We might need a map because I'm not very familiar with the area. – Bizga xarita kerak bo'lib
qolishi mumkin, chunki hudud bilan uncha tanish emasman.
Involved in - da qatnashgan, ishtirok etgan
When did he first become involved in crime? – Qachon u birinchi marta jinoyatda ishtirok etgan?
Similar to - ga o'xshash
Horse meat tastes a little similar to beef, or lamb. – Ot go'shtining ta'mi mol go'shti yoki
qo'zichoq go'shtiga biroz o'xshaydi.
Change sth (from sth) into - nimanidir biron holatdan boshqacha holatga o'tkazmoq
In the story, the witch changes the prince from a man into a frog. – Hikoyada, jodugar
shahzodani odam qiyofasidan baqa qiyofasiga o'tqazib qo'yadi.
Describe sth as - deb tasvirlamoq
‘Would you describe him as tall?’ the police officer asked. – ‘Uni bo'yi baland deb tasvirlagan
bo'larmidingiz?’ so'radi politsiya ofitseri.
Explain sth to - biron narsani kimgadir tushuntirmoq, izohlamoq
Let me explain the rules of the game to you. – O'yin qoidalarini sizga tushuntirib berishimga
ruxsat bering.
Remind sb of - kimgadir biron kimni eslatmoq
Who does this picture remind you of? – Bu surat sizga kimni eslatadi?
Remove sth from - biron narsani biron joydan olib tashlamoq
She removed the dirty dishes from the table. – U kir idishlarni stoldan olib tashladi.
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