Arabian Peninsula

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Arabian Peninsula

  • Arabian Peninsula

Red Sea

  • Red Sea

Dead Sea: so salty you cannot sink

  • Dead Sea: so salty you cannot sink

Tigris River

  • Tigris River

Rub al-Khali: Empty Quarter. “place no one comes out”, most of SW Asia is Arid & Semiarid

  • Rub al-Khali: Empty Quarter. “place no one comes out”, most of SW Asia is Arid & Semiarid

Ethnic Groups

  • Ethnic Groups

Climates of SW Asia

  • Climates of SW Asia

Mediterranean coastal climates--- hot, sunny summers, cool, rainy winters

  • Mediterranean coastal climates--- hot, sunny summers, cool, rainy winters

  • Need to live near a water source

  • Ppl along coast have easier contact with ppl than those in the interior

  • No connecting navigable rivers

Largest desert in the world, 3,000 miles

  • Largest desert in the world, 3,000 miles

  • 134 degrees in the day and below freezing at night

  • 20% sand

  • Camels can go up to 17 days without water

  • Rely on aquifers and oasis’

French Colonies: Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco.

  • French Colonies: Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco.

  • English Colonies: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine

The Berbers were the original inhabitants of N. Africa & were farmers and herders

  • The Berbers were the original inhabitants of N. Africa & were farmers and herders

  • Camels were introduced during Roman rule from Central Asia & were very well adapted to desert climate

  • 1st time reg. trade was est. crossed desert in caravans

½ of pop lives in rural villages

  • ½ of pop lives in rural villages

  • Sm. Houses of sun-dried brick

  • rise at dawn, nap midday b/c too hot, work until dusk

  • still use wooden plows

Tuareg --- speak own language, only Berber language with a written form, means “free men”, severe drought has caused some to resort to farming, mostly located in Burkina Faso and Libya

  • Tuareg --- speak own language, only Berber language with a written form, means “free men”, severe drought has caused some to resort to farming, mostly located in Burkina Faso and Libya

Iceberg Project abandoned in 1981

  • Iceberg Project abandoned in 1981

  • National Water Carrier Project in Israel– carries water from N. to central & S.

  • Desalination Plants: removes salt from ocean water, very expensive, still too salty for irrigation so used for sewage systems

  • Fossil Water: old water from deep underground aquifers

Irrigation Canal: deliver water to arid regions, evaporates quickly, used in Oman

  • Irrigation Canal: deliver water to arid regions, evaporates quickly, used in Oman

  • Noria: waterwheel run by flow water or animal power used to lift water from the river to the fields (Syria)

  • Drip Irrigation: reduces evaporation, used in the Negev Desert in Israel

  • Qanat: system of underground brick-lined tunnels and wells that collect runoff water from the mountains

World’s longest river – 4,160 miles, flows North

    • World’s longest river – 4,160 miles, flows North
    • Empties into Nile Delta (extremely fertile)
    • The Fellaheen (Egyptian peasants) grow impressive crops without modern machinery
    • Population – 68 million (99% live along Nile R.)
    • High population density (2,700 ppl per sq mi)
    • 2 major cities: Cairo & Alexandria

Basin Irrigation: long walls built around fields to trap water and silt (didn’t work yr round)

  • Basin Irrigation: long walls built around fields to trap water and silt (didn’t work yr round)

  • Reservoir: Lake Nasser (300 mi.) on the Aswan Dam, caused an increase in Malaria, but provides steady water supply

  • Perennial Irrigation System

- stopped flooding of Nile, 35 % of Egyptian farmland have a high salt content, but increased farmland by 50%. However, b/c flooding stopped so did the deposit of new silt

  • - stopped flooding of Nile, 35 % of Egyptian farmland have a high salt content, but increased farmland by 50%. However, b/c flooding stopped so did the deposit of new silt

    • links Med. Sea and Red Sea opened in 1869 – made Egypt vital link
    • About 105 mi long
    • Reduces the 12,300 mi long trip between London and Mumbai to 7,200 mi

Petroleum = Oil

  • Petroleum = Oil

  • Discovered in SW Asia in 1920s

  • World’s largest oil field is al-Ghawar in Saudi Arabia in the Rub al-Khali desert and contains ¼ of Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves

  • OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Counties

Drills pump out the crude oil into storage tanks

  • Drills pump out the crude oil into storage tanks

  • Natural gas, water, and sediments are removed and oil is sent to a pumping station

  • Crude oil is sent to refineries either in tankers or by pipelines

  • At the refinery crude oil is converted into useful products like gasoline

  • Products are transported worldwide

Oil Consumers

  • Oil Consumers

64 % of world’s oil deposits

  • 64 % of world’s oil deposits

  • 34% of natural gas reserves

  • 44.5 million barrels a day – 50% of world’s demand

  • Oil prices unstable

  • Use oil profits to modernize and industrialize

  • Use oil profits to diversify economy

  • Kuwait: free public education

Subsistence Farming and Nomadic Herding

  • Subsistence Farming and Nomadic Herding

Muhammad as 1 true prophet, but belief in other prophets

  • Muhammad as 1 true prophet, but belief in other prophets

  • Qur’an – words of God; Hadith – words of Muhammad

  • 5 pillars of Faith

  • 6 Articles of Faith

Major religion for Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Syria, Lebannon, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen – many are theocratic govts.

  • Major religion for Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Syria, Lebannon, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen – many are theocratic govts.

  • Mecca: holiest city of Islam (where Muhammad spend much of his life)

  • 5 Pillars of Faith: (Faith, Prayer 5x a day, Charity, Fasting- Ramadan, Pilgrimage to Mecca)

  • Mosques: Muslim place of worship

Most N. Africans are Muslim

  • Most N. Africans are Muslim

  • 1st brought to Africa in 632 CE

  • All N. African coast Muslim by 750 CE

  • By 1500 extended through the Sahara

  • Mostly Sunni

One God, no form, creator, pray to him alone

  • One God, no form, creator, pray to him alone

  • Moses as chief prophet

  • Torah as Law from God, passed down through Moses, can’t be changed

  • Coming of the Messiah

  • Rewards good, punishes bad

  • Food must be Kosher

Capital of Israel

  • Capital of Israel

  • Temple Mount: site of King Solomon’s 1st temple and the spot where Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son to God

  • Site of the 2nd temple

  • Western Wall: Wailing Wall- last pieces of the 2nd wall that was destroyed by Romans in 70 CE

Breakaway sect of Judaism, followers of Jesus Christ

  • Breakaway sect of Judaism, followers of Jesus Christ

  • 12 disciples, Virgin Mary, son of God, original sin

  • Bible – Old (before Jesus) & New (after Jesus) Testament

  • Beliefs:

    • 1. God
    • 2. Trinity
    • 3. Bible
    • 4. Death & Resurrection of Jesus
    • 5. Return of Jesus
    • 6. Salvation & Punishment

Crusades: Christians fought for control of the city from Muslims – lost

  • Crusades: Christians fought for control of the city from Muslims – lost

  • Site of Jesus’ crucifixion

Dome of the Rock: houses the spot where Muhammad ascended to heaven, located on the Temple Mount

  • Dome of the Rock: houses the spot where Muhammad ascended to heaven, located on the Temple Mount

  • Al-Aqsa: mosque

Balfour Declaration: UN divides Palestine into 2 states: 1 for the Jews and 1 for the Arabs

  • Balfour Declaration: UN divides Palestine into 2 states: 1 for the Jews and 1 for the Arabs

  • Arabs did not agree, but Israel was formed anyway in 1948

  • Surrounding Arab nations launched war against Israel and lost b/c Israel was supported by the UN (aka USA & UK)

Ottoman Empire: 1520 – 1922, Muslim based, Turkish govt., fell at the end of WWI, lands split between France and England

  • Ottoman Empire: 1520 – 1922, Muslim based, Turkish govt., fell at the end of WWI, lands split between France and England

  • French: Syria (1946) & Lebanon (1943)

  • British: Israel & Jordan (called Palestine)

  • Zionism: goal to create a Jewish homeland

  • By 1914: 12% of Palestine was Jewish

  • Jews poured into Palestine to escape the Holocaust

  • British stopped immigration in 1939

The West Bank and Gaza Strip were under Israeli control until 1960s

  • The West Bank and Gaza Strip were under Israeli control until 1960s

  • Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed to regain the land for the Arabs

  • West Bank and Gaza Strip are now under Arab control and are a safe zone for Palestinian Arabs

In 1949 the UN created 53 Palestinian refugee camps

  • In 1949 the UN created 53 Palestinian refugee camps

  • They were supposed to be temporary

  • Each camp holds b/w 35,000 – 50,000 people

  • Israeli govt. controls all movement in and out of the camps

  • Education, money, food, health care provided by the UN

School from 5-15 years

  • School from 5-15 years

  • At 15 choose b/w tech school or academic school or the workforce

  • Drive & get married at 17 yrs

  • Enter the military at 18: 3 yrs for men; 2 years for women, but women no active combat

  • Some restaurants have separate dining areas for men and women (Arab)

  • Most ethnically diverse country in the world

Stateless nation

  • Stateless nation

  • 1988 Iraq dropped mustard gas bombs on Kurdish settlements killing 5,000 ppl

  • Kurdistan: in parts of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria

  • Kurds make up 20% of Turkey are majorly repressed

Sunni: 83 % of Muslims

  • Sunni: 83 % of Muslims

War for control over the oil fields

  • War for control over the oil fields

  • 1990 Iraq (under Saddam Hussein) invaded Kuwait

  • US and 32 other countries fought to expel Iraq

  • Iraq set fire to 700 oil wells

  • US and UN won

Inhabited since 6000 BCE

  • Inhabited since 6000 BCE

  • Has been occupied by Phoenicians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Ottoman Turks, and Great Britain

  • Independence in 1960

  • Tensions b/w Greek-Cypriot majority and Turkish-Cypriot minority

  • Only Turkey recognizes Northern Cyprus as the independent country – the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Arabic is a cultural group.

  • Arabic is a cultural group.

Arabic is a language of many dialects

  • Arabic is a language of many dialects

  • Many, NOT ALL, are Muslim

  • They feel a responsibility to care for the poor

  • Strong family loyalty

  • Use heavy spices when cooking and many meals feature wheat or rice

  • Tend to be VERY conservative

  • Reject Western culture because of the fear they will loose their values

Taliban- held Afghanistan from 1996-2001

  • Taliban- held Afghanistan from 1996-2001

  • Launched 9/11 attacks

  • Believe in VERY strict Sharia Law

  • TV, internet & music banned

  • Men MUST wear a beard

  • Osama bin Laden and al-Queda

Women cannot go to school

  • Women cannot go to school

  • Women may not work outside of the home

  • Women may not leave their homes without a male escort

  • Women must be fully covered by a Burka

  • Women may not wear fingernail polish

  • All of this was to safeguard women’s honor

most women are housewives

  • most women are housewives

  • In Tunisia it is illegal to have more than 1 wife, divorce is possible, no more arranged marriage before 13, equal pay

1st used to communicate Algerian resentment of the French govt.

  • 1st used to communicate Algerian resentment of the French govt.

  • Islamic fundamentalists have tried to ban Rai

  • Still used in rebellion especially by women against Islamic fundamentalism


  • Directions:

  • Choose a song from the last 30 years (1980 – present) that you feel is a protest song. It can be protesting anything, but you must identify what the song is protesting. You must provide:

  • Name of the song and artist of the song (15 points)

  • Provide the lyrics of the song (school censored please!) (35 points)

  • Write at least one paragraph explaining what the song is protesting and if you agree or disagree with what the song is protesting. (50 points)

Wanted by Russia and the UK – UK won, but USA also had interest

  • Wanted by Russia and the UK – UK won, but USA also had interest

  • Taliban took over in 1990s – Bin Laden in control

  • 2001 – 9/11 attacks on the US – go to war with USA

  • 2011- Bin Laden found and killed

1. Jan. 2011: protest against poverty, unemployment, government corruption and the rule of president Hosni Mubarak, who has been in power for three decades.

  • 1. Jan. 2011: protest against poverty, unemployment, government corruption and the rule of president Hosni Mubarak, who has been in power for three decades.

  • 2. Internet, cell service, schools, stock market – all shut down.

  • 3. Feb. 2011 – Hosni resigns – new democratic elections are in play

North – desert, Muslim Arabs

  • North – desert, Muslim Arabs

  • South – clay plains & a lg swamp called “The Sudd”, diff. ethnic groups, practice animalism or Christianity

  • N & S cont. at war since independence in 1956

  • Millions in danger of starvation

  • George Clooney and the Enough Project

  • Darfur Discrimination

  • In July 2011 – Sudan officially split into North Sudan and South Sudan

  • Future is uncertain – world maps have not been updated and most countries do not yet recognize the split

Oil is 99% of exports, imports 2/3 of its food

  • Oil is 99% of exports, imports 2/3 of its food

  • Muammar Gaddafi est. unique form of socialism that combines with strict Islam fundamentalism

    • Goal: equal distribution of wealth
    • Goal: root out Western influence
    • Banned jeans for men and any pants or short skirts for women

Revolution to oust Gaddafi

  • Revolution to oust Gaddafi

  • NATO attacks Libya (US is a member of NATO)

  • Oct 2011 – Gaddafi is killed

  • Democratic elections of a new Prime Minister

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