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2,879 S 155P0
nkHkksGdj] dqank] Tr.- ekul'kkL= % l|%dkyhu izpfyr laiznk;- eqacbZ % egkjk"Vª jkT; lkfgR; vkf.k laLd`rh eaMy] 2000-
460i`0. CL1216257
2,880 S J7
Eysenck H J. Sense and nonsense in psychology. Ontario : Penguin Books 1937. 349p.
2,881 S P7
Yadava Amrita. Positive health psychology. New Delhi : Global Vision Pub 2007. xx, 452p.
CL1514895 81-8220195-0
2,882 S Q1
Abraham Amit. General psychology. New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill 2011. xxiv, 572p.
CL1550721 978-0-07-107799-6
2,883 S Q2
Umesh Kumar. Applied psychology. New Delhi : Anmol Publications 2012. viii, 292p. (International encyclopaedia of Applied social sciences and humanities)
CL1550725 978-81-261-4848-6
2,884 S:(L:4:31) P6
Kennedy Paul Ed.; Llewelyn Susan Ed. Essentials of clinical health psychology. New Jarsey : John Wiley 2006.
xiv, 351p. CL1431735 978-0-470-02536-9
2,885 S:(L:4:31) Q2
Dalal Ajit K Ed.; Misra Girisjwar Ed. New directions in health psychology. Los Angeles : Sage 2012. xviii,484p.
CL1550752 978-81-321-0755-2
2,886 S:(R) P4
Jackson Frank; Pettit Philip; Smith Michael. Mind, morality, and explanation : Selected collaborations. Oxford : Clarendon Press 2004.
xii, 427p. CL1432831 0-19-925336-6
2,887 S:(R) Q2 Page 1 of 477
Symons John. Routledge companion to philosophy of psychology. London : Routledge Taylor & Francis 2012.
xxiv,678p. CL1548734 978-0-415-49395-6
S:1 168P6
Amrohvi Syed Iqbal. Rozmarrah ki nafsiyaat. Delhi : Takhleeqkar Publishers 2006. 256p.
CL1067645 81-87231-79-3
2,889 S:1:4 P9
Hodgins Sheilagh Ed.; Viding Essi Ed. Neurobiological basis of violence : Science and rehabilitation. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2009.
xx,403p. CL1431739 978-0-19-954-3533
2,890 S:12:7 Q0
Damasio Antonio. Self comes to mind : Constructing the conscious brain. New York : Vintage Books 2010.
xiii, 398p.
CL1563213 978-0-307-47495-7
2,891 S:1-4 P6
Edelman Gerald M. Second nature : Brain science and human knowledge. London : Yale University Press 2006.
203p. CL1431880 978-0-300-12039-4
2,892 S:25-44 P3
Kimchi Ruth Ed.; Behrmann Marlene Ed.; Olson Carl R. Ed. Perceptual orgnization in vision : Behavioral and neural perspectives. New Jersey : Lawrence Erlbaum 2003.
xii, 475p. (Carnegie mellon symposia on cognition) CL1431736 0-8058-3873-2
2,893 S:3 P8
Wautischer Helmut Ed. Ontology of consciousness : Percipient action. Cambridge : MIT Press 2008. xxix,638p.
CL1431877 978-0-262-73184-3
2,894 S:3 Q0
Chalmers David J. Character of consciousness. New York : Oxford University Press 2010. xxvii, 596p.
CL1432367 978-0-19-531111-2
2,895 S:3 Q1
Schwitzgebel Eric. Perplexities of consciousness. Cambridge : MIT Press 2011. xii,225p.
CL1431878 978-0-262-01490-8
2,896 S:3 Q2
Koch Christof. Consciousness : Confessions of a romantic reductionist. Cambridge : The MIT Press 2012.
xii, 181p. Page 1 of 477
CL1550097 978-0-262-01749-7
S:34g Q1
Conrad Cheryl D Ed. Handbook of stress : Neuropsychological effects on the brain. West Sussex : John Wiley & sons 2011.
xxiv,693p. CL1431754 978-1-4443-3023-6
2,898 S:3z7 M3
Gandhi Kishore Ed. Evolution of consciousness. New Delhi : National Pub 1983. ix, 251p.
2,899 S:4 K2
Poundstone William. Labyrinths of reason : Paradox puzzles and the frailty of knowledge. New York : Penguin Books 1962.
274p. CL1514578 0-14-013136-1
2,900 S:4 P6
Levinson Stephen C. Ed.; Jaisson Pierre Ed. Evolution and culture : A fyssen foundation symposium. Cambridge : The MIT Press 2006.
xvii, 296p. CL1550098 0-262-62197-5
2,901 S:4 P7
Flanagen Owen. Really hard problem : Meaning in a material world. London : MIT Press 2007. xiii, 288p.
CL1431883 978-0-262-51248-0
2,902 S:4 P8
Vega Manuel de Ed. Symbols and embodiment : Debates on meaning and cognition. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2008.
ix,445p. CL1432813 978-0-19-921727-4
2,903 S:4 Q2
Blunden Andy. Concepts : A critical approach. Leiden : Brill 2012. viii, 308p. (Studies in critical social sciences)
CL1550074 978-90-04-22847-4
2,904 S:4 Q2
Thomas Mike; Drake Mandy. Cognitive behaviour therapy case studies. Los Angeles : Sage 2012. xi,252p.
CL1550753 978-0-85702-076-5
2,905 S:4 Q2
Coxon Mattew. Cognitive psychology. Los Angeles : Sage 2012. xi, 171p. (Critical thinking in psychology)
CL1550756 978-0-85725-522-8
2,906 S:43(w,1) Q2
Berntsen Dorthe Ed.; Rubin David C Ed. Understanding autobiographical memory : Theories and approaches. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2012. Page 1 of 477
xvi,364p. CL1550755 978-0-521-18933-0
S:44 Q2
Chaffee John. Thinking critically. 10th. 2012. xvii, 575p.
CL1549445 978-0-495-91403-7
2,908 S:44g Q2
Holyoak Keith J. Ed.; Morrison Robert G. Ed. Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2012.
xix, 836p. (Oxford library of psychology) CL1550720 978-0-19-973468-9
2,909 S:5 Q2
Decety Jean Ed. Empathy : From bench to bedside. Cambridge : The MIT Press 2012. x,324p.
CL1563260 978-0-262-01661-2
2,910 S:52 28P9
Zaki Mubarak. Aahadoish al - hub. Cairo : Nadwi Publications 2009. 371p.
CL1548950 978-977-421-000-6
2,911 S:52 Q2
Deonna Julien A; Teroni Fabrice. Emotions : Philosophical introduction. London : Routledge 2012. xiii,137p.
CL1549967 978-0-415-61492-4
2,912 S:524 K8
Montagu Ashley Ed. Man and aggression. 2nd. London : Oxford University Press 1968. xix, 278p.
CL1515360 0-19-501680-7
2,913 S:55 N6
Beauvoir Simme De. Second sex. London : Vintage Books 1996. 462p.
CL1563082 - CL1563086 9780099744214
2,914 S:55 Q2
Hutchins Loraine Ed.; Williams Sharif Ed. Sexuality, religion and the sacred : Bisexual, pansexual and polysexual perspectives. London : Routledge 2012.
xi, 226p. CL1563012 978-0-415-78304-0
2,915 S:55.49G P7
Orsini Francesca. Love in South Asia : Cultural history. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2007. 368p.
CL1432511 - CL1432512 81-7596-433-2
2,916 S:55:(R) Q3
Power Nicholas Ed.; Halwani Raja Ed.; Soble Alan Ed. Philosophy of sex : Contemporary readings. Page 1 of 477
6th. New York : Rowman & Littlefield Pub 2013. xii, 618p.
CL1563175 978-1-4422-1671-6
S:56 153Q0
F[ebk, okw BkEH fuzsk fusk pokpoH gfNnkbk L b'e fjs{ gqekFB, 2010H 172gz.
2,918 S:7 153Q1
nkofN;N, ;[yd/t f;zxH nzdobk wB[ZyH fdZbh L fFbkb/y, 2011H 192gz.
CL1432262 978-81-7329-256-9
2,919 S:7:6 Q1
Furr Michael R. Scale construction and psychometrics for social and personality psychology. London : Sage 2011.
153p. CL1431738 978-0-85702-404-6
2,920 S:7:7 Q2
Chamine Shirzad. Postivie intelligence : Why only 20% of team and individuals achivieve their true potential and how you can achive yours. Austin : Greenleaf Book Group Press 2012.
227p. CL1550762 978-1-60832-278-7
2,921 S:78 P7
Hurlburt Russell T; Schwitzgebel Eric. Describing inner experience? Proponent meets skeptic. Cambridge : MIT Press 2007.
x,322p. CL1431875 978-0-262-08366-9
2,922 S:7-86 Q1
Casemore Roger. Person - centred counselling in a nutshell. 2nd. Los Angeles : Sage 2011. 138p.
CL1563265 978-1-84920-735-5
2,923 S:7-86 Q2
Thorne Brian. Counselling and spiritual accompaniment : Bridging faith and person centred therapy. Malden : Wiley Blackwell 2012.
xii,353p. CL1563257 978-1-119-95081-3
2,924 S:86 P6
Langs Robert. Love and death in psychotherapy. New York : Palgrave 2006. x,198p.
CL1431734 978-1-4039-3602-8
2,925 S:86 Q1
Jones Richard - Nelson. Theory and practice of counseliing & therapy. 5th. London : Sage 2011. ix, 502p.
CL1431741 978-1-84920-403-3 Page 1 of 477
S:86 Q1
Lapworth Phil; Sills Charlotte. Introduction to transactional analysis. London : Sage 2011. xii,208p.
CL1431744 978-0-85702-908-9
2,927 S:86 Q1
Pawelczyk Joanna. Talk as therapy : Psychotherapy in a linguistics perspective. Boston : Walter de Gruyter 2011.
x, 254p. (Trends in applied lingustics) CL1550799 978-1-934078-66-2
2,928 S:86 Q2
Smith Elsie Jones. Theories of counseling and psychotherapy : An intergrative approach. Los Angles : Sage 2012.
xxxi, 663p. CL1431822 978-1-4129-1004-0
S:86 Q2
Tolan Janet Ed.; Wilkins Paul Ed. Client issues in counselling and psychotherapy. Los Angeles : Sage 2012.
CL1563264 978-1-84860-027-0
2,930 S:86 Q2
Deurzen Emmy van. Existential counselling and psychotherapy in practice. 3rd. Los Angeles : Sage 2012.
CL1563263 978-1-84920-068-4
2,931 S:86(N) Q1
Wood Chris. Navigating art therapy : Therapist's companion. London : Routledge Taylor & Francis 2011.
CL1563267 978-0-415-22318-8
2,932 S:86:(P:7) Q2
Wright Jeannie; Bolton Gillie. Reflective writing in counselling and psychotherepy. Los Angeles : Sage 2012.
xvi, 205p.
CL1550744 978-0-85702-328-5
2,933 S:f Q0
Forrester Michael Ed. Doing qualitative research in psychology : A practical guide. London : Sage 2010.
xviii, 262p.
CL1431743 978-1-84787-911-0
2,934 S:f Q1
Upton Dominic; Upton Penney. Test yourself: Research methods and design in psychology. 2011. CL1550801 978-0-85725-665-2
2,935 S0aL Q1
Marks David F. Health psychology : Theory,research and practice. 3rd. Los Angeles : Sage 2011. xv, 597p.
CL1550750 978-81-321-0749-1 Page 1 of 477
S0b74 N1
Bono Edward De. I am right you are wrong. London : Penguin Books 1991. 296p.
CL1514235 0-14-012678-3
S1 152P9
lqjthr- cPpksa dh leL;k,Wa ,oa lek/kku- fnYyh % fo|k iqLrd lnu] 2009- 144i`0.
2,938 S1:1:(G:6)g Q1(RR)
Goldstein Sam Ed.; Reynolds Cecil R. Ed. Handbook of neurodevelopmental and genetis disorders in childern. 2nd. New York : Guilford Press 2011.
xvii, 588p. CL1431814 978-1-60623-990-2
2,939 S1:62 Q1
Russ Sandra W. Ed.; Niec Larissa N. Ed. Play in clinical practice : Evidence based approaches. New York : Guilford press 2011.
xvi, 352p. CL1431819 978-1-60918-046-1
2,940 S1:7 Q1
Chen Xinyin Ed.; Rubin Kenneth H. Ed. Socioemotional development in cultural context. New York : Guilford Press 2011.
viii, 342p. CL1431821 978-1-60918-186-4
2,941 S2:65 Q1
Naar - King Sylvie; Suarez Mariann. Motivational interviewing with adolescents and young adults. New York : The Guilford Press 2011.
xvi, 224p. (Applications of motivational interviewing) CL1431818 978-1-60918-062-1
2,942 S4(X8(A)) Q1
Bakker Arnold B. Ed.; Leiter Michael Ed. Work engagement : A handbook of essential theory and research. New York : Psychology Press 2011.
viii, 209p. CL1431742 978-1-84169-736-9
2,943 S4(X8(A)) Q2
Spector Paul E. Industrial and organizational psychology : Research and practice. 6th. USA : John Wiley & Sons 2012.
xxii,441p. CL1550771 978-1-118-09227-9
2,944 S4:7:7 N0
Lynton Role P; Pareek Udai. Training for development. 2nd. New Delhi : Vistaar Pub. 1990. xxviii,333p.
CL1450800 81-7036-129-X
2,945 S5:55 M4.2 Page 1 of 477
Foucault Michel. Use of pleasure : History of sexuality. England : Penguin Books 1984. CL1514194 0-14-055213-8
S6(P:1):86(NR) P8
Miles Tim Ed.; Westcombe John Ed.; Ditchfield Diana Ed. Music and dyslexia : A positive approach. San Francisco : Wiley 2008.
xv, 176p. CL1431737 978-0-470-06558-7
2,947 S8 K3
Klein Josephine. Working with groups. London : Hutchinson University Library 1963. 237p.
2,948 S8 L2
Back Kurt W. Beyond words : Story of sensitivity training and the encounter movement. Baltimore : Penguin Books 1972.
270p. CL1514930 0-14-02-1724-X
2,949 S8 P5;Q2
Scheider Frank W. Ed.; Gruman Jamie A. Ed.; Coutts Larry M. Ed. Applied social psychology : Understanding and addrssing social and practical problem. 2nd. London : Sage 2012.
xiii, 486p. CL1431815 978-1-4129-7638-1
2,950 S8 P7
Blaine Bruce. Understanding the psychology of diversity. Los Angeles : Sage Publications 2007. xv, 256p.
CL1550743 978-1-4129-2108
2,951 S8 Q2
Smith Joanne R.; Haslam S. Alexander. Social psychology : Revisiting the classic studies. Los Angeles : Sage 2012.
xii, 217p. CL1550712 978-0-85702-756-6
2,952 S8.5 P1;Q2
Hewstone Miles Ed.; Stroebe Wolfgang Ed.; Jonas Klaus Ed. Introduction to social psychology. 5th. Atrium : BPS Blackwell 2012.
xxvi, 640p. CL1550748 978-1-444-33544-6
2,953 S8:4g Q2
Fiske Susan T Ed.; Macrae C Neil Ed. Sage handbook of social cognition. Los Angeles : Sage 2012. xvi,575p.
CL1550757 978-0-85702-481-7
2,954 S8:f Q2
Carey Martha Ann; Asbury Jo - Ellen. Focus group research. California : Left Coast Press 2012. 117p.
CL1550765 978-61132-256-9 Page 1 of 477
2,955 S82g Q3
Bray JamesH. Ed.; Stnton Mark Ed. Wiley blackwell handbook of family psychology. Malden : Wiley Blackwell 2013.
xvi, 768p. CL1550711 978-1-118-34464-4
S82g Q3
Bray James H. Ed.; Stanton Mark Ed. Wiley - blackwell handbook of family psychology. Malden : Wiley Blackwell 2013.
xvi, 768p. CL1550747 978-1-118-34464-4
2,957 Sigma:f M2
Relevance in social science research: A cooloquium. New Delhi : Vikas Pub 1982. CL1514223 0-7069-1439-2
2,958 Sigma:f P4
Saini M L Ed. Research methodology and theisi writing : Ready reckoner of books present in Delhi University Library. New Delhi : Pragati Publications 2004.
CL1514763 81-7307-090-3
2,959 Sigma:f Q2
Holstein James A.; Gurbrium Jaber F. Varieties of narrative analysis. London : Sage 2012. xiii, 311p.
CL1431747 978-1-4129-8755-4
2,960 Sigma:f Q2
Moses Jonathon W; Knutsen Torbjorn L. Ways of knowing : Competing methodologies in social and political research. 2nd ed. New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2012.
xvi,348p. CL1550024 978-0-2303-6068-6
Sigma:f Q2
Guest Greg; MacQueen Kathleen M.; Namey Emily E. Applied thematic analysis. Los Angeles : Sage 2012.
CL1550770 978-1-42659-7167-6
2,962 Sigma:f:(B28) Q1
Bryman Alan; Cramer Duncan. Quantitative data analysis with IBM SPSS 17, 18 and 19 : A guide for social scientists. London : Routledge 2011.
xxv, 377p. CL1550768 978-0-415-57919-3
2,963 SigmaxN25 P2
Lessnoff Michael. Ernest Gellener and modernity. Cardiff : University of Wales Press 2002. viii, 177p.
CL1549795 0-7083-1684-0
2,964 SM9:(R) P6
Cavell Marcia. Becoming a subject : Reflections in philosopy and psychoanalysis. New York : Clarendon Press 2006.
viii, 181p. CL1432821 978-0-19-928709-3
Page 1 of 477
2,965 SM95xM56 H9
Freud Sigmund. Outline of psychoanalysis. New York : W.W.Norton & Co. 1949. 127p.
2,966 SM95xM56 K2
Freud Sigmund. Civilization and its discontents. New York : W.W.Norton & Co. 1962. 109p.
2,967 SM95xM56:g N6
Levy Donald. Freud among the philosophers : The psychoanalytic unconscious and its philosophical critics. London : Yale University Press 1996.
189p. CL1549550 0-300-06632-5
2,968 SM95xM56:g P6
Maddox Brenda. Freud's wizard : Ernest Jones and the transformation of psychonalysis. New York : Da Capo Press 2006.
xiv, 354p. CL1431751 978-0-306-81555-3
2,969 SM95xM75:g Q1
Nicolaus Georg. C.G. Jung and Nikolai Berdyaev : Individuation and the person : Critical comparison. London : Routledge Taylor & Francis 2011.
xiv,231p. CL1432471 978-0-415-49316-1
2,970 SM9k N2
Wright Elizabeth Ed. Feminism and psychoanalysis : A critical dictionary. Cambridge : Blackwell 1992. xix, 485p.
CL1549560 0-631-18347-7
2,971 SM9xN01:g(R4) Q2
Lacan Jacques; Miller Jacques - Alain Ed.; Porter Dennis Tr. Ethics of psychoanalysis 1959 - 1960 : The seminar of Jacques Lacan book VII. London : Routledge 2012.
ix, 422p. CL1432844 978-0-455-42361-8
2,972 SN:86 Q2
Wollants Georges. Gestalt therapy : Therapy of the situation. Los Angeles : Sage 2012. xiv,146p.
CL1563266 978-0-85702-985-0
2,973 SN1:(X:8) P7
Robbins Stephen P; Judge. Organizational behaviour. 2007. CL1385406
SN1:(X:8) P7
Wellin Michael. Managing the psychological contract : Using the personal deal to increase buisness performance. England : Grower Publishing 2007.
xvi, 242p. CL1431824 9780566087264 Page 1 of 477
SN1:(X:8) Q2
Denison Daniel; Hooijberg Robert. Leading culture change in global organization : Aligning culture and strategy. San Francisco : Jossey Bass 2012.
xv,220p. CL1550761 978-0-470-90884-6
2,976 SN1:56-86 Q1
Wilkinson Andrew. CBT for worry and generalised anxiety disorder. Los Angeles : Sage 2011. vi,154p.
CL1563261 978-1-84920-334-0
2,977 SN1:7-86 Q1
Bilsen Henck van; Thomson Brian. CBT for personality disorders. Los Angeles : Sage 2011. vi,159p.
CL1563262 978-1-84920-294-7
2,978 SN14:41 M3
Hubbard L Ron. Dynamics of life : An introduction to dianetics discoveries. Denmark : New Era Publication 1986.
CL1514280 - CL1514281 87-7336-279-4
2,979 SN14x1:7 K2
Adler Alfred; Porter Alan Ed. What life should mean to you. London : Unwin Books 1962. 207p.
2,980 SobT 153P9
nkfrnk ihs f;zxH f;Zfynk wB'ftfrnkB d/ w{b f;XKsH gfNnkbk L 21th_ ;dh gqekFe, 2009H
539gz. CL1548653 978-93-80144-10-8
2,981 Sv Q2
Wertheimer Michael. Brief history of Psychology. 5th. New York : Psychology Press 2012. x,315p.
CL1550714 978-1-84872-875-2
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