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V2y7M68 M8
Nizami Zafar Ahmad. Hakim Ajmal Khan. New Delhi : Publications Division 1988. 275p.
V2y7M69 Q1(RR)
Iyengar Uma Ed.; Zackariah Lalitha Ed. Together they fought : Gandhi - nehru correspondence 1921-1948. New Delhi : Oxford University Press 2011.
xli, 558p. CL1431783 978-0-19-807058-0
3,410 V2y7M69:g Q1
Thakkar Usha Ed.; Mehta Jayshree Ed. Understandin Gandhi : Gandhians in conversation with Fred J Blum. Los Angeles : Sage 2011.
xx, 551p. CL1431800 978-81-321-0557-2
3,411 V2y7M69:g(M7) Q2
Gonsalves Peter. Khadi : Gandhi's mega symbol of subversion. Los Angeles : Sage Publications 2012. xxxi,292p.
CL1549902 978-81-321-0735-4
3,412 V2y7M88 L6
Malsiani Arsh. Abu'l Kalam Azad. New Delhi : Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 1976. 212p.
3,413 V2y7M89 153P9
jz;oki ofjpol p/dh, wfjzdo, Tr.H Bfjo{ p/BekpH fdZbh L fFbkb/y gqekFB, 2009H
CL1432263 978-81-7329-219-4
3,414 V2y7M89 P8
Saxena A P. Jawaharlal Nehru : The spirit of humanism. New Delhi : Ane Books 2008. 165p.
CL1514176 978-81-8052-289-5
3,415 V2y7M89x M4
Malhotra P L Ed. Nehru : An anthology for young readers. New Delhi : NCERT 1984. 279p.
3,416 V2y7M90 M8
Bhargava M. L. Ganesh shankar vidyarthi. New Delhi : Publications Division 1988. Page 1 of 477
176p. CL1515457
3,417 V2y7M93 152P9
dlcs] jko lkgsc- vkacsMdj vkSj ekDlZ- eqcabZ % laokn izdk'ku] 2009- 385i`0.
CL1549633 978-81-89868-86-4
3,418 V2Y7M96 M8
Sadhu Arun. Kakasaheb Gadgil. New Delhi : Publications Division 1988. 150p.
V2y7M99 153P8
f;zrb, Xowgkb, Ed.l pbd/t f;zxH ;jhd T{Xw f;zx ekft FoXKibhH fdZbh L nko;h gpfbFo}, 2008H
368gz. CL1548501 978-81-8299-163-7
3,420 V2y7M99 153Q2
r[ouoB f;zxH Fjhd T{Xw f;zxH gfNnkbka L gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, 2012H 124gz.
CL1550579 81-73780-159-2
3,421 V2y7N02 P2
Vivekanandan B Ed. India looks ahead : Jayaprakash Narayan memorial lectures 1990-2001. New Delhi : Lancer's Books 2002.
220p. CL1514916 81-7095-092-9
3,422 V2y7N17 N4
Bahl P N. Indira Gandhi : The crucial years : 1973-1984. New Delhi : Har Anand Publication 1994. 117p.
CL1514335 81-241-0183-3
3,423 V2y7N23 1593P5
Agnani Kanhiya. Jeeler hemu kalani. Jaipur : Sankalp Parkashan 2005. 120p.
3,424 V2y7N23 1593P7
Lalwani Jetho. Azadian jo parvano shaheed Hemu kalni. Ahmedabad : Stage Publication 2007. 184p.
3,425 V2y7N23 1593P8
Keswani Laxman Dass. Shaheed Hemu Kalani en unja char sathi kul sat vardatun. Ajmer : Bhagwan Raichandani 2008.
3,426 V2y7N26 152P1 Page 1 of 477
'kekZ] pfUnzdkizlkn- dfo jktusrk vVy fcgkjh oktis;h- u;h fnYyh % fdrkc?kj] 2001-
CL1432994 81-7016-366-8
3,427 V2y7N31 152P3
Jo.k dqekj- Hkkjrh; iz{ksikL= ds tud Hkkjr & jRu MkW- ih- ts- vCnqy dyke- fnYyh % txrjke ,.M lal] 2006-
128i`0. CL1433000 81-88125-33-4
V2y7N31 M6;M8
Singh Karan. One man's world. Ahmadabad : Allied Publisher 1986. xx,326p.
CL1514258 81-7023-090-X
3,429 V2y7N31w N9
Tiwari Arun. Wings of fire : An autobiography. Hyderabad : Universities Press 1999. xvi, 180p.
CL1515354 81-7371-146-1
3,430 V2y7N44 M7.1-.4
Rajiv Gandhi : Selected speeches and writings. Vol.1 : 31 October 1984-31 December 1985; Vol.2 : 1 January 1986-31 December 1986; Vol.3 : 1 January 1987-31 December 1987; Vol.4 : 1 January 1988-31
December 1988. New Delhi : Director Publication Division 1987. CL1514291 - CL1514294
3,431 V2y7N44 N8.1
Aiyar Mani Shankar Ed. Rajiv Gandhi's India : Golden jubilee retrospective. Vol.1 : Nationalhood, ethnicity, pluralism and conflict resolution. New Delhi : USB Publisher 1998.
548p. CL1514156 81-7476-187-X
3,432 V2y7N44 N8.3
Aiyar Mani Shankar Ed. Rajiv Gandhi 's India : Golden Jubilee retrospective. Vol.3 : Foriegn policy ed by Maharajakrishna Rasgotra. New Delhi : UBS Publisher 1998.
214p. CL1514157 81-7476-187-X
3,433 V2y7N44 N8.4
Aiyar Mani Shankar Ed. Rajiv Gandhi's India : Golden Jubilee retrospective. Vol.4 : Meshing the past, the present and the future ed. by Ravinder Kumar. New Delhi : USB Publisher 1998.
CL1514158 81-7476-187-X
3,434 V2z7 M4
Guha Ranajit Ed. Subaltern studies III : Writings on South Asian history and society. Delhi : Oxford University Press 1984.
327p. CL1514508 0-19-5624823
3,435 V2z7 N4 Page 1 of 477
Chandra Bipan. Ideology and politics in modern India. New Delhi : Har Anand Publication 1994. CL1514272 81-241-0290-5
3,436 V2z7 N6
Akbar M. J. India : The siege within. New York : Penguin Books 1996. 325p.
CL1514298 0-14-007576-3
3,437 V2z7 N6
Mukherjee S.N. Citizen historian : Exploration in historiography. New Delhi : Manohar Publisher & Distributor 1996.
xiv, 148p. CL1515261 81-7304-141-5
3,438 V2z7 N6
Patil Shivraj V. Emerging vision of India. Nagaur : Jain Vishva Bharti 1996. xx,175p.
CL1515691 1-55528-285-7
3,439 V2z7 N8
Gopalan S Ed. Statues and portraits in parliament complex. New Delhi : Lok Sabha Secretariat 1998. 173p.
3,440 V2z7 N8
Chari P R Ed. India :Towards millennium. New Delhi : Manohar 1998. 273p.
CL1514596 81-7304-268-3
3,441 V2z7 P0
Gupta Dipankar. Mistaken modernity : India between worlds. New Delhi : Harper Collins 2000. 225p.
CL1514266 81-7223-414-7
3,442 V2z7 P0
Gupta Dipankar. Mistaken modernity : India between worlds. New Delhi : Harper Collins 2000. xii, 225p.
CL1514303 81-7223-414-7
3,443 V2z7 P1
Nandy Ashis. Time warps : Insistent politics of silent and evasive pasts. New Delhi : Permanent Black 2001.
CL1514586 81-7824-020-3
3,444 V2z7 P2
Sarkar Sumit. Beyond nationalist frames : Relocating postmodernism, hindutva, history. Delhi : Sundeep Parkashan 2002.
265p. CL1432715 - CL1432716 81-7824-086-6
3,445 V2z7 P4
Krishan Gopal Ed. Vitality of India. Chandigarh : Centre for Research in Rural 2004. xlii, 366p.
CL1514532 81-85835-47-0 Page 1 of 477
V2z7 P9
Guha Ranajit; Chatterjee Partha Ed. Small voice of history : Collected essays. Ranikhet : Permanent Black 2009.
x, 666p. CL1549384 - CL1549385 81-7824-291-5
V2z7 P9
Giri B P Ed.; Kar Prafulla C Ed. Thinking territory : Some reflection. Delhi : Pencraft International 2009.
CL1514095 81-85753-96-2
V2z7 Q0
Ghosh Pothik. Insurgent metaphors : Essays in culture and class. Delhi : Aakar Books 2010. 216p.
CL1549813 978-93-5002-091-3
3,449 V2z7 Q2
Jafri S. Z. Recording the progress of Indian history : Symposia papers of the Indian history congress 1992-2012. Delhi : Primus Books 2012.
xii, 546p. CL1563062 978-93-80607-28-3
V2z7 Q2
Chaturvedi Vinayak Ed. Mapping subaltern studies and the postcolonial. London : Verso 2012. xix, 364p.
CL1550471 978-1-84467-637-8
3,451 V3 J6.1
Churchill Winston S. Birth of Britain. New York : Dodd, Mead & Company 1956. xxii,521p.
3,452 V3 J8
Wedgwood C V. King's war 1641-1647. New York : Book-of-the month Club 1958. 703p. (Great rebellion)
3,453 V3 L2
Johnson Paul. Offshore islanders : A history of the english people. London : Phoenix 1972. 429p.
3,454 V3 M4
Tuchman Barbara W. March of folly : From troy to vietnam. New York : Ballantine Books 1984. xv, 447p.
CL1515195 0-345-30823-9
3,455 V3 M8
Lee Robert E. Blackbeard the pirate : A reappraisal of his life and times. Carolina : John F.Blair Publiser 1988.
viii, 264p. CL1514974 0-89587-032-0
Page 1 of 477
V3 N0
Annan Noel. Our age : Generation that made post war Britain. London : Fontana 1990. 641p.
3,457 V3 N4
Roberts Andrew. Eminent churchillians. London : Phcenix 1994. 354p.
CL1514614 1-85799-213-X
V3,4y7N25 N4
Winstone Ruth Ed. Tony benn the end of an era diaries 1980-90. London : Arrow 1994. xii, 687p.
3,459 V3.K41<-K37 J5
Wedgwood C. V. King's peace 1637.1641. New York : Book of the Month Club 1955. 510p.
3,460 V3.N14<-M75 152P9
gkWClcke] ,fjd( nhf{kr] izdk'k] Tr.- lkezkT; dk ;qx 1875&1914- eqcabZ % laokn izdk'ku] 2009-
485i`0 (fo'o xzaFkekyk) CL1549637 978-81-89868-54-3
3,461 V3.N14<-M75 N7
Hobsbawm E J. Age of empire 1875-1914. England : Penguin Group 1987. xi,404p.
CL1514173 0-7474-0343-0
3,462 V3:1 J9
Black J B. Reign of Elizabeth 1558-1603. Oxford : Oxford University Press 1959. CL1514517 0-19-285293-0
3,463 V3:1.M67<-M51 J5
Briggs Asa. Victorian people : A reassessment of persons 1851-67. Chicago : Unviersity of Chicago Press 1955.
x, 312p. CL1514835
3,464 V3:1.N5 F6
Trevelyan G. M. History of England. Cambridge : Longmans 1926. xvi, 758p.
3,465 V3:17,P1 Q1
Crook Tom Ed.; Gill Rebecca Ed. Evil, barbarism and empire : Britain and abroad,c. 1830-2000. New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2011.
x,290p. CL1549849 978-0-230-24127-5 Page 1 of 477
3,466 V3:17.N47<-N44 P7
Clarke Peter. Last thousand days of the British empire. London : Penguin Books 2007. CL1514177 978-0-713-99830-6
3,467 V3:19(zB).N9<-M7 M1
Kennedy Paul. Realities behind diplomacy : Background influences on british external policy 1865-1980. London : Fontana Press 1981.
415p. CL1515318
V3:19.N N7
Cradock Percy. Pursuit of British interests : Reflections on foreign policy under MArgret Thatcher and John Major. London : John Murray 1997.
228p. CL1514725 0-7195-5464-0
3,469 V3:192.N1 P2
Mahajan Sneh. Colony's resources and imperial design : Britain & the defence of the raj 1870-1914. London : Routledge 2012.
xi, 264p. CL1548729 0-415-26010-8
3,470 V3:1946 M9
Fromkin David. Peace to end all peace. New York : Avon Books 1989. 635p.
CL1515232 0-380-71300-4
3,471 V3:21 N8
Nairn Tom. Enchanted glass. London : Hutchinson Radius 1998. 414p.
CL1514648 0-09-172955-6
3,472 V3:21wJ99 L3
Fraser Antonia. Cromwell :The lord protector. New York : Alfred A. Knopf 1973. xx,774p.
CL1515531 0-394-47034-6
3,473 V3:21wM19 K8
Mallet Victor Ed. Life with queen Victoria. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company 1968. xxiv, 245p.
3,474 V3:221wM74 M3
Manchester William. Last lion winston spencer churchill : Visions of glory 1874-1932. Boston : Little Brown and Company 1983.
x, 872p. CL1515446 0-316-54503-1
3,475 V3:221wM74 N4
Nose Norman. Churchill an unruly life. London : Simon j& Schuster 1994. CL1514321 0-671-71298-5 Page 1 of 477
3,476 V3:23wM8 K1
Graubard Stephen R. Burke, disraeli and churchill : The politics of perseverance. Cambridge : Harvad University Press 1961.
262p. CL1515146
3,477 V30j43:19(ZQ).N9 N9
Chopra H S Ed. Natioanl identity and regional cooperation : Experience of European integration and South Asian perceptions. New Delhi : Manohar 1999.
380p. CL1515703 81-7304-272-1
V3'N9 M3
Briggs Asa. Social history of England. New York : The Viking Press 1983. 320p.
CL1514470 0-670-65549-X
3,479 V3wJ50 K6
Robb Nesca A. William of orange : A personal portrait. New York : St Martin's Press 1966. xi, 571p.
3,480 V3y7K00 K4
Wedgwood C.V. Coffin for king Charles : The trial and execution of Charles I. New York : Book of the Download 7,41 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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