Elementary 1-xafta, [

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Elementary 1 (автовосстановление)

Elementary 1-xafta, [22.05.2022 16:42]
3.3 Mashq


1.The five people in the school were sent to France by their teacher.
Beshta odam o’qituvchilari tomonidan Fransiyaga yuborildi.
2.A lot of grapes in the garden will be exported to U.K.
Bog’dagi ko’plab uzumlar Buyuk Britaniyaga eksport qilinadi.
3.An apple in the box was eaten by my brother.
Qutidagi olma akam tomonidan yeyildi.
4. My mother must be told the news
Onamga yangiliklar aytilishi kerak.
5.I want to be given a dog.
Menga it sovg’a qilinishini xoxlayman.
6.Well-written books were sent to my friend by her.
Yaxshi yozilgan kitoblar u tomonidan do’stimga yuboriladi.
7.Driven cars are usually sold in cheap cost.
Boshqariladigan mashinalar odatda arzon narxlarda sotiladi.
8.I had driven this car before.
Men bu mashinani avval haydagan edim.
9. You will get shot tomatoes if you perform like this.
Agar siz shunday ijro etsangiz sizga pomidorlar otiladi.
10.Don't go outside, you will get cold.
Tashqariga chiqmang siz sovqotasiz.
11.Don't drink cold water, you will get flu.
Sovuq suv ichmang gripp bo’lasiz.
12.The air inside was very warm.
Ichkaridagi xavo juda issiq edi.
13.The weather outside the room seemed very cold.
Xona tashqarisidagi xavo juda sovuq tuyulardi.
14.A boy with dark eyes.
Qora ko’zli bola,
16.I want you to read this book.
Men seni bu kitobni o’qishingni xoxlayman.
17.What do you want me to read?
Siz meni nima o’qishimni xoxlaysiz.
18. I have eaten the meal made by my mother.
Men onam pishirgan ovqatni yeganman.
19.When do you want me to go?
Siz meni qachon borishimni istaysiz?
❗️Pastdagi 3ta gapni 2 xil maʼnosini ham yozamiz👇
20.Have you read this book
Siz bu kitobni o’qib bo’ldizmi?
Siz bu kitobni o’qiganmisiz?
21.Have you played this game?
Siz bu o’yinni o’ynab bo’ldizmi?
Siz bu o’yinni o’ynaganmisiz?
22.Have you written the letter?
Siz xatni o’qib bo’ldizmi?
Siz bu xatni o’qiganmisiz?
23.My father wants to me to write this letter to my brother.
Otam meni akamga bu xatni yozishimni xoxlaydi.
24. I don't want you to be told bad words
Men sizga yomon so’zlar aytilishini xoxlamayman,


25.Qizaloq saroyning eng katta xonasiga olib kirildi.
A girl was brought to the biggest room of the palace.
26. Hammaga qirol tomonidan sovg'alar berildi.
Everybody was given gifts by the king.
27. Uy kecha qurildi.
The house was built yesterday.
28. Uy ertaga quriladi.
The house will be built tomorrow.
29. Uylar har kuni quriladi.
The houses are built everyday.
30. Bu men uchratgan eng qiziqarli hayvon.
This is the most interesting animal I have met.
31. Jerry katta kalamushlar tomonidan qo'rqitildi.
Jarry was frightened by the big rat.
32. Men o'sha paytda nima bo'layotganini bilmadim.
I didn’t know what was happening that moment.
33.Men sening jazolanishingni xohlamayman.
I don’t want you to be punished.
34. Iloji boricha tez bor.
Get there as soon as possible.
35. Qoʻlingdan kelganicha koʻp ishla.
Work as hard as you can.
36. U kutganimdek aqlli edi.
He was as smart as I expected.
37. Hamma sayohat uchun tayyormi.
Is everyone ready fior the ride.
38.U bolalar tomonidan ziyofatga taklif qilindi.
He was invited to the party by children.
39. O'rmonda yashaydigan bir tulki bo'lgan ekan.
There was a fox living in the forest.

Elementary 1-xafta, [22.05.2022 16:45]

3.3b Mashq


1. He may be told my secret.
Unga meni sirim aytilishi mumkin.
2. He will be helping me.
U menga yordam beradi.
3 He will be helped by me.
Unga men tomondan yordam beriladi.
4. This meal can't be eaten.
Bu ovqat yeyilmasligi mumkin.
5. He must be giving gift.
U sovg’a berishi kerak.


6. U uxlayotgan boʻladi.
He will be sleeping.
7. Unga mushuk beriladi.
He will be given a cat.
8. U oʻynayotgan edi.
He was playing.
9. U oʻyin haqida soʻraldi.
He was told about game.
10. Ularga doim yordam beriladi.
They are always helped.
11. Ular uyni boʻyashyapti.
They are painting the house.
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