Casas Herrera, J. A., & Muñoz Conde, M. (2017). An alternative proposal for the
existing indigence and poverty lines in Colombia. Cuadernos de Economía,
36(72), 179-205.
According to DANE, poverty in Colombia has significantly declined over recent years.
This is a controversial revelation as the economic conditions of society do not reflect
the statement. Based on the differences established between the two methodologies
used to measure poverty —the old methodology (AM) and the new methodology
(NM)— this paper establishes new lines of indigence and poverty for the period 2002-
2015; these demonstrate that the official numbers discounted approximately seven
million poor in 2015.
Keywords: Poverty line, methodologies, Orshansky’s coefficient.
JEL: B49, D13, D69, E20, N00.