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I've never heard such a dreadful insult. - Men hech qachon bu qadar yomon haqoratni eshitmaganman.
S Investigate - tekshirib chiqmoq
We sent a reporter to investigate the rumour. - Mish-mishni tekshirish uchun muxbir jo'natdik.
S Negative - salbiy
Does TV have a negative effect on children? - Televizorning bolalarga salbiy ta'siri bormi?
S Positive - ijobiy
School was a totally positive experience for me. - Maktab men uchun butunlay ijobiy tajriba bo'lgan.
S Praise - maqtamoq
If you never praise your kids, how can they know when they're doing something right? - Agar hech qachon bolalaringizni maqtamasangiz, ular to'g'ri ish qilayotganlarini qanday qilib bilishadi?
S Praise - maqtov
I never got much praise as a child. - Men bolalik paytimda hech qachon uncha maqtov eshitmaganman.
S Pretend - mug'ombirlik qilmoq, o'zini qandaydir tutmoq
She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. - U ko'zlarini yumdi va o'zini uxlayotgandek tutdi.
S Purpose - maqsad
The purpose of this dictionary is to help students of English. - Bu lug'atning maqsadi ingliz tili o'quvchilariga yodam berish.
S Refuse - biron ishni qilishdan bosh tortmoq
I asked him to apologise, but he refused. - Men undan uzr so'rashini so'radim, ammo u bosh tortdi.
S Result - sabab bo'lmoq
The fight resulted in three people being hurt. - Janjal uch kishining jarohatlanishiga olib keldi.
S Result - natija
He said the argument was the result of a misunderstanding. - U aytdiki tortishuv tushunmovchilikning natijasi ekan.
S Rumour - mish-mish
A student had been spreading rumours about the teachers. - Bir o'quvchi o'qituvchilar to'g'risida mish-mishlar tarqatib yurgan ekan.
S Sensible - mulohazali, aql bilan qilingan, oqilona
This seems to be a sensible way of dealing with the problem. - Bu muammoni hal qilishning oqilona yo'liga o'xshaydi.
S Serious - jiddiy
It's not a serious problem. - Bu jiddiy muammo emas.
S Spare - bo'sh, qo'shimcha

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