William A. & Baines M. (2008).
Bridges 1 For Bachillerato. Burlington Books, for first
year of upper compulsory education.
Wetz, B. (2006).
English Alive 3.
Oxford University Press, addressed to the third year of
compulsory education.
As we can observe, there is a difference of three levels between them, what could be
seen as a strong reason for encountering significant dissimilarities in our analysis.
purpose is, then, to analyze the phraseological content in these two textbooks
belonging to 3
year of Secondary Education and 1
year of Upper Secondary Education in
order to find out if it is appropriate to these particular levels.
As both textbooks are quite similar in structure and methodology, we have designed a
unique analysis chart to carry out our study. This chart involves each one of the four
concerning categories of the phraseological units we are focusing on (idioms, collocations,
proverbs and social routine formulae), making a total of one chart per unit and nine charts per
book, as each book contains nine units: