Matnsiz yozuvlar, n.~ Audiovizual, rasmli va ovozli formatlardagi yozuvlar.
BT: rekord
RT: bosma materiallar, maxsus yozuvlar, matn yozuvlari, vizual materiallar
Eslatmalar: “Matnsiz yozuvlar” odatda qog’ozdagi so’zlar bo’lmagan yozuv
Formatlarini, masalan, xaritalar, fotosuratlar, kinofilmlar va videolar, ovoz yozuvlari va shunga
O’xshashlarni kiritish uchun ishlatiladi. Ba’zi omborlarda elektron yozuvlar yozuvlarning
Uchinchi asosiy toifasi sifatida ko’rib chiqiladi.
North American Archival Network of the International Council of Archives, n. (NAANICA, abbr.) ~ A branch of the International Council of Archives that serves as a clearinghouse for ICA information, encourages members to respond to ICA requests for input, promotes awareness of ICA in North America, and represents North America in the ICA governing structure. Notes: See
Xalqaro arxivlar kengashining Shimoliy Amerika arxiv tarmog’i, n. (NAANICA,
Qisqart.) Xalqaro Arxivlar Kengashining ICA ma’lumotlari uchun kliring
Markazi bo’lib xizmat qiluvchi, a’zolarni ICA so’rovlariga javob berishga undaydigan,
Shimoliy Amerikada ICA haqida xabardorligini targ’ib qiluvchi va ICAda Shimoliy
Amerikani vakillik qiluvchi filiali. Boshqaruv tuzilmasi.
Eslatmalar: ga qarang.
notarial archives, n. ~ Records of all contracts executed before a notary at civil law. Notes: Records in notarial archives typically relate to the transfer of property, but also include wills, marriage contracts, building contracts, powers of attorney, and individual declarations. †202 (New Orleans Notarial Archives): Founded in 1867 when it gathered in the records of colonial and ante bellum notaries, the New Orleans Notarial Archives relates closely to those European and Western Hemisphere repositories that share Louisiana’s heritage of civil law. The world’s civil law notarial collections derive from a Roman law-based system that elevates the notary to a prominent place in society as the draftsman, guarantor, and finally, archivist of contracts in the private sector. In New Orleans, nearly every property transaction that has occurred since the founding of the city was recorded by, or found its way to, a notary’s office.
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