Back from the dead Worried about= afraid of- xavotir olmoq, qo`rqmoq

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Unit 1

Back from the dead

  1. Worried about= afraid of- xavotir olmoq, qo`rqmoq

  2. Bird flue- qush gripi

  3. Pass from- dan o`tmoq

  4. From Birds to humans- qushlardan insonlarga

  5. Pandemic- pandemiya, butun dunyoga tarqalishi

  6. Die-o`lmoq

  7. Kill- o`ldirmoq

  8. Thousand of people- minglab odamlar

  9. Call- atamoq, chaqirmoq

  10. Virus- virus

  11. For short- qisqacha

  12. Influenza- influenza, grip

  13. Newspaper- gazeta

  14. Laboratory = lab- labaratoriya

  15. Expert- mutaxasis

  16. Describe- tasvirlamoq

  17. Scientist- olim

  18. Genetic sequence- genetic zanjir

  19. Produce – ishlab chiqarmoq

  20. Nine years of work- 9 yillik ish

  21. Copy- nusxalamoq, nusxa

  22. On the Internet- internetda

  23. Around the world- dunyo bo`ylab

  24. Publish- nashr qilish, e`lon qilish

  25. Understand- tushunmoq

  26. In the report- hisobotda

  27. Team- jamoa

  28. In the Journal science- ilm-fan jurnalida

  29. Extremely powerful- juda ham kuchli

  30. Mice- sichqonlar

  31. Injected into- emlamoq

They injected the virus into mice

  1. Team of scientist – olimlar jamoasi

  2. Lose weight- vazn yo`qotmoq

  3. Very quickly- juda tez

  4. Expect- biror voqea sodir bo`lishini kutmoq, biror narsani kutmoq

I didn`t expect this happened- bu sodir bo`lishini kutmagan edim

  1. Within- ichida

  2. Provide- taminlamoq

  3. Important information- muhim ma`lumot

  4. Die- o`lmoq

  5. Experiment - tajriba

  6. Explain- tushuntirmoq

  7. Lethal- o`limga etadigan

  8. Escape from- dan qochmoq

  9. Biological weapon- biologik qurol

  10. Happen- sodir bolmoq

  11. Again- yana

  12. Possibility- ehtimolilik

  13. Dangerous- qo`rqinchli

  14. Lungs-o`pkalar

  15. Colleague - kollegiya

  16. Different from- dan farq qilmoq

  17. Analyze- analiz qilmoq

  18. Surprised- hayratlangan

  19. Normal human flue- odatiy inson gripi

  20. Jump from- dan sakramoq

  21. Probably- ehtimol

  22. Change- o`zgartirmoq

  23. Cause- sabab bo`lmoq

  24. Infect- yuqtirmoq

  25. High-security- yuqori xavfsizlikdagi

  26. At least twice- kamida ikki marta

  27. Naturally immune- tabiiy immunetitet

  28. Drug-dori

  29. Protect- himoya qilmoq

Afghanistan`s deadly crop flourishes again

  1. Flourish- gullamoq

  2. Cellar- ombor

  3. Tiny- kichik

  4. Seed- urug`

  5. Plant- ekmoq

  6. Grow- o`moq

  7. Dry earth- quruq yer

  8. Money -pul

  9. Poppy- qoradori

  10. Famous -mashhur

  11. Desert city- sahro shahar

  12. Dusty village- qumli qishloq

  13. Leader- boshliq

  14. Destroy- buzmoq

  15. Make a living- yashashga urunmoq

  16. Drug addiction- doriga o`rganib qolish

  17. Fault- xato

  18. Send- jo`natmoq

  19. Easy- oson

  20. Producer- ishlab chiqaruvchi

  21. United nations officials - birlashgan millatlar rasmiiylari

  22. Fall by- ga tushmoq

  23. At a price- narxda

  24. Field- dala

  25. Point- ko`rsatmoq

  26. Grape- uzum

  27. Fraction- kichik qisim

  28. Harvest- hosil

  29. Add- qo`shmoq

  30. Crop- ekin

  31. To be pleased- mamnun bo`lmoq

  32. One of the first big test- birinchi eng katta sinovlardan biri

  33. Government- hukumat

  34. Police authority-

  35. Think- o`ylamoq

  36. Enormous- juda katta

  37. Local representative- mahalliy namoyondalari/yordamchilari

  38. Governor -hokim

  39. Empty shop- bo`sh do`kon

  40. Remaining stocks- qolgan mahsulotlar

  41. Cost- narxda turmoq

  42. Prospect- fikr,faraz

  43. Rich- boy

  44. Unpopular- mashhur emas/kelishmaslik

  45. Dig up -kovlamoq

  46. Farmer- fermer

  47. Situation- vaziyat

  48. Trade- savdo-sotiq

  49. Dry climate- quruq iqlim

  50. Ban- taqiqlamoq

  51. Profitable- foyda keltiradigan

  52. Continue- davom ettirmoq

  53. Intelligent- aqlli

  54. Collect- to`plamoq

  55. Frightened - qo`rqqan

  56. Vegetable- sabzavot

  57. Full of - bilan to`la

  58. World`s largest producer of heroin- dunyoning eng katta gerain ishlab chiqaruvchisi

  59. Send to- ga jo`natmoq

  60. Unpopular with- bilan mashhur emas

  61. Invasion- bosib olish

Afghan airline

  1. Employee- ishchi

  2. Staff- ishchi guruh

  3. Bribe- korrupsiya

  4. Corrupt- poraxo`r

  5. improve- yaxshilanmoq/o`smoq

  6. Engine failure- motor ishdan chiqishi

  7. Civil war- fuqarolar urushi

  8. Flight simulator- yangi uchuvchilarga samalyot boshqarishni orgatadigan qurilma

  9. Sanctions- savdo-sotiva va diplomatik aloqalarni toxtatish

  10. Illegal- noqonuniy

  11. Inside- ichida

  12. Official order- rasmiiy buyruq

  13. Accept- qabul qilmoq

  14. Communication- aloqa

  15. International law- xalqaro huquq

  16. Organisation- tashkilot

  17. Capital- poytaxt

  18. Receive- qabul qilmoq

  19. National airline- mahalliy havo yo`llari

  20. Found- tashkil topmoq

  21. Soviet army- Savet armiyase

  22. Occupy- egallamoq

  23. Manager- boshqaruvchi

  24. Problem- muammo

  25. Steal- o`g`irlamoq

  26. Qualification- mutaxasisslik

  27. Make Progress- o`smoq/siljimoq

  28. Member of family- oila a`zolari

  29. Bad image- yomon ko`rinish

  30. History- tarixi

  31. Terrible- qo`rqinchli

  32. Safety record- xavfsizlik recordi

  33. Foreign diplomat- chet el diplomatlari

  34. Take flight- uchmoq samalyotda

  35. Developing world- rivojlanayotgan dunyo

  36. Safety culture- xavfsizlik madaniyati

  37. Business plan- bisnes reja

  38. Return- qaytmoq

  39. Easy - oson

  40. Assistant- yordamchisi

  41. One of a team of six people- 6 kishilik jamoaning bittasi

  42. Arrive- yetib kelmoq

  43. Ticket- chipta

  44. Flight schedule- uchish jadvali

  45. Real life- haqiqiy hayot

  46. International standard- xalqaro standard

  47. Hippy- lo`li

  48. Regional airline- regionalniy havo yo`li

  49. Get a boarding pass- samalyot bordiga chiqmoq

  50. Get a seat- o`rindiqqa o`tirmoq

  51. Rest of Afghanistan- Afg`onistonning qolgan qismi

  52. Young couple- yosh juftlik

  53. Fight against- qarshi kurashmoq

  54. Anti-aircraft missile- raketa

  55. Fire their missile- o`zlarining raketalarini otish

  56. Co-pilot- yordamchi uchuvchi

  57. Border- chegara

  58. Control- nazorat qilmoq

  59. Stewardess- stuardessa

  60. Religious fanatic- diniy ishqiboz

  61. Impose- majburan qabul qildirmoq

  62. Become worse and worse- yanada yomonlashmoq

  63. Bomb- portlamoq

  64. Enthusiastic- shijoatli

  65. Success- muvaffaqiyat

  66. Tool- jihoz

  67. Mechanic- mexanik

  68. Modern sale center- zamonaviy sotish markazi

  69. Promise- vada bermoq

  70. Possibility- ehtimolilik

The world`s rich nations miss a golden opportunity to back fair trade

  1. Rich- boy

  2. Nation- millat

  3. Miss- o`tkazib yubormoq, sog`inmoq

  4. Golden- oltinga teng

  5. Opportunity- imkoniyat

  6. Fair- adolatli

  7. Trade- savdo-sotiq

  8. Subsidy- pul yordami

  9. Food- aid- oziq-ovqat yordami

  10. Price- narx

  11. Local farmers- mahalliy fermerlar

  12. At all- umuman

  13. Remain- saqlab qolmoq

  14. Fair price- adolatli narx

  15. Product- mahsulot

  16. Situation- vaziyat

  17. Change- o`zgartirmoq

  18. Terrible- qo`rqinchli

  19. Surprising- ajablanarli

  20. Farm subsidy system- fermaga yordam berish tizimi

  21. Export- mahsulotni sotish boshqa davlatga

  22. Disaster- xavf

  23. Same- bir xil

  24. Welcome- yaxshi kutib olmoq biror fikrga nisbatan

  25. Important offer- muhim taklif

  26. Developing world- rivojlanayotgan dunyo

  27. Working people- ishlaydigan odamlar

  28. Agricultural subsidy- qishloq xo`jaligiga qilingan yordam

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