Notarial arxivlar, n. – fuqarolik huquqi bo’yicha notarius tomonidan tuzilgan barcha shartnomalar bo’yicha
Yozuvlar. Izohlar: Notarial arxivlardagi yozuvlar odatda mulkni topshirish bilan bog’liq bo’lib,
Shuningdek, vasiyatnomalar, nikoh shartnomalari, qurilish shartnomalari, ishonchnomalar va shaxsiy
Deklaratsiyalarni o’z ichiga oladi.
†202 (Yangi Orlean notarial arxivi): 1867 yilda mustamlaka va ante bellum
Notariuslarining yozuvlarida to’planganida tashkil etilgan Yangi Orlean notarial arxivi
Luiziana fuqarolik huquqi merosini baham ko’radigan Evropa va G’arbiy yarim sharning
Omborlari bilan chambarchas bog’liq. Jahon fuqarolik huquqi notarial to’plamlari
Rim huquqiga asoslangan tizimdan kelib chiqqan bo’lib, notariusni xususiy sektorda
Shartnomalar tuzuvchisi, kafilligi va nihoyat, arxivchisi sifatida jamiyatda taniqli
O’ringa ko’taradi. Yangi Orleanda shahar tashkil etilganidan beri sodir bo’lgan deyarli
Barcha mulkiy bitimlar notarial idora tomonidan qayd etilgan yoki yo’l topilgan.
notarial record (also journal of notarial acts), n. ~ 1. A register, usually kept in a bound volume, that lists the date, time, and type of each official act. – 2. A document drafted or paraphrased by a civil law notary, filed into public record, and housed in a notarial archives. BT: record Notes: The notarial record1 typically includes the instrument presented to the notary, the signature of each person whose signature is notarized, the information used to verify the parties’ identities, and any fee charged. – A notarial record2 has a different meaning in Louisiana, which has a civil law, rather than common law, tradition. †80 (ICA Notarial Records, p. 1): ‘Notaries meet a need which is as old as the organisation of society itself. By conferring the authority of society on individual actions relating to persons or property, they ensure to each of these actions its proper place in the world.’ [citing Jean Favier] Those authoritative legal deeds which touch the lives of individuals and of organisations, and are indispensable to both, were already being preserved as far back as the 12th century. Notarial records2 are an extraordinarily rich source of information for all aspects of history, and nowadays are amongst the materials most consulted by researchers. †223 (Personal communication, Ann Wakefield, 6 October 2004): An authentic notarial act is a document of one to many pages in length that is executed by a civil law notary according to a protocol. The document is housed and protected in an archives, sometimes at the notary’s office and sometimes in a government office, and made accessible to the general public. (The New Orleans Notarial Archives is an example of a notarial archives. It is the only one in the United States.)
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