Avvalo birinchi grammatik qoidalarni undan so’ng qiladigan xatolarni ko’rib chiqing bu sizni kelasida qilinadigan har qanday xatolardan saqlab qoladi. Uni tugatib test yechish sirlarini yaxshilab o’rganib chiqing

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Present simple 'be'

She's Italian, isn't she?

Present simple other verbs

They live in London, don't they?

Present continuous

We're working tomorrow, aren't we?

Past simple 'be'

It was cold yesterday, wasn't it?

Past simple other verbs

He went to the party last night, didn't he?

Past continuous

We were waiting at the station, weren't we?

Present perfect

They've been to Japan, haven't they?

Present perfect continuous

She's been studying a lot recently, hasn't she?

Past perfect

He had forgotten his wallet, hadn't he?

Past perfect continuous

We'd been working, hadn't we?

Future simple

She'll come at six, won't she?

Future continuous

They'll be arriving soon, won't they?

Future perfect

They'll have finished before nine, won't they?

Future perfect continuous

She'll have been cooking all day, won't she?


He can help, can't he?


John must stay, mustn't he?

Bosh gap inkor gap bo’lsa, positive tag question

Present simple 'be'

We aren't late, are we?

Present simple other verbs

She doesn't have any children, does she?

Present continuous

The bus isn't coming, is it?

Past simple 'be'

She wasn't at home yesterday, was she?

Past simple other verbs

They didn't go out last Sunday, did they?

Past continuous

You weren't sleeping, were you?

Present perfect

She hasn't eaten all the cake, has she?

Present perfect continuous

He hasn't been running in this weather, has he?

Past perfect

We hadn't been to London before, had we?

Past perfect continuous

You hadn't been sleeping, had you?

Future simple

They won't be late, will they?

Future continuous

He won't be studying tonight, will he?

Future perfect

She won't have left work before six, will she?

Future perfect continuous

He won't have been travelling all day, will he?


She can't speak Arabic, can she?


They mustn't come early, must they?

Tag question bo’yicha testlarni yechishda sizga 2ta qadam kerak va siz uni yechasiz

  1. qadam – Gapning zamonini aniqlaymiz. Keyin shu zamoni yordamchi fe’lini bir chekkaga yozib olasiz. Masalan gap o’tgan zamonda bo’lsa, siz did yordamchi fe’lini aniqlab olasiz.

  2. qadam – Gapni darak yoki inkor gapligini aniqlaysiz. Yani siz yordamchi fe’lni birinchi qadamda aniqlgandiz,endi siz o’sha yordamchi fe’lni inkor yoki darak shaklida qo’yishni xal qilishingiz kerak. Agar gap darak bo’lsa yordamchi fe’l inkor bo’ladi. Agar gap inkor bo’lsa, yordamchi fe’l darak bo’ladi. Pastda testlar orqali ko’ramiz.

Muxim eslatmalar:
Agar gapda inkor ma’no beruvchi so’zlar bor yo’qligiga e’tiborli bo’ling.
Agar gapimiz bitta bosh gap va bitta ergashgapdan tashkil topsa unda ko’pincha qiynalishadi ko’plar hozir bir ikkita sizlarga qoidalarni aytib ketaman
Rule1 - Agar gap bitta bosh bitta ergash gapdan tashkil topsa, tag question bosh gapdan yasaladi.
Unless you come here, I will not go, will you?
Ko’pincha bog’lovchi kelgan qismdanmas ikkinchi qismdan yasaladi chunki ko’p bog’lovchilar ergashtiruvchi bog’lovchilar hisobnaladi va ular asosan ergash gap tarkibida keladi.
Rule2 : I hope, I believe, I know/think/wish/suppose holida boshlansa tag bu qismdan emas ikkinchi qismdan ergash gapdan yasaladi. I know he is a talent man, isn’t he?
Rule3: Agar teng bog’lovchi orqali bo’glansa bunda ko’pincha ikkinchi gap orqali yasaladi. Abror was very happy, but he failed the test, didn’t he?
They came to the office and all the employees started to work immediately, didn`t they?
TIPS: When, while, after, before, until, although, in case, because, if, provided that boshqa shunga o’xshash bog’lovchilar kelsa, siz shu so’zlar kelgan gapni ya’ni ergash gapni ob tashab qolgan gapdan yasang.
When I entered the room, Shohsanam was reading a book wasn`t he?
Qachonki gapda gumon olmoshi ega bo’lsa masalan; anybody, anyone, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, nobody, no one bo’lsa they olmoshi olinadi tag qismda.
Somebody calls me, don’t they?
Unutmang : something, anything, nothing, everything olmoshlariga biz it olamiz.
Nothing has been told, hasn’t it?
Few va little qatnashgan gap kelsa, tag qism darak shaklda bo’ladi. Chunki bu ikki so’z negative ma’no beradi, bizda qoidada agar gap negative bo’lsa, tag positive bo’lishi kerak.

  1. Choose the correct answer.

You’ve had a great time in the mountains, …you'
A)weren't B)didn't C)hadn't D) haven't
Izoh: 1-qadam gapning zamonini aniqlaymiz. Gapimiz Present Perfect ekan. Present Perfectni yordamchi fe’li have/has endi ega you bo’gani uchun biz have olamiz. 2- qadam gapning darak yoki inkorligni aniqlaymiz. Gapimiz darak ekan shu uchun ikkinchi qism inkor bo’lishi kerak. Endi biriktirman have yordamchi fe’li uning inkor shakli haven’t bo’ladi. To’g’ri javob haven’t ekan

  1. Choose the correct answer.

He played well yesterday,.. ?
A) isn’t it B) doesn't he C) didn't he D) had he
Izoh : 1- qadam Gapning zamoni aniqlaymiz gapning zamoni Past Simple(o’tgan oddiy zamon). Past Simplening yordamchi fe’li did hisoblanadi. Endi sal aqlimizni ishlatamiz sababi ba’zida 2 –qadam bizga shart bo’lmasligi mumkin sababi. Zamoni aniqlagandan so’ng javob variantlariga qaraymiz o’sha zamoni yordamchi fe’lidan boshqa hammasni chiqarib tashlaymiz. Buyerda ham did yordamchi fe’lidan tashqari boshqa yordamchi fe’llarni chiqarib tashlaymiz. A B va D javoblar xato sababi Past Simpleda faqat did bo’ladi bu javobdagilar boshqa zamonlarniki shu uchun bitta C javb qoldi u to’g’ri istasangiz 2-qadam bilan javobingizni mustahkamlab oling. 2-qadam gapimiz darak ekan demak javobimiz inkor bo’ladi did yordamchi fe’lini inkor shakli didn’t bo’ladi to’g’ri javob C ekan…
3. Choose the correctt aswer.
Laziza can come by tormorrow, ….?

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