Books (general). Writing. Paleography
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Bibliography Bibliography: Z7128.S25 Medicine: Z6663.S3 Sans serif type: Z250.5.S24 Saliva philology and linguistics Sanskrit linguistics Bibliography: Z7122.S3 Bibliography: Z7090 Salmon: Z5973.S24 Sanskrit manuscripts Salmonella Bibliography: Z6605.S3 Bibliography: Z5185.S3 Sanskrit philology Saloons Bibliography: Z7090 Manuscripts: Z6611.S35 Architecture: Z5943.B37 Santali manuscripts Salt Bibliography: Z6605.S33 Bibliography: Z7335 Santo Domingo: Z1536+ Effect on plants São Paulo (Brazil: State). Imprensa Bibliography: Z5354.S35 oficial do Estado: Z232.S22 Salt-tolerant crops Sao Tomé and Principe: Z3879 Bibliography: Z5074.S25 Sarcoidosis Salvage Bibliography: Z6664.S3 Bibliography: Z7914.R2 Sasquatch Salvation Army Bibliography: Z7996.S27 Bibliography: Z7845.S24 Śāstri, Kāśinātha: Z232.S234 Samaritans as an element in the Satellites, Artificial population: Z1 27.S24 Bibliography: Z5064.A7
SATIN 1 system: Z699.4.S14 Scholia
Satire: Z1 14.S3 Bibliography Latin philology and linguistics: Literature: Z6514.S38 Z7028.S4 Saudi Arabia: Z3026+ School administration Saurashtri philology and linguistics Bibliography: Z5814.M26 Bibliography: Z7068 School books Scalds and burns Bibliography: Z5817 Bibliography School buildings Surgery: Z6667.B8 Bibliography: Z5814.S4 Scandinavia: Z2551+ School children Scandinavian press (United States) Library orientation: Z711.25.S36 Bibliography: Z6953.5.S3 School decoration Scatology Bibliography: Z5814.D4 Bibliography School drama Erotic literature: Z5866.S3 Bibliography: Z5784.C58 Scenery School excursions Bibliography Bibliography: Z5814.E93 Drama: Z5784.S8 School facilities, furniture, equipment, Preservation: Z5133.P73 etc.
Scenic bookplates: Z994.5.S3 Bibliography: Z5814.F3 Schedel, Hartmann, 1440-1514. Liber School librarians: Z682.4.S34 chronicarum: Z241.S31 School libraries: Z675.S3 Schema voor de Indeling van de School lunches Systematische datalogus in Openbare Bibliography: Z5814.F7 bibliotheken (SISO) School periodicals Library classification system: Bibliography: Z6944.S8 Z696.S4542 School safety Schism, Great Western Bibliography: Z5814.S42 Bibliography: Z7779.S345 School social work Schistosomiasis Bibliography: Z5814.S43 Bibliography: Z6664.S33 Schools
Schizophrenia Printing: Z122+ Bibliography: Z6665.7.S35 Schools and libraries: Z718 Schmied, François-Louis: Z232.S253 Schools Catalogue Information Service Scholarly periodicals Subject cataloging: Z695.Z8S35 Bibliography: Z6944.S3 Schools in fiction Scholarly publishing Bibliography: Z5917.S34 Bookselling and publishing: Z286.S37 Science
Scholarships Bibliography: Z7401+ Education Education: Z5818.S3 Bibliography: Z5814.S35 Manuscripts: Z6611.S4 Scholasticism Bookselling and publishing: Z286.S4 Bibliography: Z7128.S3 Libraries
Cataloging: Z695.1.S3 Classification: Z697.S5
Science Scots-Irish Mechanized bibliographic control: United States: Z1361.S35 Z699.5.S3 Scouts and scouting Special collections: Z688.S3 Bibliography: Z7164.S33 Reference work: Z711.6.S35 Scrapie
Women in Bibliography: Z5074.S35 Bibliography: Z7963.S3 SCRIPSIT (Computer program) Science and industry Word processing: Z52.5.S37 Bibliography: Z7405.S34 SCRIPT (Computer file): Z52.5.S39 Science and religion Script type: Z250.5.S4 Bibliography: Z7844.5 Scripts, Radio Science and technology librarians: Bibliography: Z7223.S3 Z682.4.S35 Sculpture Science fiction: Z1 14.S33 Bibliography: Z5951+ Bibliography: Z5917.S36 Sculpture gardens Communication and mass media: Bibliography: Z5953.S37 Z5633.S34 Sea birds Bookselling and publishing: Z286.F3 Bibliography: Z5333.S4 Libraries Sea breeze Classification: Z697.F29 Bibliography Special collections: Z688.S32 Meteorology: Z6683.S4 Science indicators Sea stories Bibliography: Z7405.S36 Bibliography: Z5917.S4 Science publications Seals
Libraries Bibliography: Z7421 Mechanized bibliographic control: Search engines Z699.5.S45 Computer network resources: Scientific libraries: Z675.T3 ZA4230+ Libraries Search interfaces Preservation, restoration, etc.: Computer network resources: Z701.3.S35 ZA4230+ Scientists Searching Bibliography: Z7405.P7 Computer network resources: Scientology ZA4230+ Bibliography: Z7835.S35 Searchlights SCIS Bibliography: Z5834.S4 Subject cataloging: Z695.Z8S35 Sears list of subject headings: Scoliosis Z695.Z8S43 Bibliography Sebina Produx Surgery: Z6667.S36 Bibliography Scolytidae: Z5858.S3 Library science: Z678.93.S43 Scorpions Second-hand booksellers' catalogs: Bibliography: Z7996.S36 Z998+ Scots' colony: Z2067.D2 Secondary education Scots in Africa Bibliography: Z5814.S6 Bibliography: Z3508.S35
Secret societies Self-actualization Bibliography: Z7164.S36 Bibliography Secret writing Psychology: Z7204.S42 Cryptography: Z104.5 Self-disclosure Sects, Religious Bibliography Libraries Psychology: Z7204.S43 Cataloging: Z695.1.T3 Self-education, Lists of books for: Securities Z1035.9 Bibliography: Z7164.S37 Self-government in education Security guards Bibliography: Z5814.S65 Library buildings: Z679.6 Self-help groups Security measures Bibliography: Z7164.S38 Library buildings: Z679.6 Self-help techniques Library information networks: Z674.73 Bibliography Security measures, Industrial Psychology: Z7204.S44 Bibliography: Z7164.I43 Self-medication Security printing: Z264.7 Bibliography Security systems Therapeutics: Z6665.S4 Bibliography Self-organizing systems Electronics: Z5838.S34 Bibliography Sediments Science: Z7405.S45 Bibliography Self-published books Geology: Z6033.S4 Library collections: Z692.P74 Seeds Self-publishing: Z285.5 Bibliography: Z5074.S44 Selkups as an element in the Botany: Z5354.S4 population: Z1 27.S35 Segregation Semantic Web Education Computer network resources: Bibliography: Z5814.D5 ZA4240 Seihan Insatsu Kabushiki Kaisha: Semantics: Z1 15.S4 Z232.S397 Bibliography: Z7004.S4 Seismology Semiconductors Bibliography: Z6033.E1 Bibliography: Z5838.S4 Select Write (Computer program) Libraries Word processing: Z52.5.S45 Classification: Z697.S52 Selection Seminary libraries, Theological: Libraries Z675.T4 Collections: Z689.A1+ Seminole: Z1210.S5 Selection for preservation Semiotics Library materials: Z701.3.S38 Bibliography: Z7004.S43 Selenium Semirings Bibliography: Z5524.S4 Bibliography Geology: Z6033.S43 Mathematics: Z6654.S27 Physiological effect Semitic philology and linguistics Bibliography Bibliography: Z7049.S5 Medicine: Z6663.S4 Senegal: Z3711+
Sensationalism Series
Bibliography Bibliography Periodicals, newspapers, etc.: Mathematics: Z6654.S3 Z6944.S45 Series, Cataloging of: Z695.78 Separation Series (Publications) Bibliography Bookselling and publishing: Z286.S47 Psychology: Z7204.S45 Series, Television: Z7713.S47 Sephadex Serif Publishing power-suite Bibliography Desktop publishing: Z253.532.S37 Medicine: Z6663.S44 Sermons
Sephardim Bibliography: Z7847 Bibliography: Z6374.S4 Jewish religion: Z6371.S4 Sepulchral chapels Manuscripts: Z6611.S47 Bibliography Servants Architecture: Z5943.F84 Bibliography: Z5776.S5 Sepulchral monuments Service bureaus Bibliography Practical printing: Z244.64+ Architecture: Z5943.C47 Service industries Sculpture: Z5953.S46 Bibliography: Z7164.S39 Sequels: Z1 14.S45 Servites Bibliography Bibliography: Z7840.S4 Fiction: Z5917.S44 Servomechanisms Literature: Z6514.S4 Bibliography: Z5853.S45 Sequence novel SESAM System: Z699.4.S17 Bibliography: Z5917.S45 Sessa, family of printers: Z232.S47 SERaT (Information retrieval system): Sessa, Giovanni Battista, fl. 1489-1505: Z699.4.S16 Z232.S47 Serbian manuscripts Sessa, Melchiorre, fl. 1506-1549: Bibliography: Z6605.S65 Z232.S47 Serbo-Croatian language and literature Set theory Bibliography Bibliography Education: Z5818.S45 Mathematics: Z6654.S47 Serbo-Croatian manuscripts: Seven sages Z115.5.S45 Bibliography: Z6521.S4 Serbo-Croatian paleography: Seventh-Day Adventists Z115.5.S45 Bibliography: Z7845.S35 Serbo-Croatian press (United States) Sewage disposal Bibliography: Z6953.5.S4 Bibliography: Z5853.S22 Serbs in the United States Libraries Bibliography: Z1361.S4 Classification: Z697.S53 Serials Sex
Bibliography: Z6940+ Bibliography: Z7164.S42 Bookselling and publishing: Z286.P4 Literary characters, themes, etc.: Library collections: Z692.S5 Z6514.C5S42+ Serials in electronic form Psychology: Z7204.S48 Library collections: Z692.E43 Libraries Serials librarians: Z682.4.S37 Cataloging: Z695.1.S4
Sex crimes Shelf reading Bibliography: Z5703.4.S45 Libraries: Z699.7+ Sex instruction Shelflisting Libraries Libraries: Z698 Special collections: Z688.S45 Shellfish: Z5973.S45 Sex-oriented literature Shells
Libraries Bibliography Special collections: Z688.E76 Engineering: Z5853.S53 Sex worship Shelving Bibliography: Z7833 Libraries: Z685 Sexual disorders Shetland: Z2063.S53 Bibliography: Z6664.S48 Shifting cultivation Sexual harassment: Z7164.S46 Bibliography: Z5074.S53 Sexual minorities Shiitake Libraries Bibliography Cataloging: Z695.1.S43 Gardening: Z5996.S55 Special collections: Z688.S47 Shin (Sect) Library services to: Z711.92.S49 Bibliography: Z7864.S5 Sexual perversion in fiction Shingon (Sect) Bibliography: Z5917.S454 Bibliography: Z7864.S53 Sexually abused children Shinto
Bibliography: Z6671.52.S48 Bibliography: Z7835.S5+ Sexually transmitted diseases Ship subsidies Bibliography: Z6664.V45 Bibliography: Z7164.S55 Seychelles: Z3499.7 Shipbuilding Seymour (Library information network): Bibliography: Z6834.S5 Z674.82.S42 Shipping Shadow plays Bibliography: Z7164.S55 Bibliography: Z5784.P3 Ships
Shafting Bibliography: Z6834.S5 Bibliography Shipwrecks Engineering: Z5853.S5 Bibliography: Z6016.S55 Shakers Shock
Bibliography: Z7845.S5 Bibliography Shakespeare Surgery: Z6667.S4 Libraries Shock therapy Special collections: Z688.S5 Bibliography: Z6665.S5 Shakespeare Head Press: Z232.S525 Shock waves Shamanism Bibliography Bibliography: Z7835.S43 Aerospace technology: Z5064.S5 Shared virtual environments Shoes
Libraries: Z678.93.S53 Bibliography: Z7914.B4 Sheep Shooting Bibliography: Z5074.S49 Bibliography Sheet metal Military science: Z6724.S5 Bibliography: Z6679.S5 Shop mechanics
Bibliography: Z5853.S54
Shoplifting Signals and signaling Bibliography: Z5703.4.S5 Bibliography Shopping centers Naval science: Z6834.S54 Bibliography Railroads: Z7234.S5 Architecture: Z5943.S55 Signatures: Z41.A2+ Shopping malls Printing: Z242.S6 Bibliography Signs
Architecture: Z5943.S55 Library buildings: Z679.57 Shore protection Sikhism
Bibliography Bibliography: Z7835.S64 Engineering: Z5853.S56 Manuscripts: Z6611.S56 Short stories: Z1 14.S5 Sikhs
Bibliography: Z5917.S5 By region or country By region or country United States: Z1361.S47 Puerto Rico: Z1557.S54 Sikhs as an element in the population: Shorthand: Z53+ Z1 27.S42 Shorthand for writing machines: Z51+ Siksika language: Z7119.S55 Shot (Pellets) and the environment Silicon
Bibliography: Z5322.S47 Bibliography Showrooms Chemistry: Z5524.S5 Bibliography Silk
Architecture: Z5943.S57 Bibliography: Z7914.S6 Shrimp: Z5973.S5 Silver bindings: Z269.3.S55 Shrubland ecology Silverwork Bibliography: Z5322.S49 Bibliography: Z6055 Shrubs Simulated environment (Teaching Bibliography method) Botany: Z5356.T8 Bibliography: Z5814.S69 Shulzinger (Aḥim): Z232.S556 Simulation, Computer Shut-ins Bibliography: Z5643.S55 Library service to: Z711.92.S54 Sinclair ZX (Computer) Siberch, John: Z232.S56 Word processing: Z52.5.S55 Siberia: Z3401+ Sindhi typewriters: Z49.4.S55 Sichowsky, Richard von: Z232.S57 Singapore: Z3285 Sickle cell anemia Single-sideband radio Bibliography: Z6664.S53 Bibliography: Z7223.S5 SICLaC (Information retrieval system): Sinhalese manuscripts Z699.4.S173 Bibliography: Z6605.S45 Side effects of drugs Sinhalese philology and linguistics Bibliography Bibliography: Z7101.S6 Therapeutics: Z6665.S56 Sino-Tibetan philology and linguistics Sierra Leone: Z3598 Bibliography: Z7049.S58 Sigillography Siouan languages Bibliography: Z7421 Libraries Signal processing Mechanized bibliographic control: Bibliography Z699.5.S57 Electricity: Z5834.S49
Siouan philology and linguistics Slang and cant Bibliography: Z7119.S6 Bibliography: Z7004.S6 SIPORbase (Information retrieval Slavery
system): Z699.4.S175 Bibliography: Z7164.S6 Siraiki philology and linguistics United States Bibliography: Z7101.S62 National bibliography: Z1249.S6 Sirenia Slavic books Bibliography: Z7996.S57 Bookselling and publishing: Z286.S55 Sisal hemp Slavic countries Bibliography Special collections: Z688.S56 Agriculture: Z5074.H5 Slavic languages and literature SISMAKOM (Information retrieval Bibliography system): Z699.4.S18 Education: Z5818.S57 SISO Slavic literature Library classification system: Libraries Z696.S4542 Cataloging: Z695.1.S5 Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth Mechanized bibliographic control: Bibliography: Z7840.S55 Z699.5.S6 SITAR (Computer program) Slavic manuscripts: Z115.5.S53 Word processing: Z52.5.S57 Bibliography: Z6605.S49+ SITE, Inc. Slavic paleography: Z115.5.S53 Bibliography: Z5942.5.S57 Slavic philology and linguistics Sites Bibliography: Z7041+ Bibliography Slavic press (United States) Architecture: Z5943.S6 Bibliography: Z6953.5.S62 Skaryna, Frantsysk Heorhiĭ: Z232.S615 Slavs
Skating Bibliography Bibliography: Z7514.S6 Anthropology and ethnology: Skepticism Z5118.S6 Bibliography Slavs in the United States Religion: Z7765 Bibliography: Z1361.S5 Skiing Sleep
Bibliography: Z7514.S65 Bibliography: Z6663.S5 Skin Sleepeck, William: Z232.S643 Bibliography Slides (Photography) Medicine: Z6663.S46 Libraries Skin injuries Classification: Z697.S57 Bibliography Library collections: Z692.S65 Surgery: Z6667.S55 Slip-cases Skin surgery Bookbinding: Z275 Bibliography: Z6667.S55 Slovakia: Z2151+ Skyscrapers Slovakian manuscripts Bibliography Bibliography: Z6605.S66 Architecture: Z5943.S63 Slovaks as an element in the population: Engineering: Z5853.T35 Z1 27.S45 Slang: Z1 15.S55 Slovenes in the United States
Bibliography: Z1361.S56
Slovenia: Z2931+ Social conditions Slovenian manuscripts Bibliography: Z7164.S66 Bibliography: Z6605.S67 Social interaction Slovo o polku Igoreve Bibliography Bibliography: Z6521.S55 Psychology: Z7204.S65 Slow learning children Social life and customs: Z1 27.S57 Books for: Z1039.S5 By region or country Small libraries: Z675.S57 Dominican Republic: Z1537.C58 Libraries Middle East: Z3014.S64 Preservation, restoration, etc.: Social media: Z674.75.S63 Z701.3.S53 Social medicine Library science: Z678.93.S6 Bibliography: Z6675.S53 Small press books: Z1033.L73 Social networks Collections in libraries: Z688.S57 Bibliography: Z7164.S662 Small presses: Z231.5.L5 Social prediction SMART system: Z699.4.S2 Bibliography: Z7164.S663 Download 9.61 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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