Central Library List of New Additions
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2,202 Q N1
Mitchell Stephen Ed. Enlightened mind. New York : Harper Collins Pub 1991. xiv,223p.
2,203 Q.20m3 P1
Veer Peter Van Der. Imperial encounters : Religion and modernity in Indian and Britain. Delhi : Permanent Black 2001. Page 1 of 477
205p. CL1514171 81-7824-030-0
2,204 Q:(R) Q0;Q3
Meister Chad Ed.; Copan Paul Ed. Routledge companion to philosophy of religion. 2nd. London : Routledge 2013.
xxi, 826p. CL1550374 978-0-415-78295-1
2,205 Q:(R) Q1
Jordan Jeffrey J Ed. Philosophy of religion :The key thinkers. London : Continuum 2011. viii,191p.
CL1549540 978-1-4411-0994-1
2,206 Q:(Z1) Q2
Palmer Michael D. Ed.; Burgess Stanley M. Ed. Wiley - blackwell companion to religion and social justice. Malden : Wiley Blackwell 2012.
xviii, 637p. CL1432852 978-1-4051-9547-8
Q:1 L0
Bulfinch's mythology. New York : Thomas Y.Crowell Pub 1970. 980p.
CL1514619 0-690-57260-3
2,208 Q:1 M8
Campbell Joseph. Power of myth : With Bill Moyers. New York : Doubleday 1988. 234p.
CL1514472 0-385-24773-7
2,209 Q:24 P3
Muralidharan M. Discursive geography of upanishads. New Delhi : D.C. Books 2003. 356p.
CL1515085 81-264-0667-4
2,210 Q:3 Q2
Craig William Lane Ed. Blackwell companion to natural theology. Malden : Wiley Blackwell 2012. xiii, 683p.
CL1549455 978-1-4443-5085-2
2,211 Q:3:(W) Q2
Ricci Gabriel R. Ed. Politics in theology : Religion and public life. London : Transaction Pub 2012. viii, 187p.
CL1549906 978-1-4128-4300-3
2,212 Q:31 152M3
duy] lR;oku- nsokRek dk ifjp;- fnYyh % nso lekt izdk'ku] 1983- 172i`0.
2,213 Q:31 L4
Zaehner R C. Our savage god. London : Collins 1974. Page 1 of 477
319p. CL1515018 0 00 215607 5
2,214 Q:31 M1
Seznec Jean; Sessions Barbara F. Tr. Survival of the pagan gods : The mythological tradition and its place in renaissance humanism and art. Princeton : Princeton University Press 1969.
xvi, 376p. CL1432381 0-691-02988-1
2,215 Q:332.2 152Q1
lkjLor] ek/kokuUn- Hkkjr ds izfl) lar- fiykuh % 'osrk cqd ,tsUlh] 2011- 160i`0.
CL1549674 978-93-80782-50-8
2,216 Q:332.48G Q2
Copeman Jacob Ed.; Ikegame Aya Ed. Guru in South Asia : New interdisciplinary. London : Routledge 2012.
CL1549898 978-0-415-51019-6
Q:366 P6
Obeyesekere Gananath. Karma and rebirth : Cross cultural study. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Pub 2006. xxix,448p.
CL1432785 81-208-2609-4
2,218 Q:4198.2 P3
Khanna Amar Nath. Pilgrim shrines of India : Mythology, archaeology, history and art. New Delhi : Aryan Book International 2003.
xxii,248p. CL1550041 978-81-7305-238-5
2,219 Q0aW Q2
Fox Jonathna Ed. Religion, politics, society, and the state. LOndon : Paradigm Publishers 2012. vii, 235p.
CL1550115 978-159451921-5
2,220 Q1 152Q2
tks'kh] fdjhV- oSfnd okM~-e;% ,d >yd- ubZ fnYyh % LVS.MMZ ifCy'klZ] 2012- 160i`0.
CL1550007 978-81-87471-70-68-4
2,221 Q1 Q2
Jha Ram Nath Ed.; Tiwari Shashi Au. Vedic venues. Kolkata : Kothari Charity Trust 2012. x, 393p.
2,222 Q1:24 153Q2
B/eh, i;tzs f;zxH em T[gfBFdH fdZbh L nko;h gpbhFo}, 2012H 92gz.
CL1550421 978-81-8299-258-0
Page 1 of 477
Q1:24x N1.1
Gupta Som Raj. Word speaks to the faustian man : Translation and interpretation of the prasthanatray and Sankara's bhasya for the participation of contemporary man. Vol. One : xx,455p., Isa upanisad, kena
upanisan, katha upanisad, prasna upanisad. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Pub 1991. CL1432800 81-208-0826-6
2,224 Q1:24x N1.2
Gupta Som Raj. Word speaks to the faustian man : Translation and interpretation of the prasthanatrayi and Sankara's bhasya for the participation of contemporary man. Vol.2 : Mundaka upanisad. Delhi :
Motilal Banarsidass Pub 1995. xx,535p.
CL1432801 81-208-1175-5
2,225 Q1:24x N1.3
Gupta Som Raj. Word speaks to the faustian man : Translation and interpretation of the prasthanatrayi and Sankara's bhasya for the participation of contemporary man. Vol.3 : Taittiriya upanisad. Delhi : Motilal
Banarsidass Pub 1999. CL1432802 81-208-1545-9
Q1:24x N1.4
Gupta Som Raj. Word speaks to the faustian man : Translation and interpretation of the prasthanatrayi and Sankara's bhasya for the participation of contemporary man. Vol.4 : Chandogya upanisad. Delhi :
Motilal Banarsidass Pub 2001. CL1432803 81-208-1797-4
2,227 Q1:24x N1.5,1-,2
Gupta Som Raj. Word speaks to the faustian man : Translation and interpretation of the prasthanatrayi and Sankara's bhasya for the participation of contemporary man. Vol.5, Part 1 and 2 : Brhadaranyaka
upanisad. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Pub 2008. CL1432798 - CL1432799 978-81-208-3271-8
2,228 Q1:24x Q2.1-.2
Panda N C Ed. Thirteen principal upanishads. Delhi : Bharatiya Kala Prakashan 2012. xix,466p.
CL1550002 - CL1550003 978-81-8090-271-1
2,229 Q1:31 P0
Bhattacharji Sukumari. Indian theogony. New York : Penguin Books 2000. xv, 396p.
2,230 Q1:311 Q2
Joshi Lily N. Study of the apsarases in ancient sanskrit literature and art. Delhi : New Bharatiya Book Corporation 2012.
xii, 260p. CL1563218 978-81-8315-205-1
2,231 Q1:332 Q3
Singh Satya Prakash. Kavsa ailusa. New Delhi : Standard Publishers 2013. 155p.
CL1549977 978-81-87471-69-1
2,232 Q1:4 152Q2 Page 1 of 477
'kkL=h] thou izdk'k- oSfnd laLd`fr & efgek- xkft;kckn % lkbZ ifCy'kj] 2012-
CL1514055 978-81-921956-0-5
2,233 Q1:4193 Q2
Nath Vijay. Dynamics of the ritual gift system : Some unexplored dimensions. New Delhi : Manohar 2012.
CL1431394 978-81-7304-926-2
2,234 Q1:42 P8
Tyagi Jaya. Engendering the early household : Brahmanical precepts in the early grhyasutras, middle of the first millenium B.C.E. New Delhi : Orient Longman 2008.
xxviii, 378p. CL1432711 - CL1432712 978 81 250 32328
Q1:g 152Q2
xqIrk] iq"ik- osnoYyjh- fnYyh % bZLVuZ cqd faydlZ] 2012- 357i`0.
CL1550011 81-7854-053-3
2,236 Q1:g P6
Pataskar Bhagyalata A. Understanding the vedas. Pune : Vaidika Samsodhana Mandala 2006. 287p.
2,237 Q1:g Q2
Saraswati Atmaprajnananda. Nomenclature of the vedas. New Delhi : D.K. Printworld 2012. xxvi,234p.
CL1549992 978-81-246-0644-5
2,238 Q1:g(G:55) 152Q1
fot; ,l- lksth=k- oSfnd laLd`fr vkSj i;kZoj.k laj{k.k % vk.kqfud i;kZoj.kh; leL;kvksa dk lek/kku- t;iqj % iSjkMkbt ifCy'klZ] 2011-
262i`0. CL1431010 978-93-80033-26-6
2,239 Q1:g(W94) 152Q3
f=ikBh] tkrosn- osnksa esa jk"Vª dk Lo:i- fnYyh % fo|kfuf/k izdk'ku] 2013- 352i`0.
CL1550290 978-93-80651-46-0
2,240 Q1:g(Y15) 152Q2
?kksÔ] byk- oSfnd laLd`fr lajpuk- fnYyh % bZLVuZ cqd fyadlZ] 2012- 383i`0.
CL1550328 978-81-7854-233-1
2,241 Q11:21 15K3;Q1.2 Page 1 of 477
'kqDy] fl)ukFk( 'kqDyk] m"kk] Ed.- _Xosn f}rh; e.My % vfXulwDr- Hkkx 2 % 2-1 ls 2-10- jktLFkku % Jh dYykth oSfnd fo'ofo|ky;] 2011-
288i`0. CL1548305
2,242 Q11:21 15P9
Velankar Hari Damodar Ed. Rksuktavaijayanti. New Delhi : Rahtriya Sanskrit Samsthan 2009. 556p.
2,243 Q11:21 31P4.1-.2
Jambunathan M. R. Rig veda. Vol. 1 : (924p.); Vol. 2 : (900p.). Chennai : Vaigai Publishers 2004. CL1515641 - CL1515640
Q11:21:g 152Q2
dqedqe flag- _Xosn esa ;qXynsork- fnYyh % ukx ifCy'klZ] 2012- 413i`0.
CL1550305 81-7081-684-X
2,245 Q11:31G P1
Joshi Mahadeva Narayanrao. Gayatri in rg - veda. Dharwad : Roopa Publications 2001. 147p.
2,246 Q11:42:g(Y) Q2
Gaikwad Kishor. Cultural life in grhyasutra and dharmasutra literature : Special reference to caste and gender. New Delhi : Pragun Publications 2012.
142p. CL1563044 978-93-80397-34-4
2,247 Q11:4x1,1 152Q1
Pathak Jamuna Ed. Ashvalayangrahamsutram. Varanasi : Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 2011. 452p.
CL1431017 978-81-7080-357-7
2,248 Q112:42 152Q2
tequkikBd] Ed.- _XosnkUrxZre~ dkSÔhrfdx`ãlw=e~- okjk.klh % pkS[kEck laLd`r lhjht] 2012-
388i`0. CL1563027 978-81-7080-344-7
2,249 Q112:4x2,1 152Q1
Narayan Kapildev. Sankhyayanatantram. Varanasi : Chowkhamba Krishnadas 2011. 240p. (Bithaldass Sanskrit, 30)
CL1432335 978-81-218-0313-7
2,250 Q11v 15Q0
ik.Ms] xksfoUn pUnª- _Xosn % NBk ,ao lkroka e.My- bykgkckn % yksdHkkjrh] 2010-
884i`0. Page 1 of 477
2,251 Q11v 15Q0
ik.Ms] xksfoUn pUnz- _Xosn- bykgkckn % yksdHkkjrh] 2010- 699i`0.
CL1515606 978-81-908319-7-0
2,252 Q122:21 P8
Dharmadhikari T N. Maitrayani samhita : Its ritual and language. New Delhi : Rashtriya Sanskrit Samsthan 2008.
658p. CL1563047
Q125:21 15Q2.1-.5
Deshpandey Mataryi Ed. Krishan yajuvediya tatiriya sahinta. Vol. 1 : (596p.); Vol. 2 : (597 - 1006p.); Vol. 3 : (1007 - 1422p.); Vol. 4 : (1423 - 2182p.); Vol. 5 : (2183 - 2882p.). Delhi : New Bharatiya Book
Co. 2012. CL1550359 - CL1550363 978-81-8315-202-0
2,254 Q127:25 152P0
Pandya G.T. Isavasya upanisad. Gujarat : Mr Prakash jinabhai Thakore 2000. xxxxvi, 393p.
2,255 Q127:25nM72 M6
Aurbindo. Isha Upanishad. Pondicherry : Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1986. 79p.
2,256 Q127:4x1,1 15Q0
Rai Chandrakanta. Sulbasutra of katyayana. Varanasi : Acharya Gopal Chandra Mishra Viadika Unnayan Sansthan 2010.
215p. CL1563024 978-81-920756-5-5
2,257 Q127:4x1,1 Q0
Rai Chandarkanta. Shulabhsutra of katyayan. Varanasi : Aacharya Gopal Chandra Mishra Sansthan 2010.
xxiii, 215p.
CL1431608 978-81-920756-5-5
2,258 Q127:4x2,1 15Q1
Pathaka Gangadhara; Malaviya Maya Ed. Paraskaragrhyasutravrttih. Allahabad : Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan 2011.
xxviii, 252p. (Ganganatha Jha campus text series no., 61) CL1563073
2,259 Q13:21(NR) 152Q2
nqcs] f'ko n'kZu- lkeosn esa Loj dh lÙkk- t;iqj % jkt ifCyf'kax gkml] 2012-
CL1563025 978-93-81005-38-5 Page 1 of 477
Q13:21(NR) 152Q2
nqcs] f'ko n'kZu- lkeosn esa Loj dh lÙkk- t;iqj % jkt ifCyf'kax gkml] 2012-
CL1563076 978-93-81005-38-5
2,261 Q132:24 Q2
Anirvan; Gautam Dharmapal Tr. Kena upanisad. New Delhi : Akshaya Prakashan 2012. 246p.
CL1550297 978-81-88643-38-7
Q14:332 Q3
Singh Satya Prakash. Dadhyan atharvana. New Delhi : Standard Publishers 2013. 305p. (Life and vision of the vedic seer)
CL1549976 978-81-87471-70-7
2,263 Q1jN36 Q1.1-.2
Patel Kanjibhai Ed.; Prajapati Manibhai Ed.; Shah Urmi Samir Ed. Nigamakalpataru. Vol. 1 : English - sanskrit (xvi, 704p.); Vol. 2 : Hindi (viii, 664p.). Ahmedabad : Sanskrit Seva Samiti 2011.
CL1550351 - CL1550352
2,264 Q1v 152Q2
f=ikBh] jek'kadj- oSfnd lkfgR; vkSj laLd`fr- okjk.klh % pkS[kEck d`".knkl] 2012-
471i`0 (fcV~Bynkl laLd`r lhjht, 32)
CL1550339 978-81-218-0331-1
2,265 Q1v Q2
Diwedi Surendra N. Ed.; Singh Bal Ram Ed. Vedic heritage for global harmony and peace in modern context. New Delhi : D.K.Printworld 2012.
xvii, 921p. CL1549990 978-81-246-0642-1
2,266 Q2 L1;Q2
Monier - William Monier. Fundamentals of hinduism. New Delhi : D. K. Printworld 2012. 206p. (Non - christian religious systems)
CL1549996 978-81-246-0606-3
2,267 Q2 N3
Badrinath Chaturvedi. Dharma, India and the world order : Twenty one essays. Edinburgh : Saint Andrew Press 1993.
xxx,352p. CL1514449 0-86153-172-8
2,268 Q2 N5
Frawley David. Arise Arjuna : Hinduism and the modern world. New Delhi : Voice of India 1995. 228p.
CL1514506 81-85990-27-1
2,269 Q2 Q1
Frazier Jessica Ed. Continuum companion to hindu studies. London : Continuum 2011. Page 1 of 477
xiii, 407p. CL1431841 978-0-8264-9966-0
2,270 Q2:22:g P9
Nath Vijay. Puranic world : Environment, gender, ritual and myth. New Delhi : Manohar Publisher Download 7,41 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
ma'muriyatiga murojaat qiling