Driving the Best Science to Meet Global Health Challenge s
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LIST OF SPEAKERS AND AUTHORS Lis t of Speak er s and A ut hor s Zaini F . . . . . . . . . . . PS1 .266 Zamani A . . . . . . . . . PS1 .183 Zammarchi L . . .PS2 .009, PS2 .010, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PS2 .217 Zamora P . O .3 .2 .15 .002, PS2 .005 Zander N . . . . . . . . . . PS1 .173 Zanotti P . . . . . . . . . . PS2 .107 Zare Jeddi M . . . . . . O .3 .4 .1 .006, . . . . PS1 .240, PS1 .241, PS1 .242 Zarebavani M . . . . . PS1 .338 .LB Zarzuela F . . . . PS2 .082, PS2 .218 Zavala G .A . . . . . . . . . PS2 .042 Zavarise G . . . . . . . . . PS2 .009 Zedjali M . . . . . . INV .3 .1 .3 .001 Zeeb H . . . . . . . . . . . PS1 .310 Zeier M . . . O .3 .3 .4 .003, PS1 .014, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PS1 .015 Zeinali M . . . . . . . . . PS1 .105 Zeldis J .B . . . . . . . . . . PS2 .327 Zellweger J .-P . . . . . . SAT5 .005 Zemp E . . . . O .3 .3 .4 .002, PS1 .197 Zerihun M . . . . . . . . . PS1 .181 Zeukeng F . . . . . . . . . PS2 .047 Zewdie D . . . . PS1 .171, PS2 .016 Zhan B . . . . . . . . O .3 .2 .16 .006 Zhang W .-H . . . . . . . . PS1 .279 Zhang Y . . . O .5 .6 .4 .004, PS1 .166 Zhao R . . . . . . . . . O .3 .1 .7 .003 Zhao X . . . . . . . . . . . PS1 .200 Zhao Z . . . . . . . . . . . PS1 .177 Zhou X . . . . . . . . INV .5 .6 .1 .001 Zhou X .N . . . . . . . . . . PS2 .006 Zhou Y . INV .3 .2 .10 .002, PS2 .259 Zhou Y .H . . . . . . . . . . PS1 .166 Zibafar E . . . . . . . . . . PS1 .193 Zignol M . . . . . . . .O .3 .1 .12 .003 Zijlstra E . . . . . . INV .3 .2 .12 .001 Zimmer G . . . . . . . . . PS1 .180 Zimmermann M . . . INV .3 .6 .2 .003 Zinsstag J . . . . . . INV .4 .2 .4 .001 . . . . . . ITD-PL2 .1, O .4 .5 .1 .005, . . . PST2 .007, PS1 .142, PS1 .322, . . . PS2 .023, PS2 .239, PS2 .240, . . . . PS2 .241, PS2 .246, PS2 .248 Zinszer K . . .O .3 .2 .2 .004, PS2 .340 Zinyemba C . . . . . . O .3 .3 .4 .003 Zioga E . . . . . . . . . . PS2 .231 Zoleko-Manego R . . . O .4 .3 .2 .003 Zuglian G . . . . . . . . . PS2 .217 Zumla A . . . . . . . . . . PS1 .061 Zúñiga-Brenes P . . . . . . PS1 .284 Zwang J . . . . . . . . . . PS1 .321 Zwanikken P . . . . . . . . PS2 .307 Zwingerman N . . . . . O .3 .1 .6 .005 Zyznieuski N . . . . . . . . PS1 .284 218 Venue Floor Plan Level 4.0 Level 4.1 219 Venue Floor Plan Level 4.2 Level 4.3 biomedcentral.com www.equityhealthj.com www.globalizationandhealth.com www.biomedcentral.com/bmcinthealthhumrights www.ete-online.com EMERGING THEMES IN EPIDEMIOLOGY BioMed Central Open Access Journals www.ij-healthgeographics.com INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH GEOGRAPHICS www.reproductive-health-journal.com A20139 | Image: psdesign1 / Fotolia IMPACT FACTOR 2.25 IMPACT FACTOR 1.37 IMPACT FACTOR 1.80 IMPACT FACTOR 2.45 IMPACT FACTOR 1.88 Industry Information 222 Satellite Symposia Monday, 7 September 2015 12 .15 – 13 .15 Co-infections: its impact on neglected Sydney tropical diseases Chair: Jutta Reinhard-Rupp (Coinsins, CH) SAT1.001 Welcome & Introduction 12 .15 Jutta Reinhard-Rupp (Coinsins, CH) SAT1.002 The double jeopardy of having female genital 12 .20 schistosomiasis in poorly informed and resourced health systems in Ghana M . Gyapong, B . Marfo, S . Theobold, K . Hawking, S . Page, M . Osei-Atweneboanaa, J .R . Stothard (Accra, GH; Liverpool, GB) SAT1.003 Paediatric schistosomiasis- effects on overall host health 12 .30 F . Mutapi (Edinburgh, GB) SAT1.004 Challenges of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) and HIV 12 .40 co-infection K . Ritmeijer (Amsterdam, NL) SAT1.005 Discussion panel and Q&A session 12 .50 SAT1.006 Closing Remarks 13.10 Jutta Reinhard-Rupp (Coinsins, CH) Satellite symposium organised by 12 .15 – 13 .15 On the road to malaria elimination: Singapore where we have come from and what challenges lie ahead? Chair: Marcel Tanner (Basel, CH) SAT2.001 Welcome & Introduction 12 .15 Linus Igwemezie (Basel, CH) SAT2.002 Achievements with ACTs and an integrated approach 12 .25 to reach the last mile Marcel Tanner (Basel, CH) SAT2.003 From control to elimination: new strategies and projects 12 .40 Davis Mumbengegwi (Windhoek, NA) SAT2.004 The antimalarial drug development pipeline: future 12 .55 prospects for malaria control and elimination Nicholas J . White (Bangkok, TH) 13 .10 Q&A Satellite symposium organised by Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Novartis Foundation, Novartis Malaria Initiative and Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Reserach 223 Indus tr y Inf ormation Satellite Symposia Tuesday, 8 September 2015 12 .15 – 13 .15 The Japanese contribution to tackle Sydney global health challenges Chair: Peter Piot (London, GB) SAT3.001 The Japanese contribution to tackle global health 12 .15 challenges Kei Katsuno (Tokyo, JP) SAT3.002 How innovative collaborations can boost R&D for 12 .25 neglected diseases Graeme Bilbe (Geneva, CH) SAT3.003 African-led health innovation to tackle global health 12 .40 challenges through partnerships: the H3D example Kelly Chibale (Cape Town, ZA) SAT3.004 A bitter pill to swallow? How taste masking and 12 .55 assessment of praziquantel can contribute to the treatment of schistosomiasis in pre-school children Eric Huber (Basel, CH), A . Mulokozi Kabanywanyi (Dar es Salaam, TZ) SAT3.005 Discussion / Questions 13 .05 Satellite symposium organised by 12 .15 – 13 .15 Neglected tropical diseases: Singapore achievements of public-private partnerships Chair: Robert Sebbag (Paris, FR) SAT4.001 Introduction and context 12 .15 Robert Sebbag (Paris, FR) SAT4.002 Neglected tropical diseases: what is possible through a 12 .30 long term partnership Jean Georges Jannin (Geneva, CH) SAT4.003 Leishmaniasis management 12 .45 Pierre Buffet (Paris, FR) SAT4.004 DNDi, perspectives of partnership 13 .00 Bernard Pécoul (Geneva, CH) Satellite symposium organised by 224 Satellite Symposia Tuesday, 8 September 2015 12 .15 – 13 .15 MDR-tuberculosis: from R&D to a Delhi patient’s journey in the infectious disease landscape Chair: Francesca Conradie (Johannesburg, ZA) Chair: Jean-Pierre Zellweger (Lausanne, CH) SAT5.001 Welcome and introduction 12 .15 Jean-Pierre Zellweger (Lausanne, CH) SAT5.002 The global burden of drug-resistant tuberculosis 12 .20 Jean-Pierre Zellweger (Lausanne, CH) SAT5.003 Developments in treating and preventing tuberculosis 12 .25 Christiane Moecklinghoff (Freiburg, DE) SAT5.004 Clinical management of MDR-TB patients: an interactive 12 .40 case approach Francesca Conradie (Johannesburg, ZA) SAT5.005 Future treatment options for patients with MDR-TB 12 .55 Jean-Piere Zellweger (Lausanne, CH) SAT5.006 Summary and close 13 .10 Francesca Conradie (Johannesburg, ZA) Satellite symposium organised by 225 Indus tr y Inf ormation Satellite Symposia Wednesday, 9 September 2015 12 .15 – 13 .15 Integrating health edutainment and Singapore mobile technology to WASH out worms and diseases of the poor Chair: Alain Labrique (Baltimore, US) SAT7.001 Introduction – the potential of mHealth to address existing 12 .15 health service constraints in resource-poor settings Alain Labrique (Baltimore, US) SAT7.002 Road testing mobile phone-bases surveillance technology 12 .30 for rabies in Tanzania Zac Mtema (Ifakara, TZ) SAT7.003 The “Magic Glasses” approach of using health animated 12 .45 cartoons as part of an integrated approach to fight diseases of the poor Darren James Gray (Canberra, AU) SAT7.004 UBS Optimus WASH Away Mobile App Challenge – 13 .00 Finalist Presentation Satellite symposium organised by 12 .15 – 13 .15 Diagnostics: the missing link in the Boston 1 global health agenda Chair: Catharina Boehme (Geneva, CH) SAT6.001 Welcome & introduction – Diagnosis: the missing link in 12 .15 the global health agenda Catharina Boehme (Geneva, CH) SAT6.002 Test to treat: the necessary evolution in malaria 12 .20 diagnostics Iveth González (Geneva, CH) SAT6.003 Ebola diagnostics: the key to rapid outbreak control 12 .35 Arlene C . Chua (Geneva, CH) SAT6.004 Diagnostics as the pathway to eliminating human African 12 .50 trypanosomiasis Joseph Ndungu (Geneva, CH) SAT6.005 The gap in the global health toolkit: diagnostics for 13 .05 fighting antimicrobial resistance Speaker to be confirmed Satellite symposium organised by UBS Optimus Foundation 226 Satellite Symposia Wednesday, 9 September 2015 12 .15 – 13 .15 The Global Schistosomiasis Alliance Sydney (GSA) – an overview of its activities Chair: Lorenzo Savioli (Geneva, CH) SAT8.001 The need for a Global Schistosomiasis Alliance 12:15 Lorenzo Savioli (Geneva, CH) SAT8.002 The GSA – structure and strategy 12:25 Johannes Waltz (London, GB) SAT8.003 Enhancing and supporting implementation – the 12:35 centerpiece of the GSA’s activities Alan Fenwick (London, GB) SAT8.004 The R&D working group of the GSA – aims and objectives 12:45 Jutta Reinhard-Rupp (Coinsins, CH) SAT8.005 Discussion and Q&A session 12:55 SAT8.006 Closing Remarks 13:10 Johannes Waltz (London, GB) Satellite symposium organised by Registered trademark of Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. For more information or to request a free sample net, visit www.sumivector.com, or email info@sumivector.com. 228 Exhibition Floor Plan / List of Exhibitors Exhibitor Booth # Aquatabs A34 Carramore A24 CSEM SA C34 Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative, DNDi B12 ESCMID A26 EUresearch, Partner in EU Health NCP Project A38 European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) B33 Geneva Health Forum B44 International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria 2016 C35 International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) A12 ISGlobal Barcelona Institute for Global Health B21 IVCC, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine A14 Laboratoire Osler A32 London School of Hygene and Tropical Medecine (LSHTM) B31 Médecins sans Frontières Internationale C37 Catering Catering Catering To / From Main Entrance / Lecture Halls / Posters Lecture Hall Lecture Hall Aisle A Aisle A Aisle B Aisle C Lecture Hall Lecture Halls 229 Indus tr y Inf ormation Exhibition Floor Plan / List of Exhibitors Catering Catering Catering To / From Main Entrance / Lecture Halls / Posters Lecture Hall Lecture Hall Aisle A Aisle A Aisle B Aisle C Lecture Hall Lecture Halls Exhibitor Booth # Merck Serono S .A . A16 Netzwerk Medicus Mundi Schweiz B32 Novartis A21 Pedriatic Praziquantel Consortium B24 PLOS C33 Renggli AG B11 Roll Back Malaria and WHO B22 Shin Poong Pharmaceutical C31 Sanofi-Aventis Groupe A31 Sigma-Tau C11 Swiss Medical Press B42 Swiss TPH C56 University of Oxford A36 Wiley C43 World Courier A22 230 Sponsor Acknowledgements The organisers of the ECTMIH 2015 express their thanks and appreciation to all those who are generously contributing to the success of this meeting . Diamond Supporter UBS Optimus Foundation Silver Supporter Gold Supporter Platinum Supporter 231 Indus tr y Inf ormation Bronze Supporter Sponsor Acknowledgements Funding R Emergency Evaluation of Convalescent Plasma Co-funded by the European Union 232 Notes Download 23,86 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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