Quvonchbek Murodov
62 "Yuksalish" Street, Namangan,
899 892 77 80
Secondary school number 16 , 2020
University of Namangan, Faculity of International Languages of the World (English) Bachelor degree,2024
University of Namangan, Faculity of International Languages of the World (English),Master degree, 2026
University of Hamburg(Germany), profissional business development | 2031-2035|L
Professional experience
School number 16, Namangan ( part-time)|2024–2027|
University of Namangan, Literature of foriegn languages | 2027-2030|
Taught multiple undergraduate and graduate courses in teaching english in high education system
Acted as a student advisor to freshman students.
International Business School in Namangan |2035-2037|
• uzbek(native)
Skills and qualifications
Team leadership
Good at making speech to the audience
Fluent in English and French
Specialization in computer technalogy, and programming
Awards and honors
The Teacher of the Year Award (among schools), 2026
The Teacher of the Year Award(among universities), 2030
The Businessman of the Country, 2037
Publications and presentations
•An artical in journal named " Ma'naviyat" on the theme of teaching forigin languages
•Manual book for selfstudy to language learners
• An artical in journal named "WallStreet", " How to succes in business
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