Curriculum vitae
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2 concentration during the Younger Dryas stadial: a comparison with Antarctic ice core records. Journal of Quaternary Science, 17(1), 21-29. (cited: 34)
14. Mayle, F.E., Burbridge, R., and Killeen, T.J. (2000). Millennial-Scale Dynamics of Southern Amazonian Rain Forests. Science, 290, 2291-2294. (cited: 156)
13. Mayle, F.E., Bell, M., Birks, H.H., Brooks, S.J., Coope, G.R., Lowe, J.J., Sheldrick, C., Li Shijie, Turney, C.S.M., and Walker, M.J.C. (1999). Climate variations in Britain during the Last Glacial-Holocene transition (15.0-11.5 cal ka BP): comparison with the GRIP ice-core record. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 156(2), 411-423. (cited: 34)
12. Lowe, J.J., Birks, H.H., Brooks, S.J., Coope, G.R., Harkness, D.D., Mayle, F.E., Sheldrick, C., Turney, C.S.M., and Walker, M.J.C. (1999). The chronology of palaeoenvironmental changes during the last glacial-Holocene transition: towards an event stratigraphy of the British Isles. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 156(2), 397-410. (cited: 60)
11. Brooks, S.J., Mayle, F.E., and Lowe, J.J. (1997). Chironomid-based Lateglacial climatic reconstruction for S.E. Scotland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 12(2), 161-167. (cited: 34)
10. Mayle, F.E., Lowe, J.J., and Sheldrick, C. (1997). The Late Devensian Lateglacial palaeoenvironmental record from Whitrig Bog, S.E. Scotland. 1. Lithostratigraphy, geochemistry, and palaeobotany. Boreas, 26, 279-295. (cited: 18)
9. Brooks, S.J., Lowe, J.J., and Mayle, F.E. (1997). The Late Devensian Lateglacial palaeoenvironmental record from Whitrig Bog, S.E. Scotland. 2. Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera). Boreas, 26, 297-308. (cited: 36)
8. Mayle, F.E., and Cwynar, L.C. (1995). Impact of the Younger Dryas cooling event upon lowland vegetation of Maritime Canada. Ecological Monographs, 65(2), 129-154. (cited: 41)
7. Lowe, J.J., and other members of the North Atlantic Sea-board Project, including Mayle, F.E. (1995). Palaeoclimate of the North Atlantic seaboards during the last glacial/interglacial transition. Quaternary International, 28, 51-61. (cited: 39)
6. Mayle, F.E., and Cwynar, L.C. (1995). A review of multi-proxy data for the Younger Dryas in Atlantic Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews, 14(9), 813-821. (cited: 12)
5. Cwynar, L.C., Levesque, A.J., Mayle, F.E., and Walker, I.R. (1994). Wisconsinan Late- glacial environmental change in New Brunswick: a regional synthesis. Journal of Quaternary Science , 9(2), 161-164. (cited: 24)
4. Levesque, A.J., Mayle, F.E., Walker, I.R., and Cwynar, L.C. (1993). A previously unrecognised late-glacial cold event in eastern North America. Nature, 361, 623-626. (cited: 126)
3. Mayle, F.E., Levesque, A.J., and Cwynar, L.C. (1993). Accelerator-mass-spectrometer ages for the Younger Dryas event in Atlantic Canada. Quaternary Research, 39, 355-360. (cited: 58)
2. Mayle, F.E., Levesque, A.J., and Cwynar, L.C. (1993). Alnus as an indicator taxon of the Younger Dryas cooling in eastern North America. Quaternary Science Reviews, 12, 295- 305. (cited: 38)
1. Levesque, A.J., Mayle, F.E., Walker, I.R., and Cwynar, L.C. (1993). The Amphi-Atlantic Oscillation: a proposed late-glacial climatic event. Quaternary Science Reviews, 12, 629- 643. (cited: 60)
BOOK CHAPTERS 5. Mayle, F.E. and Whitney, B.S. (in press). Long-term Perspectives on Tropical Forest- Savanna Dynamics in lowland Bolivia from the Last Ice Age Until Present. In: ‘Ecotones between forest and grassland’ (R. Myster, ed.), Springer.
4. Mayle, F.E., Burn, M.J., Power, M., and Urrego, D. (2009). Vegetation and fire at the Last Glacial Maximum in tropical South America. In: ‘Past Climate Variability in South America and Surrounding Regions: From the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene’ (F. Sylvestre, F. Vimeux, M. Khodri, eds.), Springer. 3. Urrego-Sanchez, D.H., Bush, M.B., Silman, M.R., Correa-Metrio, A., Ledru, M.-P., Mayle, F.E., and Valencia, B.G. (2009). Post-glacial rates of ecological change in western Amazonia and the eastern Andes. In: ‘Past Climate Variability in South America and Surrounding Regions: From the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene’ (F. Sylvestre, F. Vimeux, M. Khodri, eds.), Springer.
2. Mayle, F.E. (2006). The Late Quaternary biogeographic history of South American seasonally dry tropical forests: insights from palaeoecological data. In ‘Neotropical Savannas and Dry Forests: Plant Diversity, Biogeography and Conservation’ (R.T. Pennington, G.P. Lewis, J.A. Ratter, eds.), pp. 395-416. Systematics Association special volume, no. 69. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis. (cited: 8)
1. Mayle, F.E., and Bush, M.B. (2005). Amazonian ecosystems and atmospheric change since the last glacial maximum. In ‘Tropical Forests and Global Atmospheric Change’ (Y. Malhi and O. Phillips, eds.), pp. 183-190. Oxford University Press.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS 2. Power, M.J., Bush, M.B., Behling, H., Horn, S.P., Mayle, F.E., and Urrego, D.H. (2010). Paleofire activity in tropical America during the last 21 ka: A regional synthesis based on sedimentary charcoal. PAGES News – Fire in the Earth System: A Paleoperspective, 18(2), 73-75.
1. Mayle, F.E. (2004). Introduction: Late Quaternary ecosystem dynamics and carbon cycling in the tropics. Journal of Quaternary Science, 19(7), 623-624. (Guest editorial)
CONFERENCE PAPERS (* = presenter)
50. Mayle, F.E. * (2012). Glacial-Holocene climate and tropical ecosystem changes in the heart of South America (invited plenary lecture). 46 th Brazilian Geology Congress. Santos, Brazil.
49. Dickau, R.,* Bruno, M.C., Iriarte, J., Prümers, H., Betancourt, C.J., Holst, I., and Mayle, F.E. (2012). Archaeobotanical remains from habitation sites in the ‘Llanos de Mojos’, Bolivia. Society for American Archaeology Intercontinental Conference, Panama City, Panama.
48. Carson, J.F.,* Whitney, B.S., Dickau, R., Mayle, F.E., and Iriarte, J. (2012). Pre-Columbian raised field agriculture in the Llanos de Mojos, Bolivian Amazonia: a strategy for maize agriculture in an ‘unproductive’ landscape. Quaternary Research Association (QRA) Annual Discussion Meeting. New Forest, Hampshire, UK.
47. Mayle, F.E.* (2012). Amazonia before Columbus – Virgin Wilderness or Domesticated Landscape? Quaternary Research Association (QRA) Annual Discussion Meeting. New Forest, Hampshire, UK.
46. Power, M.J.,* Mayle, F.E., and Bartlein, P.J. (2011). 16 th Century burning decline in the Americas: Population collapse or climate change? Ecological Society of America. 96 th
Annual Meeting. Austin, Texas, USA.
45. Whitney, B.S.,* Mayle, F.E., Dickau, R., Iriarte, J., and Prumers, H. (2011). Pre-Columbian human land-use and impact in the Bolivian Amazon. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 18 th International Congress, Bern, Switzerland. 44. Whitney, B.S.,* Mayle, F.E., Punyasena, S., Fitzpatrick, K., Burn, M., Guillen, R., Chavez, E., Pennington, R.T., Mann, D., and Metcalfe, S. (2011). A 45,000-yr palaeoclimate record from the heart of tropical South America. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 18 th International Congress, Bern, Switzerland. 12
43. Mayle, F.E.* (2010). Drivers of Amazonian forest dynamics through the Holocene – human land-use, climate change, or both? (invited speaker). 2 nd International Conference on Amazonian Archaeology. Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
42. Burn, M.J.,* Mayle, F.E., and Killeen, T.J. (2010). Differentiation of pollen spectra from Amazonian rainforest communities and implications for lowland palaeoecology in tropical South America. American Geophysical Union (AGU) – Meeting of The Americas. Foz do Iguassu, Brazil.
41. Power, M.J.,* Mayle, F.E., and Bartlein, P.J. (2010). Biomass burning in the Americas after 1500AD: European contact or climate? American Geophysical Union (AGU) – Meeting of The Americas. Foz do Iguasu, Brazil.
40. Power, M.J., and Mayle, F.E.* (2008). Testing the ‘Amazon 1492 cultural parkland’ hypothesis using Holocene charcoal records (invited speaker). The Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Paramaribo, Suriname.
39. Mayle, F.E.* (2007). Palaeoenvironmental evidence of climate change impacts on Neotropical ecosystems (invited speaker). British Ecological Society annual meeting, Glasgow, UK.
38. Mayle, F.E.*, Langstroth, R.P., Fisher, R. and Meir, P. (2007). Long-term forest-savanna dynamics in the Bolivian Amazon: implications for conservation. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 17 th International Congress, Cairns, Australia. 37. Whitney, B.S.*, and Mayle, F.E. (2007). Palaeoecology of the western Pantanal: a 45,000 year record of vegetation and climate change. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 17 th International Congress, Cairns, Australia. 36. Power, M.J.*, and Mayle, F.E. (2007). Biomass burning in tropical ecosystems of South America since the Last Glacial Maximum: a regional paleofire synthesis based on sedimentary charcoal data. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 17 th
35. Power, M.*, Marlon, J., Bartlein, P., Mayle, F.E. and Ortiz, N. (2007). How do differences in charcoal quantification, basin type, and fuel characteristics affect charcoal records? International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 17 th International Congress, Cairns, Australia.
34. Jones, H.T.*, and Mayle, F.E. (2007). Characterisation of Neotropical savannas by their modern pollen rain. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 17 th
International Congress, Cairns, Australia.
33. Burn, M.J.*, and Mayle, F.E. (2007). Palynological characterisation of Amazonian rainforest communities: implications for the interpretation of Neotropical fossil pollen diagrams. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 17 th International Congress, Cairns, Australia.
32. Mayle, F.E.*, Power, M., Whitney, B., and Bush, M. (2007). How stable or variable is the climate of Amazonia? (invited speaker) International symposium entitled: ‘Climate Change and the fate of the Amazon’. Oriel College, University of Oxford. 13
31. Whitney, B.*, and Mayle, F.E. (2006). 60,000 years of vegetation and climate change in eastern, lowland Bolivia. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA.
30. Mayle, F.E.*, Burbridge, R., Gosling, W.D., Killeen, T.J., Guillen, R., Siles, M., Sanchez, L., and Suarez, M. (2006). A 50,000 yr history of vegetation and climatic changes in Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, N.E. Bolivia. 1 st Bolivian Congress of Ecology, La Paz, Bolivia.
29. Metcalfe, P., Ficken, K., Street-Perrott, F.A., and Mayle, F.E.* (2006). Application of stable carbon isotope analysis to reconstructing Late Quaternary ecosystem changes in lowland Amazonia. QRA annual discussion meeting, University of Glasgow, UK.
28. Mayle, F.E.*, Gosling, W.D., Metcalfe, P.R., Ficken, K.J., Street-Perrott, F.A., and Loader, N. (2004). Late Quaternary ecosystem changes in the Pantanal tropical wetland of South America: preliminary palaeoecological data from Laguna La Gaiba. 11 th International Palynological Congress (IPC), Granada, Spain.
27. Beerling, D.J., Mayle, F.E.*, and Valdes, P. (2003). Contrasting effects of climate and CO 2
on Amazonian ecosystems since the Last Glacial Maximum. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 16 th International Congress, Reno, Nevada, USA. 26. Mayle, F.E.*, Gosling, W.D., Metcalfe, P., Loader, N., Street-Perrott, F.A., and Killeen, T.J. (2003). A re-examination of the ‘Pleistocene Dry Forest Arc’ hypothesis: evidence from the Bolivian Chiquitano Dry Forest. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 16 th International Congress, Reno, Nevada, USA. 25. Street-Perrott, F.A.*, Mayle, F.E., Metcalfe, P., Loader, N., Ficken, K., and Killeen, T.J. (2003). Late Quaternary changes in carbon cycling on the SW margin of Amazonia: carbon isotope evidence. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 16 th
24. Mayle, F.E.*, Gosling, W.D., Loader, N., Street-Perrott, F.A., and Killeen, T.J. (2003). A re-examination of the ‘Pleistocene Dry Forest Arc’ hypothesis: evidence from the Bolivian Chiquitano Dry Forest (invited speaker). Tropical Savannas and Seasonally Dry Forests conference, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.
23. Gosling, W.G.*, Mayle, F.E., Killeen, T.J., and Tate, N.J. (2003). The characterisation of Neotropical ecosystems by their modern pollen spectra. Tropical Savannas and Seasonally Dry Forests conference, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.
22. Street-Perrott, F.A.*, Mayle, F.E., Metcalfe, P., Loader, N., Ficken, K., and Killeen, T.J. (2003). Late Quaternary palaeoclimate and vegetation history on the SW margin of Amazonia: an isotopic perspective. Tropical Savannas and Seasonally Dry Forests conference, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.
21. Metcalfe, P.R.*, Mayle, F.E., Street-Perrott, F.A., Ficken, K.J., and Killeen, T.J. (2003). The taxonomic potential of grass cuticle analyses in reconstructing Late Quaternary changes in the rainforest-savanna boundary in SW Amazonia (Bolivia). Tropical Savannas and Seasonally Dry Forests conference, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.
20. Gosling, W.G.*, Mayle, F.E., Killeen, T.J., and Tate, N.J. (2003) The characterisation of Amazonian ecosystems by their modern pollen spectra. Young Scientists Global Change Conference, Triest, Italy.
19. Mayle, F.E.*, Burbridge, R., and Killeen, T.J. (2002). 50,000 year record of vegetation and climate change in Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, Bolivian Amazon (invited speaker). 5 th Latin American Conference of Palaeontology. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 18. Mayle, F.E.*, Burbridge, R., and Killeen, T.J. (2002). 50,000 year record of vegetation and climate change in Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, Bolivian Amazon (invited speaker). 2 nd International LBA (Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) Science Conference. Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
17. Burbridge, R.*, and Mayle, F.E. (2001). A continuous pollen record of the past 43,000 years from Laguna Chaplin, Amazonian Bolivia. 5 th Iberian Quaternary Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal.
16. Gosling, W.D.*, Mayle, F.E., Burbridge, R., Killeen, T.J., and Tate, N. (2001). Late Quaternary rain forest-savanna dynamics in southern Amazonia. European Science Foundation, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy.
15. Gosling, W.D.*, Mayle, F.E., Tate, N., and Killeen, T.J. (2001). Characterisation of Amazonian ecosystems by their modern pollen spectra: preliminary data. British Ecological Society, University of Warwick.
14. Gosling, W.D.*, Mayle, F.E., Tate, N., and Killeen, T.J. (2001). Characterisation of Amazonian ecosystems by their modern pollen spectra: preliminary data. Quaternary Research Association (QRA), National Museums and Galleries of Wales, Cardiff.
13. Mayle, F.E.*, Burbridge, R.B., and Killeen, T.J. (2000). Late Quaternary vegetation dynamics of the Amazon rainforest-savanna boundary, eastern Bolivia (key-note speaker). 31 st International Geological Congress (IGC). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12. Mayle, F.E.* (2000). Late Quaternary History of the Amazon forest/savanna boundary, NE Bolivia. Past Global Changes (PAGES) UK meeting. Senate House, London.
11. Mayle, F.E.* (1999). Late Quaternary history of the Amazon forest/savanna boundary, NE Bolivia. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 15 th International Congress. Durban, South Africa.
10. McElwain, J.C.*, Beerling, D.J., and Mayle, F.E. (1999). The application of modern plant ecophysiological responses to reconstruct atmospheric CO 2 and temperature fluctuations during the Younger Dryas of Atlantic Canada. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 15 th International Congress. Durban, South Africa. 9. McElwain, J.C.*, Beerling, D.J., and Mayle, F.E. (1999). The application of modern plant ecophysiological responses to reconstruct atmospheric CO 2 and temperature fluctuations during the Younger Dryas of Atlantic Canada. Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) annual conference. Leicester, UK.
8. Mayle, F.E.* (1998). Vegetation and climatic history of the Amazon forest/savanna boundary, NE Bolivia. Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) annual conference. Kingston, U.K.
7. Mayle, F.E.* (1997). Vegetation history of the Amazonian forest/savanna boundary in Huanchaca, lowland Bolivia. Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) annual conference. Exeter, U.K.
6. Mayle, F.E.*, Dixon, S., Pieruccini, P., and Walkling, A. (1996). A multi-proxy approach to environmental reconstruction of the last interglacial-glacial transition in eastern England. 9 th International Palynological Congress. Houston, USA.
5. Mayle, F.E.*, Levesque, A.J., and Cwynar, L.C. (1992). The chronology and expression of the Younger Dryas cooling in Atlantic Canada. 8 th International Palynological Congress. Aix-en-Provence, France.
4. Levesque, A.J.*, Mayle, F.E., and Cwynar, L.C. (1992). A pre-Younger Dryas climatic oscillation in Maritime Canada. 8 th International Palynological Congress. Aix-en- Provence, France.
3. Mayle, F.E.*, Levesque, A.J., and Cwynar, L.C. (1992). The chronology and expression of the Younger Dryas cooling in Atlantic Canada. Joint annual meeting of the Geological Association of Canada and the Mineralogical Association of Canada. Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
2. Mayle, F.E.*, and Cwynar, L.C. (1991). The chronology and expression of the Younger Dryas cooling in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Quaternary Association annual meeting. Fredericton, New Brunswick.
1. Mayle, F.E.*, and Cwynar, L.C. (1990). Accelerator-mass-spectrometer radiocarbon dates for the Younger Dryas at Lac à Magie, Nova Scotia. First Joint Meeting of the Canadian Quaternary Association and the American Quaternary Association. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
WORKSHOPS 3. Second Palaeofires Workshop (2007). Dartington Hall, Totness, UK. Funded by PAGES, iLEAPS and QUEST.
2. First Palaeofires Workshop (2006). Dartington Hall, Totness, UK. Funded by IGBP and QUEST.
1. Tropical Andes Biodiversity Workshop (2002). National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, California, USA. Funded by NSF.
RESEARCH SUPERVISION (Mayle is lead supervisor, unless indicated otherwise. Current academic jobs of past students & postdocs are listed.)
PhD STUDENTS 14. Carlos D’Apolito (Brazilian government scholarship, 2012-2015) • Response of western Amazonian vegetation to Miocene-Quaternary environmental change
13. Shira Tracy (Univ. Utah award, 2012-2015) • Based at University of Utah (lead supervisor: Mitch Power) • Holocene fire regimes across Amazonia
12. John Carson (NERC award, 2010-2013) • Pre-Columbian human land-use and impact in SW Amazonia
11. Kirsty McLean (NERC award, 2010-2013) • Lead supervisor: Professor Andy Dugmore, School of Geosciences, Univ. Edinb
10. Katharine Fitzpatrick (NERC award, 2007-2010) • Diatom-based Late Quaternary precipitation changes in lowland tropical South America.
9. Lynsey Callaghan (NERC award, 2006-2009) • Lead supervisor: Dr. Tibor Dunai, School of GeoSciences, Univ Edinb • Climate change and its effect on erosion in arid landscapes
8. Huw Jones (NERC award, 2005-2008) • Characterisation of Neotropical savanna ecosystems by their surface pollen spectra Download 211.1 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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