Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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Predlog + ot



to pay BY cheque

chek bilan to'lamoq

Did you pay by cheque or in cash? Siz chek bilan yoki naqd pul bilan to'ladingizmi?

to pay IN cash or to pay cash

naqt pul bilan to'lamoq

BY accident,
BY mistake,
BY chance

tasodifan, adashib, to'satdan

We hadn't arranged to meet. We met by chance
Biz uchrashishga kelishmagan edik. Biz tasodifan uchrashdik

a play BY
Shakespeare, a painting BY
Rembrandt, a novel BY Tolstoy

Shekspir pyesasi,
Rembrand chizgan surat, Tolstoy asari

Have you read any books by Agatha Christie Agata Kristining biron bir kitobini o'qiganmisiz?

to be / to fall
IN love WITH someone

bilan sevishgan

Have you ever been in love with anyone? Biror kishi bilan sevishganmisiz

IN (my) opinion


In my opinion he wasn't very good Menimcha u unchalik yaxshi emas edi

ON fire

Yong’inda/ yonayotgan bo’lmoq

Look! That car is on fire
Qara bu mashina yonmoqda

ON the telephone ON the phone

telefonga ulangan bo'lmoq

You can't phone me. I'm not on the phone
Siz menga qo'ng'iroq qila olmaysiz. Men telefonda emasman

ON television
ON the radio

televizorda, radioda

I didn't watch the match on television. I listened to it on the radio
Uchrashuvni televizordan ko'rmadim. Men uni radio orqali tingladim

ON a diet

Parxezda bo'lmoq/tutmoq

I'll have to go on a diet
Dieta qilishim kerak

ON strike

Ish tashlashda

There are no trains today. The railway workers are on strike
Bugun poezdlar yo'q. Temir yo'l ishchilari ish tashlashmoqda

ON holiday
ON business
ON a trip
ON a tour
ON an excursion, ON a cruise
ON an expedition

ish safari sayr
kem sayoxati, ekspeditsiyada

Tom's away at the moment. He is on holiday in France Ayni paytda Tom yo'q. U Frantsiyada ta'tilda

Lekin: Yuqoridagi so'zlar oldidan joy nomlari kelsa FOR predlogi ishlatiladi: go to a place FOR a holiday, FOR my holida
Tom has gone to France for a holiday.
Tom Frantsiyaga ta'tilga jo'nab ketdi.
FOR a walk/FOR a swim/FOR a drink -sayrga, suzishga, ichgani bormoq:
After work we went to a cafe for a drink.
Ishdan keyin kafega ichimlik uchun bordik.

Verb + Preposition

Fe’l + predlog



apply FOR

ga murojaat qilmoq

I think this job would suit you . Why don't you apply for it? Menimcha, bu ish sizga mos keladi. Nega ariza bermayapsiz?

believe IN

..ga ishonmoq

I believe in saying what I think Men o'ylaganlarimni aytishga ishonaman

belong TO

ga tegishli

Who does this coat belong to?
bu palto kimga tegishli?

care ABOUT

-ga qiziqmoq

He is very selfish. He doesn't care about other people U juda xudbin. U boshqa odamlarga ahamiyat bermaydi

care FOR


Would you care for a cup of coffee? Bir chashka qahva ichishni xohlaysizmi?

care for take care of

g’amxorlik qilmoq

She is very old. She needs someone to care for her
U juda qari. Unga g'amxo'rlik qilish uchun kimdir kerak Take care of yourself!
O'zingizni ehtiyot qiling!

collide WITH

bilan to'qnashmoq

There was an accident this morning. A bus collided with a car Bugun ertalab baxtsiz hodisa yuz berdi. Avtobus avtoulov bilan to'qnashdi

complain (TO smb)ABOUT smb/smth

ga shikoyat qilmoq

We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food Restoran rahbariga ovqat haqida shikoyat qildik

concentrate ON

fikrni jamlamoq e’tiborni qaratmoq

Don't look out of the window. Concentrate on your work! Derazadan tashqariga qaramang. Ishingizga e'tiboringizni qarating!

consist OF

..dan iborat bo’lmoq

We had an enormous meal. It consisted of seven courses Biz juda katta ovqatlandik. U etti kursdan iborat edi

crash/drive/bump/run INTO

..ga to'qnashmoq

He lost control of the car and crashed into a wall. U boshqaruvni yo'qotib, devorga to’qnashdi

depend ON

ga bog’liq bo’lmoq

What time will you arrive?' 'I don't know. It depends on the traffic'.
Siz qachon kelasiz? 'Bilmadim. Bu trafikka bog'liq.

die OF

dan o'lmoq

'What did he die of?' A heart attack.' - U nimadan o'ldi? Yurak xuruji.

dream ABOUT

tush ko'rmoq

I dreamt about you last night Kecha men siz haqingizda tush ko'rdim

dream OF

orzu qilmoq

I often dream of being rich
Men tez tez boy bo’lish haqida orzu qilaman

happen TO

sodir bo'lmoq

What happened to that gold watch you used to have? Ilgari ishlatgan oltin soatingizga nima bo'ldi?

hear ABOUT

haqida eshitmoq

Have you heard about Jane? She's getting married. Jeyn haqida eshitganmisiz? U turmushga chiqmoqda

hear OF

bilmoq. xabardor bo'lmoq

'Who is Tom Madelyn? I've never heard of him.
Tom Medlayn kim? Men u haqida hech qachon bilmaganman.

hear FROM

xat-xabar olmoq

'Have you heard from Ann recently?'
Yaqinda Annadan xat-xabar oldizmi?

laugh/smile AT

ga kulmoq

I look stupid with this haircut. Everyone will laugh at me.
Men bu soch turmaganim bilan ahmoqona ko’rinyabman. Hamma menga kuladi

listen To

ni tinglamoq

We spent the evening listening to records Kechqurun yozuvlarni tinglash bilan mashg'ul bo'ldik

live ON

ni hisobiga yashamoq

George's salary is very low. It isn't enough to live on Jorjning maoshi juda kam. Yashash uchun bu etarli emas

look AT

ga qaramoq:

Why are you looking at me like that?
Nega menga bunaqa qarayabsan?

Eslatma: have a look AT, stare AT, glance AT look FOR-ni izlamoq:
I've lost my keys. Can you help me look for them?
Men kalitlarimni yo’qotdim. Izlashga yordam berolasizmi?

look AFTER

g'amxo'rlik qilmoq

She's very old. She needs someone to look after her U juda qari. Unga g'amxo'rlik qilish uchun kimdir kerak

pay FOR

ga to’lov qilmoq

I didn't have enough money to pay for the meal. Ovqatni to'lashga pulim yo'q edi.

Lekin bu so’zlarga for ishlatilmaydi predlogsiz ishlatiladi: pay a bill/a fine / £50 / a fare / taxes

rely ON-

ga ishonmoq

You can rely on Jack. He always keeps his promises Siz Jekka ishonishingiz mumkin. U doimo va'dalarini bajaradi

search FOR

ni qidirmoq

I've searched the whole house for my keys but I still can't find them.
Men butun uyni kalitimni qidirdim, ammo hali topolmadim.

shout AT

(jahl bilan)

He was very angry and started shouting at me U juda g'azablandi va menga baqira boshladi.

shout TO-

ga baqirmoq (chaqirish uchun)

He shouted to me from the other side of the street U ko‘chaning narigi chetidan menga baqirdi

speak/talk TO
(with ham ishlatsa bo’ladi ammo kamdan kam

bilan gaplashmoq

Hello, can I speak to Jane, please? Salom. Jeyn bilan gaplashsam maylimi?

suffer FROM

..dan azoblanmoq

The number of people suffering from heart disease has increased
Yurak hurujidan azob chekayotgan odamlaring soni oshgan

think ABOUT

haqida o'ylamoq

You're quiet this morning. What are you thinking about? Bugun jimsiz? Nima haqida o’ylayabsiz?

think OF

ni eslamoq

He told me his name but I can't think of it now. U menga ismini aytdi ammo hozir men uni eslolmayabman

wait FOR

ni kutmoq

I'm not going out yet. I'm waiting for the rain to stop. Men hali ketmoqchimasman. Men yom’gir tinishinini kutayabman.

Ingliz tili grammatikasi” M.Gapporov, R.Qosimova kitobi asosida shaklantirildi. (2010)

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