By Munro Leaf Illustrated by Robert Lawson

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The Story of Ferdinand 


By Munro Leaf 


Illustrated by Robert Lawson 













iQjMhuSaM dh dgkuh 

ys[kd% eujks yhiQ 

Anuvad % muhammd JubWr 

fp=kkadu% fjpMZ ykSlu












Once upon a time in Spain 


cgqr le; igys dh ckr gSA 


































There was a little bull and his name was Ferdinand. 


Lisu esa ,d NksVk cSy jgrk FkkA 

mldk uke iQjMhuSaM FkkA





























All the other little bulls he lived with would 

run and jump and butt their heads together, 


ftu cSyksa ds lkFk oks jgrk Fkk 

os lHkh nkSM+rs 

dwnrs vkSj ,d&nwljs ds 

eRFks&ls&eRFkk yM+krs FksA






























but not Ferdinand. 


ijarq iQjMhuSaM ,slk dHkh ugha 

djrk FkkA


























He liked to sit just quietly and smell the flowers. 


mls pqipki cSBdj iQwyksa dh 

[kq'kcw lwa?kuk gh vPNk yxrk FkkA


























He had a favorite spot out in the pasture under the cork 



mls ,d txg cgqr ilan FkhA 

oks txg ?kkl ds eSnku esa dkdZ ds 

isM+ ds uhps FkhA



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It was his favorite tree and he would sit in its 

shade all day and smell the flowers. 



oks mldk lcls fiz; isM+ FkkA oks lkjs 

fnu isM+ dh Nkao 

esa cSBdj mlds iQwyksa dh [kq'kcw lwa?kk 

djrk FkkA



































Sometimes his mother, who was a cow, would worry about 

him. She was afraid he would be lonesome all by himself. 


mldh eka ,d xk; FkhA dHkh&dHkh 

eka mlds ckjs esa fpark djrh FkhA 

mls Mj Fkk fd vdsysiu ds dkj.k 

dgha iQjMhuSaM mnkl u gks tk;sA



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“Why don’t you run and play with the other bulls and skip 

and butt 

Your head?” she would say. 

But Ferdinand would shake his head. 

“I like it better here where I can sit quietly and smell the 



^rqe nwljs cSyksa ds lkFk nkSM+rs vkSj 

[ksyrs D;ksa ugha gks\ 

rqe vkSjksa ds lkFk lhax D;ksa ugha yM+krs 

gks\* oks iwNrhaA 

ijarq iQjMhuSaM mRrj esa cl viuk flj 

fgyk nsrk vkSj dgrk] 

^eq>s cl ;gha ij vkjke ls cSBuk vkSj 

iQwyksa dh [kq'kcw lwa?kuk vPNk yxrk gSA*

































His mother saw that he was not lonesome, 

and because she was an understanding mother, 

even though she was a cow, she let him just sit there and be 




mldh eka oSls ,d lk/kj.k xk; FkhA ijarq Fkh 

oks cgqr le>nkjA 

oks ges'kk bl ckr dk è;ku j[krh fd 

iQjMhuSaM mnkl u gksA 

oks mls isM+ ds uhps vdsys cSBs jgus nsrh FkhA 

de&ls&de oks ogka [kq'k rks FkkA



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As the years went by Ferdinand grew and grew 

until he was very big and strong. 


/hjs&/hjs lky xqtjrs x;sA 

iQjMhuSaM ,dne cM+k vkSj 

rkdroj cu x;kA 


    ٓ   ٓ






All the other bulls 

who had grown up 

with him in the same 

pasture would fight 

each other all day. 

They would butt 

each other and stick 

each other with their 

horns. What they 

wanted most of all 

was to be picked to 

fight at the bull 

fights in Madrid. 





ckdh cSy tks mlds lkFk ?kkl 

ds eSnku esa cM+s gq;s Fks] 

os fnu Hkj ,d&nwljs ds lkFk 

yM+rs jgrs FksA os eRFks&ls&eRFkk 

yM+krs vkSj ,d&nwljs dks vius 

iSus lha?k pqHkkrsA 

mu lc dh cl ,d gh reUuk 

Fkh & 

fd dksbZ mUgsa Lisu dh jkt/kuh 

eSMfjM esa cSyksa dh yM+kbZ ds 

fy;s pqu ysA













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But not Ferdinand - he still liked to sit just quietly 

under the cork tree and smell the flowers. 


ijarq iQjMhuSaM dh yM+kbZ esa dksbZ 

fnypLih ugha FkhA 

mls dsoy dkdZ ds isM+ ds uhps 

cSB dj 

mlds iQwyksa dh [kq'kcw lwa?kuk gh 

vPNk yxrk FkkA





























One day five men came in very funny hats to pick the 


fastest, roughest bull to fight in the bull fights in Madrid. 


,d fnu vthcks&xjhc Vksfi;ka 

igus gq;s ikap vkneh vk;sA 

os lcls cM+s] rst vkSj rkdroj 

cSy dks pquus ds fy;s vk;s FksA 

oks lcls rkdroj cSy dks 

yM+kbZ ds fy;s eSMfjM ys tkus 

ds fy;s vk;s FksA




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All the other bulls ran around snorting and butting, 

leaping and jumping so the men would think that they were 


very strong and fierce and pick them. 


ckdh lkjs cSy viuh rkdr dk 

ifjp; nsus ds fy;s nkSM+us yxs] 

dwnus yxs vkSj ,d nwljs dks 

vius iSus lhaxksa ls xksnus yxsA 

cSyksa dks yxk fd Vksih okys 

le>saxs fd os cgqr gh 

'kfDr'kkyh vkSj cyoku gSa vkSj 

os pqu fy;s tk;saxsA




































Ferdinand knew that they wouldn’t pick him and he didn’t 


So he went out to his favorite cork tree to sit down. 


iQjMhuSaM tkurk Fkk fd mls 

dksbZ ugha pqusxkA oSls mls pqus 

tkus dh dksbZ ijokg Hkh ugha 


blfy;s oks vius fiz; dkdZ ds 

isM+ ds uhps tkdj cSB x;kA




































He didn’t look where he was sitting and instead of sitting 

on the 

nice cool grass in the shade he sat on a bumble bee. 


oks tgka cSB jgk Fkk mlus ml 

txg dks laHkky dj ugha ns[kkA 

BaMh vkSj gjh 

?kkl esa cSBus dh ctk;s oks ,d 

rrS;k ds mQij cSB x;kA 





























Well, if were a bumble bee and a bull sat on you what 

would you do? 

You would sting him. And that is just what this bee did to 



eku yhft;s vxj vki ,d rrS;k gksrs vkSj 

dksbZ cSy vkids mQij vkdj cSB tkrkA rc 


D;k djrs\ vki cSy dks Mad ekjrsA ;gh 

lywd ml rrS;k us iQjMhuaSM ds lkFk 





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Wow! Did it hurt! Ferdinand jumped up with a snort. 

He ran around puffing and snorting, 

butting and pawing the ground as if he were crazy. 


gk;! bruk Hk;adj nnZ! 

iQjMhuSaM ,d tksjnkj ph[k ds lkFk 


oks ph[krk&fpYykrk iSus lhaxksa ls 

tehu dks [kksnrk gqvk ikxyksa dh 

rjg nkSM+kA
































The five men saw him and they all shouted with joy. 

Here was the largest and fiercest bull of all. 

Just the one for the bull fights in Madrid. 


iQjMhuSaM dks ns[kdj Vksihokys ikapksa 

yksx [kq'kh ls mNy iM+sA 

mUgsa vc lcls cM+k] rkdroj vkSj 

cgknqj cSy fey x;k FkkA 

eSMfjM esa yM+kbZ ds fy;s oks ,dne 

fiQV FkkA








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So they took him away for the bull fight day in a cart. 


mUgksusa iQjMhuSaM dks ,d cgqr 

cM+h ?kksM+k&xkM+h esa cSBk;k vkSj 

mls eSMfjM ys x;sA






























What a day it was! 

Flags were flying, bands were playing... 


oks fnu ,d cM+s esys tSlk FkkA 

lc rjiQ >aMs ygjk jgs FksA 

vkSj gok esa cSaM&cktksa dk laxhr 

xwat jgk Fkk + +





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and all the lovely ladies had flowers in their hair. 


esys esa vkbZ reke efgykvksa ds 

ckyksa esa lqxaf/r iQwyksa ds xtjs 

lts FksA












They had a parade into the bull ring. 


mlds ckn yM+kbZ ds xksy eSnku 

esa ,d cM+h ijsM fudyhA











First came the Banderilleros with long sharp pins 

with ribbons on them to stick in the bull and make him 




lcls igys cSaMsjhyks flikfg;ksa dk 

,d nLrk fudykA 

muds ikl yacs vkSj uqdhys Hkkys 

Fks] ftuesa yacs fjcu yxs FksA 

bu Hkkyksa ls cSy dks Hkksadk tkuk 

FkkA Hkkyksa ds pqHkus ls cSy ikxy 

gks tkrk FkkA















Next came the Picadores who rode skinny horses 

and they had long spears to stick in the bull and make him 



fiQj fidkMksj flikfg;ksa dk 

nLrk vk;kA oks lHkh ?kksM+ksa ij 

lokj Fks 

vkSj muds gkFkksa esa cSy dks 

ekjus ds fy;s cM+s yacs&yacs 

Hkkys FksA


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Then came the Matadoe, the proudest of all - 

he thought he was very handsome, and bowed to the ladies. 

He had a red cape and a sword and was supposed to 

stick the bull last of all. 


var esa esVkMksj vk;kA mldk jax&:i 

,dne jkschyk FkkA mls viuh [kwclwjrh 

ij ukt FkkA 

'kk;n blhfy;s mlus lcls igys 

efgykvksa dks lyke fd;kA og yky 

Vksih igus Fkk vkSj 

mlds gkFk esa ,d ryokj FkhA blh 

ryokj ls cSy dks ekjk tkuk FkkA



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     π      ۔      
























Then came the bull, and you know who that was don’t you? 



var esa cSy vk;kA dkSu lk cSy 

vk;k ;g rks vkidks vPNh rjg 

irk gh gSA D;ksa gS u\ 



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They called him Ferdinand the Fierce and all the 


were afraid of him and the Picadores were afraid of him 

and the Matadors were scared stiff. 


lc yksx iQjMhuSaM dks ns[kdj Mj x;sA 

mUgksaus mls uke fn;k & [kwa[kkj iQjMhuSaMA 

cSaMsjhyks mls ns[kdj lge x;sA fidkMksjksa 

dh mls ns[krs gh flV~Vh&fiV~Vh xqe gks xbZA 

vkSj cspkjk esVkMksj rks mls ns[kdj Mj ds 

ekjs Fkj&Fkj dkaius yxkA





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Ferdinand ran to middle of the ring and everyone shouted 


clapped because they thought he was going to fight fiercely 

and butt and snort and stick his horns around. 


iQjMhuSaM nkSM+dj eSnku ds chp esa 

igqapkA mls ns[kdj yksx fpYykus yxs 

vkSj tksj&tksj 

ls rkfy;ka ctkus yxsA lcdks yxk fd 

ns[kus esa [kwa[kkj iQjMhuSaM cgknqjh ls 

yM+sxk vkSj  

;ks¼kvksa dks vius iSus lhaxksa ls ekjsxkA 
































But not Ferdinand. 

When he got to middle of the ring he saw flowers in all the 


ladies’ hair and he just sat down quietly and smelled. 


ijarq iQjMhuSaM ds eu esa dqN vkSj gh 

fopkj FkkA 

tc oks yM+kbZ ds eSnku esa chpksa&chp 


rks mls vkSjrksa ds ckyksa esa yxs laqnj 

iQwy fn[kkbZ fn;sA 

oks eSnku ds chp esa pqipki cSB x;k 

vkSj iQwyksa dh eueksgd [kq'kcw lwa?kus 




























He wouldn’t fight 

and be fierce no 

matter what they did. 

He just sat and 

smelled. And the 

Banderilleros were 

mad and the 

Picadors were 

madder and the 

Matador was so mad 

he cried  

because he couldn’t 

show off his cape and 





iQjMhuSaM us vius eu esa iDdk 

fu'p; fd;kA ;s yksx pkgsa dqN Hkh 


eSa u rks fdlh dks ek:axk vkSj uk gh 

fdlh ls yM+waxk A 

;s ns[kdj cSaMsjhyks dk fnekx [kjkc 

gks x;k vkSj fidkMksj ikxy gks x;sA 

cspkjk esVkMksj rks ,dne vkis ls 

ckgj gks x;kA yky Vksih igu dj 

vius ryokj ds djrc fn[kk ikuk 

vc mlds fy;s laHko u FkkA 



















           π    ۔




































So they had to take Ferdinand home. 


var esa yksxksa dks >d ekjdj 

iQjMhuSaM dks okfil ?kj Hkstuk iM+kA

























And for all I know he is sitting there still

under his favorite cork tree, 

smell the flowers just quietly. 

He is very happy. 


tgka rd esjh tkudkjh gS iQjMhuSaM 

vHkh Hkh ogha cSBk gS 

& vius fiz; dkdZ ds isM+ ds uhps 

vkSj pqipki mlds 

iQwyksa dh [kq'kcw lwa?k jgk gSA 

oks okdbZ esa cM+k [kq'k gSA


















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