Initially, in 2002, A was the dominant figure in terms of N among other ABSs, with around Xa. The second largest rate was recorded from B in this year, accounting for around Xb. After x years, the former witnessed adjective + noun reaching to around Xa2 while the latter saw adjective + noun and made up around Xb2. The figure for A was followed by another upward/downward trend while the opposite/similar change took place in that of B. The rates for A and B formed Xa3 and Xb3 respectively at the end of the period.
- A was the dominant figure in terms of N among other ABSs, with around Xa.
- A был доминирующей фигурой с точки зрения n среди других ABS, около Xa.
- A boshqa ABS lar orasida yuqori ko’rsatkich bo’lib, Xa atrofida.
- The second largest rate was recorded from B in this year, accounting for around Xb.
- Вторая по величине показатель была зафиксирована у B в этом году, составляя около Xb.
- Ikkinchi eng katta ko'rsatkich shu yil B dan qayd etilgan bo'lib, taxminan Xb ni tashkil qiladi.
- After x years, the former witnessed adjective + noun reaching to around Xa2 while the latter saw adjective + noun and made up around Xb2.
- Через x лет первый стал свидетелем того, как прилагательное + существительное достигло примерно Xa2, а второй увидел прилагательное + существительное и составил около Xb2.
- X yil o'tgach, birinchisi taxminan Xa2 ga yetgan sifat + otni ko'rsatdi, ikkinchisi esa sifat + ot ko'rsatib, Xb2 atrofida tashkil etdi.
- The figure for A was followed by another upward/downward trend while the opposite/similar change took place in that of B.
- За цифрой А последовала еще одна восходящая/понижающая тенденция, в то время как в фигуре В произошло противоположное/подобное изменение.
- A ko'rsatkichidan keyin yana bir ko'tarilish/pastlanish tendentsiyasi kuzatildi, B-da esa teskari/o'xshash o'zgarish sodir bo'ldi.
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