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Partnership and cooperation
Nevertheless, objective interests in mutual cooper- ation prevail. As early as November 1992 Tashkent and Tehran signed a joint statement on cooperation in economic, cultural, transport, and communication sectors, which was later supported by a number of other agreements which laid the basis for the devel- opment of bilateral relations. Events post-2001 demonstrated the need to boost bilateral relations and take urgent decisions to address Central Asian transport and communica- tion problems. In 2002, an agreement was reached on non-interference in the internal or external affairs of either country, and the need was stressed to build a policy based primarily on national interests. A stra- tegic partnership between Russia and Uzbekistan had been also an incentive to consolidate bilateral relations, which to some extent lay in the interests of Tehran which views cooperation with Russia as a po- tential counterweight to U.S. policy in Central Asia. Indeed, Iranian experts believe that it is only with the assistance of Moscow that Uzbekistan can solve the problems of armed aggression on its borders. 11 Of further importance to bilateral relations was an agreement signed in summer 2003 in Tehran on the creation of the Trans-Afghan corridor with the par- ticipation of Afghanistan. Despite, growing geopolitical instability in the Central Asian region, partly due to continued Iranian-American antagonism, 12 Uzbekistan worked to improve its trade relations with Tehran in the mid- 2000s. Deepening relations have been supported by the number of signed contracts between the two countries: by January 2005 about 20 agreements had been signed, while by 2011 there were more than 30 intergovernmental and interagency documents setting out basic principles and directions for the development of mutually beneficial economic and trade relations. In particular, relations between the countries are governed by the agreements “On trade and economic cooperation,” “On promotion and re- ciprocal protection of investments,” “On avoidance of double taxation and exchange of information on in- come and capital taxes,” as well as a number of inter- 9 “Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific,” United Nations, 2003. 10 “Posol Irana v Uzbekistane rasskazal ob otnosheniyakh dvukh stran,”, February 11, 2013, article/politics/8549/. 11 S. Khabibulla Abu Khasan, “Mery bezopasnosti v Tsentral’noy Azii i na Kavkaze,” Amu-Darya 6 (2000): 45. 12 G. I. Yuldasheva, Irano-amerikanskie otnosheniya na sovremennom etape i ikh vozdeystvie na geopoliticheskuyu situatsiyu v Tsentral’noi Azii (Tashkent: Academy of Science of Uzbekistan, 2006). Guli Yuldasheva 160 governmental memoranda. Currently there are over 120 joint Iranian-Uzbek companies in Uzbekistan, 20 of which are established with one hundred per- cent Iranian capital. The priority areas of cooperation include transport communications, energy, textiles, and agriculture. Beyond the economic sphere, Iran and Uzbekistan continue to actively cooperate in the field of security: namely, combating drug traffick- ing and organized crime 13 and participating in the activities of international organizations—includ- ing the Organization for Economic Cooperation (OEC), Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), as well as all regional ini- tiatives on Afghanistan which include the grouping “6+2,” “Delhi Policy group,” the Istanbul Summit, “Afghanistan and Central Asia” dialogue, among others. current Situation Currently, the development of Iranian-Uzbek rela- tions continues to be largely affected by geopolitical checks and balances as well as interstate confronta- tion. The focus is now on how the situation in Afghanistan will evolve after the drawdown of NATO troops in 2014. Allied to this, moreover, there are sev- eral conflicting visions of geopolitical development in the Central Asian region: the Eurasian model un- der the auspices of Russia, the American “New Silk Road” model, and the pan-Asian or “Heart of Asia” model. It is obvious that each of these political proj- ects cannot be realized without engaging Iran, which is capable of assisting or blocking the development of such projects on account of its special links with Central Asia, including Afghanistan and its large Shiite diaspora. In light of the above and given the fact that many countries are seeking economic partnership with Iran, and support Tehran’s involvement in certain conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan, Washington is trying to enlist Tehran’s support or at least ensure its neutrality when addressing regional problems. In re- sponse, Iran’s policy has been steadfastly cautious and ambiguous. On the one hand, because of the continu- ing dispute with the United States, Tehran has been actively involved in various regional associations (SCO, Non-Aligned Movement, OIC, “Heart of Asia” for Afghanistan etc.) that seek to exclude U.S. pres- sure and interests; on the other hand, Iran continues, with some success, to negotiate with the international community on its nuclear program, which meets the interests of the United States. Attempts by the Obama administration to im- prove the standing of relations with Iran may, how- ever, provoke Iran’s regional rival—the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia—which in turn could lead to a se- ries of outbreaks of Sunni extremism in the Central Asian region, not least directed and sponsored by the Saudis. Upon successful completion of current nego- tiations of the International Group 5+1 with Iran on the nuclear issue, it is expected that Saudi Arabia is likely to experience a decline in its geopolitical and economic influence and weight in the Middle East and Central Asia, as well as in OPEC. In order to pre- vent this, Saudi Arabia is seeking a strategic partner- ship with the Gulf States and Israel. Presumably, the Saudis can also influence the situation in Afghanistan by inciting Sunni-Shiite strife. These new trends may potentially destabilize the already difficult sit- uation in Central Asia and adversely affect Iranian- Uzbek relations, given the fact that the population of Uzbekistan is largely composed of Sunnis. At the same time, dissatisfaction with the policy on Iran of the Euro-Atlantic community and alleged “double standards” by the U.S. may once again force Iran, Russia, and China to seek a greater convergence of positions, notwithstanding competition among them. Thus, there are two major challenges to cur- rent Iranian-Uzbek relations: geopolitical tensions in Central Asia, which has forced Tashkent to seek an acceptable balance of forces in the region, and reli- gious extremism, which is partly connected to the longstanding hostility between Iran and the United States. It is therefore obvious that prospects for bilat- eral relations will be largely determined by the nature and degree of influence these two factors exert. At the same time, Iran shares many common- alities with Uzbekistan, and it is in the interests of economic and political security for Uzbekistan to gradually integrate itself into the Eurasian trading system. In December 2013, Tashkent ratified a Treaty of Accession to the free economic zone of the CIS 13 “Uzbekistan sovmestno s UNP realizovyvaet 7 proektov,”, December 31, 2013, http://12uz.eom /#ru/new s/show / official/16033/. Iranian-Uzbek Relations in the Geopolitical Context of Central Asia 161 countries, which expands the possibilities for eco- nomic partnership with Iran. It is also noteworthy that most of Iran’s partners are also partners of Uzbekistan. It is worth mention- ing in this regard that Tehran is not limiting itself to close bilateral relations with Russia and China, but also seeks to join the multilateral structure of the SCO. On the other hand, Iran is working close- ly with New Delhi, including cooperation on the TRACECA project which is favorable both to Central Asia and Europe. Moreover, Iran and another close neighbor of Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, have signed a strategic partnership and officially announced the launch of Afghan exports from the Iranian port of Chabahar. 14 In parallel, Tehran is attempting to accel- erate construction of the planned transport corridor Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Oman-Qatar and a pipeline from Iran to Pakistan. The improvement of Iran’s relations with Qatar 15 has been helped to a certain degree by such economic considerations and security interests (read the Saudi factor). Further, economic interests encourage European countries (notably Germany, Poland, Sweden, and Italy) not to await resolution of the Iran-U.S. dispute but rather to revive lost links with Tehran. 16 Regardless of the position of the U.S. Congress on this issue, security and economic interests help to develop multilateral regional cooperation in Central Asia involving Iran. In order to consolidate these positive trends, Iran officially announced its refusal of violence in the Islamic world 17 by reiterating that it has no links with international extremism. Moreover, it has stressed that Iran itself is a victim of drug traf- ficking and is interested in a regional partnership to combat such. Amid intensifying regional cooperation, the at- tempts of Saudi Arabia to create an anti-Iranian bloc of Gulf States remain fruitless. Taking into account domestic political problems in Saudi Arabia, its eco- nomic dependence on the United States, as well as Tehran’s efforts to approach the Saudis on finding a compromise in areas of common interest, it is pos- sible that Saudi Arabia may yet come to a consensus with the Iranian leadership. As for Israel, because of emerging pro-Iranian trends and the lack of a clear approach to Iran in the U.S., there has been a tendency of rapprochement to- ward Russia 18 —one that could also pave the way for a possible gradual normalization of relations with Tehran. conclusion In sum, the evolution of Iranian-Uzbek relations and the dynamics of these relations to some extent affect regional processes in Central Asia as a whole. In par- ticular, limited contacts between Iran and Uzbekistan (until 2005) led to an unstable geopolitical situation in the region while periods of cooperation (since 2005) have served to reduce the negative impact of other complicating factors (U.S.-Iran dispute, etc.) through the implementation of economic projects. What is more, it is clear that without taking into ac- count the interests of Uzbekistan and Iran and their active collaborative partnership, it is impossible to construct an effective mechanism for regional secu- rity and cooperation. This is particularly important given the current situation in Afghanistan. In turn, the intensity and degree of relations be- tween Uzbekistan and Iran is also largely dependent on the barriers and obstacles imposed by the current geopolitical environment in Central Asia and the in- dividual interests of these states. In the case of a sub- stantial improvement in Iranian- American relations, Tashkent and Tehran could also significantly consol- idate their relations by engaging in new large-scale energy projects (among others) in Central Asia. 14 “Afghanistan Has Officially Started Export of Goods by Chabakhar Port,”, July 28, 2013, /doc/62773 .html. 15 “Yuzhnyy Pars. Katar gotov sotrudnichat’ s Iranom v razrabotke mestorozhdeniya,”, December 25, 2013, nomics/91951/ Katar_gotov_sotrudnichat_s_Iranom_v_ razrabotke_mestorozhdeniya_Y uzhnyy_Pars. 16 “Germanskie kompanii gotovy investirovat’ v iranskuyu ekonomiku,”, December 24, 2013, http://www s/ economics/91946/ Germanskie_kompanii_ gotovy_investirovat_iranskuyu_ekonomiku; “Dva evropeyskikh ministra inostrannykh del posetyat Iran,”, December 27, 2013, posetyatjran. 17 “Iranskiy ayatolla prizval shiitov i sunnitov ob”edinit’sya protiv terrorizma,”, January 3, 2014, politics/92033/ Iranskiy_ayatolla_prizval_ shiitov_i_sunnitov_obedinitsya_protiv_ terrorizma. 18 I. Shamir, “O chem govorili Putin i Netan’yakhu - sensatsiya,” Komsomol’skaya pravda, December 28, 2013, tics/92002/0_chem_govorili_Putin_i_Netanyahu_sensaciya. Guli Yuldasheva 162 However, if the negotiation process underway is delayed and confrontation with Iran prolonged, it cannot be ruled out that subversive activities and local conflicts with the participation and spon- sorship of Saudi Arabia will take place. This sce- nario is not in the interest of any party, including Washington or Riyadh. It is highly likely that a very gradual improvement of U.S.-Iran relations, albeit not without difficulties, will come to pass, where after a revival of Iranian-Uzbek relations in the emerging Eurasian Economic Community will be- come more possible. 163 constraints and opportunities for Uzbek-Afghan Economic relations Vladimir Paramonov and Alexey Strokov 1 (2013) In order to normalize the situation in Afghanistan and ensure long-term stability, coordinated interna- tional action is needed in Afghanistan to restore the following: (1) the transportation network; (2) indus- trial facilities; and (3) agriculture. This requires mobi- lizing the economic potential, above all, of the coun- tries neighboring Afghanistan, including Uzbekistan. It is precisely Uzbekistan that—given competent co- ordination of international assistance—could play a decisive role in rehabilitating the northern provinces of Afghanistan, which are home to over two million ethnic Uzbeks (about 7 percent of the total popula- tion of Afghanistan) and formerly contained at least two-thirds of the country’s industrial facilities. The current State of Economic relations From the birth of Uzbekistan as an independent state in 1991 up to 1998, when the Taliban took control of Mazar-i-Sharif, economic ties between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan remained insignificant, notwith- standing the aid that Uzbekistan provided the north- ern provinces before the Taliban regime established its control over them. During the period 1998-2001, when the Taliban controlled almost the entire territo- ry of Afghanistan, Uzbek-Afghan economic ties were practically nonexistent. With the start of the interna- tional anti-terrorist campaign in Afghanistan, how- ever, Uzbekistan became one of the main forward bases in the fight against the Taliban. It is generally recognized that this played a key role in enabling the United States and its allies to consolidate their posi- tions in Afghanistan. After the “overthrow” of the Taliban regime, eco- nomic relations between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan were gradually restored. This was greatly facilitated by the fact that the two countries share a border— of about 137 kilometers—and that Uzbekistan has a developed transportation infrastructure that links with Afghanistan. In 2002 Uzbekistan opened the Khairaton Bridge on the Uzbek-Afghan border. In 2003 the Airitom Customs Complex began to op- erate in the border town of Termez, speeding up the process of registering and delivering freight to Afghanistan. Over the period 2002-3 alone, about 2.5 million tons of freight were delivered to Afghanistan via Uzbekistan. In turn, Hamid Karzai’s government expressed willingness to develop economic interac- tion with Uzbekistan, the matter coming under dis- cussion during numerous visits to Tashkent by highly placed Afghan officials. In addition, Uzbekistan has participated in a number of projects to develop trans- portation arteries in Afghanistan. In spite of the above, Uzbek-Afghan economic relations remain at a low level, being confined mainly to small-scale trade that has a certain significance for Afghanistan (more precisely, for its northern prov- inces), but which, as of yet, is of no great importance to Uzbekistan. Uzbek-Afghan Trade The volume of Uzbek-Afghan trade rose through- out the period 2002-2010, with the exception of 2005 when trade between the two countries dropped sharply largely due to difficulties in Uzbek- American relations. The volume of trade in 2011 was also some- what lower than in 2010. According to data for 2011, Uzbek-Afghan trade accounts for under 3 percent of the foreign trade turnover of Uzbekistan and roughly 6 percent of that of Afghanistan. This is far below its potential level (see Table 1 below). The structure of Uzbek-Afghan trade (see Figure 1) remained practically unchanged throughout the period 2002-2011. Uzbek deliveries to Afghanistan included fuel, electricity, and petrochemicals (60-62 percent), ferrous metals and their products (20-24 percent), food products consisting of flour, cereals, 1 Co-founders of the web think-tank “Central Eurasia” (, Tashkent. Vladimir Paramonov and Alexey Strokov 164 fruits, and vegetables (11-13 percent), and services (about 3 percent). Uzbek exports go predominantly to the northern provinces of Afghanistan, constitut- ing either international humanitarian aid or are paid for from funds provided to Afghanistan by internati- nal financial institutions. Table 1. Trade between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan over the Period 2002-2011, in US$ Million Year Total Vol- ume, US$ Million Uzbek Exports to Afghani- stan, US$ Million Afghan Exports to Uzbekistan, US$ Mil- lion Export Balance in Favor of Uzbekistan, US$ Million 2002 61.5 61.3 0.2 +61.1 2003 89.6 89.4 0.2 +89.2 2004 130.1 126.2 3.9 +122.3 2005 19.3 19.2 0.1 +19.1 2006 163.7 161.7 2.0 +159.7 2007 332.3 331.4 0.9 +330.5 2008 533.1 530.5 2.6 +527.9 2009 703.9 703.8 0.1 +703.7 2010 663.5 663.3 0.2 +663.1 2011 456.3 456.1 0.2 +459.9 Source: Economist Intelligence Unit 2 Volumes of Afghan exports to Uzbekistan were insignificant throughout the period 2002-2011 and remain minor today. Except for the years 2004, 2006, and 2008, when their value was in the range of $2-4 million, the value of exports from Afghanistan was at an extremely low level. Moreover, they were made up almost entirely of services (about 99 percent). Deliveries of goods are very modest and consist of certain kinds of agricultural raw materials such as ed- ible fruits and nuts. This distinct lack of exports from Afghanistan to Uzbekistan is not surprising considering that the real sector of the Afghan economy (its industrial and agro-industrial segments) was practically destroyed, while the population of Afghanistan survives mostly on account of the subsistence economy and by culti- vating opium poppy. As a result, the scale of Afghan- Uzbek trade is determined mainly by the magnitude of international financial assistance to Afghanistan: it is primarily with foreign money that Afghanistan buys industrial and consumer goods in Uzbekistan. Figure 1. Structure of Commodity Deliveries from Uzbekistan to Afghanistan (2011) Source: Figure utilizes data from the Economist Intelligence Unit Projects with Uzbek Participation The economic projects carried out in Afghanistan with Uzbek participation are mainly concerned with the restoration or building of transportation arter- ies. These projects are financed by international in- stitutions on account of Uzbekistan being unable on its own to make investments of any significance in Afghanistan. Nevertheless, the contribution that Uzbekistan makes to the process of reconstruction in Afghanistan may be considered significant: the proj- ects in which Uzbekistan participates are important to Afghanistan. After the overthrow of the Taliban and the acces- sion to power of the Karzai government, Uzbekistan participated very actively in restoring the motor road between Mazar-i-Sharif and Kabul. Between 2003 and 2011, Uzbek specialists restored and reopened eleven bridges along this route. Another major proj- ect in Afghanistan has been the construction of the rail branch line from Khairaton to Mazar-i-Sharif (75 kilometers). This project was carried out during the period 2009- 2011 on the basis of an agreement concluded in 2009 between the State Joint-Stock Railway Company (SJRC) Uzbekiston Temir Yullari (the operator of the project) and the government of Afghanistan. The project itself included the laying of the railway line and the building of a freight terminal and accompanying infrastructure in Mazar-i-Sharif. The total funds allocated to the project were about $180 million, of which $165 million was a grant from the Asian Development Bank and $15 million came from the government of Afghanistan. The line came into operation at the end of 2011. The volume 2 Economist Intelligence Unit (“Uzbekistan: Country Report,” The Economist Intelligence Unit, London, June 2003, June 2004, June 2005, June 2006, June 2007, June 2008, June 2009, June 2010, June 2011, March 2012). 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