Animal camouflage reading answers mini ielts

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Animal camouflage reading answers mini ielts
Many animals hunt to find food. Those they hunt are called their prey. The prey wants to hide from the predators. They want to make themselves look different from what they are and blend in with their surroundings. This blending in is called camouflage. The word comes from a French word which means to 'disguise. There are four types of
camouflage which animals use. The first is color. An animal hides behind or in an environment of the same color. This is called concealing coloration. However, some animals may have problems as seasons change. A white animal may blend in with its surroundings in winter but have trouble hiding in the other seasons. Some animals change their
colors to match the season. The arctic fox is grayish brown in summer and white in winter. Temperature or the amount of daylight possibly cause these changes. The second type of camouflage is disruptive coloration. A striped animal, for example, may be less easy to see because the two colors do not suggest the outline of an animal. Lions are
colorblind and do not see zebras because the stripes blend in with the tall grass. The yellow and brown colors of a leopard help it to blend in with the yellowish-brown of savannah grasses. An owl butterfly has the markings of a big eye on its wings which look like the eye of an owl. Another type of camouflage is a disguise. An animal looks very much
like an object. An example of this is a walking stick. It looks like a twig or small branch on a tree. A leafy sea dragon's body looks just like the green plant it sits on under water. The fourth type of camouflage animals use is mimicry. An animal may look like a poisonous plant or animal so predators will not bother it. The caterpillar of the spicebush
swallowtail butterfly looks like bird droppings, and a predator does not want to touch it. Animal camouflage reading answer mini ielts Testing Animal Intelligence Applying human intelligence tests to animals has been largely discredited, as these are designed to measure human intelligence. Even time-honored tests like putting rats into mazes can be
deceptive, since such tests assume the animals will rely on the same senses as we do. Give a rat a maze of smells, not just visible walls, and it can solve it as fast as a human can. If intelligence is defined as the ability to cope with everything your environment throws at you, then all surviving species are intelligent. If members of any animal species are
required to solve complex problems, many them will eventually do it. What seems to differentiate humans is not our mental skills so much as our flexibility and our capability for abstract thought: the ability to create new ideas and images as well as receive them. Animals can do things like navigating or remembering the locations of objects much
better than we can. What they don't do so well is apply reasoning to a whole range of problems, which is one of the things that has made human beings so successful as a species. Part of the problem in assessing animal intelligence is communication. And their own language is so different from ours that it will take years of research and enormous
computing power to decipher it. The best we can do is to develop a common language of signs. The Dolphin Institute in Hawaii uses more than different hand-signals. Dolphins seem able to learn independently. For example, they are the only specie besides humans which can instantly understand television. This suggests that they can communicate
with one another and either design the routine together or agree that one will be the leader. In the wild, dolphins cooperate to catch fish by driving them onto a beach, and this behavior is not restricted to their own species. Each dolphin will only work with a particular fisherman and, when they breed, their offspring work with the same man.
Monkeys and apes seldom resort to violence to get their own way, preferring social manipulation and deception. The most successful members of the group tend to be those who are best at soliciting support, or who have the largest families to back up their opinions - not the biggest or strongest as with, say, rutting stags. Research has shown that
chimps can perform surprisingly complex sequences of actions to process food, such as collecting a bundle of leaves or cracking nuts with a rock. This implies the ability to plan things in their minds before starting the task, otherwise they might get muddled — forgetting to place all the leaves the same way round, or find a hard, level resting place for
the nut, for instance. Even sheep, a byword for mindless behavior, perhaps deserve reappraisal. The local flock develops an intimate knowledge of the terrain, enabling the sheep to find food in summer and shelter in winter, which is passed down from ewe to lamb for generations. It is widely assumed that dogs are brighter than sheep. However, in
the hills of Gujarat in western India, instead of using sheepdogs to round up their flocks, shepherds call directly to the sheep — and they obey. Questions 14—18 Complete the table below using information from the text. Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes on your answer sheet. Rats Dolphins Camouflage questions and answers Questions The
following reading passage has five sections A-E. Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings. Write the correct number i-viii in boxes on your answer sheet. There are more headings than sections, so you will not use them all. The term itself is misleading, since it is extremely rare for anyone to have a complete lack of color
perception. By look ing into the myths related to color blindness, one can learn many facts about the structure and genetics o the human eye. It is a myth that colorblind people see the world as if it were a black and white movie. There are very few cases of complete colorblindness. Those who have a complete lack of color perception are referred to as
monochromatics, and usually have a serious problem with their overall vision as well as an inability to see colors. The fact is that in most cases of colorblindness, there are only certain shades that a person cannot distinguish between. These people are said to be dichromatic. They may not be able to tell the difference between red and green, or orange
and yellow. A person with normal color vision has what is called trichromatic vision. The difference between the three levels of color perception have to do with the cones in the human eye. A normal human eye has three cones located inside the retina: the red cone, the green cone, and the yellow cone. Each cone contains a specific pigment whose
function is to absorb the light of these colors and the combinations of them. People with trichromatic vision have all three cones in working order. When one of the three cones does not function properly, dichromatic vision occurs. This is also a myth, though it is not completely untrue. While there may be some truth to the idea that more men have
trouble matching their clothing than women, the reason that color vision deficiency is predominant in males has nothing to do with fashion. The fact is that the gene for color blindness is located on the X chromosome, which men only have one of. Females have two X chromosomes, and if one carries the defective gene, the other one naturally
compensates. Therefore, the only way for a female to inherit colorblindness is for both of her X chromosomes to carry the defective gene. This is why the incidence of color deficiency is sometimes more prevalent in extremely small societies that have a limited gene pool. Animal courtship ielts reading answers Is that a butterfly or a flower? Is that a
lizard or a log? Many animals and plants blend in with their surroundings, helping them to survive. Animals use their colour to hide among rocks, grass, and trees. This is called camouflage. Camouflage helps animals hide from their predators. It also helps predators such as lions and tigers sneak up on their prey without being spotted. Animals such
as chameleons change their colour to match the colour of their surroundings. Spindly stick insects are very difficult to see among branches and twigs because of their colour and shape. Arctic hares are brown during the summer to blend in with their surroundings of soil and shrubs. They shed their fur in autumn and grow new white coats to blend in
with the snow during the winter months. Tigers use their stripes as camouflage to blend in with the light and dark grasses. African lions use their tan colour to hide in the savannah grasses. This allows the lion to creep up on its prey without being seen. Questions 1. Apart from the animals mentioned in this article, can you think of two more animals
that use camouflage to hide from predators? Stick insects use colour to blend in with their surroundings. What else do they use? What colour is an Arctic hare during the winter? Brown c. White b. Black d. How does this help them survive during the winter months? Learn more about Scribd Membership Home. Read Free For 30 Days. Much more than
documents. Discover everything Scribd has to offer, including books and audiobooks from major publishers. Start Free Trial Cancel anytime. Camouflage - Reading comprehension for kids. Uploaded by Primary Leap. Document Information click to expand document information Description: This English reading comprehension is all about camouflage.
Kids read the article and answer the accompanying study questions. Candle making in colonial america ielts reading answers Nature See also Animal Camouflage - Advanced. Camouflage protects the animal from predators and helps predators to hunt without being seen. Camouflage is a way to protect the young animals from being seen so they
might grow up. Concealing coloration is an animal's ability to use color to hide its presence by visually blending into its surroundings. Animals looking like or imitating other animals that their enemies would overlook or never eat. This can be easily confused with concealing coloration because, though the animal does blend in with its background,
there is more to it than that. In disguise camouflage, the animal has the shape and color of something else. The Leafy Sea Dragon avoids notice by camouflaging itself as a piece of seaweed. The Javanese leaf insect is an amazing imitation of a real leaf. The Thorn bugs look like thorns on a rose plant. The Stick insect looks like a stick. This honor offers
a wide variety of ways to explore the topic independently in various learning styles that different Pathfinders will enjoy. Encourage creativity and digging deeper for the how and why of different animal camouflage strategies. We suggest looking at the Advanced Honor for additional ideas and information that can be included to make your projects
more interesting. Get a requirement done for the Christian Storytelling honor while you do this. Also see the last requirement for a good idea to incorporate a spiritual message into the story. These should be your pictures, perhaps taken during the zoo visit or out in nature, not some photos you found on the internet. While this is ideally done in a
natural environment, you will be able to observe many animals, reptiles and other creatires that use camouflage by visiting a zoo. While at the zoo you can take pictures, video, and gather useful information for completing several of the other optional projects in this honor. If you are planning to visit a zoo or aquarium, be aware that there are various
honors that have requirements which can be met by visiting a zoo or aquarium. Individuals can work on multiple honors in one visit, or parts of your group may work on different honors during the same visit. For a very professional looking book you could use a photobook creation website. Put your book together and then order it. What a nice
keepsake of your honor completion. This option is only meaningful if you prepare ahead of time. No one wants to listen to an uninformed person on an 'expert' panel. One way to do this is assign a broad habitat desert, jungle, plains for each panel member to research, then have a moderator ask questions about types of camo and classes of animals.
The panel members each then discuss examples of how that type of camouflage is used in the assigned habitat or how various animals have been designed to fit into the environment. It is perfectly acceptable and perhaps preferred to prewrite the questions and give them to the panel members before they do the research. Academic module practice
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Organizers. Writing Prompts. Writing Story Pictures. Writing Worksheets. More ELA Worksheets. Consonant Sounds. Vowel Sounds. Consonant Blends. Consonant Digraphs. Word Families. More Phonics Worksheets. Camouflage quiz Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. Are you
getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? All Categories. Grade Level. Resource Type. Log In Join Us. View Wish List View Cart. Results for comprehension passages on camouflage Sort by: Relevance. You Selected: Keyword comprehension passages on camouflage. Grades PreK. Other
Not Grade Specific. Higher Education. Adult Education. Digital Resources for Students Google Apps. Internet Activities. English Language Arts. Foreign Language. Social Studies - History. History World History. For All Subject Areas. See All Resource Types. These 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension Checks offer students the opportunity to read a
variety of high-interest and engaging passages at different levles. There are a total of 15 Reading Comprehension Checks for each month. WorksheetsPrintables. Show 9 included products. Add to cart. Wish List. There are a total of 15 Reading Comprehension Checks for the month. English Language ArtsReading. Are you looking for no prep reading
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products. Show 2 included products. Answers of reading passage family names A quiz is just the thing for testing your students' mastery of animal vocabulary. Take five minutes at the start of class to use one of these short activities as an assessment before you teach a unit on animals, or as a warm-up or review during the unit. Or, use all the
activities together as a longer quiz or as part of a unit test. It is easy to personalize the following animals ESL quiz for your class. Simply change or delete any questions about animals that your class hasn't studied. For example, if your unit on animals focuses on farm animals, use the matching exercise and just delete the frog. The exercises are in the
order of difficulty; the first activity is a simple matching exercise, while the last is a reading comprehension passage that includes purpose and result clauses. If you use all the activities together, the point values add up to 99; add a bonus question to round the quiz up to points. This can be a simple question, such as:. Animals make different sounds in
different languages. Match the animal to the sound it makes in English. Her mother says, "A dog is a lot of work. Do you like hamsters? I don't want a pet that is only awake at night. Maybe I can get a lizard or snake. There are beautiful fish over there. Many animals use camouflage in order to protect themselves. Camouflage helps animals blend into
their surroundings, so that predators cannot find them. For example, most squirrels are gray and brown, so they match the trees. Some animals use pattern for camouflage, such as a zebra's stripes or a butterfly's spots. Other animals, like octopuses, can change the color and pattern of their skin instantly to mimic sea plants, the bottom of the sea, or
other sea animals. Cloze passage: 1. False: Octopuses can change the pattern on their skin. Zebras cannot change the pattern on their skin. By continuing, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Please set a username for yourself. Cambridge test 5 reading answers Essay Vocabulary Topics Related Vocabulary. You should spend about 20
minutes on Questions which are based on Reading Passage 3 below. This commitment has now been clear defined in The World Zoo Conservation Strategy WZCS, Septemberwhich although an important and welcome document does seem to be based on an unrealistic optimism about the nature of the zoo industry. The WZCS estimates that there are
about 10, zoos in the world, of which around 1, represent a core of quality collections capable of participating in coordinated conservation programmes. Of course, it is difficult to get accurate data but, to put the issue into perspective, I have found that, in a year of working in Eastern Europe, I discover fresh zoos on almost a weekly basis. The second
flaw in the reasoning of the WZCS document is the naive faith it places in its 1, core zoos. One would assume that the calibre of these institutions would have been carefully examined, but it appears that the criterion for inclusion on this select list might merely be that the zoo is a member of a zoo federation or association. These include Robin Hill
Adventure Park on the Isle of Wight, which many considered the most notorious collection of animals in the country. As it was always a collection of dubious repute, one is obliged to reflect upon the standards that the Zoo Federation sets when granting membership. The situation is even worse in developing countries where little money is available for
redevelopment and it is hard to see a way of incorporating collections into the overall scheme of the WZCS. This seems an extremely optimistic proposition from a man who must be aware of the failings and weaknesses of the zoo industry the man who, when a member of the council of London Zoo, had to persuade the zoo to devote more of its
activities to conservation. Moreover, where are the facts to support such optimism? Beyond that, about a further 20 species are being seriously considered for zoo conservation programmes. Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 3? Zoos made an insignificant contribution to conservation up until 30 years
ago. Zoos in the WZCS select list were carefully inspected. No-one knew how the animals were being treated at Robin Hill Adventure Park. Colin Tudge was dissatisfied with the treatment of animals at London Zoo. The number of successful zoo conservation programmes is unsatisfactory. Questions Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them
in boxes on your answer sheet. Write your answers A-F in boxes on your answer sheet. List of Factors: A. Merlin Mathew 2 months 4 days. Reply Quote. Pawan Gill 3 months 24 days. Ahmed Hassan 4 months 30 days. Rajesh 9 months. Abhinay Dhamija 10 months 1 day. Manik 11 months 2 days. Gagan 1 year 3 months. Vansh 1 year 9 months.
Sandeep Kumar Gupta 1 year 11 months. Atif Ali 2 years. Jay 2 years 1 month. Farooq 2 years 1 month. Usborne Shine a Light Secrets of Animal Camouflage
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