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id 00011980
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- MARKERS FEEDBACK (Continued on the next page)
- 2.Audience profile 3.Functions and features 4.Conclusion 5.Reference
- Westminister International University in Tashkent
Westminister International University in Tashkent
COURSEWORK must be submitted in both HARD COPY (to the Registrar’s Office)
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Module Name Web Technology First Marker’s (acts as signature)
Module Code Second Marker’s (acts as signature)
Lecturer Name Agreed Mark
UoW Student IDs For Registrar’s office use only (hard copy submission)
WIUT Student IDs 00011980 Deadline Date 12/08/2020 Assignment Type ☐☑ Individual Word Count
Westminister International University in Tashkent
Table of content: 1.Introduction 2.Audience profile 3.Functions and features 4.Conclusion 5.Reference 00011980
Westminister International University in Tashkent
This Portfolio contains individual, private, and classified data with Supporting reports which have been procured, made, composed, and planned by me. None of the archives contained inside will be Photocopied or copied without communicated authorization. I affirm that all data in this portfolio is valid and complete. There are reasons to design a Portfolio website. Portfolio locales regularly highlight probably the most inventive plans. Since the configuration is an imaginative and innovative calling, the site of an independent creator is viewed as a genuine portrayal of their work and their ability levels. Portfolio locales here and there take more imaginative freedoms without the likely negative outcomes as different kinds of destinations. Truth be told, by and large, potential customers will hope to see some inventiveness and creativity from the site of an independent planner.
Having a Personal site carries a lot of accommodations to work with customers. The customers can without much of a stretch pick laborers that they are recruiting by glancing through their Personal site and perusing their CV within it. With regards to this site it is completely worked with 6 classes: Home area, About segment, Works segment, Skills segment, Services, and Contacts segments. In the in-Home segment, there is a presentation with the designer and it is a picture given on this page too. Thus, the About area is more about an individual's life and examines and furthermore involvement with this work. Works segment is more about late works that the engineer has done. That permits clients to assess his works and give a score to them. Furthermore, on each page, there is a footer that shows social-contacts. In the Skills area, there are estimations in the particular field of a software engineer. Customers can comprehend the engineer's field in a long move. In the Contacts section, there is a text area for clients they can share ideas or they can give feedback to the programmer. 00011980
3 Westminister International University in Tashkent
It is important to have a Personal portfolio website and it is advantages are shown below. With regards to getting a new line of work or temporary position, it very well may be hard to separate a person from the ocean of resumes and introductory letters, while as yet staying proficient. Having an individual site — which regularly includes a person's profile, contact data, and portfolio — is an incredible technique to feature his or her work and to help a person stand apart from different up-and-comers.
Having an individual site permits the web developer to feature what channels he or she likes to be reached through, regardless of whether it's by means of telephone, email, LinkedIn, or Twitter. Moreover, including watchwords, for example, his/her college, city, and industry name on your site, will expand web developers' odds of seeming higher in pursuit of rankings This personal site is one bit of online land that is absolutely heavily influenced by somebody, which is basic since about a portion of bosses Google or in any case research work up-and-comers online prior to concluding whom to meet. This resume compels the owner of the CV to gather his/her whole work insight into only a couple of list items, yet they have more opportunity on an individual site to underline the data they need possible managers to see. Regardless of whether people seeking after composition, photography, visual communication, or some other number of inventive callings, an individual site gives them a solitary spot to grandstand their work to expected businesses and customers. Moreover, they can likewise sell their work by means of their site and even let guests download straightforwardly from the webpage, in case they are selling advanced merchandise.
Westminister International University in Tashkent
This website includes CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. In the CSS file, (: root function) have used because it makes workflow easier. General items, namely colors, positions, and sizes are included in (: root function). Plus, every general ‘div’ is shaped that makes the website responsive. The header is in burger style, If the size of the website is decreased, the header will change its shape and make a burger shape. That makes the website fully responsive. Six categories are given on this website: Home
About Skills
Services Works
Contacts Each category has its own function. They give information to clients about the programmer’s experience, skills and works.
When it comes to the usage of Javascript programming language on this website. Javascript is used for making burger style header in this website and also it has used for scrolling function. There is a ‘ScrollActive’ function for making smooth scrolling on a website. For icons, instead of the ‘Font awesome’ library, Boxicons library has used, it as a well-structured icons library. A great many people feel that a delightful and refreshed appearance on a site is helpful 00011980
Westminister International University in Tashkent
It's significant, notwithstanding, for organizations to organize the client in the event that they overhaul their site. Individuals acknowledge delightfully and refreshed plans, yet not when the popular plan meddles with their capacity to utilize the site and access the substance they need. The navigation feature of this website is totally well-structured. At the point when individuals peruse a site, they need simple route, appealing plan, and significant substance. As individuals invest less energy on the web, notwithstanding, organizations must use the site highlights clients esteem most to hold crowds' consideration. Conclusion Having a workforce site, or exploration site that can have an arrangement of their work is the most ideal approach to clarify how and what they do. Anybody can list ascribes of their crowd in a Google Doc, or work them out in an inventive brief. In any case, in case of people truly attempting to take a few to get back some composure on who they are advertising to, they need to make a balanced portrayal of a genuine individual. The vast majority don't put resources into their own sites except if they have their own organizations, or are viewed as people of note like creators, artists, and political pioneers. Having their own site implies they pay attention to their vocation and are putting resources into their expert turn of events. Somebody who has a site can be seen as more experienced and valid than somebody who doesn't.
Westminister International University in Tashkent
1. Audience Profile| Audience Profile in personal website [internet]|[2020 Dec 9 ] | available from
2. Benefits of Personal website | top 10 benefits of personal website [internet]|[2020 Dec 9 ] | available from 3. Feutures | What should you include on your personal resume [internet]|[2020 Dec 9 ] | available from 28052
from 5. Shopping website picture | Shopping websites [internet]|[2020 Dec 9 ] | available from Osoplt8bwUoHdPkT1R0w:1607523905158&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwirw9a ajcHtAhVCpIsKHSMPANwQ_AUoAXoECA0QAw&biw=1536&bih=731
6. Game website picture | Gaming websites [ internet] | [2020 Dec 9 ] | available from GpLccol0eYI6sDrC_Q:1607523992124&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjzuJLEjcHtA hUBmIsKHZ5eBTIQ_AUoAXoECBYQAw&biw=1536&bih=731
7. Love website picture | Lovers websites [ internet] | [2020 Dec 9 ] | available from B3cKHTpADO0Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=lovers+websites&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoGCAAQBxAeOggIAB AHEAUQHjoCCAA6BggAEAUQHlCy5QNYnvEDYMjzA2gAcAB4AIABqgGIAfAGkgEDMC42mAEAoAE 00011980
Westminister International University in Tashkent
BqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=m97QX5LHGtOP3AO6gLHoDg&bih=731&biw=15 36
8. Commerce website picture | Commencing websites [internet] | [2020 Dec 9 ] | available from hWF6CoKHSk7DhMQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=commerce+websites&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAAyBgg AEAUQHjIGCAAQBRAeMgYIABAFEB4yBggAEAUQHjIGCAAQBRAeMgYIABAFEB4yBggAEAUQHjIGC AAQBRAeMgYIABAFEB46BggAEAcQHjoECAAQQ1CFmANYmbIDYIO5A2gAcAB4AIAB1AKIAd8Wkg EIMC4xMS40LjGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=3d7QX5ejJoXRqwGp9 riYAQ&bih=731&biw=1536
9. Music website picture | Music websites [internet] | [2020 Dec 9 ] | available from xYsKHTpCAdUQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=music+websites&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAAyAggAMgIIADIC CAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyBggAEAcQHjIGCAAQBxAeMgYIABAHEB5QzrkDWN7QA2D73wNoAHAAe ACAAe0BiAHmC5IBBjAuMTAuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=GN_Q X7jTIIeKrwS6hIWoDQ&bih=731&biw=1536
10. Movie website picture | Movie websites [internet] | [2020 Dec 9 ] | available from oKHfh_BLsQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=movie+websites&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECCMQJzICCAAyAggAM gIIADICCAAyBggAEAcQHjIGCAAQBxAeMgYIABAHEB4yBggAEAcQHjIGCAAQBxAeUNCNA1j_lQNgp ZwDaABwAHgCgAHoBogBpRaSAQsyLTEuMi4xLjEuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&scl ient=img&ei=WN_QX-evFMicqwH4_5HYCw&bih=731&biw=1536
Westminister International University in Tashkent
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