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The Role of Induced Mutation in Conversion of Photoperiod Dependence in Cotton I BROKHIM Y. A BDURAKHMONOV , F AKHRIDDIN N. K USHANOV
A BDUSATTOR A BDUKARIMOV From the Laboratory of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Yuqori Yuz, Qibray Region Tashkent District, 702151 Uzbekistan (Abdurakhmonov, Kushanov, Djaniqulov, Buriev, Fayzieva, Mavlonov, and Abdukarimov); Department of Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 (Pepper); and U.S. Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service, Crop Science Research Laboratory, Genetics and Precision Agriculture, PO Box 5367, 8120 Highway 12 East, Mississippi State, MS 39762 (Saha and Jenkins). Address correspondence to I. Y. Abdurakhmonov at the address above, or e-mail: Abstract Wild cotton germplasm resources are largely underutilized because of photoperiod-dependent flowering of ‘‘exotic’’ cottons. The objectives of this work were to explore the genome-wide effect of induced mutation in photoperiod-converted induced cotton mutants, estimating the genetic change between mutant and wild-type cottons using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) as well as understand the pattern of SSR mutation in induced mutagenesis. Three groups of photoperiod-converted radiomutants ( 32 P) including their wild-type parental lines, A- and D-genome diploids, and typically grown cotton cultivars were screened with 250 cotton SSR primer pairs. Forty SSRs revealed the same SSR mutation profile in, at least, 2 independent mutant lines that were different from the original wild types. Induced mutagenesis both increased and decreased the allele sizes of SSRs in mutants with the higher mutation rate in SSRs containing dinucleotide motifs. Genetic distance obtained based on 141 informative SSR alleles ranged from 0.09 to 0.60 in all studied cotton genotypes. Genetic distance within all photoperiod-converted induced mutants was in a 0.09–0.25 range. The genetic distance among photoperiod-converted mutants and their originals ranged from 0.28 to 0.50, revealing significant modification of mutants from their original wild types. Typical Gossypium hirsutum cultivar, Namangan-77, revealed mutational pattern similar to induced radiomutants in 40 mutated SSR loci, implying possible pressure to these SSR loci not only in radiomutagenesis but also during common breeding process. Outcomes of the research should be useful in under- standing the photoperiod-related mutations, and markers might help in mapping photoperiodic flowering genes in cotton. The narrow genetic base of the primary cotton breeding gene pool is one of the major constraints in cotton breeding pro- grams worldwide. This underlies the necessity to enrich the gene pool with genetic diversity. The genus Gossypium includes 45 diploid (2n 5 2x 5 26) and 5 allotetraploid (2n 5 2x 5 52) species (Fryxell 1992; Percival et al. 1999), which contain wild and primitive cottons (Gossypium ssp.) that possess agronom- ically important traits, such as insect and pathogen resistance, tolerance to environmental stresses (heat, cold, drought, and salinity), superior fiber quality (length, strength, and lint yield), and yield potential. These resources could, in principle, be utilized in cotton breeding programs by mobilizing agronom- ically important traits from wild germplasm into elite varieties. However, the majority of these wild and primitive accessions are photoperiod-sensitive, short-day plants that never flower in long-day conditions of summer cultivations, making ‘‘exotic’’ cotton germplasm largely underutilized in crossing programs. Introgression of day-neutral genes into wild cotton germplasm or conversion of photoperiodic wild and primitive cottons to day-neutral types is, therefore, of particular interest for cotton breeders for effective utilization of exotic germ- plasm in introgression of potential genetic diversity into the breeding gene pool. Successful photoperiodic conversion programs in cotton have been developed to mobilize day-neutral genes into prim- itive accessions of Gossypium hirsutum, where day-neutral genes have been introgressed into 97 primitive cotton accessions by a large backcrossing effort (McCarty et al. 1979; McCarty and Jenkins 1993; Liu et al. 2000). This converted cotton germ- plasm is an important reservoir for potential genetic diversity Journal of Heredity 2007:98(3):258–266 doi:10.1093/jhered/esm007 Advance Access publication April 3, 2007 ª The American Genetic Association. 2007. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: 258
and can be used as a source to introgress genes into breeding germplasm. However, the day-neutral versions of the other allotetraploid cottons are not available (Liu et al. 2000). One of the effective alternative approaches in directly converting photoperiodic wild cotton races to day-neutral versions is the use of induced mutation. Photoperiod- converted induced mutant cotton germplasm has been pro- duced in Uzbekistan by converting wild cottons directly into day-neutral plants. More than 200 photoperiod-converted cotton mutants germplasms have been developed (Djaniqu- lov F, personal communication). Cottonseeds of several photoperiodic wild and primitive cottons were treated with c-radiation using 60 Co, b-radiation using 32 P, and low- frequency electromagnetic field (Djaniqulov 1992, 2002). These mutant cotton germplasm had been self-pollinated and selected for trait of interest for M 8–10
generations. As a re- sult, a number of commercial cotton varieties such as AN-401, AN-402, and Kupaysin were released for the cotton farmers that are day-neutral cultivars with superior fiber and other ag- ronomic quality in Uzbekistan (Djaniqulov 1992; Djaniqulov F, personal communication). Induced mutation was success- fully used to create useful changes in several other plants, for instance, loss of day-length sensitivity in barley (Gustafsson and Lundquist 1976), profuse branching in sweet clover (Scheibe and Micke 1967), change of endosperm composition in cereals (Von Wettstein 1995), and mutation leading to semi- dwarfism in cereals that made effective utilization of tall land- race of rice (Maluszynski et al. 1986). Molecular marker technologies are being used increasingly to characterize cotton germplasm collections and breeding populations to estimate genetic background, distance, vari- ance, diversity, relatedness, and abundance for potential ag- ronomic genes and to tag important traits (Wendel et al. 1992; Brubaker and Wendel 1994; Tatineni et al. 1996; Iqbal et al. 1997; Liu 1999; Liu et al. 2000; Abdalla et al. 2001; Iqbal et al. 2001, Kohel et al. 2001; Gutierrez et al. 2002; Paterson et al. 2003). Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are considered as a marker of choice for genetic mapping and genetic estimations of germplasm resources (McCough et al. 1997; Mitchell et al. 1997; Estoup and Angers 1998; Liu et al. 2000; Baker 2002). Because of their abundance and random distribution throughout the cotton genome, por- tability, high polymorphic level, and codominant nature, SSRs have become the system of choice for genetic diversity studies (Cruzan 1998; Reddy et al. 2001; Driscoll et al. 2002; Zwettler et al. 2002; Zane et al. 2002; Qureshi et al. 2004). SSRs tend to have high mutation rates, caused by preferentially stepwise changes in the number of repeats, and thus allele size via slip- page and recombination (Richard and Paques 2000; Eckert et al. 2002). Stepwise mutation model and infinite allele model both consider changes in tandem repeat number. The size dif- ference between 2 SSR alleles is informative in describing ge- netic structures (Balloux and Lugon-Moulin 2002; Zhu et al. 2000; Hardy et al. 2003; Symonds and Loyd 2003). SSRs with longer repeat numbers generate more mutated alleles than shorter SSR loci (Weierdl et al. 1997; Symonds and Loyd 2003), and there is evidence that the nonrepeat-flanking point and insertion/deletion mutations affect the repeat number change of SSRs (Orti et al. 1997; Kruglyak et al. 1998; Rolfsmeirer and Lahue 2000). A number of studies in animals and plants have calculated the spontaneous mutation rates in SSR loci and mutation dynamics (Schug et al. 1998; Vazquez et al. 2000; Xu et al. 2000) that indicate a wide range of SSR muta- tions among loci within species (Harr et al. 1998). However, no information is available on the effect of induced mutation on SSR mutational process in plants, particularly in cotton. The objectives of this work were to explore the genome-wide effect of induced mutation in photoperiod- converted cotton mutants, estimating genetic distance be- tween photoperiod-converted mutants and their wild-type parental lines as well as typically grown cotton cultivars using SSR markers, and identify the pattern of mutation and the candidate target SSR loci in a cotton genome that possibly might be useful in tagging the day-neutral trait in cotton. Here we report the rapid modification of photoperiod-converted mutant lines from their photoperiodic wild types and the ef- fect of induced mutation in SSR loci of several independent photoperiod-converted mutants, creating a similar pattern of SSR mutation. These SSR loci might have potential in tagging traits for day-neutral flowering in cotton. Materials and Methods Plant Material and Mutagenesis As described in detail by Djaniqulov (1992, 2002) the induced mutation experiments with photoperiodic cottons were con- ducted using 2 independent irradiation approaches where dry cottonseeds of Gossypium davidsonii var. Sonaricum, (2n 5 26), Gossypium thurberii (2n 5 26), G. hirsutum (2n 5 52) ssp. purpur- ascens var. Gammara, G. hirsutum var. El Salvador, G. hirsutum ssp. rupestre var. oligospermum and G. hirsutum ssp. glabrum var. Marie-galante, Gossypium barbadense (2n 5 52) ssp. darwinii var. Galapogos, and Gossypium mustelinum Miers were treated with 1) 1, 5, 10, and 20 Gy (power of 22–33 roentgen [R/ min]) using gamma irradiation instrument—GUT (abbrevia- tion of equipment in Russian) 60 Co at the Institute of Ge- netics and Experimental Biology, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 2) a solution of radioactive 32 P in the concentration of 30, 50, and 100 mCi during 24 h. In both treatments, 50–100 cottonseeds were used for experi- ments and cottonseeds with no treatment or treated with water (in the second experiment) used as controls. Irradiation exper- iments with the treatment of 5-Gy c-irradiation ( 60 Co), and
100-lCi 32 P-irradiation found to be an optimal and effectively converted photoperiodic lines to day-neutral mutant forms. The most effective (about 10-fold) treatment was the second experiment, where radioactive 32 P was used (Djaniqulov 1992, 2002; Djaniqulov F, personal communication). Hence, we used induced cotton mutants treated with 32 P
7–8 gener-
ation radiomutants derived from 32 P treatment of cotton- seeds, including their original wild-type parental lines, were kindly provided by Dr F. Djaniqulov for molecular analyses. These morphologically uniform M 7–8
generation cotton mutants were obtained from self-pollination (with paper Abdurakhmonov et al.
Molecular Analysis of Photoperiod-Converted Induced Mutants in Cotton 259 bags) in each M 1–6
generations (Djaniqulov 1992; Djaniqulov F, personal communication). One mutant line from G. barba- dense ssp. darwinii, 1 mutant of G. hirsutum ssp. purpurascens var. El Salvador, and 5 mutants of G. hirsutum ssp. glabrum var. Marie-galante have been used for molecular screening along with their original wild parental types. Moreover, typical day-neutral allotetraploid (AD) cotton cultivars, G. hirsutum var. Namangan-77 and G. barbadense var. Termes-14, as well as 2 diploid cottons, the putative A- and D-genome ancestors to AD cottons, Gossypium herbaceum and Gossypium raimondii, were also included in analyses. Plant material for these typi- cally grown cultivars and diploid cottons were obtained from germplasm collection of the Institute of Genetics and Plants Experimental Biology, Uzbekistan. From each mutant line and its original wild type, 12–15 plants were grown in the field station and greenhouse to reevaluate for their photoperiod dependence and agronomic performance (Table 1). The flowering time was measured from seed planting to first bud-opening period, where photoperiod-converted mutants produced first flowers during 55–65 days after planting, whereas original wild parental types begin flowering very late (up to 130 days from planting) or never produced flowers un- til late fall. Agronomic data (Table 1) for photoperiodic wild types were obtained from greenhouse-grown plants due to their photoperiodic flowering in field conditions. In green- house, photoperiodic wild types were grown under short- day condition. Because the M 7–8 generation of studied mutant lines were obtained from strict self-pollination (Djaniqulov F, personal communication) of M 1–6 generations, a bulk of young cotton leaves from these morphologically uniform 15 plants were harvested and stored at À70 °C until genomic DNA preparations. Molecular Analyses Genomic DNA samples were extracted from collected cotton tissues following the method of Dellaporta et al. (1983) with minor modifications for frozen cotton leaf tissues. Genomic DNAs were visualized in 0.9% agarose gel, and the con- centration was estimated visually comparing with standard Hin
dIII-digested phage DNA ladder concentration and di- luted to working concentration of 25 ng/ll. One hundred and fifty SSR markers from JESPR (Reddy et al. 2001) and 100 BAC-derived TMB (Yu et al. 2004; primer information available through Cotton DB at, accessed on 12 December 2005) SSR markers were used for genotyping analyses. Primer pairs for JESPR SSRs were purchased from Integrated DNA Technologies (Coralville, IA). The primer pairs for BAC-derived TMB microsatellites were kindly provided by Dr R. Kohel and Dr J. Yu, U.S. Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service at College Station, TX. Microsatellite genotyping analyses were performed following overall methods of Reddy et al. (2001). Hot-start polymerase chain reaction (PCR) steps were performed in 50-ll volumes containing 4.5 ll of 10Â PCR buffer with MgCl 2 ; 1 ll bovine serum albumin; 0.5 ll of 25 mM of a dATP, dGTP, dTTP, and dCTP mix; 2.5 ll of 25-ng/ml of each reverse and forward primer; and 1 ll of 25-ng/ml template DNA. Then, 0.5 U Taq DNA polymer- ase (Sigma, St. Louis, MO; Orbigen, San Diego, CA) were added to the reaction at the annealing temperature of first cy- cle. Amplifications were carried out with a first denaturation at 95 °C for 3 min followed by 45 cycles of 94 °C for 1 min, 50 °C for 1 min (annealing), and 72 °C for 2 min (extension). A final 5-min extension at 72 °C was then performed. Poly- morphism of microsatellite amplification products was revealed using the agarose system where PCR products elec- trophoresed on a 16-cm-long horizontal gel (Stratagene, La Jolla CA) containing mix of 2% agarose and 2% metaphor agarose at 5.3 V/cm in 0.5Â (Tris-Borrate-EDTA) buffer (45 mM Tris-borate, 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, pH 8) with buffer chilling to 4 °C. Gels were stained with ethi- duim bromide and photodocumented using Alpha Imager 3400 (Innotech Inc., San Leandro, CA). Data Analyses The mutant lines, original parental wild types, typical culti- vars, and diploid cottons were genotyped, and allele sizes were compared. Allele size ranges were estimated visually by comparison with a standard 100-bp DNA ladder. SSR alleles were scored as 0 for absent/recessive state, 1 for pres- ent/dominant state, and 2 for occasional no amplification/ missing data state. Genetic distance and phylogenetic analy- ses were performed using mean character difference option of the Unweighted Pair Group Mean Average (UPGMA) and Neighbor Joining (NJ) algorithms with the minimum evolu- tion objective function (Saitou and Nei 1987) of the software Table 1. Some characteristics of wild and photoperiod-converted induced mutants Cotton lines Days from planting to flowering Lint
yield (%) Cotton boll weight (g) Fiber
length (mm) Gossypium barbadense ssp. darwinii (wild parental type) Strictly photoperiodic 29.3 1.8
19.6 Gossypium barbadense ssp. darwinii mutant 60–65 days 42 3.6
38–42 Gossypium hirsutum var. El Salvador (wild parental type) 125–130 days 28 1
Gossypium hirsutum var. El Salvador mutant 55–60 days 36–36.5
5.7 36–38
Gossypium hirsutum var. Marie-galante (wild parental type) Photoperiodic 26.2
2.6 32.7
Marie-galante mtant-1 60–65 days 30 3.9
33 Marie-galante mutant-2 60–65 days 33 4.1 35 Marie-galante mutant-3 60–65 days 28 2.8 32–33 Marie-galante mutant-4 60–65 days Lintless
2.7 — Marie-galante mutant-5 60–65 days Lintless
2.3 — Journal of Heredity 2007:98(3) 260 package of PAUP*4.0b10 (Swofford 2002). The robustness of the phylogenetic trees was evaluated in heuristic search by 10 000 bootstrapping (Felsenstein 1985) using PAUP*4.0b10 (Swofford 2002). The PAUP-generated genetic distance ma- trix has been used for principal component analyses (PCA) using the statistical software package Visual Statistics System (ViSta version 5.6-EM) to better visualize the genetic distance data (Young 1991; Young and Bann 1996). Results and Discussion One hundred and fifty JESPR and 100 TMB SSR primer pairs were amplified using genomic DNAs of photoperiod- converted induced mutants and original wild types. Twenty- two JESPR SSRs (15%) and 18 TMB SSRs (18%) (Table 2) were informative in describing the same SSR mutation profile between at least 2 independent cotton mutants and their wild types. We observed that within these 40 (16%) informative (mutated) SSR loci, induced radioactive mutagenesis both in- creased (57%) and decreased (43%) the allele sizes compared with microsatellite loci size of wild types. Furthermore, within these 40 informative microsatellite loci, mutated SSRs with di- nucleotide motif were 57.5%, those with tri-nucleotide motif were 40%, and those with tri/tetranuclotide repeats were 2.5% (Table 2), indicating higher mutation frequency in SSRs with dinucleotide motif. Although slower mutation rate of Table 2. Information on amplification products of SSR markers # SSR name
Amplification loci number Allele size range (bp) Repeat motif Informativeness a Chromosomal location Chromosome number
Reference 1 JESPR-1 1 410–450
(GAA) 18 3 — 2 JESPR-30 1 100–120
(GAA) 5 A(GAA) 3 3 — 3 JESPR-119 1 120–130
(CA) 10 3 — 4 JESPR-128 2 80–100
(GT) 10 2 — 5 JESPR-131 2 150–160
(CT) 3 CC(CT) 7 (CA)
4 2 — 6 JESPR-135 3 130–150
(CT) 11 2 1, 3 Brooks (2001) 7 JESPR-136 1 150–155
(TAC) 6 3 — 8 JESPR-152 3 80–90;
170–180; 320–350
(GAA) 50 3 — 9 JESPR-156 1 80–90
(CTT) 6 CCTT 2 — 10 JESPR-165 1 80–100 (CTT) 10 2 — 11 JESPR-172 2 120–150
(GAA) 5 2 — 12 JESPR-179 1 150–170
(CTT) 12 3 — 13 JESPR-190 1 130–170
(CTT) 9 2 — 14 JESPR-232 1 130–150
(CT) 18 2 10 Brooks (2001) 15 JESPR-237 1 90–120
(GA) 17 3 15 Brooks (2001) 16 JESPR-243 1 180–200
(GA) 16 2 1 Brooks (2001) 17 JESPR-251 1 70–90
(CA) 15 2 3 Brooks (2001) 18 JESPR-270 1 70–90
(CA) 15 (TA) 3 2 10 Brooks (2001) 19 JESPR-295 1 100–120
(CTT) 7 2 — Brooks (2001) 20 JESPR-296 1 180–190
(TCA) 8 (CTT) 13 3 5L Brooks (2001) 21 JESPR-297 2 100; 150–220 (GAA) 12
16 Shen et al. (2005) 22 JESPR-300 1 200–210
(CTT) 5 (CAT) 6 2 12 Brooks (2001) 23 TMB0062 1 250–320
(CA) 10 2 — 24 TMB0189 2 180–220
(CA) 24 3 — 25 TMB201 2 205–230
(CA) 7 2 15 Sh Guo et al. (2005) 26 TMB0313
2 180–200
(CA) 23 (TA) 5 2 — 27 TMB0508
2 305–400
(CA) 8 (GA) 5 2 — 28 TMB0853
1 250–255
(CA) 18 2 6 Sh Guo et al. (2005) 29 TMB0865
1 200–220
(GA) 27 2 — 30 TMB1277 1 280–300
(CA) 6 3 6 Lo Guo et al. (2005) 31 TMB1288
1 200–250
(CA) 40 2 — 32 TMB1348 1 170–180
(GAA) 7 2 14 Sh Guo et al. (2005) 33 TMB1356
2 210–250
(GA) 13 2 — 34 TMB1409 1 180–200
(GAA) 11 2 — 35 TMB1638 1 180–190
(GAA) 8 3 18 Sh Guo et al. (2005) 36 TMB1660
1 180–190
(GA) 17 2 H12 Guo et al. (2005) 37 TMB1688
1 290–400
(CA) 38 3 — 38 TMB1701 1 150–180
(GA) 2 — 39 TMB1998
2 250–280
(GA) 14 3 — 40 TMB2018 1 250–300
(GAA) 8 2 — a Informativeness indicated that a marker revealed the same mutation profile across all mutant groups (3), 2 mutant groups (2). 261 Abdurakhmonov et al.
Molecular Analysis of Photoperiod-Converted Induced Mutants in Cotton dinucleotide repeats was reported in some studies (Webber and Wong 1993; Eckert and Yan 2000), our results were consistent with the findings in other organisms (Chakraborty et al. 1997; Schung et al. 1998) that dinucleotide repeats mutate in higher rate than microsatellites with the other repeat types. Further- more, it is known that the mutation rate of longer microsatel- lites is higher than shorter SSRs (Wierdl et al. 1997; Vigouroux et al. 2002; Symonds and Loyd 2003). In our study, all infor- mative SSRs contained at least 5 microsatellite repeat, most (75%) having repeat numbers above 9. To estimate genetic distance and phylogenetic change, these 40 SSRs further were selected and used to genotype a panel of 14 cotton lines, including 7 photoperiod-converted induced mutants, 3 original wild types, 2 typical tetraploid cot- ton cultivars from Uzbekistan, representing G. hirsutum and G. barbadense , and 2 diploid genotypes (G. herbaceum and G. raimon- dii
). The 40 informative SSR primer pairs from JESPR and TMB collections amplified 54 polymorphic marker loci in 14 cotton genotypes. Of these, 28 primer pairs amplified a sin- gle marker locus each, 10 primer pairs amplified 2 marker loci each, and 2 primer pairs amplified 3 marker loci each (Table 2). Furthermore, 13 SSR markers revealed the same SSR muta- tion pattern between 3 independent cotton mutants and their wild types, and the remaining 27 SSR primer pairs revealed the same SSR mutation pattern between 2 independent mutant groups (Figure 1 and Table 2). These 40 informative SSR primer pairs amplified a total of 141 different alleles with an average of 3 SSR alleles per each marker locus in 14 cotton genotypes. The genetic distance obtained in these 141 different alleles ranged from 0.09 to 0.60 in all studied cotton genotypes (Table 3). The highest genetic distance was observed between G. raimondii and G. herbaceum (GD 5 0.60) and between G. herbaceum and photoperiod-converted induced mutants of G. hirsutum var. Marie-galante mutant-5 (GD 5 0.57), whereas the lowest genetic distance (GD 5 0.09) was found between mutants of Marie-galante. The genetic distance among photoperiod-converted mutants and their originals ranged from 0.28 to 0.50. The genetic distance between G. barbadense ssp. darwinii and its photoperiodic converted induced mutant was 0.50, indicating that significant genetic change resulted from radioactive mutagenesis. Similarly, the genetic distance between El Salvador and its mutant was also significant (GD 5 0.28), demonstrating a 28% change around the genotyped regions. The genetic distance of G. hirsutum var. Marie-galante Table 3.
SSR-based genetic distance matrix generated using PAUP phylogenetic software Types
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1. Gossypium raimondii — 2. Gossypium herbaceum 0.60 —
0.52 0.53
— 4. Gossypium barbadense ssp. darwinii wild 0.57 0.55
0.19 — 5. Gossypium barbadense ssp. darwinii mutant 0.50 0.52
0.47 0.50
— 6. Gossypium hirsutum var. Namangan-77 0.49 0.51
0.48 0.51
0.15 — 7. Gossypium hirsutum El Salvador (wild) 0.50 0.52
0.52 0.49
0.31 0.22
— 8. Gossypium hirsutum El Salvador mutant 0.50 0.54
0.48 0.52
0.11 0.10
0.29 — 9. Gossypium hirsutum Marie-galante wild 0.51 0.56
0.45 0.42
0.38 0.36
0.21 0.42
— 10. Marie-galante mutant-1 0.49 0.52
0.42 0.51
0.21 0.20
0.29 0.14
0.40 — 11. Marie-galante mutant-2 0.55 0.52
0.40 0.48
0.21 0.20
0.29 0.17
0.45 0.10
— 12. Marie-galante mutant-3 0.52 0.56
0.40 0.48
0.20 0.28
0.37 0.18
0.47 0.18
0.11 — 13. Marie-galante mutant-4 0.55 0.52
0.38 0.47
0.25 0.27
0.36 0.24
0.49 0.14
0.11 0.13
— 14. Marie-galante mutant-5 0.55 0.57
0.43 0.48
0.21 0.23
0.29 0.20
0.46 0.17
0.09 0.13
0.13 — Figure 1. The example of 4% mixed metaphor agarose gel showing SSR polymorphism profile in 14 cotton genotype panels. (A) The same mutational change in 3 independent cotton mutants (JESPR-237); (B) the same mutational change in 2 independent cotton mutants (TMB0062). Numbers 1–14 represent the panel of cotton genotypes described in Table 3. 262 Journal of Heredity 2007:98(3) and its photoperiod-converted mutants ranged from 0.40 to 0.49, demonstrating the occurrence of significant change from original version. Interestingly, genetic distance between photoperiod-converted induced mutants was in the 0.09–0.25 range, showing 75–91% similarities between these 3 inde- pendent mutant groups in the studied SSR loci (Table 3). We addressed the following question: have these informa- tive JESPR loci been changed during the variety development process? To estimate genetic distance between mutants and breeding material and determine the state of these informative loci in typically grown tetraploid cottons, we have screened 2 tetraploid cotton varieties of Uzbekistan, G. hirsutum var. Namangan-77 and G. barbadense var. Termez-14 with these in- formative SSR primer pairs. The results revealed that genetic distance between the G. hirsutum standard variety Namangan- 77 and the photoperiod-converted mutants ranged from 0.10 to 0.28, demonstrating high genetic similarity between mutants and a typical cotton variety. Very high genetic sim- ilarity (90% allele sharing, GD 5 0.10) was observed between Namangan-77 and the photoperiod-converted mutant of G. hirsutum var. El Salvador, whereas the highest genetic distance (GD 5 0.28) observed between Namangan-77 and Marie- galante mutant-3 (Table 3). These findings clearly demonstrated that 1) these 40 informative SSR loci could have been subjected to a selection in the development of Namangan-77 cultivar or 2) some mutation process has been applied during the develop- ment of Namangan-77, a day-neutral cotton cultivar. In con- trast to this finding, the large genetic distance was observed (GD 5 0.38–0.47) between Termez-14 (a day-neutral commer- cialized cultivar belonging to G. barbadense) and photoperiod- converted mutants, favoring the second scenario in the development of Namangan-77 cotton cultivar of G. hirsutum. However, there was no indication on application of mutagenesis approach in the development of Namangan-77, and this cultivar was derived from complex hybridization between G. hirsutum ssp. punctatum (a wild race) and G. hirsutum var. 159-F (a culti- var). The superior fiber quality line, L-870, was selected from above cross, and it was consequently crossed with G. hirsutum cultivar ‘‘2034’’, and Namangan-77, an early maturing cultivar with superior fiber quality, was selected from the progenies of this cross (Abdullaev A, Uzbek cotton germplasm collection curator, personal communication). Hence, the high genetic similarity found between Namangan-77 and photoperiod- converted mutants could be specific for the particular breed- ing approach (complex hybridization and multiple selections) and breeding environment of Namangan-77. The UPGMA and NJ trees (Figures 2 and 3) demonstrated a phylogenetic relationship between the cotton genotypes Figure 2. The phylogenetic UPGMA tree generated by PAUP software. Numbers represent the bootstrap values obtained from 10 000 time bootstrapping. 263 Abdurakhmonov et al. Molecular Analysis of Photoperiod-Converted Induced Mutants in Cotton studied. According to results, all mutant genotypes clustered together with a typical G. hirsutum variety of Namangan-77, branching from primitive G. hirsutum representatives, El Salvador and Marie-galante. As expected, G. barbadense ssp. darwinii and Termez-14 cluster together and diploid cottons cluster together (Figure 2). Furthermore, the PCA based on genetic distance matrix was used to better visualize the genetic structure of the studied cotton genotypes. The first 2 eigen vectors estimated for 76% of variation observed. PCA biplot (Figure 4) placed all photoperiod-converted induced mutants in one cluster, separating the original wild versions and diploid cottons from each other. PCA biplot placed Namangan-77, the day-neutral cultivar, close to mutant cottons lines. The results of the PCA once more demonstrated that induced mutation significantly affected the targeted lines and, more interestingly, caused similar mutational patterns within the SSR loci, making the 3 independent induced cotton mu- tants (El Salvador, Marie-galante, and ssp. darwinii) geneti- cally similar. A narrow genetic base in cotton breeding germplasm (Multani and Lyon 1995; Iqbal et al. 1997; Bowman et al. 2000; Gutierrez et al. 2002) and Gossypium species (Iqbal et al. 2001; Abdalla et al. 2001) has been reported in cotton. Moreover, Liu et al. (2000) studied genetic diversity of photoperiod-converted primitive G. hirsutum race stocks using SSR markers and found high genetic similarities .0.85 be- tween photoperiod-converted material and G. hirsutum stan- dard TM-1. In this study, the genetic distance among photoperiod-converted mutants and their originals ranged from 0.28 to 0.50. This demonstrated that a 28% change (at least) occurred in the genotyped regions, revealing the sig- nificance of radiomutagenesis in modification of mutants from their wild types. The results demonstrated that irradia- tion mutagenesis had an effect on sizes of studied SSR loci. This could be due to the constraints of radioactive mutagen- esis on observed allele sizes that caused genetic distance to plateau (Nauta and Weissing 1996; Paetkau et al. 1997). Ob- served patterns at SSR loci could also be due to homoplasy mutations (Jarne and Lagoda 1996; Estoup et al. 2002), and we did not address this in our study that underlies genotyping of large numbers of mutant and wild-type individuals and se- quence candidate homoplasy alleles to determine the flanking mutations (SNPs and insertion/deletions). Additional studies are needed to determine the homoplasy features in these informative cotton SSRs that were affected by induced mutation. All induced mutants significantly changed from original wild types and became day neutral with mostly improved ag- ronomic quality. According to Djaniqulov (2002), induced mutagenesis not only changed photoperiodic dependence of wild species but also improved fiber quality and other agro- nomic performance, for instance, in mutants of G. barbadense ssp. darwinii the fiber length was increased from 19.6 to 38–42 mm, lint yield was increased from 29.3% to 42%, and maturing occurred early compared with the original photoperiodic wild types (Table 1). However, it should be noted that change in fiber quality in mutants could also be due to mutation of fiber- related loci as radiomutagenesis widely affects the genome. This directly photoperiod-converted genetically diverse cotton germplasm forms a reservoir of novel quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that can be used in breeding programs. Furthermore, the molecular basis of photoperiodic dependence has not been determined, and genes for Figure 3. The phylogenetic unrooted NJ tree. Branch length is shown. Numbers 1–14 represent the panel of cotton genotypes described in Table 3. Figure 4. Biplot derived from the PCAs of genetic distance matrix. Numbers 1–14 represent the panel of cotton genotypes described in Table 3. 264
Journal of Heredity 2007:98(3) photoperiodic flowering have not been mapped in cotton (Liu et al. 2000; Abdurakhmonov 2001). At least, the subset of 13 informative SSR markers that revealed the same SSR mutation profile in 3 independent mutants can be useful in mapping genes associated with photoperiodic conversion in cotton. Some of these SSRs have already been assigned to chromo- somes (Table 2), suggesting important target chromosomes for future studies. In perspective, to determine the genetic as- sociation of these markers, segregating F 2 populations derived from the cross of mutant and original genotypes have been created, and molecular tagging of QTLs associated with pho- toperiodic conversion using mutated SSR loci is in progress. The results of this study should be useful in understanding the photoperiod-related induced mutations and the mutagenesis effect in creating a diverse cotton germplasm. Informative SSR markers reported herein might have a potential in map- ping of photoperiodic flowering genes in cotton using specific experimental populations. Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by a research grant on cotton marker– assisted selection by the Science and Technology Center of Uzbekistan. We are grateful to the Agricultural Research Service–Former Soviet Union; Scientific Cooperation Program, Office of International Research Programs, U.S. Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), for financial support of cotton genomics research in Uzbekistan. We thank Dr Russell Kohel and John Yu, USDA-ARS, College Station, TX, for providing BAC-derived SSR markers. We thank Dr Pierre J. Lagoda, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, for useful suggestions in manuscript preparation. 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