438=255 COMPLETEandLEFT JE,Jason Earles JE,Jenna Elfman JE,Jill Eikenberry JE,John Elway JE,John Entwistle JE,Julius Dr. J Erving JE,Julius Erving
Jennifer Ellison = English actress, model and singer=69,932=125 Jennifer Earles= = 61,375=144 Jennifer Ehle= American, Actress=51,888=170 Jenna Elfman= Actress, producer=50,427=175 Jennifer England= = 46,004=190 Jennifer Esposito= American, Actress=82,561=112 ………………… Jackie Evancho Jean Elan Jagged Edge John , Earle ,
Rel igion , Microcosmographie Jason ,
Earles , Actor ,
Ja cks on Stewart on Hannah Montana Jubal ,
Early , Mi l i tary , Confederate General Jayne ,
Eastwood , Actor ,
Chicago José ,
Eber , Bus i ness , Hair s tylist to the stars
John , Eccles ,
Sci entist , Membrane potential of nerves José , Echegaray , Pl a ywri ght , Nobel Pri zewinning Spanish dra ma tist Johann ,
Eck , Rel i gion , Martin Luther's Catholic opponent James ,
Eckhouse , Actor ,
Ji m Wa lsh on Beverly Hills, 90210 Jim ,
Edgar , Pol i tician , Governor of Illinois, 1991-99 Joel ,
Edgerton , Actor ,
Owen La rs in Star Wars II a nd III Jim ,
Edmonds , Ba s eball , Gold Glove centerfielder John ,
Edward , Pa ra normal , Crossing Over With John Edward John ,
Edwards , Pol i tician , 2004 Vi ce Presidential candidate Jonathan , Edwards , Rel i gion , American Puritan theologian Jennifer , Egan , Novel ist , A Visit from the Goon Squad Jan ,
Egeland , Government , UN Undersecretary for Huma nitarian Affairs Jennifer , Ehle ,
Actor , Sunshine John ,
Ehrlichman , Government , Watergate cri minal, s erved ti me
Jill , Eikenberry , Actor , Ann Kel sey on L.A. Law Jesse , Eisenberg , Actor ,
Jack ,
Elam , Actor ,
The Sundowners Joycelyn , Elders , Government , Highly opinionated Surgeon General
Jenna , Elfman ,
Actor , Frea ky chick on Dharma and Greg Joe , Elliott , Mus i cian , Def Leppard vocalist Josh , Elliott , TV Pers onality , Good Morning America Jim ,
Ellis , Computer Programmer , Usenet co-creator James ,
Ellroy , Novel ist , L.A. Confidential John ,
Elway , Footba ll , 1999 Superbowl MVP John ,
Emery , Actor ,
Rocketship X-M John ,
Engler , Pol i tician , Governor of Michigan, 1991-2003 Jessica , Ennis , Tra ck a nd Field , Heptathlete John ,
Ennis , Comi c ,
Mr. Show with Bob and David John ,
Ensign , Pol i tician , US Senator from Neva da, 2001-11 James ,
Ensor , Pa i nter , Christ's Entry Into Brussels in 1889 Jon ,
Entine , Author ,
Taboo John ,
Entwistle , Ba s sist , Bassist for The Who Jacob ,
Epstein , Scul ptor , Strand Statues Jake ,
Epstein , Actor ,
Degrassi: The Next Generation John ,
Ericson , Actor ,
The Return of Jack Slade John ,
Ericsson , Inventor , Built the ironclad USS Monitor Joseph ,
Erlanger , Sci entist , Nerve conduction John ,
Erlenborn , Pol i tician , Congressman from Illinois, 1965-84
John , Erman ,
Fi l m Director , Scarlett Julius ,
Erving , Ba s ketball , Forward, Philadelphia 76ers Jaime ,
Escalante , Educa tor , Celebrated high school calculus tea cher Juan , Escoiquiz , Pol itician , Favorite of Ki ng Ferdinand VII Jill , Esmond ,
Actor , The Skin Game Jennifer , Esposito , Actor ,
The Proposal Julio ,
Estorino , Ra dio Personality , South Florida Spanish- s peaking ra dio host Joe , Eszterhas , Screenwriter , Showgirls, Basic Instinct John , Etchemendy , Educa tor , Provost of Stanford Uni versity Jeffrey , Eugenides , Author ,
The Virgin Suicides Jackie ,
Evancho , Si nger , Dream With Me Janet ,
Evanovich , Novel ist , Stephanie Pl um mysteries Janet ,
Evans , Swi mmer , Olympic distance swimmer John ,
Evelyn , Author ,
English diarist Jason ,
Evers , Actor ,
The Brain That Wouldn't Die Judith ,
Exner , Author ,
JFK mi stress Jim ,
Exon , Pol i tician , US Senator from Nebraska, 1979-97
JF Jamie Foxx = Actor, singer, comedian=272,046=22 John Frusciante = American guitarist, singer, songwriter and record producer=203,158=28 John Fogerty = US-American rock singer, songwriter, and guitarist=63,151=102 Jared Followill = American, Bassist=57,219=117 John F.+Kennedy= 35th President of the United States=77,873=79 Jonah Falcon= American, Actor=123,938=51 Jimmy Fallon= TV Personality=43,041=144 Josh Farro= Rock musician=42,417=146 Jerry Ferrara= American, Actor=24,145=248 Joseph Fiennes= Actor=27,278=226 Joe Francis= American, Film/TV Producer=22,847=258 James Franco = Film actor=318,492=18 COMPLETEandLEFT JF,James Farentino JF,James Fox JF,James Franciscus JF,James Franco JF,Jamie Farr JF,Jamie Foxx JF,Jane Fonda JF,Jane Froman JF,Jeff Fahey JF,Jeff Foxworthy JF,Jerry Falwell JF,Jimmy Fallon JF,Joan Fontaine JF,Jodie Foster JF,Joe Frazier JF,Joey Fatone JF,John Ford JF,John Forsythe JF,José Feliciano JF,José Ferrer JF,Jules Feiffer JF,June Foray
Jenny Frost = English singer, songwriter=32,921=261 Jenni Falconer= Scottish, Personality=27,093=299 Jodelle Ferland= Actress=39,018=214 Jennie Finch= Softball player=29,004=283 Jeanna Fine= American pornographic actress=33,495=257 Jada Fire= American pornographic actress=181,309=42 Jenna Fischer= Actress=60,160=149 Joely Fisher= American actress=32,645=264 Jennifer Flavin= American, Actress=37,268=231 Jane Fonda = Actress, writer=171,050=51 Joan Fontaine= Actress=47,745=185 Download 2,12 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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