Supervision, professional development and technical assistance
Now I have some questions about supervision, professional
development, and technical
47. How have you supported your parent educators?
48. What additional support could have been provided to help parent educators serve families?
What would be needed to provide this additional support?
49. How has the professional development and technical assistance
provided by Parents as
Teachers National Center and by your TA provider helped you administer the program?
50. What additional professional development, technical assistance or
support could the staff at
your site use to better serve families?
Wilder Research, January 2015
Qualitative Evaluation
Program outcomes
My next set of questions is about the impact the program is having for families and the community.
51. How is the program impacting children’s school readiness,
including pre-literacy skills,
language, cognitive, and social-emotional development? [Probe: how
are parents
supporting their child’s school readiness?]
52. What other changes have you observed in parents, children
and families who have
participated in the program?
53. How do families who participate in the program feel about the school and how are their
opinions of the school different than those families who do not participate in the program?
54. What feedback have you received about the program from participating families?
55. If you were talking to a site that was considering a Parents as
Teachers program for their
community, on a scale of 1-5, how strongly would you recommend the program where 5 is
definitely recommend and 1 is definitely would not recommend?
a. Please explain your response.
56. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the Baby FACE program?