Excel- 1, Russian write off books in Russian Unit Serial No. 1-3050 (1). xlsx
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Formation of American‐ Japanese military union (1945‐1952) 1963 N/A
5970 G‐19709
Koptsev, D.S. &
others National Economy of Volgagrad Province in 50 years 1967
1.15k 5971
G‐18608 Dyakonov, I.M. Cuneiform texts from kyul‐Tepe in collections of USSR 1968
1.19k 598
5972 G‐43548
Vilensky, M.A. &
others Industry in the Economic complex of economic regions of USSR
1964 3.25k
5973 G‐24466
Bulgakov, P.S.
national Economy of Ukrainian SSR in 1963 1964
2.20k 5974
G‐54963 Alishir
Navai Diwan
1964 1.50k
5975 G‐54772
Grishina, A.M. &
others Literature about Asian and African countries 1967 1.62k
5976 G‐43019
Bolshakov , O.G.
Gardanov, V.K.
Epigraphic monuments of Northern Caucasia (XVIII‐XX centuries) 1968
1.66k 5977
G‐42875 Israelyan, V.L. & others
The Foreign policy of USSR
1965 0.51k
5978 G‐20539
Muminov, I.M. &
Others Scientific works and explanations 1961
1.86k 5979
G‐24815 Lenin, V.I. About Central Asia and Uzbekistan 1957
4.25k 5980
G‐24533 State
Publishing House of political literature, Moscow Plenary session of the Central communitte of the communist Party of soviet Union 1959
1.30k 5981
G‐50140 Steklov, V.Y. 40 years of the plan of the committee on electrification of Russia (Goelro) 1960 16.80k
599 5982
G‐43480 Baevsky, D.A. & others
From the October to the
construction of communism 1967 1.85k
5983 G‐63503
Moiseyen ko, F.S.
The basis of deep Geology
1981 0.95k
5984 G‐20805
Ushakova, G.M.
Africa 1969
1.60k 5985
G‐60671 Stolbina, Y.G. Chronicle of Periodic and continuing Publications 1978
1.30k 5986
G‐63428 Dogel,
V.A. Zoology of invertebrates 1981
2.40k 5987
G‐22225 Beikhaki, Abul Fazal The History of Masud 1030‐1041 1962
3.80k 5988
G‐24330 Dondokov
, B.T. Origin and development of paty‐soviet printing in Buryatia
1960 3.15k
5989 G‐43515
Zinchenko , V.S.
The Foreign trade of the USSR 1967 1.48k
5990 G‐52672
Lindberg, G.U.
Quaternary Period in the World of Bio‐Geographical Data
1955 22.30k
5991 G‐52544
Volodkin, Vladimir
Cuba, 1961 1961
1.00k 600
5992 G‐42539
Contempo rary
Jewish Library
LTD, London
Jews and the jewish People 1969 N/A
5993 G‐10020
Ignatenko, T.A.
Soviet historiography of woker control and nationalization of the industry in USSR
1971 0.88k
5994 G‐27058
Grigoryan, A.T.
From the history of science and Techology of the countries of the East 1960
2.50k 5995
G‐23608 Pivovarov, Y.L. Population of the socialist countries of foreign europe 1970 0.56k
5996 G‐50089
Vartumya n, E.L.
Australia and Oceania
1966 0.60k
5997 G‐19214
Korobche nko, T.A. National economy of OMSK Province 1967 1.15k
5998 G‐21028
Arlazorov, M. Tsiolovsky 1962 0.65k
5999 G‐20098
Ovcharen ko, M.M.
National Economy of Lviv Province in 1965 1966
1.00k 6000
11145 Olderogge , D.A. Countries and People of the East/Orient 1969 58.50
6001 G‐51079
Weber, A.B.
Class structure of the society in the West Germany 1961
0.97k 601
6002 G‐42196
Blagonrav ov, A.A. & others Successes of USSR in research of the cosmic space 1968 3.15k
6003 G‐53336
Arkhipova , T.I. & others In the fire of the Kursk Batttle 1963
0.82k 6004
G‐23138 Shershnev , Y.S. USA: Custom's Protechionism 1970
1.33k 6005
G‐43557 Rastorgue v, V.S. Finances and credit of the Democractic Republic of Vietnam
1965 0.50k
6006 G‐50009
Uspensky, A.A.
Economic development of foreign socialist countries 1967 0.43k
6007 G‐53423
Tali, Abdurreh
mani The History of Abul Faiz Khan 1959
8.60k 6008
G‐52414 Misko,
M.V. The Polish uprising, 1863 1962
1.28k 6009
G‐24638 Kormarov, N.S. & Aristov, A.D. The Millitary questions in the decisions of CPSU 1960 9.20k
6010 G‐20698
Lukyankov , P.M.
The history of Chemical fields and Chemical industry of Russia, VI 1965
2.75k 6011
G‐54747 Lyapunov, A.A. The Problems of Cybernetics 1965
1.72k 602
6012 G‐52937
Klyaus, Y.M. &
Shvetsova , T.M.
From the history of science and Techology of the countries of the East 1960
25.00k 6013
G‐50115 Musin, K. The Trade unions of the soviet Kirghystan 1962 0.34k
6014 G‐18181
Sladkov, A.M. &
others Protection of Lobour in the scientific establishments of the academy of sciences of USSR 1972
2.20k 6015 G‐52316
Agranat, T.A. &
others Industry and Transport of the American North 1962 1.03k
6016 G‐51884
Nemchino v, V.S.
The Linear Programming 1961 0.49k
6017 G‐22844
Sladkovsk y, M.I.
China and Japan 1971
1.68k 6018
G‐50313 Antonova, V.P. & Filatova, A.I. Systematic collection of Law /Rules of RSFSR, Decrees of Presidium of Upper council of RSFSR and decisions of the Govt. RSFSR 1967 0.96k
6019 G‐21908
Fedoseyev , P.N.&
others The comintern and its Revolutionary Traditions 1969
1.22k 6020
G‐19615 Rymalov, V.V. Collapse of Colonial system and the World Capitalist Economy
1966 1.66k
6021 G‐50008
Suslin, P.N.
Economy and the foreign trade of African countries 1964
1.05k 603
6022 G‐50989
Alekseyev, D.M. &
Mikhailov, A.P.
European Unification of Coal and Steel 1960
10.30k 6023
G‐52237 Rotstein, F.A. The capture and enslavement of Egypt
1959 16.00k
6024 A‐36822
Darkov, G.V.
The State budget of the USSR and the Budgets of Union Republics 1966 N/A
6025 G‐24605
Lapchinsk y, G.D. & others The Year of 1905 in Krasnoyarsk 1955
4.60k 6026
G‐19069 Kruzhinov, M.I. Tyumen Province in 50 Years 1967
1.10k 6027
G‐43565 Firsov,
A.A. Economic Problems of the Republic og Guinea 1965
0.61k 6028 G‐53576
Darmayev a, M.O.
National Economy of the Buryat ASSR 1967 0.98k
6029 G‐20897
Krymsky, L.D.
The Pathological anatomy of Congenital heart diseases and complications after their Chemical treatment 1963 1.36k
6030 G‐52314
Buato, P. Madagascar 1961
1.60k 6031
G‐20820 Kozlov,
P.K. Mongolia and Kame 1947
19.00k 604
6032 G‐19829
Balashov, N.I. &
others The History of German Literature,3 1966 3.40k
6033 G‐52310
Dobrov, A. The Far‐East Policy of USA during the Russo‐ Japanese War 1952 6.50k
6034 G‐21995
Dragilev, M.S.
Questions of state Capitalism 1966 1.07k
6035 G‐20566
Bykov, G.V.
The History of Stereo Chemistry of Organic Compounds 1966 0.80k
6036 G‐43517
Ivanov, D.D.
National Economy of USSR in 1917‐ 1920 1967
3.52k 6037
G‐17948 Byalstev, A.N. The Digital Spacetime 1965
1.80k 6038
G‐42730 Naumov,
Pavel Bonn‐Strenght and weakness 1967
1.67k 6039
G‐43037 Publishing House of the Upper Council of USSR
Meetings of the Upper
Soviet/Council of USSR
1967 0.86k
6040 G‐43512
Zinchenko , V.S.
The Foreign Trade of USSR
1965 1.22k
6041 G‐52309
Grechev, M.A.
Imperialist expansion of USA in Latin American countries during the second World War
1954 11.00k
605 6042
G‐52308 Slyozkin, L.Y. Policy of USA in South America (1929‐1933) 1956 10.90k
6043 G‐54562
Razumov, K.A.
Designing of Enriched /Concentrated Fabrics
1965 1.37k
6044 G‐54759
Novozhilo v, M.G.
Open Mining works
1965 1.40k
6045 G‐20935
Golovints ov, A.G.
Rotary Compressors 1964 1.06k
6046 A‐42733
Vainstein, L. Statistics of National Wealth, National income and Natioanl expense
1967 N/A
6047 G‐54656
Meyerov, M.V.
Systems of Multiply‐ Connected Control
1965 1.37k
6048 G‐54575
Shraiber, D.S.
Ultrasonic defectoscopy 1965 1.79k
6049 G‐18785
Baziyants, A.P. &
others Asiatic Museum 1972 3.16k
6050 G‐20911
Futer, D.S. Nervous system illness of Children 1965 2.51k
6051 G‐21037
Ostoslavsk y, I.V. & Strazheva, i.v.
Flight Dynamics 1965
1.26k 606
6052 G‐19473
Zavadovsk y, Y.N.
Berberic Language 1967 0.29k
6053 G‐19863
Todayeva, B.K.
Mongolian Languages and Chinese Dialects 1960
4.00k 6054
G‐20532 Segert,
Stanislav Ugaritsk language 1965 0.36k 6055
G‐2629 Sokolov, S.N. Avestinian language 1961
N/A 6056 G‐19591
Shevorosh kin, V.V. Lydian Language 1967
0.29k 6057
G‐23209 Bondarevs ky, G.L. & others
Policy of USA in the far East Countries 1964
1.30k 6058
G‐52455 Gafurov, B.G. & others
Policy of USA in the Arabian East 1961 1.20k
6059 G‐53756
Gafurov, B.G. &
others Policy of USA in near and middle East
1960 1.40k
6060 G‐20919
Korolyuk, V.D. &
others "Drang Nakh Osten" and Historical development of Central, Eastern and South‐Eastern Europe
1967 1.38k
6061 G‐18302
Korolyuk, V.D. &
others "Drang Nakh Osten" and Historical development of Central, Eastern and South‐Eastern Europe
1967 1.38k
607 6062
G‐20580 Papin,
L.M. Failure of Kolchakovs and formation of far‐ East Republic 1957
8.75k 6063
G‐51336 Papin,
L.M. Failure of Kolchakovs and formation of far‐ East Republic 1957
8.75k 6064
G‐24475 Ikonniko, N.P. National Economy of Tuvinsky ASSR 1967
0.60k 6065
G‐24474 Korovin, P. Mordavian ASSR During soviet rule (1917‐1967) 1967 0.49k
6066 G‐53736
Petrova, O.P. &
Goreglad, V.N.
Description of Japanese manuscipts of wood‐Engravings and old ‐Published Books
1969 0.54k
6067 G‐53739
Petrova, O.P. &
Goreglad, V.N.
Description of Japanese manuscipts of wood‐Engravings and old ‐Published Books
1964 0.80k
6068 G‐18972
Freidzon, V.N.
Questions of initial
accumulation of Capital and National movements in slavonic countries 1972
1.31k 6069
G‐22416 Katorgin, I.I. The Communist Party during restoration of National Economy (1921‐1925) 1958 3.75k
6070 G‐52406
Rozin, M.S.
Geography of Minerals of Africa 1957 9.00k
6071 G‐24268
Timofeyev , A.B.
National Economy of Murmansk Province in 50 Years of soviet rule 1967
0.85k 608
6072 G‐18601
Shamagdi ev, S.A.
Accounts of History of civil war in fergan valley 1961
1.99k 6073
G‐18915 Maslova, O.V. A Review of Russian travels and expeditions in Central Asia 1962
0.70k 6074
G‐53773 Nam, S.G. Formation of National Intelligensia in Korea Peoples Democractic Republic 1970
0.38k 6075
G‐54962 Rerikh,
Y.N. Tibetan language 1961 0.36k 6076
G‐43492 Tokareva, P.A. & others
Multi‐Directional Economic Collaboration od socialist states 1967 0.78k
6077 G‐22595
Dunaev, Y.N. &
Saidov, K.S.
Socialist savings and standard of Living of the workers
1971 0.88k
6078 G‐51436
Vadeyev, O. Soviet union ‐A sincere friend of African people 1961 0.15k
6079 13111
Year‐Book of the big soviet encyclopaedia, 1964
1964 N/A
6080 G‐52431
Kuropyatn ik, R.P.
Development of the power industry in USA 1961
0.76k 6081
G‐54029 Sachkov, Y.V. Introduction to the world of Probability 1971 0.64k
609 6082
G‐18475 Mileikovsk y, A.G. & others
Reformism, Revisionism and problems of the contemporary capitalism 1959
17.00k 6083
G‐53702 Abdullaye v, Z.Z. Formation of the worker class of Iran
1968 1.10k
6084 G‐23365
Chernyshe va, O.V.
Workers movement in Sweden 1971
0.96k 6085
G‐23374 Vitver, I.A. & Sluka, A.Y.
France 1958
14.75k 6086
G‐23376 Kuznetsov , V.I. France: Economy state Monopolistic Capitalism 1968 0.85k
6087 G‐51822
Smirnov, A. Economic content of tax with Returns
1963 0.90k
6088 G‐18200
Tuzmukha mmedov,
R.A. National sovereignty 1963
0.70k 6089
G‐54875 Conrad,
N.I. Literature of ancient China 1969
1.13k 6090
G‐22329 Glushkov, V.M. & others
Discussions about Control
1974 0.75k
6091 G‐20008
Suderevsk y, I.
Problems of division of Labour 1963 0.87k
610 6092 G‐19656
Skazkin, S.D. &
others Origin of Capitalism in industry and agriculture of European, Asian and American countries 1968 2.09k
6093 G‐19219
Marshak, B.I.
Sogdiisky silver 1971
1.37k 6094
G‐19067 Biblieishvil i, N.K. & others
Under the banner of proletariate internationalism 1970
1.06k 6095
G‐20531 Kink, K.A. How the Egyptian Pyramids were built
1967 0.34k
6096 G‐20390
Meisner, Dmitri
Mirages and Reality
1966 1.18k
6097 G‐21065
Salivekov, G.S.
Methodological basis of formation of complex of machinery and euipments in National Economy 1971 1.38k
6098 G‐61347
Kanevsky, B.P. &
others Library science and Bibiography abroad
1980 0.70k
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