Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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This- thatga almashadi va boshqalar pastda jadval beriladi.

Gapdagi vaqt va o’rin bildiruvchi so’zlarni o’zgartiramiz…
Hojat bo’lsa olmoshlar ham almashishi mumkin

Buyerdagi qadamlarni yaxshilab o’rganing tushunmasangiz qayta va qayta o’qing tushungingizcha

Ko‘chirma gapda

O‘zlashtirma gapda

Simple Present(I do)

Simple Past(I did)

Present Perfect, Simple Past(I have done/ did)

Past Perfect(I had done)

Simple Future( I will)

Future In The Past(I would)

Present Continuous( I am doing)

Past Continuous( I was doing

Present Perfect Continuous,
Past Continuous ( I have been doing/was doing)

Past Perfect Continuous (I had been doing

Future Continuous ( I will be doing)

Future Continuous in the Past ( I would be doing)

Future Perfect (I will have done)

Future Perfect in the Past ( I would have done)

Future Perfect Continuous in the Past
Future Perfect Continuous ( I would have been doing)
( I will have been doung)

Simple present

Simple past

I always drink coffee”, she said

She said that she always drankcoffee.

Present continuous

Past continuous

I am reading a book”, he explained.

He explained that he was reading a book

Simple past

Past perfect

Bill arrived on Saturday”, he said.

He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday

Present perfect

Past perfect

I have been to Spain”, he told me.

He told me that he had been to Spain

Past perfect

Past perfect

I had just turned out the light,” he explained.

He explained that he had just turned out the light.

Present perfect continuous

Past perfect continuous

They complained, “We have been waiting for hours”.

They complained that they had been waiting for hours.

Past continuous

Past perfect continuous

We were living in Paris”, they told me.

They told me that they had been living in Paris.


Present conditional

I will be in Geneva on Monday”, he said

He said that he would be in Geneva on Monday.

Future continuous

Future continuous in the Past

She said, “I’ll be using the car next Friday”.

She said that she would be using the car next Friday.

Tense (zamonlar)

Direct Speech
(qo’shtirniq ichidagi gap)

Reported Speech
(O’zlashtirmaga aylangan ko’rnishi)

present simple

I like ice cream

She said (that) she liked ice cream.

present continuous

I am living in London

She said (that) she was living in London.

past simple

I bought a car

She said (that) she had bought a car OR She said (that) she bought a car.

past continuous

I was walking along the street

She said (that) she had been walking along the street.

present perfect

I haven't seen Julie

She said (that) she hadn't seen Julie.

past perfect*

I had taken English lessons before

She said (that) she had taken English lessons before.


I'll see you later

She said (that) she would see me later.


I would help, but..”

She said (that) she would help but...


I can speak perfect English

She said (that) she could speak perfect English.


I could swim when I was four

She said (that) she could swim when she was four.


I shall come later

She said (that) she would come later.


I should call my mother

She said (that) she should call her mother


I might be late

She said (that) she might be late


I must study at the weekend

She said (that) she must study at the weekend OR She said she had to study at the weekend

* yulduzcha qo’yilganlar zamon tushirganda o’zgarmaydi…



this/that (adjectives) these/those

The ba’zan it
Ba’zan They yoki them






that day


the next day

the day after tomorrow

two days later


the day before

the day before yesterday

two days before



next year

the next year, the following year



Shunaqa o’zgarishlar bo’ladi

1. Choose the correct answer.
He said, "I shall unlock the secrets of their success”.

  1. He said that he will unbck the secrets of their success.

  2. He said that he shall unlock the secrets of their success.

  3. He said that he would unlock the secrets of their success.

  4. He said that would he unlock the secret their success.

Izoh: 1-qadam qo’shtirnoqsiz gapning za’moni aniqlaymiz; He said – past simple turibdi.

  1. qadam qo’shtirnoq ichidagi gapning zamoni aniqlaymiz’ "I shall unlock the secrets of their success”. – Future simple

  2. qadam qo’shtirnoqga olinmagan gapimiz past tense bo’lgani uchun, qo’shtirnoq ichidagi gapni bitta zamon pastga tushurishimiz kerak ekan. Shu sababli javob variantlaridan bitta zamon pastga tushmagan javoblarni chiqarib tashlaymiz. A javob chiqarib tashlaymiz sababi u 1ta zamon tushmagan hali ham Future simple turibdi. B javob ham tushmagan bitta pastga. D javob xam xato u so’roq shaklda turibdi. Shu sabali bitta C javob to’gri tekshirib ko’ring bitta zamon pastga tushgan hammasi joyida.

She said, You can leave the books here."

  1. She said that they could leave the books here

  2. She said that I could leave the books there

  3. She said that we can leave the books here D) She said that they can leave the books there.

Izoh: Ho’sh qadamlar haqida tushunchaga ega bo’ldiz shu sababli maydalab o’tirmayman birdan birdan tushintirib ketaman. Buyerda 3 ta narsaga e’tibor berishingiz kerak va ularni men qoraga olib belgilab qo’ydim. 1- qo’shtirnoqa olinmagan gapning zamoni, 2-qo’shtirnoqdagi gapning zamoni, 3- o’rin ravishi here.
Qo’shtirnoqa olinmagan gap said ya’ni past simple bo’gani uchun qo’shtirnoqdagi gapni bitta zamon pastga tushramiz. Shu sababli javob variantlarida bitta zamon pastga tushmagan javoblarni chiqarib tashlaymiz. C va D javob chiqib ketadi sababi ular zamoni pastga tushmagan can holicha turibdi canni biz couldga o’zgartishimiz kerak. Endi javob variantlaridan here-there ga almashmagan javobni chiqarib tashaymiz. A javob ham chiqib ketadi. Bitta to’g’ri javob B sababli bitta zamon pastg tushgan can-could bo’lgan here-there bo’lgan...
3. Choose the correct answer
He said, "I saw a book here."

  1. He said that he saw a book here.

  2. He said that she had seen a book here.

  3. He said that he saw a book there.

  4. He said that he had seen a book there.

Izoh : Buyerda qo’shtirnoqsiz gap said bo’lgani uchun bitta zamon pastga tushirishmiz kerak. Endi javob variantlaridan bitta zamon pastga tushmagan javoblarni chiqarib tashlaymiz. Yoki siz here-there o’zgarmagan javoblarni chiqarib tashlasangiz ham bo’ladi. A va B javob chiqib ketadi sababi here-there ga o’zgarmagan. Endi C javob chiqib ketadi sababi bitta zamon pastga tushmagan, D javob to’gri hammasi joyida. Agarda tushunmasangiz audio izohni eshting va testlarni mustaqil yechib ko’ring.
So’roq shakldagi testda qanday yechiladi. Agar qo’shtirnoqni ichidagi gap so’roq bo’lsa ham biz birinchi navbatda so’roq gap maxsus so’roq gap bilanmi yoki yordamchi fe’l bilanmi shuni aniqlab olamiz. Agar gap maxsus so’roq gap bilan boshlansa maxsus so’roq so’zni o’zni qo’yamiz va undan so’ng darak shaklni saqlab qolaman va bitta zamon pastga tushiramiz agarda pastda bo’lsa qo’shtiroqsiz gap. Qo’shtirnoq ichidagi so’roq gap yordamchi fe’l orqali yasalagan bo’lsa unda biz If va whether foydalamiz. Pastda misollarga e’tibor bering va yaxshilab o’zgarishlarni o’rganing.
direct speech: 'Do you work from home?' he said. indirect speech: He asked me if I worked from home.
direct speech: 'Who did you see?' she asked. indirect speech: She asked me who I'd seen.
Misollarga e’tibor bersang qo’shtirnoq ichidagi so’roq bitta zamon pastga tushgan va darak shakldag aylangan. Testda ham shunaqa qilas qani kettik testlar orqali koramiz…
1)She said to him, "Why don't you go today?” A) She asked him why he did not go that day.

  1. She asked hirn why he went that day.

  2. She said to him that why he don't go today.

  3. She asked him if she was going today.

Izoh: Buyerda e’tibor berganingizdek qo’shtirnoq ichidagi so’z so’roq shaklda va Why bilan boshlanmoqda shu sababli javob variantlarida if va whether qatnashgani chiqarib tashaymiz sababi whether va If faqat yordamchi fe’l bilan yasalagan so’roqlarda ishtirok e’tadi. Shu sababli D javob xato. Ikkinchi qiladigan ishingiz zamon pastga tushmagan va darak shaklga aylantirilmagan javoblarni chiqarib tashlaysiz. C javob xato sababu u javob bitta zamon pastga tushmagan. B javobni xatosi qo’shtirnoq ichidagi gap inkor shakldagi so’roq edi, B javobda inkor saqlanib qolmagan shu uchun xato…
2) He asked me, "Have you finished reading the magazine?” A) He asked me whether I had finished reading the magazine.

  1. He asked me if I have finished reading the magazine.

  2. He asked me whether I finished reading the magazine.

  3. He asked me if had I finished the reading of magazine.

Izoh: Birinchi navbatda biz bitta so’roq shakli saqlanib qolgan javoblarni chiqarib tashlaymiz. D javob xato sababi u so’roq shaklda turibdi. Endi Present Perfect bizda bitta zamon tushsa past perfect bo’lishi kerak shu sababli javob variantlarida bitta zamon pastga tushmagan javoblarni chiqarib tashlaymiz. B javob xato sababi uyerda zamon pastga tushmagan C javob ham xato sababi Present Perfect zamoni Past Perfectga o’zgaradi…
3) Choose the correct answer.
“Can they play the piano?” she asked.

  1. She asked if can they play the piano.

  2. She asked that they can play the piapo C) She asked if they could play the piano.

D) She asked if they can play the piano
Izoh: Testimizda birinchi qiladigan ishimiz so’roq shakl saqlanib qolgan javoblarni chiqarib tashlaymiz. A javob xato sababi u javob so’roq shaklda turibdi. Endi bitta zamon pastlamagan javoblarni chiqarib tashlaymiz. B va C javoblar xato sababi bu javoblar zamon pastlatilmagan Can-could ga o’zgarmagan shu sababli xato.

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