Artistic skills of the translation of the work "baburnama" into foreign languages

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3. yo\'nalish Toshtemirova M.

Toshtemirova Madina Erdjigitovna
Assistant of the branch of NUST MISIS in Almalyk, Uzbekistan

Abstract. This article takes into account the fact that the work "Baburnama" written by Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur from 1494 to 1530, which is of great historical importance, was not studied by researchers in a special analytical way until the independence period, thus putting an end to the deficiency in this field at least a little. It is aimed to study the historical events in the work by comparing them with the important historical sources of that time, and comprehensively illuminate the results of the analysis.
Key words: work, history, ethnographer, warlord, structure, madrasah, kingdom, ability, phenomenon, unique.

Babur's work "Baburnama" has not been fully studied in the historiography of our country. The same situation prompted to choose the topic as an object of historical research.

As history testifies, very few people are born who have left a high mark in the history of humanity, who can be an example for future generations with their position in society, scientific and artistic heritage. In the history of the Uzbek people, literature, and spirituality of the 15th-16th centuries, Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Mirza Babur can easily be included among such persons. Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur's life itself is an example for future generations. In his 47-year-old short but creatively blessed life, he accomplished things that could not be accomplished even after living for a hundred years.
In addition to being a king and a poet of his time, Babur was also famous as a great historian, ethnographer, local historian, biologist, geographer, and religious scholar. He knew the rules of Sharia perfectly and wrote a treatise on this subject. Since the Arabic alphabet is complicated and difficult to learn, he created a new alphabet "Hatti Baburi". He reworked the time standards in the state, conveniently organized the postal system and implemented many other reforms. He is a great person who built landscaping and gardens wherever he went, and spread Movarounnahr civilization in the East.
As a worthy successor of the great king, Amir Temur, Babur made it his life's goal to restore his kingdom in all the territories belonging to him, to establish a high kingdom without arrogance and arrogance, and to carry out state affairs. He was the most difficult time as a skilled commander: his relatives, beggars and comrades left him, and he tried to take the throne from them, and even when he was helpless, he strived towards his goal. This characteristic of Babur, his optimistic outlook on the future, serves as an example even today. Zahiriddin Muhammad Mirzo Babur's work "Baburnama" left information about the Timurid dynasty, the structures built by Amir Temur and Mirza Ulugbek, madrasahs, gardens, mosques, baths, as well as the climate of Samarkand and its inhabitants [1, 46].
The main key of Babur's state policy is to maintain a peaceful life in the areas under his rule, like Sultan Husayn Boykara in the Timurid region, to provide his kingdom with strong fortifications, skilled soldiers and officers, to promote science, literature and art. he didn't think it was just about giving high attention. His great intention was to re-occupy the land and lands under the control of his grandfather Amir Temur's kingdom, to conduct an important, unified state policy, and to unite the Timurids in disarray towards this goal. In this way, he put an end to political tensions, intolerance, especially the struggles for territory, wealth and positions left by the great Temur, and strove to unite them all under one banner. He has achieved this in many ways, but his intentions are not lacking. Many pro-people decrees were announced by Babur in the administration of the state. The most exemplary of them were the decrees "two azimush-honors".
In the first edict, Babur's rites of statehood, his maturity as a king, and the most important thing, exempted his subjects from the stamp tax, regardless of who they were, what nationality, or religion they belonged to.
Two years before his death, his second edict was a strict ban on drinking wine throughout his reign. These two edicts of Babur have not lost their value today as they are aimed at embodying such features as patriotism, human interest, health and moral perfection in the character of a person. Babur's statesmanship and high military skills have been recognized by Eastern and Western scientists and historians.
In this regard, the views of the historian Pave de Courteil are proof of our opinion: "This breed, capable of withstanding any test, embodying will and tenacity, can combine military cunning and courage in itself, and is capable of punishing and pardoning when necessary. was: he was a talented military man and a commander who knew how to do things, who could manage the troops skillfully, and who was able to win their trust" [2, 114-116].
In "Baburnama", the author first of all shows that he tried to learn the secrets of this profession from a young age, to admit his mistakes, to openly state them, and to correct them. Babur observed and evaluated the diplomatic delicacy in every action of all subordinates, opponents and enemies. He filled his position in the society and the kingdom precisely on the basis of the diplomatic rules and laws of the Timurids, with new rules and regulations in his kingdom. He demanded that everyone obey him, and he himself followed this order. Zahiruddin Babur paid great attention to the personality of women in state administration. To put the dignity of women in their right place, to fulfill their honor, when necessary, he consulted with Kutlug Nigorkhanim, Esan Davlatbegim, Khanzodabegim and other women on issues related to state affairs, and took their opinions into account.
Babur's daughter Gulbadan Begum wrote in her work "Humayunnama" that when Babur was busy with state affairs in Agra, the news was brought to Babur that his wife - Humayun's mother Mohim Begum had visited from Khurasan and that she had already approached the palace. Then Babur leaves all his work and runs towards his wife. When his wife saw the coming caravan, he got off his horse, rushed towards his wife, took her off his horse, put her on his horse, took the bridle and led her to the palace. Some of the courtiers do not like this action of the king and cause their objections. This example itself showed that Babur was far ahead of his time, that sincerity should prevail in family relations, and this is a lesson for our youth even now. In "Boburnoma", the author did not express an opinion about the diplomatic procedures of that period, the procedures that were a picture [3, 97-98].
We hope that our repeated reading of this work led us to achieve a certain integrity based on the logical unity of the events that happened in different years. Innumerable literary, scientific and historical works left by Babur, "Aruz Risola" poetic and poetical works, translation of Khoja Ahrori Vali's "Wolidiya" from Persian to Uzbek, music and military science works (still not found) will easily be given to him for life. brought fame and there is no doubt that the next generation will enjoy it.
"Baburnama" - a wide ocean! It contains factual figures, images of more than 1,560 individuals, and covers a wide range of topics. It is necessary to comment on Babur's several points of view, artistic images, come to scientific conclusions, and take into account the complexities of that time. This can be taken as Babur's high skill, his assessment of the character of the characters of the work as a ruqologist of a complex era.
Therefore, it was used in several places to reveal the characteristics of Husayn Boykara Shaibani Khan, Shahbegim, Khisravshah, Baqi Chakaniyani Ibrahim Lo`di, Muhammad Husayn Mirza and others in a comprehensive manner, in accordance with the needs of the topic, Nature and vegetation, relief images, state administration. , Babur's betrayal, diplomatic relations, personal character, and so on, this method was used from time to time [4, 72-73].
We turned to Babur's work "Baburnama", other works related to his work, rare works left by his contemporaries. With this, we have expressed our opinion about the state management of the great person, the position of the individual in the state, diplomatic relations and procedures in the 15th-15th centuries. This topic is the ocean, we only partially enjoyed it. We leave it to our talented young people and students to explore it more deeply and meaningfully.
To sum up, the work "Baburnama" occupies a special place among the works created by Zahiriddin Muhammad Mirza Babur. Scientific analysis and study of this work with other historical works requires a lot of serious research. In this place, It is enough to recall the following thoughts of President I.A. Karimov: "...I think it is necessary to emphasize one important point as a conclusion. The fact is that the existence of such unique figures in our history is a unique phenomenon, a unique event.


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