Census 2001 and Access to Services Focus on Rural Areas
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- Household composition
- Classification of household deprivation
- Employment
- Health and disability
- Urban 5,287 5,932 4,339 1,342 177 668,918 1,810,526
Focus on Rural Areas
South Lakeland is in the North West Government Office Region - 2 -
Map of the Government Office Region showing Authority boundaries and shaded by Output Area according to the urban / rural definition. 3
In South Lakeland 61.6% of people live in rural areas, compared with 12.1% in the Government Office Region. Within the rural areas 40% live in sparse rural areas. Male Female
Total Male
Female Total
Urban 18,942
20,298 39,240
2,857,341 3,056,872 5,914,213 Rural
30,548 32,513
63,061 401,613
413,938 815,551
Less Sparse 18,406
19,622 38,028
349,155 359,674
708,829 Town
4,966 5,703
10,669 176,812
186,076 362,888
Village 9,903
10,294 20,197
103,718 105,497
209,215 Dispersed 3,537 3,625
7,162 68,625
68,101 136,726
Sparse 12,142
12,891 25,033
52,458 54,264
106,722 Town
6,265 6,537
12,802 17,418
18,617 36,035
Village 2,360
2,512 4,872
20,279 20,795
41,074 Dispersed 3,517 3,842
7,359 14,761
14,852 29,613
Total 49,490
52,811 102,301
3,258,954 3,470,810 6,729,764 Percentage rural 61.7 61.6
61.6 12.3
11.9 12.1
South Lakeland North West
Source table from the Census: UV03 Gender Proportion of the population of the Authority living in rural towns, villages and dispersed areas compared with the Government Office Region and England.
0 10 20 30 40 50 Percentage Town Village
Dispersed Rural type South Lakeland North West England
In South Lakeland 5.6% of the population live in rural areas and are under 10 years old. 12.7% of the Authority's population live in rural areas and are under 19 years of age. 10.1% are aged 70 or over and live in rural areas.
Less sparse
Sparse Less
sparse Sparse
Less sparse
Sparse Under 10
10,346 4,595
5,751 1,072
1,153 1,937
408 552
629 55.6
10 to 19 11,691
4,474 7,217
1,031 1,705
2,129 576
714 1,062
61.7 20 to 29
9,165 4,048
5,117 707
1,518 1,368
471 472
581 55.8
30 to 39 13,746
5,884 7,862
1,329 1,713
2,650 549
754 867
57.2 40 to 49
14,030 5,472
8,558 1,340
1,477 2,876
710 1,097
1,058 61.0
50 to 59 15,388
5,292 10,096
1,532 1,759
3,391 786
1,380 1,248
65.6 60 to 69
12,083 4,048
8,035 1,300
1,446 2,668
626 1,044
951 66.5
70 to 79 9,859
3,396 6,463
1,373 1,243
2,004 462
748 633
65.6 80 to 89
4,919 1,668
3,251 774
648 973
236 354
266 66.1
90 and over 999
352 647
161 138
205 24 66 53 64.8
102,226 39,229
62,997 10,619
12,800 20,201
4,848 7,181
7,348 61.6
% Rural Totals
Urban Rural
Age Rural breakdown Towns Villages
Source table from the Census: UV04 Age Age of the population in urban/rural parts of the Authority and totals for the Government Office Region.
0 200 400
600 800
1000 1200
1400 Under
1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
and over
Age Number of people in the Authority 0 10000 20000 30000
40000 50000
60000 70000
80000 90000
100000 110000
120000 Number of people in the GOR Rural South Lakeland Urban South Lakeland North West
Source table from the Census: UV04 Age 5 Proportion of children under 5 split by the urban rural definition, for the Authority and the Government Office Region
Authority: Government Office Region: South Lakeland North West Number of under 5's: 4,800 Number of under 5's: 395,700 Urban
Less Sparse Rural Town Less Sparse Rural Village Less Sparse Rural Dispersed Sparse Rural Town Sparse Rural Village Sparse Rural Dispersed
Source table from the Census: UV04 Age 6
The ‘Marital Status’ table (UV07) classifies all people (i.e. from babies upwards) according to their marital status. To create the following table it has been assumed that all people aged under 16 would be in the “single – never married” category. All people under 16 years of age have been deducted from the original “single – never married” figures on the marital status to estimated figures on the marital status of people aged 16 or over.
Estimated number of people in the Authority and Government Office Region aged 16 or over, by marital status
Single (never married)
Married (first marriage) Re-married Separated (but still legally married)
Divorced Widowed
Urban 8,156
14,583 2,518
591 2,861
3,106 Rural
12,287 26,119
4,588 863
3,827 5,151
Less Sparse 6,443
16,625 2,952
501 2,246
3,215 Town
1,810 4,366
783 150
646 1,198
Village 3,402
8,902 1,633
262 1,200
1,475 Dispersed 1,231 3,357
536 89 400 542 Sparse
5,844 9,494
1,636 362
1,581 1,936
Town 3,260
4,382 782
197 926
1,117 Village
1,029 1,989
323 66 284 386 Dispersed 1,555 3,123
531 99 371 433 Total
20,443 40,702
7,106 1,454
6,688 8,257
North West Urban
1,452,501 1,948,404 316,260 119,689
411,366 424,007
Rural 156,173
338,184 56,434
11,492 46,752
56,125 Total
1,608,674 2,286,588 372,694 131,181
458,118 480,132
South Lakeland
Source tables from the Census: UV04 Age and UV07 Marital Status Estimated proportions of people aged 16 or over in rural parts of the Authority, by marital status.
49% 9% 2% 7% 10%
Single (never married)
Married (first marriage) Re-married Separated (but still legally married)
Divorced Widowed
Source tables from the Census: UV04 Age and UV07 Marital Status
In South Lakeland 61.2% of households are in rural areas. 29.2% of rural households are single person households. 5.5% of rural households are lone parent family households. Number of households, by composition of the household Urban
% rural Total
Total Town
Village Dispersed Town Village
Dispersed Total number of households 17,120 27,041
4,790 8,752
3,052 5,486
2,086 2,875
61.2 One person household 5,321 7,883
1,567 2,257
777 1,956
630 696
59.7 pensioner 2,751 4,739
1,069 1,313
444 1,144
371 398
63.3 other
2,570 3,144
498 944
333 812
259 298
55.0 All pensioner family 1,719 3,776
729 1,276
494 645
253 379
68.7 Married couple family 6,450 10,706
1,712 3,778
1,352 1,733
824 1,307
62.4 no children 2,517 4,887
739 1,780
627 757
388 596
66.0 with one dependent child 1,003 1,586
274 538
197 276
103 198
61.3 with two or more dependent children 1,937 2,754
449 970
334 469
210 322
58.7 all children non-dependent 993 1,479
250 490
194 231
123 191
59.8 Cohabiting couple family 1,546 1,829
296 629
185 395
135 189
54.2 no children 844 1,171
179 382
131 274
82 123
58.1 with one dependent child 310 273
42 111
21 48 24 27 46.8
two or more dependent children 338
307 60 109 12 64 29 33 47.6
all children non-dependent 54 78 15 27 21 9 - 6 59.1 Lone parent family 1,271 1,478
294 447
107 358
148 124
53.8 with one dependent child 429 465
83 144
26 135
41 36 52.0 with two or more dependant children 378
354 76 104 19 82 45 28 48.4
all children non-dependent 464
659 135
199 62 141 62 60 58.7 Other households 813
1,369 192
365 137
399 96 180 62.7 with one dependent child 132 165
31 40 18 40 9 27 55.6 with two or more dependent children 131 210
46 67 15 40 20 22 61.6 all student 3 92
6 - 70 - 10 96.8 all pensioner 88 163 24 57 8 40 10 24 64.9 other
459 739
85 195
96 209
57 97 61.7 Rural Less sparse Sparse
Source table from the Census: UV65 Household Composition (households) A dependent child is a person in a household aged 0 to 15 (whether or not in a family) or a person aged 16 to 18 who is a full-time student in a family with parent(s).
8 Percentage of households by composition of household for the Authority and the Government Office Region. 0% 5% 10% 15%
20% 25%
30% 35%
40% 45%
50% Urban
Rural Urban
Rural South Lakeland North West Proportion of total number of households one person all pensioner family married couple family cohabiting couple family household lone parent family other households
Source table from the Census: UV65 Household Composition (households)
Classification of household deprivation
The classification of household deprivation on the Census is independent of the English Indices of Multiple Deprivation published by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Four dimensions from the Census returns have been identified as giving an indication of household deprivation. Households are considered deprived if one or more of the following definitions applies to that household:
– any member of the household aged 16-74 who is not a full-time student is classified as either unemployed or permanently sick.
– no member of the household aged 16 to pensionable age has at least 5 GCSE’s (grade A to C) or equivalent AND no member of the household aged 16 to 18 is in full-time education. Health and disability – any member of the household has general health ‘not good’ in the year before the census or has a limiting long term illness.
does not have sole use of bath/shower and toilet, or has no central heating. 9 Classification of household deprivation (number of households) Not deprived on any dimension Deprived on 1 dimension Deprived on 2 dimensions Deprived on 3 dimensions Deprived on all 4
dimensions Not deprived on any dimension Deprived on 1 or more dimensions
Less Sparse 5,315 5,954
4,177 1,026
103 101,747
186,768 Town
1,320 1,753
1,352 334
43 49,918
102,318 Village
2,916 3,074
2,121 542
45 31,797
53,524 Dispersed 1,079 1,127
704 150
15 20,032
30,926 Sparse
3,306 3,855
2,581 644
70 13,719
31,086 Town
1,631 2,067
1,400 372
46 4,366
11,456 Village
639 788
526 122
- 5,404
11,904 Dispersed 1,036 1,000
655 150
24 3,949
7,726 South Lakeland North West
Source table from the Census: UV67 Classification of household deprivation Comparison of household deprivation in urban and rural parts of the Authority
20% 30%
40% 50%
60% 70%
80% 90%
100% Proportion of households Urban South Lakeland
Rural South Lakeland
North West Deprived on all 4 dimensions Deprived on 3 dimensions Deprived on 2 dimensions Deprived on 1 dimension Not deprived on any dimension
Source table from the Census: UV67 Classification of household deprivation Health and provision of unpaid care There were two measure of ‘health’ on the Census. In one measure respondents were asked to rate their general level of health over the last twelve months as ‘good’, ‘fairly good’ or ‘not good’. The other measure was to ask respondents whether they (in their opinion) had a limiting long-term 10 illness (LLTI). LLTI covers any long-term illness, health problem or disability that limits daily activities or the work a person can do.
Perception of health over the 12 months preceding the Census (number of people) Good
Fairly good Not good
% not good Good
Fairly good Not good
% not good Urban
26,936 8,730
3,574 9.1
3,927,251 1,319,675 667,281 11.3
Rural 43,862
14,018 5,181
8.2 573,932
171,792 69,831
8.6 South Lakeland North West
Source table from the Census: UV20 General health
Occurrence of limiting long-term illnesses (LLTI) (number of people)
England No LLTI LLTI
% with LLTI No LLTI
LLTI % with LLTI % with LLTI Urban
31,921 7,319
18.7 4,665,344 1,248,870 21.1
18.2 Rural
51,454 11,607
18.4 669,811
145,738 17.9
17.0 South Lakeland North West
Source table from the Census: UV22 Long-term limiting illness Number of people providing unpaid care
1 to 19
hours per week
20 to 49 hours per week 50 or more hours per week South Lakeland North West Urban
2,848 367
707 10.0
10.7 Rural
5,407 618
1,118 11.3
11.3 Towns
1,794 235
420 10.4
11.2 Villages
2,227 256
453 11.7
11.6 Dispersed 1,386 127 245
12.1 11.3
South Lakeland % providing some unpaid care Source table from the Census: UV21 Provision of unpaid care 11
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