Destination-b1-tarjimalari pdf
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Destination B1 tarjimalari
- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Boiling
- Chemical
- Conclusion
- Examiner
- Fascination
- Historic
- Measurement
Word formation
Boil - qaynamoq, qaynatmoq I'll boil the kettle and make some tea. – Chovgumni qaynatib, ozgina choy tayyorlayman. 37 @destination_vocabulary Boiler - suv isitgich, titan There's a problem with the boiler, so there's no hot water. – Suv isitgich bilan muammo bor, shuning uchun issiq suv yo'q. Boiling - qaynoq, qaynayotgan The pan was full of boiling water. – Tova qaynayotgan suvga to'la edi. Chemist - kimyogar; dorixona She worked as a chemist for the water company. – U suv korxonasida kimyogar bo'lib ishlagan. Where's the nearest chemist? – Eng yaqin dorixona qayerda? Chemical - kimyoviy modda Sodium is a chemical. – Natriy kimyoviy moddadir. Chemistry - kimyo fani; kimyoviy tadqiqotlar I like doing chemistry at school. – Menga maktabda kimyoviy tadqiqotlar qilish yoqadi. Conclude - xulosa qilmoq We concluded that we could not afford to buy a new car. – Biz shunday xulosa qildikki yangi mashina sotib olishga pulimiz yetmas ekan. Conclusion - xulosa I've come to the conclusion that exams are useful. – Imtihonlar foydali degan xulosaga keldim. Examine - imtihon qilmoq, test berib sinamoq The students will be examined in all subjects at the end of term. – Chorak yakunida, o'quvchilar hamma fanlardan imtihon qilinadilar. Exam(ination) - imtihon [exam - norasmiy so'z: asosan speakingda ishlatiladi; examination - rasmiy so'z: asosan writingda ishlatiladi] I've got a French exam(ination) tomorrow. – Ertaga fransuz tilidan imtihonim bor. Examiner - imtihon oluvchi The examiner was very friendly. – Imtihon olgan odam juda samimiy edi. Fascinate - o'ziga jalb qilmoq, qiziqtirmoq China has always fascinated me. – Xitoy meni har doim qiziqtirgan (=o'ziga shaydo etgan). Fascination - qiziqish, shaydolik Where did your fascination for cars come from? – Avtomobillarga bo'lgan qiziqishingiz qayerdan paydo bo'lgan? Fascinating - judayam qiziqarli va o'ziga maftun qiladigan I've always found cars fascinating. – Men har doim avtomobillarni qiziqarli deb bilganman. History - tarix Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war. – Tarix bo'ylab ko'plab odamlar jangu-jadallardan holi bo'lgan dunyoni orzu qilishgan. Historic - tarixiy ahamiyatga ega It's a historic building. – Bu tarixiy ahamiyatga ega inshoat. Historian - tarixchi olim I want to be a historian. – Men tarixchi olim bo'lishni istayman. Identical - juda o'xshash These two pictures are identical. – Bu ikki rasm bir-biriga juda o'xshash. Identically - o'xshash tarzda 38 @destination_vocabulary The children were dressed identically. – Bolalar o'xshash kiyinib olishgan edi. Long - uzun It was the world's longest bridge. – U dunyodagi eng uzun ko'prik edi. Length - uzunlik I swam the length of the swimming pool. – Basseynning uzunligi bo'ylab suzdim. Measure - o'lchamoq A nurse visited country schools to weigh and measure children. – Bir hamshira bolalarni taroziga tortish va o'lchash uchun qishloqdagi maktablarga tashrif buyurdi. Measurement - o'lchov They took measurements of the level of pollution in the river. – Ular daryodagi ifloslanish darajasini o'lchashdi. Science - ilm-fan We need to invest more in science and technology. – Biz ilm-fan va texnologiya sohalariga ko'proq sarmoya kiritishimiz kerak. Scientist - olim Albert Einstein was a scientist. – Albert Eynshteyn olim bo'lgan. Download 0,56 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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